Press Releases

Doctor in a Box


A report from PwC estimates that the cost of healthcare will grow by approximately 6% in 2019. As certain countries lack medical infrastructure; both in the financing side and the operational side; a more humane, but less labor intensive approach to healthcare can be beneficial to the general population. Using technologies not available even in the last decade, perhaps a new form of telemedicine that includes convenient testing & diagnosis can be done economically without sacrificing service or quality of care.

A New Form of House Calls

While a great portion of patients now visit their medical professionals, some people might not be able to; due to distance, terrain, severity of issue, patients’ conditions, etc. Especially for people living in rural areas who need emergency help, going the journey to the nearest hospital or doctor’s office might take too long from symptom discovery and initial treatment. What if the doctor is an AI then? Accessible through most if not all modern electronic devices; the patient can be diagnosed even from their homes and the treatment process can be streamlined for maximum efficiency and efficacy. This solution is offered by one of the exhibitors of InnoVEX 2018 from Poland; Infermedica . Providing AI diagnostics is also beneficial to patients by providing them second opinions quickly and certainly far more conveniently than physically going to a hospital or clinic to do a checkup.

Early Detection for Immediate Responses

Biomarkers are used as a reference point to a patient’s health. Data such as blood count are often used to find what ailments a person suffers from and from there, what best method or medicine should be administered. The issue faced by conventional methods currently employed in the facilities is the time needed to produce readable and actionable results. One of the exhibitors from Taiwan of InnoVEX 2018, Instant NanoBiosensors offers real time blood sample testing that works for humans and also plants.

InnoVEX 2019 is Coming Soon!

InnoVEX 2019 is just around the corner and we can't wait to host our startups. This year, the venue will be in TWTC Hall 1; join us from May 29 to 31 for 3 days of innovation and technology. See you there!

Media Contact

Taipei Computer Association    Tel: +886-2-25774249  Fax: +886-2-25785392

David Liu 360  Email:

Sharlene Hung 324  Email: