
InforCharge Wireless Charging 禾力科技創新營運:電電充無線充電APP


禾力科技為亞洲首間專營無線充電的軟、硬體整合服務公司。從建立服務據點開始,配合使­用者的習慣,協助咖啡廳、餐廳、旅館、機場、購物商場等服務業商家,且針對業者量身打­造共振式(Rezence技術) 無線充電硬體系統,提供業者能夠安裝在營業場所、大廳、房間桌下等多種選擇,並致力發­展成為全球無線充電的代表品牌。

InforCharge Co., Ltd is the first company in Asia to provide wireless charger and mobile application integration service (O2O) for the service industry including cafes, restaurants, hotels, airports and shopping malls to establish a point of difference amongst their competitors. We are dedicated to the development of the establishment of the service positions also the improvement of wireless charging market.