Press Releases

Get Around More for Less


The aim of transportation has been constant throughout the ages; simply to move people or objects from one location to another. Over time the innovation in transportation seem to focus on making the vehicle go faster and further in a more comfortable way. However, despite all the innovation that went into transportation, one fact seems to remain unchanged. An article published in 2016 stated that cars on average are not used or parked 95% of the time. While personal vehicles have become a necessity in certain areas, the 95% idle time is far from efficient and means that 95% of the costs of purchasing a vehicle are essentially wasted. Can digital transformation in transportation reduce this inefficiency?

No Longer Idle

Car sharing in particular has gained controversy over the years and it will actually forcefully change the car owners’ schedule; which might not be too convenient for them. One solution then is having the cars available for car rental, but proper security measures, legal compliances, and other supporting factors such as insurance are necessary. This might be too much or too complicated for a single individual with an unused car to personally handle; as such leaving it to a 3rd party might be the best choice. One such 3rd party platform is our InnoVEX 2018 exhibitor from Malaysia, Moovby which is a car rental platform that is backed & secured with insurance and has a flexible arrangement for renter – lender meetup.

Car, Drive me to the Airport

Another form of digital transformation in transportation, autonomous cars as a technology has seen plenty of researches and innovations. The conventional argument goes that if cars were automated, the idle time can also be reduced by having the car roam when the owner is not using it. However, another possibility is automating a bus. In cities and countries where public transport is both a norm and necessity, having an autonomous bus might make more sense than automating a passenger car. Of course, the bus in question does not have to be the conventional bus which can fit dozens of people. Even an autonomous small shuttle type bus will be both beneficial and convenient. While the system might not be in place yet, the technology certainly is; as shown by one of the exhibitors from Taiwan of InnoVEX 2018: iAuto Technology. Focusing more on x-by wire technology that replaces mechanical control systems for electro-mechanical, a higher degree of autonomous driving can be achieved. While it might not be truly autonomous, the level achieved is enough.

Join the Next InnoVEX Saloon: The Relationship of Cyber Security, A.I. and Big Data in Digital Transformation

With the topics of Cyber security, AI, Big Data, and Digital transformation; the next InnoVEX Saloon will be held on March 28, 2019. Held in collaboration between TCA, the InnoVEX team, British Office Taipei, PwC, Aplus Management Consulting Company, and TwIoTA; the event will discuss how digital transformation makes cyber security, AI, and Big Data a more important facet of today’s business.

Sign up for the event here

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Taipei Computer Association    Tel: +886-2-25774249  Fax: +886-2-25785392

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