Press Releases

InnoVEX 2018 Anounced 4 Forum Topics to Address Current Trends


The startup special exhibition InnoVEX 2018 will be held in June 6 to June 8 of 2018, in the middle of COMPUTEX 2018. During this event, startups are encouraged to join the pitch contest where they will pitch their ideas to a panel of judges from top VC firms, accelerators, and industry leaders.

The forums where industry leaders share their thoughts and opinions are aimed to benefit our exhibitors and attendees. Visitors and exhibitors can attend the forums which will be held in the main stage. The topics for 2018 will be: AI, Girls in Tech, Startup Ecosystem, and Cultural Technology. The returning topics will be seen from a different perspective in light of the recent developments. On the other hand, the new topics are included as a response to the growing trends, both technological and sociological.

Featured activities including demonstrations, pitches, and matchmaking for participating startups will allow them to meet directly with venture capitals, system integrators, ICT suppliers and domestic/foreign buyers to help them identify potential sources for funding, clients, and collaborating partners.

A recent success story was NextDrive Co., a startup company which had participated in the event for two consecutive years. They have successfully ventured into the Japanese market for smart power meter after it was matched with a Japanese company. NextDrive designed a home gateway compliant with the Japanese standard for smart meter and earned itself the opportunity to negotiate and work with the three major power companies of Japan. From this opportunity, NextDrive has received investments from WI Harper Group and Alibaba, transforming NextDrive from a team of 10 into a rapidly growing startup with 50 employees.

Media Contact

Taipei Computer Association    Tel: +886-2-25774249  Fax: +886-2-25785392

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