[{"speakerId":2,"NameTw":"安尼士・吾札曼","NameEn":"Anis Uzzaman","JobTitleTw":"菲諾克斯風險投資公司創辦人兼CEO","JobTitleEn":"CEO & General Partner of Fenox Venture Capital, USA","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201604261517133040.jpg","briefTw":"安尼士・吾札曼為菲諾克斯風險投資公司的合夥創辦人。\r\n\r\n在服務於IBM及Cadence期間,領導管理團隊、実現了眾多的策略投資在軟件開發,微體電子和電子商務等領域。\r\n\r\n作為零售和科技部門的連續創業家、安尼士提供了籌款,營運和退出策略,輔導創業家。\r\n\r\n安尼士在美國,日本和東南亞已投資超過60家新創公司。他擁有日本東京工業大學科技開發工程學士。美國奧克拉荷馬州立大學工學院電氣資訊碩士。日本首都大學東京工學院資訊通信博士。","briefEn":"Anis Uzzaman, Ph.D., is the General Partner, CEO and founding member of Fenox Venture Capital. Anis focuses his investments in IT, Health IT, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Cloud, Big Data, VR/AR, FinTech and Next Generation Technologies.\r\n\r\nAnis has invested in over 65 startups in the United States, Japan, and South East Asia. Some of the prominent USA startups in the Fenox portfolio include Jibo, Genius, Lark, Scanadu, Jetlore, Meta, Expect Labs and ShareThis. Anis is also an investor into top Japanese startups, including Metaps, Terra Motors, Money Forward, Evolable Asia, etc. Anis serves as the Board Member at Tech in Asia, Jibo, Lark, Jetlore, DLE, IACC, ZUU and Infoteria.\r\n\r\nAnis holds a Ph.D. from Tokyo Metropolitan University in Tokyo, Japan. ","fb":"https://www.facebook.com/anis.uzzaman.37","twitter":"https://twitter.com/anis_uzzaman","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":true,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":2},{"speakerId":3,"NameTw":"秋爾樂 布雷","NameEn":"Joel Boulay","JobTitleTw":"ROBOSOFT事業發展經理","JobTitleEn":"Business Development Manager of ROBOSOFT","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201604261412327130.jpg","briefTw":"現任ROBOSOFT無人駕駛載具交通運輸類事業發展經理,任內經歷接駁公車Citymobile 2 driverless shuttle bus歐盟協同大型專案。秋爾樂的專業橫跨硬體電子工程與real time軟體建構,資深的工程生涯起始于法國車廠PEUGEOT SPORT,服務過航太大廠THALES與 European Space Agency (ESA)。 在加入ROBOSOFT之前,被全球前五大科技顧問公司Capgemini網羅因此擁有長達十五年的跨國專案經理經驗,兼具專業工程的背景讓他成功主持歐盟委員會航空導航安全組織委託的The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS)與GALILEO歐洲自主探索衛星系統等大型泛歐專案。","briefEn":"Engineer SUPELEC Paris in 1995 and holds a Masters in Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Automation at the University of Bordeaux in 1993. His main expertise lies firstly in the design of critical systems for automotive (PEUGEOT SPORT) and aerospace (THALES, ESA) industries and secondly in the definition of real time software architectures hard with very high availability. He acts as international project manager for Capgemini during nearly 15 years on some of the major European Program like EGNOS and GALILEO. He joined ROBOSOFT in 2015 to participate in the definition of the new range of company products and drive the launch of associated projects (Citymobile 2 driverless shuttle bus). He is in charge today of all business development related to autonomous vehicle dedicated to goods transportation.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":true,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":11},{"speakerId":4,"NameTw":"王建富","NameEn":"Benjamin Wang","JobTitleTw":"StackRack副總經理","JobTitleEn":"Vice President of StackRack","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201604290749108778.jpg","briefTw":"全球頂級軍規計算器供應商StackRack副總,資深工業電腦經理人,兼具專業技術底藴、產品策略、專案談判能力洞悉市場趨勢與創新企業管理長才。積極、冒險、新創,化天馬行空為客戶驚歎方案的全才經理人。","briefEn":"Benjamin Wang has rich management expertise both on business development and product/solution building from segments of embedded to defense.\r\n \r\nAs Vice President of top military and transportation computers manufacturer StackRack, he overseeing international sales, key accounts development while also has the power to refine creativity, ultra demand, advanced technology, esthetics into satisfying solution that impresses markets every time.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":18},{"speakerId":5,"NameTw":"約翰 艾格","NameEn":"John Eggert","JobTitleTw":"Velodyne Lidar資深業務行銷經理","JobTitleEn":"Senior Sales & Marketing Manager of Velodyne LiDAR","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201604261422478112.jpg","briefTw":"約翰 艾格現任Velodyne LiDAR 汽車事業部領導經理,主要協助市場觀察、策略與OEM車廠先進駕駛輔助系統(ADAS)研發專案。艾格擁有二十餘年車輛產業跨國專案管理與產品業務行銷豐富經歷。","briefEn":"John Eggert has more than 20 years of international experience in program management and sales and marketing management of products for the automotive industry, including automotive interiors and passive safety components and systems. His interest in the trends and technologies that will upend the automotive industry in coming years led him to Velodyne LiDAR in 2015. As Velodyne's Automotive business lead, Manager, John has had the unique opportunity to discuss and witness first-hand the perception strategies of many traditional and new automotive OEM in the quest to achieve high-level ADAS functions and autonomy.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":true,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":12},{"speakerId":6,"NameTw":"庫德 瓦西","NameEn":"Kuldar Väärsi","JobTitleTw":"Milrem AS共同創辦人與執行長、愛沙尼亞國防工業協會董事","JobTitleEn":"CEO and co-founder of Milrem (Chairman of the Board of Defence Industry Association)","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201604261428016132.jpg","briefTw":"庫德 瓦西為愛沙尼亞主要國防整合商Milrem AS共同創辦人與執行長,同時為愛沙尼亞國防工業協會董事成員之一。俱有豐富國防與運資歷,歷任經驗包含交通部、經濟事務和通訊部與國有鐵路局董事會成員。","briefEn":"Kuldar Väärsi is CEO of Milrem AS, an Estonian defence solutions provider. He was responsible for establishing Milrem in 2013. He oversees the corporate direction and long-term strategy for Milrem's global business operations, and is responsible for overseeing and expanding Milrem's presence in the defence and security sectors around the world. \r\nMr Väärsi is also the Chairman of the Board of Estonian Defence Industry Association since 2014. Prior to his role in Milrem, he was with the Ministry of Transportation and Ministry of Economical Affairs and Communications of Estonia, and also a Member of the Board of Estonian state-owned railway operator.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://ee.linkedin.com/in/kuldar-v%C3%A4%C3%A4rsi-0687b4b4","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":16},{"speakerId":7,"NameTw":"丁彥允","NameEn":"Martin Ting","JobTitleTw":"喜門史塔雷克顧問公司創辦人與執行長","JobTitleEn":"Founder and GM of Seven Star Lake Consultancy","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201604261441511116.jpg","briefTw":"百崴宇智創辦人、喜門史塔雷克顧問公司創辦人, 無人駕駛技術平台聯盟發起人。專長整合3D Lidar、Visual Slam、無人駕駛技術、工業4.0機器人、雷達電戰系統。整合研發經驗包含與Navya技術團隊共同開發Level 4 無人駕駛車、與Robosoft 技術團隊共同開發(AGV) – 無人搬運車。","briefEn":"Martin Ting is the founder and GM of rugged computer brand PERFECTRON and Seven Star Lake Consultancy. Originator of Unmanned Technology Platform Association. Mr. Ting is specialized in integration of 3D Lidar, visual SLAM and unmanned technology; also the area of industry 4.0 robot and C4ISR. The rich program experiences including Navya's level 4 driverless shuttle vehicle project and AGV (automated guided vehicle) project with Robosoft.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":17},{"speakerId":8,"NameTw":"林大涵","NameEn":"Ta Han Lin","JobTitleTw":"貝殼放大股份有限公司創辦人暨執行長","JobTitleEn":"Co-founder & CEO of Backer Founder","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201604261445455400.jpg","briefTw":"林大涵為貝殼放大股份有限公司的共同創辦人,自2011年起開始參與群眾集資事務,四年間參與了橫跨科技、設計、社會、創作、公民與公益各領域近四百件群眾集資專案。2014年10月創辦群眾集資顧問公司「貝殼放大」提供國內外群眾集資專案諮詢、製作與行銷的全面服務,目前正職與實習生共約60名。","briefEn":"Involved in crowdfunding matters since 2011, participating in up to 400 crowdfunding projects, across the areas of technology, design, social, film & video, and citizens. Founded Taiwanese crowdfunding consulting agency “Backer-Founder” in October, 2014, providing comprehensive services of advisory, production, and marketing for international crowdfunding projects, raising over $15 million. Current team consists of 60 employees and interns. Since its establishment, the agency has been a visible partner, on European, US and Taiwanese crowdfunding platforms, of successful projects including: Jingshuan Half Sugar Fonts, Polar Ice Tray, Wansei Back Home, Yocam , Mooncup, Luna, Piconizer, Flux 3DP, Taiwan Bar, ARRC, ODiN, etc.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":true,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":13},{"speakerId":9,"NameTw":"Justin Hendrix","NameEn":"Justin Hendrix","JobTitleTw":"紐約市Media Lab執行長","JobTitleEn":"Executive Director of NYC Media Lab","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201604261524283089.jpg","briefTw":"Justin Hendrix為紐約市Media Lab的執行長,他連結需求新科技的公司到紐約各大校園中創新能量,加速下世代數位媒體科技的研發與商業化。紐約市Media Lab係紐約市經濟發展局與紐約大學、哥倫比亞大學共同成立的產學聯盟,企業會員包括赫斯特出版集團、美國職棒大聯盟、ESPN有線電視聯播網、彭博資訊、新聞集團、NBC環球集團、維亞康姆傳媒集團、威訊通訊等。紐約市Media Lab集結校園中的數據科學、設計、工程人才,育成跨領域團隊,以種子專案(seed project)模式為企業會員面臨的挑戰研發創新方案;同時以Combine加速育成計畫,協助媒體科技團隊成立新創公司,商業化研發成果。\r\nJustin Hendrix曾擔任經濟學人雜誌的商業創新發展副總裁,導入新興數位媒體科技。他在媒體創新領域發表許多文章,經常受邀擔任講者。\r\nJustin Hendrix為德州大學奧斯汀分校商學碩士,專攻科技商業化。他與家人住在紐約市布魯克林。","briefEn":"Justin Hendrix is Executive Director of NYC Media Lab, connecting media and tech companies with NYC universities to drive digital media innovation and entrepreneurship. Previously he was Vice President, Business Development & Innovation for The Economist. He holds a BA from the College of William & Mary and an MSc in Technology Commercialization from the McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin.","fb":"","twitter":"https://twitter.com/justinhendrix","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":true,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":4},{"speakerId":10,"NameTw":"劉安婷","NameEn":"An Ting Liu","JobTitleTw":"社團法人為台灣而教理事長","JobTitleEn":"Chair of Board of Teach For Taiwan","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201604261528431844.jpg","briefTw":"2008年從台中女中畢業,自學英文考上美國十所名校,最後選擇提供全額獎學金的普林斯頓大學。大學主修國際發展—教育政策,四年駐足在迦納泥土砌的教室裡、海地的帳篷學校、美國的青年監獄、巴黎的貧民區、柬埔寨大屠殺的遺址。然而,在她腦海中不斷迴響的是台灣教育不平等的問題。2013年她回台成立Teach for Taiwan,招募有能力、有使命感的青年到偏鄉進行至少兩年的全職教學,讓台灣的孩子無論出身,都能擁有均等的優質教育與自我發展機會,也讓自己成為更能扛責任的未來領袖。","briefEn":"Anting was born in Taiwan , She graduated from Princeton University with major in Public and International Affairs, meanwhile spending extensive time working in Haiti, Cambodia, Ghana, France and Switzerland. After graduated, Anting worked at a consulting firm in New York, while starting a team in Taiwan to experiment the idea of “Teach for Taiwan” (TFT) – recruiting top talents to become quality teachers and future leaders in communities in need. In 2013, she officially launched the organization in Taiwan. In its first 2 years, TFT has sent out over 30 fellows selected from over 500 applications, and has mobilized thousands of youths - with more than 62000 \"likes\" on Facebook and over 400,000 views of Anting's talk at TEDxTaipei.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":true,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":14},{"speakerId":11,"NameTw":"王南雷","NameEn":"Nanlei Larry Wang","JobTitleTw":"台灣創新創業中心執行長","JobTitleEn":"CEO of TIEC","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201604262048041454.jpg","briefTw":"王博士旅居舊金山灣區多年,在Berkeley取得博士學位,並在灣區創業。期間他也熱心服務社區。兩年前他回台在工研院資通所擔任技術長,推動小蘋果園計畫,鼓勵、輔導在物聯網、穿戴裝置等市場之創業。現在負責台灣創新創業中心在灣區之執行。","briefEn":"Dr. Wang is now the CEO of TIEC (Taiwan Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center). He's also the CTO of Information and Communications Labs, ITRI. He is familiar with Silicon Valley Bay Area as a long-time resident, an entrepreneur there himself, and community service volunteer. He earned his PhD in EECS from Berkeley.","fb":"https://www.facebook.com/TIECTW/?ref=ts&fref=ts","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Booth No. G0448","boothInfoEn":"Booth No. G0448","displaySeq":102},{"speakerId":12,"NameTw":"陳鴻嘉","NameEn":"Marco Chen","JobTitleTw":"LINE台灣 技術總監","JobTitleEn":"Technical Director of LINE Taiwan","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201604271523431141.jpg","briefTw":"陳鴻嘉自2014年10月加入LINE台灣擔任技術總監,負責建立台灣的產品開發團隊,同時支援總部的開發計劃,打造出第一個在地化的LINE MART電商應用,同時也支援解決LINE在地化過程中出現的問題。 此外也積極的把LINE Platform 引進台灣,讓台灣成為日本以外第一個開始推廣的市場。 2016年2月再推出全球版的新聞服務,在台灣,泰國,印尼,緬甸與美國同步推出,並取得良好的成積。加入LINE台灣之前,陳鴻嘉服務於Yahoo台灣分公司,陸續負責搜尋、社群、電商等服務。","briefEn":"Marco joined LINE Taiwan as technical director since October 2014, responsible for establishment of Taiwan application development team, support global project development project from headquarter. Over the past year, he helped the first localized e-commerce product LINE MART, and introducing the new LINE Platform into Taiwan market, making Taiwan the first foreign market of Japan to apply for LINE Platform. In February 2016, his team released the first version of global news service to Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar and the United States, this is the first global project owned by Taiwan team. Before joining LINE Taiwan, Marco worked for Yahoo Taiwan for 10.5 years, involved in search, community and e-commerce services.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Booth No. G0250a","boothInfoEn":"Booth No. G0250a","displaySeq":101},{"speakerId":13,"NameTw":"李志强","NameEn":"Andy Lee","JobTitleTw":"Cisco商業發展總監","JobTitleEn":"Business Development Director of Cisco","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201604290724029445.jpg","briefTw":"李志强累積了至少有17年在全球各企業建中從事通訊科技與智慧財產權領域的經驗,目前身為Cisco企業中負責經營物聯網商業發展總監的重要執掌。","briefEn":"Andy Lee has 17 years career in Telecommunications and IP technology in variety corporates all over the world. Now he acts as Business Development for IOE/IOT in Cisco.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":19},{"speakerId":14,"NameTw":"橋場光央","NameEn":"Mitsuo Hashiba","JobTitleTw":"DMM.make AKIBA總經理","JobTitleEn":"General Manager of DMM.make AKIBA","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201604290731572627.jpg","briefTw":"橋場光央先生從資訊科技業及網路展業工程師的身分起家,在非常順利的際遇下擔任起DMM.com的重要執掌,目前負責管理其下各項線上線下相關業務。","briefEn":"Born in 1976. Experienced an engineer and director in IT/Web industry, and started the career in DMM.com Labo in 2011. As a vice president of the business unit of online video contents delivery, launched many kind of new business. Engages in DMM.make AKIBA as a general manager from 2015 to present. Progress activating the platform of making things in the future.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":20},{"speakerId":15,"NameTw":"何諺錡","NameEn":"Yen Chi Ho","JobTitleTw":"微軟新創暨科技教育計劃經理","JobTitleEn":"Audience Evangelism Manager of Developer Experience and Evangelism Microsoft","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201604290737013521.jpg","briefTw":"何諺錡目前在微軟擔任新創暨科技教育計劃經理,負責BizSpark, DreamSpark, Imagine Cup, Microsoft Student Partner等計畫,協助台灣的新創生態圈建立完整科技資源網絡,同時協助學生在學時期即可早期接觸先進科技。過去曾在Deloitte擔任顧問,協助企業客戶共同擬定科技策略與轉型變革管理設計。\r\n他始終相信科技能用於改變世界,並且為人們創造更好的生活,老科技公司與新科技公司並肩作戰,才能創造新舊交融的平台生態系統,創造共同成長的環境,並帶來更好的應用。","briefEn":"Michael is Audience Evangelism Manager of Microsoft, having professional Human Computer Interaction development experiences in Reno, US, London, UK, Fukuoka, Japan, Tainan and Taipei, Taiwan.","fb":"https://www.facebook.com/yenchi.ho","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":21},{"speakerId":16,"NameTw":"王瑩","NameEn":"KiKi Wang","JobTitleTw":"飛躍計畫經理","JobTitleEn":"Manager of Acceleration Programme","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201604290741372018.jpg","briefTw":"在過去十年中在亞洲和北美從事資本運作、風險投資、創業、諮詢等領域的工作,曾就職于知名投資機構Chrysalix Energy Venture Capital在美國及加拿大進行清潔技術早期風險投資,於2015年加入香港科技園擔任企業飛躍計畫負責人。","briefEn":"Kiki joined Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation in 2015 as the Manager of Leading Enterprises Acceleration Programme (“LEAP@HK”). Prior to that she worked as entrepreneur, early-stage investor and consultant in North America and Asia for 10 years. She used to work with HNA, TrendStar Innovations Limited and Chrysalix Energy Venture Capital, a world leading early stage cleantech VC firm. \r\nKiki got a Master’s in Finance and received her MBA degree from Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia, in corporate finance and strategic management. She also attained CFA Charter and Certified Merger & Acquisition Advisor designation.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":22},{"speakerId":17,"NameTw":"陳成強","NameEn":"Richard Tan","JobTitleTw":"InnoSpace 執行長","JobTitleEn":"Chief Executive of InnoSpace","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201604290745130862.jpg","briefTw":"陳成強先生目前擔任里安房地產總經理,以及上海創派投資諮詢有限公司總監。作為開發里安集團新型商業模式---知識社區的核心團隊中的一員,陳先生直接負責為社區打造強健有力的創新生態系統。為打造一個可持續性發展的“創新創業搖籃”,陳先生設立“InnoSpace”這個“孵化+投資“的平臺,以及InnoSpace天使基金,致力於投資優質的科技初創企業。","briefEn":"Richard Tan has been providing talent solutions to enterprise and even international business connectivity within the community and also help build up technology platforms such as cloud computing and internet datacenter all over the world.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":23},{"speakerId":18,"NameTw":"游雋仁","NameEn":"Jim Yu","JobTitleTw":"FLUX共同創辦人兼技術長","JobTitleEn":"Co-founder & CTO of Flux","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605190724166712.jpg","briefTw":"游雋仁,FLUX共同創辦人兼技術長。台大機械系在學時就對各種DIY Project有著強烈熱情,並在2014年初完成了第一台自製3D印表機。自行打造一系列的原型機之後,與大學室友共同創辦了FLUX,負責硬體開發及量產的管理工作。在Kickstarter募資成功的一年之後,FLUX已經成功出貨了超過2000台機器到世界各地。憑著第一個產品的寶貴經驗,他未來會更致力於打造最棒的數位創作工具。","briefEn":"Jim Yu is the CTO at FLUX. While majoring in mechanical engineering at National Taiwan University, Jim became a DIY hardware enthusiast and built his first 3D printer in 2014. After experimenting with a series of prototypes, he co-founded FLUX with some great partners and took charge of hardware design and manufacturing. Now—a year after the Kickstarter crowd-funding campaign—FLUX has shipped more than 2000 units worldwide. With this first product under his belt, Jim remains dedicated to building the best digital creating device.","fb":"http://fb.com/jimyu15","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":15},{"speakerId":19,"NameTw":"Hsien Hui Tong","NameEn":"Hsien Hui Tong","JobTitleTw":"Infocomm總監","JobTitleEn":"Director of Infocomm","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201604291045043014.jpg","briefTw":"湯先生服務於Infocomm investments新加坡資訊通信發展管理局旗下的全資子公司,致力於在新加坡和全球創建和投資資訊通信行業的初創企業,串聯全球合作夥伴建立充滿活力及可持續發展的創業創新生態。","briefEn":"Tong Hsien-Hui graduated in 1998 from the National University of Singapore with a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, joining Mobil Oil. Together with a partner, he co-founded a data mining company in early 2002 which he sold in 2004 to a global bank. He has served as the CEO of the National University of Singapore Society as well as the Vice President, Asia for Staples Inc. Prior to joining Infocomm Investments Pte Ltd (IIPL), he was the Managing Partner, Asia Pacific for Wassax Ventures, focusing on startups in the Artificial Intelligence, Virtual/Augmented Reality, Internet-of-Things and Biotech sectors. As Director of Investments at IIPL, he is responsible for all direct investments, from seed funding, Series A, to Pre-IPO.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":24},{"speakerId":21,"NameTw":"Patryk Kadlec","NameEn":"Patryk Kadlec","JobTitleTw":"G2A.COM商務總監","JobTitleEn":"Head of Business Development of G2A.COM Sp. z o.o. (Ltd.)","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201604291122426196.jpg","briefTw":"他是在線支付、電子商務、電子市集、貨幣化、網絡遊戲、在線營銷等業界上的專家。企業家和商務開發者。","briefEn":"Expert in the areas of online payments, e-commerce, marketplace, monetization processes, online gaming and product development, online marketing. Entrepreneur and business developer.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Booth No. G0440","boothInfoEn":"Booth No. G0440","displaySeq":10},{"speakerId":22,"NameTw":"黃新鉗","NameEn":"Stanley Huang","JobTitleTw":"臺灣創新快製媒合中心執行長","JobTitleEn":"CEO of Taiwan Rapid Innovation Prototyping League for Entrepreneurs(TRIPLE)","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201604291131571583.jpg","briefTw":"黃執行長國立交通大學機械博士畢業,目前擔任工研院產服中心副主任,並兼任臺灣創新快製媒合中心執行長外。歷經工研院電光電子構裝組、微機電系統組及軟性電子技術組等研究組主管、工研院企劃處電光領域規劃組長及副處長等職,具電子構裝、微系統技術、感性設計(Emotional Design)等20餘年專業技術,相關專利17篇,論文發表逾30篇;並擁有策略規畫、研發管理、跨單位團隊領導及創新價值創造等管理專長。","briefEn":"Dr.Huang is the Deputy General Director in the Commercialization and Industry Service Center (CIS) / Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) and the CEO of TRIPLE (Taiwan Rapid Innovation Prototyping League for Entrepreneurs). Dr. Huang received his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from National Chiao Tung University in 1997. He spent more than 20 years in the areas of advanced electronic packaging, MEMS, flexible electronic and emotional design. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Booth No. G0448","boothInfoEn":"Booth No. G0448","displaySeq":103},{"speakerId":23,"NameTw":"楊建銘","NameEn":"Jerry Yang","JobTitleTw":"Hardware Club管理合夥人","JobTitleEn":"General Partner of the Hardware Club","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605032148496887.jpg","briefTw":"Jerry Yang是Hardware Club的管理合夥人。總部在巴黎的Hardware Club集結了來自全球各國超過一百六十個優秀的早期硬體新創,包含Misfit Wearables、Thync、Prynt、Click & Grow、Reach Robotics等。除了會員新創的創辦人們彼此可以在社群中互相幫助以外,Hardware Club也免費帶來代工和銷售資源引薦,進一步以其管理的風險資本基金投資一部分的新創,協助他們踏上高速成長的曲線。\r\n\r\n在進入風險資本的世界前,Jerry Yang在亞洲、美國和歐洲從事半導體設計十二年,其中包含四年的新創經歷。Jerry Yang擁有台灣大學電機系的學士和碩士學位,以及法國HEC Paris商學院的MBA學位,並通過CFA全部的三級考試。","briefEn":"Jerry is General Partner of the Hardware Club, a private community for global hardware entrepreneurs that has gathered 160 exciting hardware startups from 30 different countries, including Misfit Wearables, Thync, Prynt, Click & Grow, Reach Robotics, etc. The Hardware Club provides capital investments as well as manufacturing and retail resources to its member startups, for which it has partnered with prestigious EMS firms (Foxconn, Pegatron, Flex, Jabil, Quanta, Compal, etc) and retailers (Amazon, Best Buy, Brookstone, Target, Media Saturn, Citadium, etc). Before jumping to the dark side of venture investments, Jerry had been in Analog IC Design for more than a decade after receiving his Bachelor and Master degrees in Electrical Engineering at National Taiwan University. His engineering career, including 4 entrepreneurial years, spanned across Taiwan and Silicon Valley, where he last worked for Qualcomm Atheros Inc. in San Jose.","fb":"http://www.facebook.com/knopfler1976","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":true,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":3},{"speakerId":24,"NameTw":"鮑永哲","NameEn":"Raymond Pao","JobTitleTw":"HTC虛擬實境新科技部門副總經理","JobTitleEn":"Vice President of VR New Technology Division of HTC","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605040951363471.jpg","briefTw":"鮑永哲先生為台灣大學機械工程研究所與美國南加大電機研究所雙碩士。在美國服務數年後,鮑永哲先生於2003年回台加入HTC迄今,曾任HTC執行長特別助理,現任HTC虛擬現實新技術部門副總經理,對電子產品使用者體驗與科技演變夙富經驗,在2006至2008年與谷歌安卓團隊合作開發全世界第一隻安卓手機,後續負責HTC安卓機種系列軟體開發。鮑永哲先生目前除擘畫HTC在虛擬現實方向的科技藍圖與夥伴策略外,同時也負責亞洲區的市場方案與戰略合作,以建立HTC虛擬現實產品的品牌價值與市場份額。","briefEn":"Mr. Raymond is responsible for VR technology, strategic partnership, VR business in Asia Pacific, as well as creates the exceptional product and brand value on HTC Vive. He has abundant experience and knowledge in consumer electronics and technology. From 2006 to 2008, he worked with Google Android team and developed the World 1st Android Smartphone and was in charge of software development in Android platform.\r\nGraduated and received 2 Master Degrees in Mechanical Engineering from National Taiwan University and Electrical Engineering from University of Southern California.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":true,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":5},{"speakerId":25,"NameTw":"Robert Burger","NameEn":"Robert Burger","JobTitleTw":"BluSense Diagnostics營運長 & 創辦人","JobTitleEn":"COO & Founder of BluSense Diagnostics","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605050012344328.jpg","briefTw":"Robert Burger博士為BluSense Diagnostics創辦人之一,現任公司營運長。畢業於愛爾蘭都柏林城市大學,主要專長為微流道平台開發,目前主要負責BluSense檢測碟片開發與公司營運等相關事務。","briefEn":"Robert Burger studied Microsystems Engineering in Germany and obtained his PhD from Dublin City University (Ireland), developing a microfluidic platform for capture and identification of cells. He worked as a Post-doc at the Department for Micro- and Nanotechnology of the technical University of Denmark, where he worked with two other co-founders of BluSense on developing the technology. Since BluSense was founded in 2014 he has been COO and responsible for production of the test cartridges.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://linkedin.com/in/burgerrobert","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Booth No. G0456","boothInfoEn":"Booth No. G0456","displaySeq":104},{"speakerId":26,"NameTw":"肯特 藍森","NameEn":"Kent Larson","JobTitleTw":"麻省理工學院多媒體實驗室城市科學計劃主持人","JobTitleEn":"Director of the MIT Media Lab City Science Initiative","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605081619379369.jpg","briefTw":"肯特,藍森現職為麻省理工學院多媒體實驗室城市科學計劃主持人。其研究重點是透過各種創新的”介質”來打造適合創業與居住的高性能城市都會區。其作品包含括真實境都市設計模擬器、可變形的小型居住單元、實用與節能交通系統。蘭森成立的Living Lab網絡遍布全球,其中有德國漢寶、安道爾、台北、里斯本與波士頓。蘭森與其研究團隊於2014年被Ubicomp受與\"十年最具影響力獎\"。\r\n","briefEn":"Kent Larson is the director of MIT Media Lab City Science Initiative. His research is focused on developing urban interventions that enable more entrepreneurial, livable, high-performance districts in cities. Projects include advanced simulation and augmented reality for urban design, transformable micro-housing , mobility-on-demand systems that provide practical and sustainable alternatives to private automobiles. Larson has established a network of living lab partner cities that includes Hamburg, Andorra, Taipei, Lisbon, and Boston. He and his researchers received the \"10-Year Impact Award\" from Ubicomp 2014.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":true,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":7},{"speakerId":27,"NameTw":"童子賢","NameEn":"T.H. Tung","JobTitleTw":"和碩聯合科技董事長","JobTitleEn":"Chairman of Pegatron","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605181443256115.jpg","briefTw":"童子賢先生是現任台北市電腦公會理事長、和碩集團創辦人與董事長,並為鎧勝控股、晶碩光學等公司的董事長。和碩集團從事代工、設計、製造與服務等多元化業務,同時將觸角擴及金屬機殼、隱形眼鏡等不同領域。童子賢先生自台北科技大學畢業後即進入宏碁電腦工作,於1989年與謝偉琦、廖敏雄、及徐世昌四人共同創立華碩電腦,在華碩時期他帶領團隊發展筆記型電腦品牌,其後華碩筆電不但榮登台灣市佔率第一名,更成為全球前十大筆記型電腦品牌,於2007年,華碩與和碩宣布分家,童子賢先生進入和碩擔任董事長暨總執行長,和碩聯合科技以強大的設計實力與經驗,在電子代工產業獨樹一格,運用所擁有的820億台幣淨資產,讓全球所有據點共約8萬名的員工,持續在這個世界級舞台發光發熱,2015年的合併營收達新台幣1兆2,137億元。","briefEn":"Mr. T.H. Tung is currently the chairman of Taipei Computer Association and also the founder of Asustek Computer Inc. and chairman of Pegatron Group, Casetek Holding, Pegavision, etc. Pegatron is a leading DMS (Design, Manufacturing and Service) company with extensive experience and proven capabilities in design innovations, product development, vertical integration and after-sale services. In addition to core assembly business, Pegatron also expands its investment in metal casing, contact lenses, etc. at the group level. With Pegatron’s solid capabilities in product design and technology development, it remains at the forefront of electronic industry and successfully mastered the industry trend. As of December 31st, 2015, there were 140,000 employees at Pegatron globally and the consolidated revenue of 2015 reached NT$1,214 billion. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":true,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":29,"NameTw":"Christopher Beck","NameEn":"Christopher Beck","JobTitleTw":"CTO and Co-founder of Reach Robotics","JobTitleEn":"CTO and Co-founder of Reach Robotics","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605102107260416.jpg","briefTw":"Christopher Beck has the masters degree from the University of Reading in Robotics. While at the University of Bristol studying for a Ph.D in Computer Vision Christopher Beck met Silas and with the other Co-founders started Reach Robotics. Christopher Beck is in charge of all technical development at Reach Robotics.","briefEn":"Christopher Beck has the masters degree from the University of Reading in Robotics. While at the University of Bristol studying for a Ph.D in Computer Vision Christopher Beck met Silas and with the other Co-founders started Reach Robotics. Christopher Beck is in charge of all technical development at Reach Robotics.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://uk.linkedin.com/in/chrisjbeckuk","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":26},{"speakerId":30,"NameTw":"鮑思穎","NameEn":"Serena Pau","JobTitleTw":"Groking Lab創辦人及行政總裁","JobTitleEn":"CEO and Founder of Groking Lab","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605091957572424.jpg","briefTw":"在巨大熱情的驅動下,Serena Pau創立了Groking Lab, 致力於設計出真正可以提高人們生活方式的產品。她相信通過微小的改變就可以對人們的生活產生巨大影響。Ozmo是Groking Lab第一個創新項目,目標是提醒繁忙的個人多去喝水,補充水分,保持身體健康。在創立Groking Lab前,Serena管理著家族企業旗下的香港行業設計工作室,并擔任產品市場部副總監一職。伴隨著設計出好的、且市場真正需要產品的熱情,Serena帶領團隊贏得了IF設計大獎,并管理多元產品在美國市場的發佈工作。Serena喜愛設計挑戰,喜愛設計出更新、更好的產品,并在工作中展現出非常強的領導力。她曾就職于SGS(瑞士通用公證行),一家全球領先的檢驗、鑒定、測試和認證機構,并領導耐用品行業全球綠皮書項目。Serena也曾在香港貿易發展局工作,負責展覽、人力和晉升。","briefEn":"Serena Pau founded Groking Lab in Sep 2014 to harness her great passion in designing products that truly improve the way people live. She believes that making small changes in people’s lives creates large impact. Ozmo is the first project launched by Groking Lab. Its mission is to inspire busy individuals to be aware of how important it is to their health and well-being to stay hydrated. Before Groking Lab, Serena managed an industrial design studio in Hong Kong as part of the family business where she was Deputy Director in Product Marketing Department. Her passion in making great products that truly resonate in the market has led her team in winning an IF Design award and managing multiple product launches in the US market. ","fb":"http://www.facebook.com/serena.pau?ref=br_rs","twitter":"http://twitter.com/sillysala","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/serena-pau-a42768/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":27},{"speakerId":31,"NameTw":"許大成","NameEn":"Dalton Hsu","JobTitleTw":"曙客股份有限公司(FunNow)市場開發經理","JobTitleEn":"Business Development Manager of FunNow","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605092018041304.jpg","briefTw":"短短一生打滾金融業,橫跨三大國。對它心灰意冷時,竟三生有幸與一群志同道合的朋友奮鬥建立屬於自己的公司。目前在FunNow主要負責市場開發,次要負責行銷、客服、募資、招募、財務、取悅投資人、取悅消費者、取悅合作商家、等等。\r\n夢想是買一隻NBA球隊,現實的夢想是公司在2020年能上市。\r\n籃球、電影、搖滾樂、啤酒 是四大最愛。\r\n最常消費的是FunNow裡的酒吧與密室逃脫。","briefEn":"Formerly an asset management veteran, Dalton discovered a new career with FunNow, where he looks over the business development department. Since then, his Mondays are no longer blue. \r\nHe is looking forward to the day when he has accumulated enough riches to purchase an NBA team. And this can potentially be within reach if the Company goes public in 2020. \r\nDalton is a die-hard fan of his UNC Tar Heels. In spare time, he frequents bars (with the wife's permission, of course) using FunNow. ","fb":"http://www.facebook.com/funnowapp","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Booth No. G0216","boothInfoEn":"Booth No. G0216","displaySeq":108},{"speakerId":32,"NameTw":"李建樺","NameEn":"Alex Lee","JobTitleTw":"采馥虛擬科技股份有限公司創辦人暨執行長","JobTitleEn":"Co-founder & CEO of eyehouse virtual technology Co., ltd ","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605120913272430.jpg","briefTw":"創辦人是在科技大廠服務十多年的工程師,鑒於看到硬體代工思維的長期性瓶頸,加上在華寶/晨星(MTK)/HTC/Intel經歷系統整合/IC設計/品牌創新/外商冒險思維等能力開發,深覺未來應該以軟體創新來開創新企業,因此毅然決然辭去外商高薪,投入虛擬實境VR軟體創新之商務應用。帶領一群同事與朋友希望能在虛擬實境這個充滿未來性的領域能替台灣貢獻一份心力。","briefEn":"Co-founders are all high-tech RDs at tier 1 company, due to well know the bottleneck of OEM/ODM, and have lots experience working in IC design/system integration/Brand/ Foreign company and industry, so just fell should take risk to focus on software development and start-up a new business. To build a team to develop VR-based business application, hope we can contribute something to our Taiwan.\r\nMission:\r\n1. Begin from Taiwan, then serve globally.\r\n2. To innovate traditional industry with VR technology.\r\n3. To leverage traditional business by integration of hardware and software to move to O2O new generation.","fb":"http://www.facebook.com/eyehouse.co/?fref=ts","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Booth No. G0216","boothInfoEn":"Booth No. G0216","displaySeq":106},{"speakerId":33,"NameTw":"歐陽立峰","NameEn":"Allen Ou Yang","JobTitleTw":"孝順整合管理顧問有限公司 產品經理","JobTitleEn":"Product Manager of XiaoShun Integration Consulting","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605092025597476.jpg","briefTw":"歐陽立峰,目前為孝順整合產品規劃經理,自小投身公益二十載,原以為公益和營利不能並存,卻在孝順整合找到了新契機,擅長由觀察客戶服務的體驗中,得知客戶真正的需求、規劃出有系統的專案。","briefEn":"Allen Ou Yang, currently act as Product Manager in XiaoShun Integration Consulting. Been involve with NGO for more than 20 years, thought charity and business can not co-exist in a same entity until the concept of Social Enterprise hits him. He’s aware currently the market lacks an integration service dedicate to elders and their family, with XiaoShun Integration Consulting, he sees the opportunity to service more elders and their family to reduce the burden on elder care and assistance in daily life.","fb":"http://www.facebook.com/komitwo","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Booth No. G0216","boothInfoEn":"Booth No. G0216","displaySeq":111},{"speakerId":34,"NameTw":"林玉婷","NameEn":"Yuting Lin","JobTitleTw":"易訂網 行銷經理","JobTitleEn":"Marketing Manager of StyleUp","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605121157311430.jpg","briefTw":"英國Nottingham Trent University 行銷管理碩士,主攻電視電影置入性行銷研究,現職影視行銷、置入性行銷專業經理人。","briefEn":"Msc Management and marketing of Nottingham Trent University, UK. Specialized in product placement. Now, Marketing Manager of StyleUp.","fb":"http://goo.gl/aEK7v3 ","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Booth No. G0216","boothInfoEn":"Booth No. G0216","displaySeq":109},{"speakerId":35,"NameTw":"王睿穎","NameEn":"Ray Ing Wang","JobTitleTw":"智捷 行銷企劃經理","JobTitleEn":"Marketing Manager of PadKaKa","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605092038251482.jpg","briefTw":"擁有設美術計背景,在出版界擔任行銷企劃達6年,亦有旅遊書籍著作、主講多場關於印度旅遊的講座。2016年加入PadKaKa團隊,期待將科技結合實體的幼兒英語教材推廣給父母,使孩子在玩樂中學習英文。","briefEn":"Graduate with a graphic design degree, and have worked in the publisher field as marketing project planner for 6 years. Also been a writer for a travel journal book and presenter of speeches for the topic of traveling in India. Look forward to promoting PadKaKa which combining new technology and material to make children learning English easier and more interesting.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Booth No. G0216","boothInfoEn":"Booth No. G0216","displaySeq":110},{"speakerId":36,"NameTw":"施勝元","NameEn":"Bill Shih","JobTitleTw":"貝齊科技 業務副總","JobTitleEn":"VP of Sales & Marketing of Beckie Technology","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605092042554487.jpg","briefTw":"Bill是貝齊科技的創辦人,同時也是Beckibox的發明人,致力於幫助人用最簡單的方式保護並維護手機資料完整轉移。他想讓全世界的人都能輕鬆管理及分享行動資料。","briefEn":"Bill is founder of Beckie Technology, a forerunner and creator of Beckibox, the most feasible & easy way for user to manage, protect and share mobile data using everyone's way. Endeavor his energy to make mobile data life to be a lot of easier than it is now.","fb":"http://www.facebook.com/beckibox","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Booth No. G0216","boothInfoEn":"Booth No. G0216","displaySeq":105},{"speakerId":37,"NameTw":"張愛群","NameEn":"Jerry Chang","JobTitleTw":"JUMPY執行長","JobTitleEn":"CEO of JUMPY","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605092047299434.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"","fb":"http://www.facebook.com/jumpy.tw","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Booth No. G0242","boothInfoEn":"Booth No. G0242","displaySeq":107},{"speakerId":38,"NameTw":"Fred Chak","NameEn":"Fred Chak","JobTitleTw":"Director and Founding Partner of BLOCKS","JobTitleEn":"Director and Founding Partner of BLOCKS","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201608041203377369.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":203},{"speakerId":39,"NameTw":"王嵐志","NameEn":"LZ Wang","JobTitleTw":"AMD Taiwan 董事總經理","JobTitleEn":"Managing Director of AMD Taiwan","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605102008157005.jpg","briefTw":"王嵐志先生是半導體業界的資深人士,擁有20年以上全球業務經驗,成功推動在美國矽谷、中國大陸和台灣的半導體技術銷售及業務開發工作;目前擔任AMD台灣的董事總經理(Managing Director),負責OEM銷售與業務開發,並推動AMD台灣策略、合作夥伴發展及政府合作。王嵐志先生擁有深厚的技術知識及美國喬治華盛頓大學電機工程學位。","briefEn":"Mr. LZ Wang is a semiconductor industry veteran with 20+ years of global experience driving successful sales and business development efforts around semi-conductor technologies. Extensive global experience that includes postings in the Silicon Valley, China and Taiwan. He is currently the Managing Director of AMD TW where is responsible for OEM sales and business development activities along driving AMD Taiwan strategies, partnership development and government cooperations. LZ has a strong technical acumen with a degree in Electrical Engineering from the George Washington University. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":9},{"speakerId":40,"NameTw":"Yuko Saito","NameEn":"Yuko Saito","JobTitleTw":"Criteo東南亞區董事總經理","JobTitleEn":"Managing Director of Criteo in South East Asia","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605162105075338.jpg","briefTw":"Yuko has extensive experience and a solid track record in the Internet industries. She has a wealth of expertise and skills, mainly involving business development, at organizations including Sony, Trans Cosmos, and Walt Disney Internet Group. In 2005, Yuko was appointed chief strategy officer and director for the game developer Q Entertainment Inc, overseeing a broad range of operations that included business strategy planning and implementation, financing, sales and product development.","briefEn":"Yuko has extensive experience and a solid track record in the Internet industries. She has a wealth of expertise and skills, mainly involving business development, at organizations including Sony, Trans Cosmos, and Walt Disney Internet Group. In 2005, Yuko was appointed chief strategy officer and director for the game developer Q Entertainment Inc, overseeing a broad range of operations that included business strategy planning and implementation, financing, sales and product development. Since joining Criteo in 2012, she has been instrumental in negotiating a strategic partnership with Yahoo Japan, and setting up entities in China and Singapore. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":38},{"speakerId":41,"NameTw":"王定愷","NameEn":"Robert Wang","JobTitleTw":"BYOC Business Unit Acer 總經理","JobTitleEn":"General Manager of BYOC Business Unit Acer","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605162016431377.jpg","briefTw":"王定愷先生於2014年八月加入宏碁,專注於雲端運算和大數據等全球業務、以及推廣自建雲物聯網的業務等,是宏碁BYOC事業群中一大支柱。王定愷在PC業界擁有二十餘年的實戰經驗,曾服務於多家外商企業並具有豐富的跨國業務經驗。在加入宏碁之前,他曾經擔任數家上市公司董事會的董事職務、美商英特爾架構事業群WiMAX計畫辦公室總監、美商英特爾亞太區銷售總監,以及誠洲公司法國分公司總經理等職務。王定愷目前還同時身任APICTA的執行委員(Asia Pacific ICT Alliance)、台北市電腦公會的首席顧問等,在產業與官方間協調擔任重要角色。\r\n","briefEn":"Robert Wang was appointed general manager of the BYOC Business Unit at Acer in August 2014, focusing on global cloud computing, Internet of Things and big data integrated services. With two decades of industry experience, he has extensive executive and board-level experience at multi-national IT companies. He currently holds several other roles, such as executive committee member of APICTA (Asia Pacific ICT Alliance) nominated by Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs, and chief consultant of the Taipei Computer Association, involved in ICT industry advancement activities, policy making and international cooperation. Prior to joining Acer, he has served as director of the board for several publicly listed companies, director of the WiMAX Program Office of Intel Architecture Group, MNC sales director at Intel APAC, and general manager of ADI France.\r\n","fb":"http://www.facebook.com/robert.wang.33483903?fref=ts","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":32},{"speakerId":42,"NameTw":"Aymerik Renard","NameEn":"Aymerik Renard","JobTitleTw":"SanDisk Ventures董事","JobTitleEn":"Director of SanDisk Ventures","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605162034556332.jpg","briefTw":"Aymerik has over 20 years of business development and venture capital experience, 14 of which he spent as a corporate investor for the Orange-France Telecom Group in North America, investing in start-ups involved in enterprise, consumer, and carrier technologies spanning hardware, software, and services. ","briefEn":"Aymerik has over 20 years of business development and venture capital experience, 14 of which he spent as a corporate investor for the Orange-France Telecom Group in North America, investing in start-ups involved in enterprise, consumer, and carrier technologies spanning hardware, software, and services. Aymerik has had portfolio companies go public on the Nasdaq, NYSE, and Germany’s Neuer Markt, as well as acquired by Cisco, Yahoo, Microsoft, Sun Microsystems, Oracle, Cable & Wireless, IBM, Cox Automotive, Keynote, Ericsson, and SAP. Prior to SanDisk Aymerik headed start-up business development for a multinational consumer electronics supply chain company, culminating in the launch of an accelerator for hardware start-ups. Aymerik earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Information & Decision Systems, with an additional major in Policy & Management, from Carnegie Mellon University.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":36},{"speakerId":43,"NameTw":"童士豪","NameEn":"Hans Tung","JobTitleTw":"GGV管理合夥人","JobTitleEn":"Managing Partner of GGV Capital","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605131904381796.jpg","briefTw":"童士豪(Hans Tung)于2013年以管理合夥人身份加入GGV紀源資本,重點關注中美兩地的消費級移動互聯網、跨境電商、物聯網和互動娛樂投資。 童士豪的代表性投資包括小米、小米生態鏈公司(智米、紫米、萬魔聲學)、Wish、小紅書、Musical.ly、Airbnb、Slack、Poshmark、Bustle、Curse、Misfit、FlightCar、螞蜂窩、一嗨租車、凡客、返利網、多盟與雲遊控股等。 另外,他也是印度電商領頭羊Flipkart和Snapdeal的個人投資者。 在美國,童士豪連續4年(2013,2014,2015,2016)入選美國福布斯雜誌Forbes Midas List全球最佳創投人榜。 在中國,他被《創業家》和《第一財經》雜誌評選為中國十大最受創業者尊敬的風險投資人之一。 童士豪本科畢業于斯坦福大學,獲工業工程學士學位。","briefEn":"Hans Tung joined GGV Capital in 2013 as a managing partner to focus on consumer mobile internet, cross-border ecommerce, IoT, and mobile social communication investments in both China and the US. Hans led GGV’s investment in and serves on the boards of Wish, Red, Poshmark, GrubMarket, Totspot, Flightcar, musical.ly, Slack, Bustle, and Curse. He is also actively involved with GGV portfolio companies Airbnb, Flipboard, DraftKings, and Yodo1. Hans was one of the earliest investors in, and a former board member of, Xiaomi. At GGV, he has backed several Xiaomi IoT ecosystem companies, e.g. Smartmi, Zimi,1More, and other IoT companies including Misfit, and More Tech. Hans has been ranked as a top VC on the Forbes Midas list the past four years (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016). He was recognized by The Founder and CBN News magazines in the past as a Top 10 most entrepreneur-friendly VC in China. He received his B.S. in Industrial Engineering from Stanford University.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":8},{"speakerId":44,"NameTw":"Angel Garcia","NameEn":"Angel Garcia","JobTitleTw":"Founding Partner of Startupbootcamp and Lanta Digital Ventures","JobTitleEn":"Founding Partner of Startupbootcamp and Lanta Digital Ventures","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605162020096055.jpg","briefTw":"Angel is an experienced executive, entrepreneur and investor. He has broad experience over more than 20 years acting in an international environments both in Asia and US building up startup projects. Angel has attracted more than € 40 million from top venture capital firms in the startup projects he was involved. Angel holds an Economics and Business Administration Degree together with and Executive Program at Stanford University, US.\r\n","briefEn":"Angel is an experienced executive, entrepreneur and investor. He has broad experience over more than 20 years acting in an international environments both in Asia and US building up startup projects. Angel is shareholder and has been executive at Fractus, a well-known growing European Technology start-up in the global telecom industry which implemented a patent licensing program having collected close to $ 100 million in royalties to this day from top worldwide cellphone manufacturers. Angel has attracted more than € 40 million from top venture capital firms in the startup projects he was involved. Angel holds an Economics and Business Administration Degree together with and Executive Program at Stanford University, US.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":33},{"speakerId":45,"NameTw":"王仁中","NameEn":"Lucas Wang","JobTitleTw":"HWTrek執行長","JobTitleEn":"CEO of HWTrek","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605162020512659.jpg","briefTw":"15年以上早期項目開發與投資經歷,橫跨Internet,軟體與無線硬體經驗;3年在ODM廠負責亞洲第一RFID硬體開發規畫與銷售;8年臺北|北京早期投資為美國VC基金合夥人,熟悉新創團隊運作與互動,成功送2團隊至Nasdaq上市,亦參與李開復北京創新工場早期運營。共同創立TMI臺灣創意工場,培育東亞Internet及矽谷新硬體專案共17家,共同建立團隊在2013年創立HWTrek。","briefEn":"Lucas is the CEO of HWTrek, the largest global platform for hardware innovators and industry. HWTrek provides online planning and team collaboration tools, supply chain management services, and channels for global market expansion. Before HWTrek, Lucas founded TMI (Taiwan Mobile Innovation), which makes early stage investments and incubates promising entrepreneurs. More than 16 startups have been incubated through the support of TMI, ITRI, and WI Harper. Previously a partner in WI Harper, Lucas led the TMT team in Beijing and Taiwan, and co-invested in Kai-Fu Lee's new venture, Innovation Works. In addition, Lucas directed the project and market development of RFID products at MTI Technology, a well-recognized wireless communications manufacturer.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":34},{"speakerId":46,"NameTw":"Rui Ma","NameEn":"Rui Ma","JobTitleTw":"The China partner of 500startups","JobTitleEn":"The China partner of 500startups","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605131903298327.jpg","briefTw":"馬睿為500 startups大中華區合夥人,馬睿是矽谷知名的科技領域孵化器和種子基金500 Startups的風險投資家,自2013年她負責500 Startups在大中國區的所有投資活動。此前,她有近十年在私募股權投資和並購領域的經驗,曾在矽谷和中國兩地的雷恩集團摩根士丹利和美林投行並購部門工作。自2007年以來她一直在中國生活和工作主要待在北京。馬睿持有美國加州大學伯克利分校的電子工程和電腦科學的學位,伊利諾伊大學厄巴納-香檳分校的教育學碩士學位及清華大學與歐洲英士學院聯辦的EMBA (高級工商管理碩士) 學位。她時常為各大高科技及商業媒體擬稿,也常在海內外各地高科技投資創業及其它活動演講及擔任嘉賓。","briefEn":"Rui Ma is a Partner at 500 Startups, a leading accelerator and seed investment fund in technology companies, where she is in charge of all investment activity in the Greater China region since 2013. Prior to 500, she worked for nearly a decade in private equity and mergers & acquisitions roles at the Raine Group, Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch in both Silicon Valley and China. She is based in Beijing and has been living and working in China since 2007. Rui holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of California at Berkeley, a Masters in Education from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as well as an Executive MBA from INSEAD and Tsinghua University. She writes frequently about technology and is a regular contributor to Forbes.com, Techcrunch, TheNextWeb, and TechInAsia.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":31},{"speakerId":47,"NameTw":"Peter Hsieh","NameEn":"Peter Hsieh","JobTitleTw":"General Partner of Acorn Pacific Ventures","JobTitleEn":"General Partner of Acorn Pacific Ventures","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605162022484166.jpg","briefTw":"謝忠高博士大約20年前就開始了他的創投生涯,他目前是 Acorn Pacific Ventures 的普通合夥人。在此之前,謝博士擔任中強光電策略長、中光創投總經理以及奧圖碼科技全球總經理。更早以前,他是永威投資駐北京的合夥人、聯訊創投的合夥人、PanoCorp Display Systems的創業團隊以及WebEver的共同創辦人,也曾在KLA Instruments擔任過工程以及銷售管理的職務。目前,謝博士擔任軟通動力的董事會顧問。他同時也擔任美西玉山科技協會的副會長,AAMA北京和台北搖籃計劃的導師。謝博士過去投資的成功案例包括許多的上市案例,像是 OmniVision, Oplink, Applie Optoelectronic Inc 以及軟通動力;或是像一些成功的併購案例像是Ultima Interconnect (Cadence) 、 U-Systems (GE Medical) 、 Lattice Power (Shunfeng) 及 樂友孕嬰童,,謝博士是美國史丹佛大學的工學博士,主修超音波及光學,他也是台灣大學機械系的學士。","briefEn":"Dr. Peter Hsieh started his Venture Capital career about 20 years ago, he is a General Partner of Acorn Pacific Ventures. Mostly recently, Peter served as Chief Strategy Officer of Coretronic Corporation, President of Coretronic Venture Capital, and President of Optoma Corporation. Previously Peter was a partner with AsiaVest Partners in Beijing, and partner with Harbinger Ventures. He was founding team/cofounder of PanoCorp Display Systems and WebEver Inc. Before that, he worked for KLA Instruments in engineering and sales management. He also serves as board advisor to iSoftStone, a software technology consulting firm headquartered in Beijing, with close to 30,000 people worldwide. His previous investment exits include IPO’s of OmniVision, Oplink, Applied Optoelectronic Inc, and iSoftStone; as well as M&A’s of Ultima Interconnect, U-Systems, Lattice Power, and Leyou. Peter has a PhD in Ultrasound and Optics from Stanford, and a BS ME from National Taiwan University.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":35},{"speakerId":48,"NameTw":"Eugene Kim","NameEn":"Eugene Kim","JobTitleTw":"Sparklabs Global Ventures首席官","JobTitleEn":"Principal of SparkLabs Global Ventures","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605162029173648.jpg","briefTw":"Eugene is currently a Partner at Sparklabs and manages the day –to-day operations of the Sparklabs accelerator program. Eugene previously served as a Director of Global Business Development at Tencent Korea. Prior to Tencent, Eugene was Director of Business Development and Marketing at Podotree, an online educational app developer in Korea. He earned his BA in Economics and Philosophy from the University of Michigan.","briefEn":"Eugene is currently a Partner at Sparklabs and manages the day –to-day operations of the Sparklabs accelerator program. Eugene previously served as a Director of Global Business Development at Tencent Korea. Prior to Tencent, Eugene was Director of Business Development and Marketing at Podotree, an online educational app developer in Korea. Previously, he was with Vertigo Games as the Group Manager of the Overseas Business Group. Eugene was a Manager and Group Head of the Quality Assurance and Localization Group for NHN USA. He previously served as Project Manager of the Publishing Group at NHN USA and Assistant Manager of Global Strategy & Marketing Development at NHN Corporation. He began his career at The Contents Company, an SK company, in business development and played a key role in launching Korea’s first pilot IP TV service with overseas partners. He ear","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":35},{"speakerId":49,"NameTw":"陳海麗","NameEn":"Carman Chan","JobTitleTw":"Founder and Managing Partner of Click Ventures","JobTitleEn":"Founder and Managing Partner of Click Ventures","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605162054186207.jpg","briefTw":"陳海麗(Carman)由就讀香港科技大學的時候,已在努力追求她的創業夢。她為了她的互聯網事業,更放棄了英國Imperial College的博士獎學金,最終成為連續創業的互聯網企業家。Carman第一次的互聯網事業Englishstreet.com,成為了哈佛的商業個案,而後來獲得香港上市之香港經濟日報(股票代碼0423.HK)所收購。於2008 年,Carman於中國及香港創辦了點子有限公司,並發展了幾個里程碑專案,與總部在臺灣的領先移動行銷解決方案Hiiir合併,而最後被併入到臺灣的遠傳電信(FarEasTone)(股票代碼4904.TW)。Carman後來成為了天使投資人,並創辦了Click Ventures,已投二十多個項目,重點培育包括種子期以至後期階段之互聯網,移動技術以及相關企業。Carman亦曾是加速學習暢銷書的作者,並是科技專欄作家,對互聯網生意模式,網上行銷和移動互聯網應用,有廣泛的認知。","briefEn":"Carman Chan started her entrepreneurship endeavor when she was in University. In order to pursue her passion for internet, she gave up a sponsored PhD offer from Imperial College and become a serial internet entrepreneur with two companies acquired by listed companies. On top, she is a best-selling book author for several accelerated learning books. Being a columnist in IT magazines for eight years, her focus was on internet business model, online marketing and mobile application. After several successful exits, Carman has started her Angel fund, namely, Click Ventures. The current portfolio includes more than 25 investments such as Spotify.com, Docusign, Palantir.com, Wefunder.com, Annelutfen.com, EventXtra.com etc. In light of her experiences in the said line of business she has been invited as a speaker or member of panel in a couple of prestigious events. To name some are Web Summit, Connected-Entrepreneurship Conference, AVCJ China Forum, Silicon Dragon in Taiwan and HK Launchpad.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":112},{"speakerId":50,"NameTw":"孫雅潔","NameEn":"Melody Sun","JobTitleTw":"GWC台灣總裁","JobTitleEn":"President of GWC Taiwan","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605162111363631.jpg","briefTw":"孫雅潔過去致力於校園企業人才培訓,經常走訪矽谷、中國、臺灣三地,同時為鏈接創新創始人、點石資本和要出發合夥人,願景是連結全世界企創業家、孵化全方位新視野、連結世界連結人。","briefEn":"Melody Sun worked as a corporate trainer, often visiting Silicon Valley, China, and Taiwan on business. She is the founder of The Link, Partner of DeStone Capital and Yao Chu Fa , a Taiwan-based initiative with the vision to connect the world’s entrepreneurs with valuable resources and knowledge which will set them up for success.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":114},{"speakerId":51,"NameTw":"朱波","NameEn":"Zhu Bo","JobTitleTw":"廣州創新谷孵化加速器創始合夥人","JobTitleEn":"CEO of Inno Valley","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605162123187962.jpg","briefTw":"追夢者基金暨創新穀創始人朱波先生,連續多年榮獲中國天使投資人十強和中國最活躍天使投資人等稱號,其擔任華為互聯網業務總裁期間投資的暴風科技和崑崙萬維已成功上市,2012年6月離開華為後主導投資的超級課程表、禮物說、廣升FOTA、兼職貓、奇藝果、神奇百貨等近百家初創企業正在飛速成長。朱波先生早年留學美國,1992年畢業後就職於美國運通公司、高通公司等多家知名通信、IT和衛星企業,已有二十多年的互聯網、IT和通訊從業經歷,對這些領域有著極其獨特和敏銳的見解。朱波先生在美國投資的CoverMe、DownTown、xTV、Weendy、BoostInsider等二十餘家startup對創新前沿進行了全面覆蓋。\r\n","briefEn":"Mr. Zhu Bo, founder of the Dream Chaser Fund & InnoValley, has won Top 10 China Angel Investors and China's most active angel investor in consecutive years. Mr. Zhu invested in Storm Player and Kunlun Technology during his tenure as Head of Internet Business at Huawei, and they have since gone public. In June 2012, he left Huawai and successively invested in nearly one hundred startup firms like Friday, GiftTalk, FOTA, Jianzhimao, Artqiyi and Shenqibuy, which are now rapidly growing. Mr. Zhu Bo studied in the United States in his early years. After graduation in 1992, he worked for several well-known communications, IT and satellite companies like American Express and Qualcomm. With 20 years' experience in the Internet, IT and telecommunications industries; he has extremely unique and keen insights in these sectors. His investments expand to more than twenty startup firms such as CoverMe, DownTown, xTV, Weendy in the U.s., a comprehensive coverage of the forefront of innovation. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":116},{"speakerId":52,"NameTw":"游直翰","NameEn":"Chih Han Yu","JobTitleTw":"Appier執行長兼創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder of Appier","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605162119406858.jpg","briefTw":"游直翰目前擔任Appier執行長暨共同創辦人。Appier是一個藉由人工智慧應用來幫助企業輕鬆解決跨螢挑戰的台灣新創團隊。在直翰的領導下,Appier正在快速成長,從一開始的五人團隊到現在員工遍佈亞洲。直翰曾撰寫過數十篇與人工智慧、機器人和機器學習領域相關的研究文章,並獲得兩項美國專利。他曾於哈佛大學及哈佛醫學院Wyss研究院擔任研究員,研發具自我調適功能的機器人,幫助小兒麻痺症病患行走,其博士論文曾被提名為當年度Multiagent AI領域中的最佳論文。直翰就讀於史丹佛大學期間,亦曾參與美國無人駕駛自動車競賽(DARPA Grand Challenge),並與後來的Google無人車之父Sebastian Thrun合作無人車研究計畫。在創立Appier之前,直翰曾創辦遊戲公司,開發行動社交應用程式。在世界經濟論壇2016年所公佈的「全球青年領袖」中,游直翰是唯一獲得殊榮的台灣人,也讓Appier成為亞洲唯一上榜的人工智慧公司。游直翰畢業於臺灣大學資工系,並於史丹佛大學人工智慧實驗室取得碩士學位以及哈佛大學電腦科學博士學位。","briefEn":"Chih Han Yu is CEO and cofounder of Appier, a technology company that makes it easy for businesses to use artificial intelligence to grow and succeed in a cross screen world. Yu has authored dozens of research articles in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), robotics and machine learning, and has been awarded two US patents. In 2010 Yu obtained his doctoral\r\ndegree in computer science from Harvard University, where he collaborated with the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard Medical School to develop Self-adapting robotics systems to help polio patients walk correctly.\r\nMost recently, Yu was named a Young Global Leader for 2016 by the World Economic Forum, making Appier the only Asian AI company to make the list. Before founding Appier, Yu founded and ran Plaxie, an independent game studio focused on developing intelligent mobile and social games.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":115},{"speakerId":53,"NameTw":"鄭光廷 ","NameEn":"Tim Cheng","JobTitleTw":"昂圖股份有限公司(flyingV 群眾募資平台)執行長 ","JobTitleEn":"Co-Founder and CEO of flyingV","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605162056553847.jpg","briefTw":"flyingV成立理念是希望創造一個讓創意、理想得以實踐的友善環境。讓各個類型的計畫都能在flyingV有一個自己的舞台,散播理念、凝聚群眾的力量來支持計畫完成,順利地跨出第一步。3年多來不只成為亞洲最大的群眾募資平台, 並一起見證了台灣源源不絕的創意。\r\n","briefEn":"Tim Cheng grew up in California and moved to Taiwan in 2004. With over 10 years experience in both tech and consulting, flyingV was launched early 2012 and Tim assumed the role of CEO. The core value of flyingV is to create an environment where creativity can shine bright without topic restrictions. flyingV is a tool where any type of project has a chance to market themselves and receive support from the public to take the first step. flyingV looks to shake up society by encouraging creativity and lowering risk. In a little more than 4 years, flyingV is not only one of the most influential crowdfunding platforms in Asia, but a testament of the vibrant creativity of Taiwan.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":113},{"speakerId":54,"NameTw":"余倩梅","NameEn":"Celia Yu","JobTitleTw":"台灣三星電子行銷部 資深行銷協理","JobTitleEn":"Senior Marketing Director of Samsung Electronics Taiwan","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605181607177083.jpg","briefTw":"主要負責台灣三星電子行銷策略擬定、執行。結合其多年來於消費性電子及民生消費產業的專業經驗,與跨足實體及虛擬網路的獨特經歷,淬煉出其優異的品牌行銷與策略管理能力。洞悉消費者喜好與市場脈絡,透過創新溝通手法與行銷資源,滿足各族群的多元需求。","briefEn":"Celia is mainly responsible for marketing strategy planning and execution. With her professional background in consumer electronics and consumer goods industry for years and with unique experience in physical and virtual networking, Celia has developed an outstanding ability of brand marketing and strategic management. Insight into consumer preferences and market. To meet the diversified needs of various groups through the use of innovative of communication and marketing resources. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":6},{"speakerId":55,"NameTw":"李殷豪","NameEn":"Tony Lee","JobTitleTw":"Google台灣資深業務總監","JobTitleEn":"Industry Head of Ecommerce, Tech, Export, Google Taiwan","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605131905341988.jpg","briefTw":"李殷豪是Google台灣資深業務總監,帶領負責全球知名品牌與電子商務平台客戶的業務團隊。同時,他也透過提供諮詢服務與數位解決方案,協助合作夥伴掌握產業與消費者趨勢,以達成他們的商業目標。李殷豪在科技和電信產業已累積超過15年的豐富經驗。在加入Google之前,他曾在半導體製造商Intel和網路新創企業 Net2phone 負責美國與亞太地區的行銷及業務工作。李殷豪擁有美國卡內基美隆大學工業管理學系學士學位。","briefEn":"Tony runs an two sales teams at Google which consists of top global brands &\r\ne-commerce platforms. Through the delivery consultative service & digital solutions,\r\nTony help partners acquire better understanding of industry & consumers trends,\r\nand achieve partner's business goals. Tony comes with over 15 years of robust experience in the technology & telecom sector. Before joining Google, Tony held sales & marketing roles at semiconductor manufacturer Intel and internet startup Net2phone in US and APAC. Tony holds a bachelor degree in Industrial Management from Carnegie Mellon University.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":28},{"speakerId":56,"NameTw":"陳立偉","NameEn":"Lewis Chen","JobTitleTw":"產業服務中心營運長兼臺灣創新快製媒合中心副執行長","JobTitleEn":"Deputy CEO of Taiwan Rapid Innovation Prototyping League for Entrepreneurs(TRIPLE)","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605291651360016.jpg","briefTw":"陳立偉博士目前任職工業技術研究院(ITRI)產業服務中心營運長兼任新創事業組組長,負責協助產服中心之營運管理及院內各所中心之技術團隊成立新創事業。陳立偉博士擁有20年國內外產業實務工作經驗與新創公司營運發展的歷練,先後歷任多家國際知名企業,對市場、銷售、商務模式、營運管理及政府業務都相當熟稔。工作足跡遍及中國、台灣、香港、澳門、韓國、日本、印尼、馬來西亞、美國、加拿大、歐洲等地,並深耕各地市場。","briefEn":"Dr. Chen has more than 20 years working experience in Taiwan and abroad. He successively worked for several well-known international enterprises such as being Board of Director of Lippo Group / PT. FIRST MEDIA Tbk, Regional Director of Green Packet Inc. Dr. Chen accumulated variety kinds of professional skills in sales and marketing, business models building, operation management and government service. In short, his previous career experience covers all over the world and he plowed every local markets indeed.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":29},{"speakerId":57,"NameTw":"黃經堯","NameEn":"Ching Yao Huang","JobTitleTw":"交通大學產業加速器暨專利開發策略中心主任","JobTitleEn":"Director of NCTU Center of Industry Accelerator and Patent Strategy","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605131828175408.jpg","briefTw":"黃經堯七十六年台大物理系畢業後,前往美國取得紐澤西理工學院電機碩士,接著取得羅格斯大學電子電腦工程博士,現任職交通大學電機學院副院長、台南分部主任、產業加速器暨專利開發策略中心主任。","briefEn":"After Ching-Yao, Huang graduated from Physics Department of National Taiwan University, He proceed his Master at New Jersey Institute of Technology of EE, and His Ph. D. at Rutgers University. Nowadays, His role is as Deputy Dean of ECE of National Chiao Tung University and also Director of it’s Tainan campus and Director of Center of Industry Accelerator and Patent Strategy.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":30},{"speakerId":58,"NameTw":"王文華","NameEn":"Tom Wang","JobTitleTw":" 夢想學校校長暨執行長","JobTitleEn":"Founder of Dream School","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605162102435676.jpg","briefTw":"王文華,台大外文系畢業,史丹佛大學MBA。興趣是行銷、社會企業、創業。 在行銷方面,他在華爾街和東京工作五年,回台後曾任迪士尼電影公司行銷經理、MTV電視台董事總經理。在社會企業,他與「趨勢科技」的董事長張明正,共同創辦「若水公司」,投資「社會企業」。創業方面,他成立「創新拿鐵」媒體,把國際上創新、創業的案例,帶來台灣。同時幫助台灣創新、創業的案例,走向國際。 為了整合以上的興趣,他成立「夢想學校」。帶領一群年輕同仁,踏上一段啟發之旅。此外,王文華也喜歡寫作。著有《蛋白質女孩》、《創業教我的50件事》、《A+到A咖》等書,讓他成為最受歡迎的職場勵志作家和演說家。\r\n","briefEn":"Tom received his MBA from Stanford University. After graduate school, he worked for Dun & Bradstreet, Disney, and MTV. He co-founded Flow, Inc. Flow is a venture capital firm investing in social enterprise startups. Now he consolidates all his activities into Dream School and Start Up Latte. Tom likes to write. His novel “The Protein Girl” is popular in Taiwan, China, Japan, and Korea.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":37},{"speakerId":59,"NameTw":"張書瑋","NameEn":"Jerry Chang","JobTitleTw":"淨因科技創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Founder of Aetoscan","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605171031498983.jpg","briefTw":"淨因科技創辦人 Jerry Chang曾在醫療器材領域服務超過10年以上時間,在眾多醫療器材中,他發現唯有採用黃帝內經理論基礎所開發出來的「經絡儀」,才能透過現代的技術獲得升級! 主要經歷有康福寶科技有限公司 - 醫療器材發展部工程師、永豐鼎股份有限公司 - 總經理、日本UHONGI株式會社 - Senior System Engineer、亞佳達科技有限公司 - 醫療器材工廠 品保主管、永捷順科技有限公司 - Senior Systems Engineer、永全國際實業有限公司 - General Manager;專長領域:企業管理、投資理財、數位多媒體。\r\n","briefEn":"Aetotech's founder, Jerry Chang, worked in the health care equipment field for over 10 years. Out of all of the available health care equipment products on the market, Jerry found that only the \"Meridian Machine\" developed based on the Huangdi Neijing could be significantly upgraded through modern technologies!\r\nExperience: Kang Fu Bao Technology Co., Ltd. –Engineer, Department of Health Care Equipment Development, Yung Feng Ding Co., Ltd. - President, UHONGI Corporation of Japan - Senior System Engineer, Ya Jia Da Technology Co., Ltd. – Quality Assurance Manager of Health Care Equipment Plant, Yung Jie Shun Technology Co, Ltd. - Senior Systems Engineer, Yun Chuan International Co., Ltd. - General Manager. Expertise: Corporate management, investment and financial management, digital multimedia.\r\n","fb":"http://www.facebook.com/aetoscan","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Booth No. G0303","boothInfoEn":"Booth No. G0303","displaySeq":117},{"speakerId":60,"NameTw":"田文欣","NameEn":"WEN HSIN TIEN","JobTitleTw":"行銷企劃主任","JobTitleEn":"Marketing Executives Supervisor of 3i Health Tech Ltd","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605171042006662.jpg","briefTw":"英國曼徹斯特大學國際營銷碩士。曾於英國電腦硬體業擔任行銷企劃與零售業從事銷售人員共約兩年半。回台後,執行台南市遠距健康照護專案、擔任體檢寶產品經理與行銷企劃。","briefEn":"Graduated from International Retailing of postgraduate in University of Manchester in UK. Worked within computer hardware industry as marketing executives and sales associates for nearly two and half years. After came back to Taiwan, executing Tainan city telecare project of government. Also, as the product manager and marketing executives of e54 physical check app.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Booth No. G0303","boothInfoEn":"Booth No. G0303","displaySeq":118},{"speakerId":61,"NameTw":"蔡耀仁","NameEn":"Ren Tsai","JobTitleTw":"禾力科技股份有限公司執行長","JobTitleEn":"Chief Executive Officer of InforCharge","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605171045568667.jpg","briefTw":"共同創辦人兼執行長,伊利諾大學MBA及長庚大學電子碩士,在半導體/消費性與車用電子產品有多年經驗,過去擔任過研發工程師、市場分析師與專案經理。","briefEn":"The founder and managing partner of InforCharge, earned MBA from University of Illinois, also has rich experience in semiconductor, consumer electronics, and car electronics.","fb":"http://www.facebook.com/inforcharge","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Booth No. G0303","boothInfoEn":"Booth No. G0303","displaySeq":119},{"speakerId":62,"NameTw":"賴盈如","NameEn":"Rene Lai","JobTitleTw":"宏鼎智慧教育教學總監","JobTitleEn":"Academic Director of Operation Division Intelligent Education Solution","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605171051053824.jpg","briefTw":"賴盈如擔任宏鼎資訊營運處教學部教學總監一職,綜理教育研究、教學應用服務、產品發展、產品行銷及專案合作等事務。","briefEn":"Rene Lai charge of the Academic Director of Operation Division in HDT. Responsible for educational research, education application Service, product development, product marketing and project management affairs.","fb":"http://www.facebook.com/HDeduTech/?fref=ts","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Booth No. G0303","boothInfoEn":"Booth No. G0303","displaySeq":120},{"speakerId":63,"NameTw":"鄭喆元","NameEn":"Dave Zheng","JobTitleTw":"波寶創新技術長","JobTitleEn":"CTO of PAWBO CO.,LTD.","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605171056168042.jpg","briefTw":"鄭喆元為波寶創新技術長、天鉞電子產品開發經理、云辰電子上海分公司總監。\r\n","briefEn":"Dave Zheng is the CTO of PAWBO, PM of JSW, COO of EverSpring Shanghai.\r\n\r\n","fb":"http://www.facebook.com/pawbosite","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Booth No. G0303","boothInfoEn":"Booth No. G0303","displaySeq":121},{"speakerId":64,"NameTw":"吳仁作","NameEn":"Curtis Wu","JobTitleTw":"展綠執行長","JobTitleEn":"CEO of 3Egreen Technology","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605171101540395.jpg","briefTw":"展綠的創辦人,去年公司第二年達損益平衡,專案為主要營收來源,今年將轉為專注長照與工業4.0市場性的營收,目前已經擁有國內外大型客戶採用合作中,展綠擁有領先的IoT技術與專利,並以軟硬整合系統方式服務特定的長照與工業4.0市場,不斷累積demo know-how,不易被競爭者copy取代,並為目前眾多大型公司亟待尋找之解決方案,擁有幾乎獨佔市場之優勢。","briefEn":"Curtis the Wu is the founder of 3egreen.com. Leading the company to achieve break even in the second year. The main revenue is from project based in the last year. We are going to focus on the market of about Long-Term Care and Industry4.0. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Booth No. G0448","boothInfoEn":"Booth No. G0448","displaySeq":122},{"speakerId":65,"NameTw":"葉修齊","NameEn":"Hsiu Chi Yeh","JobTitleTw":"亞琛科技產品經理","JobTitleEn":"Product Manager of ARSENZ","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605171103566605.jpg","briefTw":"修齊為亞琛科技的創辦人之一,近年專注於穿戴式相關科技、擴增實境、及IoT應用之推廣與發展。","briefEn":"HC Yeh is the founder of ARSENZ. In recent years, he mainly focuses on developing and promoting wearable, mixed reality and IoT applications.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/hsiu-chi-yeh-40603319?trk=hp-identity-name","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Booth No. G0448","boothInfoEn":"Booth No. G0448","displaySeq":123},{"speakerId":66,"NameTw":"劉晉良","NameEn":"Chin Liang Liu ","JobTitleTw":"DCBP Auto Fintech 創辦人","JobTitleEn":"FOUNDER of DCBP Auto Fintech","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605171108005114.jpg","briefTw":"畢業於台灣國立成功大學歷史學系,在美國、歐洲及俄羅斯求學,退伍後赴俄羅斯創業。主要擔任汽車電子及零組件進口及零售行銷通路開發,在2011年到2013年參與俄羅斯聯邦自營衛星定位系統普及化、行車錄影及影像辨識系統整合開發、車聯網智慧汽車管系統開發,期間亦鋪設公司自營產品進入俄羅斯電子與汽車組件銷售通路。","briefEn":"Studied in Taiwan, US, Europe and Russia, he completed his M.B.A in ST. Petersburg. He then founded a startup company in Russia which ran the car electronics/components importing, retailing, channel management and E-commerce businesses. In 2011, he entered the Connected Car/IoT industry and start to provide the services on IoT E-commerce.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Booth No. G0448","boothInfoEn":"Booth No. G0448","displaySeq":124},{"speakerId":67,"NameTw":"周明璟","NameEn":"Sophia Chou","JobTitleTw":"Event/TV show host","JobTitleEn":"Event/TV show host","profilePicPath":"/2016/registration/productImages/201605291832454658.jpg","briefTw":"Sophia C. is an Event/TV show host and former news anchor. Raised in Canada, Sophia is not only a rare professional multi-lingual host who speaks 5 languages also she is one of the most trusted and popular hosts. She has hosted over 1000+ events for mainly luxury brands: jewelry, watch, sports car…etc. Sophia is the designated host for world renowned directors Luc Besson (LUCY Taipei premiere) and Ang Lee (Life of Pi Asia media event) and for many prominent international events.","briefEn":"Sophia C. is an Event/TV show host and former news anchor. Raised in Canada, Sophia is not only a rare professional multi-lingual host who speaks 5 languages also she is one of the most trusted and popular hosts. She has hosted over 1000+ events for mainly luxury brands: jewelry, watch, sports car…etc. Sophia is the designated host for world renowned directors Luc Besson (LUCY Taipei premiere) and Ang Lee (Life of Pi Asia media event) and for many prominent international events.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":39},{"speakerId":69,"NameTw":"羅斌","NameEn":"Bin Luo","JobTitleTw":"微軟加速器北京 駐企執行長 ","JobTitleEn":"CEO in Residence of Microsoft Accelerator Beijing","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704201308087802.jpg","briefTw":"羅斌先生全面負責微軟加速器北京的業務、合作伙伴關系及未來發展戰略,同時帶領加速器的服務團隊為創業者提供最好最專業的服務。在加入微軟加速器之前,羅斌任Canonical公司亞太業務發展總監,此前,羅斌在英特爾公司工作超過13年,其中8年以上效力於英特爾投資,歷任英特爾投資亞太業務發展總監,英特爾中國有限公司技術發言人,平台架構經理等職。羅斌先生自九十年代初起亦曾服務於Novell公司和中國惠普有限公司擔任大客戶業務經理、渠道銷售經理和產品市場經理。","briefEn":"Bin LUO joined in Microsoft Accelerator in China as CEO in Residence in Feb. 2016. Bin was from Canonical Asia based in Taipei, who promoted Open Sourced Ubuntu Operation System to world top OEMs, ODMs and IPC companies with their Cloud, Client and IOT products. Before Canonical, Bin had been with Intel for 13 years in vary management positions and the last 8 years was taking care of Intel Capital Biz Development program in Asia. Bin used to be on loan from Intel to RosettaNet (a self-funded global consortium of companies creating and implementation industry wide e-biz standards) as China Director. Prior to Intel, Bin managed major account biz, government program, anti-piracy campaign and Year 2000 program at Novell China. He also served in China Hewlett Packard as channel sales manager and product marketing manager in early 90s.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":18},{"speakerId":71,"NameTw":"謝弘輝","NameEn":"Peter Hsieh ","JobTitleTw":"ARM台灣總經理","JobTitleEn":"General Manager of ARM Taiwan","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704201323400885.jpg","briefTw":"謝弘輝博士在IC設計, 軟體開發, 半導體製造領域有長達30年以上的資歷,曾 在矽谷成功創立數家新創企業而在業界享譽盛名. 謝博士亦曾在美國, 台灣, 中國,等地擔任過重要主管職務。謝博士職涯上的重要成就包括為IBM Watson Research Center 設計出業界首款系統單晶片CMOS RISC微處理器. 以及為首款CMOS IBM大型主機所設計的CMOS gate array family等。謝博士目前擔任ARM台灣區總經理, 將致力於與台灣客戶及生態體系夥伴們緊密合作, 拓展行動運算, 物聯網及伺服器市場. ","briefEn":"Dr. Hsieh has been a recognized entrepreneur for several successful Silicon Valley start-ups and held several executive positions for large semiconductor companies of US, Taiwan, China, and UK cumulating over 30 years of professional experience in IC design, software development, and semiconductor manufacturing. Prior to joining ARM, Dr. Hsieh was R & D President for Freescale Semiconductor China Design Centers responsible for Industrial and Automotive MCU and application processors design and development. These Design Centers are among the largest and highest quality design centers in China. These design centers were responsible for over 80% of Freescale’s industrial/automotive MCU design and development. Dr. Hsieh works closely with Taiwan customers, ecosystem partners, universities, and government functions for mobile computing, automotive, medical devices and health care, green energy, IoT, and server markets. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/peter-hsieh-09307773/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":9},{"speakerId":72,"NameTw":"楊建銘","NameEn":"Jerry Yang","JobTitleTw":"Hardware Club管理合夥人","JobTitleEn":"General Partner of Hardware Club","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704191222510900.jpg","briefTw":"Jerry Yang是Hardware Club的管理合夥人。總部在巴黎的Hardware Club集結了來自全球各國超過一百六十個優秀的早期硬體新創,包含Misfit Wearables、Thync、Prynt、Click & Grow、Reach Robotics等。除了會員新創的創辦人們彼此可以在社群中互相幫助以外,Hardware Club也免費帶來代工和銷售資源引薦,進一步以其管理的風險資本基金投資一部分的新創,協助他們踏上高速成長的曲線。\r\n在進入風險資本的世界前,Jerry Yang在亞洲、美國和歐洲從事半導體設計十二年,其中包含四年的新創經歷。Jerry Yang擁有台灣大學電機系的學士和碩士學位,以及法國HEC Paris商學院的MBA學位,並通過CFA全部的三級考試。\r\n","briefEn":"Jerry is General Partner of the Hardware Club, a private community for global hardware entrepreneurs that has gathered 160 exciting hardware startups from 30 different countries, including Misfit Wearables, Thync, Prynt, Click & Grow, Reach Robotics, etc. The Hardware Club provides capital investments as well as manufacturing and retail resources to its member startups, for which it has partnered with prestigious EMS firms (Foxconn, Pegatron, Flex, Jabil, Quanta, Compal, etc) and retailers (Amazon, Best Buy, Brookstone, Target, Media Saturn, Citadium, etc).","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/jmyang1976/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":29},{"speakerId":73,"NameTw":"安尼士・吾札曼","NameEn":"Anis Uzzaman","JobTitleTw":"創辦人兼CEO, 菲諾克斯風險投資公司","JobTitleEn":"CEO, General Partner of Fenox Venture Capital","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704191300394637.jpg","briefTw":"安尼士・吾札曼為菲諾克斯風險投資公司的合夥創辦人。\r\n在服務於IBM及Cadence期間,領導管理團隊、実現了眾多的策略投資在軟件開發,微體電子和電子商務等領域。\r\n作為零售和科技部門的連續創業家、安尼士提供了籌款,營運和退出策略,輔導創業家。\r\n安尼士在美國,日本和東南亞已投資超過60家新創公司。\r\n他擁有日本東京工業大學科技開發工程學士。美國奧克拉荷馬州立大學工學院電氣資訊碩士。日本首都大學東京工學院資訊通信博士。","briefEn":"Anis Uzzaman, Ph.D is the General Partner and founding member of Fenox Venture Capital. He serves as the Chief Executive of the company, overlooking overall management and operations. As a leader of the IBM and Cadence Management Teams, Anis led numerous strategic investments in the software development, microelectronics, and e-commerce space. A serial entrepreneur in the retail and technological sectors, Anis provides mentorship in fundraising, operations, and exit strategy to entrepreneurs. Anis has invested in over 60 startups in the United States, Japan, and South East Asia. He holds a B.Eng. degree from Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan, an M.S. in Engineering from Oklahoma State University, and a Ph.D in Computer Engineering from Tokyo Metropolitan University in Tokyo, Japan. Anis is an honored guest speaker in international conferences, workshops and seminars, has published more than 30 technical papers, and is the author of the“Startup Bible”.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/anisuzzaman/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":26},{"speakerId":74,"NameTw":"張益肇","NameEn":"Eric Chang","JobTitleTw":"微軟亞洲研究院副院長","JobTitleEn":"Senior Director of Technology Strategy at Microsoft Research Asia","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704271208435109.jpg","briefTw":"張益肇博士于1999年7月加盟微軟亞洲研究院,從事語音方面的研究工作。 現任微軟亞洲研究院副院長,負責技術戰略部。履任微軟亞洲研究院新職位之前,張博士任微軟亞洲工程院副院長,是2003年工程院的創建者之一。在工程院,他帶領團隊開發Windows Mobile和 Windows的產品,並建立起一支多學科技術產品孵化的團隊。在加入工程院之前,張博士曾擔任研究院語音組主任研究員和高校關係總監,他的團隊成功的把漢語普通話語音辨識引擎轉化到了中文版Office和Windows中。他曾是 Nuance Communications 公司研究部的創始人之一,該公司是電信領域自然語言介面研究的先驅。在 Nuance 工作期間,他曾從事自信度分析,聲學建模,語音檢測等領域的研究工作。他領導研究人員開發了 Nuance 產品的日文版本,這是世界上第一個開放式日語語音辨識系統。他還曾在麻省理工的林肯實驗室開發出了新的語音辨識演算法,在東芝 ULSI 研究中心發明了一種新的電路優化技術,在通用電氣公司的研發中心開展了模式識別方面的研究。張博士畢業于麻省理工學院,獲電氣工程和電腦科學學士、碩士和博士學位。","briefEn":"Dr. Eric Chang joined Microsoft Research Asia (MSR Asia) in July, 1999 to work in the area of speech technologies. Eric is currently the Senior Director of Technology Strategy at MSR Asia, where his responsibilities include industry collaboration, IP portfolio management, and driving new research themes such as eHealth. Prior to joining Microsoft, Eric had worked at Nuance Communications, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Toshiba ULSI Laboratory, and General Electric Corporate Research and Development. Eric graduated from MIT with Ph.D., Master and Bachelor degrees, all in the field of electrical engineering and computer science. Eric’s work has been reported by Wall Street Journal, Technology Review, and other publications.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/ericichaochang/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":4},{"speakerId":75,"NameTw":"陳成強","NameEn":"Richard Tan","JobTitleTw":"執行長","JobTitleEn":"Chief Executive of Innospace","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704281832279376.JPG","briefTw":"陳成強先生目前擔任里安房地產總經理,以及上海創派投資諮詢有限公司總監。作為開發里安集團新型商業模式---知識社區的核心團隊中的一員,陳先生直接負責為社區打造強健有力的創新生態系統。為打造一個可持續性發展的“創新創業搖籃”,陳先生設立“InnoSpace”這個“孵化+投資“的平臺,以及InnoSpace天使基金,致力於投資優質的科技初創企業。 ","briefEn":"Richard Tan has been providing talent solutions to enterprise and even international business connectivity within the community and also help build up technology platforms such as cloud computing and internet datacenter all over the world.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/richard-tan-b90b9445/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":25},{"speakerId":77,"NameTw":"韓荷麗","NameEn":"Holly Harrington","JobTitleTw":"台灣新創競技場總經理","JobTitleEn":"General Manager of Taiwan Startup Stadium","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705221043260080.jpg","briefTw":"Multipassionate learner & doer. Primary focus is on connecting startups in Taiwan with international markets and opportunities, as well as improving workplace efficiency and promoting diversity in hiring and marketing practices. Workwise, I oversee programs, branding, and marketing for Taiwan Startup Stadium (TSS). I am an 11-year resident of Taipei who has trained entrepreneurs in social media, efficiency, public speaking, and product demonstration, and has consulted for a variety of clients, including Fourdesire, StorySense, Nonzero, Discovery TLC, Fun Taiwan's Janet Hsieh, and URS155/CAMPOBAG. Also a founding member of Forward Taiwan, and curator of Startup Digest Taipei. Twice the subject of Da Ai TV's documentary series \"在台灣站起,\" which chronicles the lives of foreign professionals in Taiwan, as well as the TVBS series \"台灣是我家.\" ","briefEn":"Multipassionate learner & doer. Primary focus is on connecting startups in Taiwan with international markets and opportunities, as well as improving workplace efficiency and promoting diversity in hiring and marketing practices. Workwise, I oversee programs, branding, and marketing for Taiwan Startup Stadium (TSS). I am an 11-year resident of Taipei who has trained entrepreneurs in social media, efficiency, public speaking, and product demonstration, and has consulted for a variety of clients, including Fourdesire, StorySense, Nonzero, Discovery TLC, Fun Taiwan's Janet Hsieh, and URS155/CAMPOBAG. Also a founding member of Forward Taiwan, and curator of Startup Digest Taipei. Twice the subject of Da Ai TV's documentary series \"在台灣站起,\" which chronicles the lives of foreign professionals in Taiwan, as well as the TVBS series \"台灣是我家.\" ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/hollyharringtontw/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":8},{"speakerId":78,"NameTw":"徐竹先","NameEn":"Steve Hsu","JobTitleTw":"TXA 創業家私人董事會創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Founder of TXA Private Board of Directors","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704301555505307.jpg","briefTw":"創意總研智庫董事長,其所創立之TXA創業家私人董事會,已召開超過百場私董會,足跡遍及台北/北京/胡志明市/沖繩/深圳/紐約/東京/巴黎/曼谷/墨爾本,為台灣、東南亞、東北亞最大之國際私董會組織,並已成為法國政府La French Tech官方認證之投資合作夥伴。十年來已培育超過500家科技新創企業,超過20家企業成功於台灣資本市場登板。目前並擔任上海財經大學台灣校友會副會長、國際創新創業協會理事、台灣中小企業總會創業導師以及世界各國創新創業導師與競賽評審。具二十年企業顧問、新事業開發、創業投資、及新創事業育成經驗。","briefEn":"Mr. Hsu is the Chairman of Innovation Research Institute. The TXA Private Board of Directors he found is the largest Advisory Board organization in Taiwan and South East Asia region with records of over 100 board meetings in Taipei, Beijing, Hochiminh City, Okinawa, Shenzhen, New York, Paris, Melbourne and Bangkok. Mr. Hsu has nurtured over 500 startups with over 20 listed in Taiwan Stock Market. He has been certified to be the official investment partner by France government’s La French Tech program. Mr. Hsu has over 20 years of experience on business consultant, new business development, venture investment, startup incubation and has been the judge and mentor of international startup contests in many different regions.","fb":"http://www.facebook.com/stevechhsu","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/steve-hsu-1081a43a/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":11},{"speakerId":79,"NameTw":"Ravi Belani","NameEn":" Ravi Belani","JobTitleTw":"Managing Director of Alchemist Accelerator","JobTitleEn":"Managing Director of Alchemist Accelerator","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705031336162998.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"Ravi Belani is Fenwick & West Lecturer of Entrepreneurship at Stanford University, and Managing Director of the Alchemist Accelerator, an enterprise seed accelerator backed by Cisco, DFJ, Khosla Ventures, Salesforce, Sapphire Ventures, and USVP. Ravi formerly spent six years as part of the investment team at Draper Fisher Jurvetson's Menlo Park global headquarters, where he led investments and served on the boards as the first institutional investor in companies such as Vizu (acq’d by Nielsen), Yield Software (acq'd by Autonomy), Justin.TV/Socialcam, Pubmatic, and Komli. Ravi formerly worked in product management at two Kleiner Perkins enterprise startups, and as a consultant in McKinsey and Company's San Francisco office. Ravi is a Phi Beta Kappa and Tau Beta Pi graduate of Stanford University, holding a BS with Distinction and MS in Industrial Engineering. Ravi also holds an MBA from Harvard Business School.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/ravibelani/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":80,"NameTw":"徐宏民","NameEn":"Winston Hsu","JobTitleTw":"Professor of National Taiwan University & Visiting Scientist at IBM Watson Research","JobTitleEn":"Professor of National Taiwan University & Visiting Scientist at IBM Watson Research","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704301601405407.jpg","briefTw":"Prof. Winston Hsu (徐宏民) is an active researcher dedicated to large-scale image/video retrieval/mining, visual recognition, and machine intelligence. He is keen to realizing advanced researches towards business deliverables via academia-industry collaborations. He is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University. He founded MiRA (Multimedia indexing, Retrieval, and Analysis) research group and co-leads Communication and Multimedia Lab (CMLab). Working closely with the industry, he was a Visiting Scientist at Microsoft Research Redmond (2014) and is now in his sabbatical leave (2016-2017) at IBM TJ Watson Research Center, New York, to enhance Watson's visual cognition, where he contributed the first AI produced movie trailer. He is the Director and PI for NVIDIA AI Lab (NTU), the 1st in Asia. Having investigated deep neural networks for numerous image/video challenges, recently, he is also helping companies set up the AI/deep learning teams for advanced products. He received Ph.D. (2007) from Columbia University, New York, under the supervision of Prof. Shih-Fu Chang. Before that, he was a founding engineer and research manager in CyberLink Corp, now a public image/video software company. He serves as the Associate Editors for IEEE Multimedia Magazine and IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, two premier journals. He is proud to be a marathoner, a triathlete, and a father of three.In his internationally competitive research group, he is always looking forward to working closely, as a partner, with enthusiastic and motivated team members for the exciting projects. Feel free to contact for further opportunities as postdocs, research assistants, and (PhD, master, undergraduate) students.","briefEn":"Prof. Winston Hsu (徐宏民) is an active researcher dedicated to large-scale image/video retrieval/mining, visual recognition, and machine intelligence. He is keen to realizing advanced researches towards business deliverables via academia-industry collaborations. He is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University. He founded MiRA (Multimedia indexing, Retrieval, and Analysis) research group and co-leads Communication and Multimedia Lab (CMLab). Working closely with the industry, he was a Visiting Scientist at Microsoft Research Redmond (2014) and is now in his sabbatical leave (2016-2017) at IBM TJ Watson Research Center, New York, to enhance Watson's visual cognition, where he contributed the first AI produced movie trailer. He is the Director and PI for NVIDIA AI Lab (NTU), the 1st in Asia. Having investigated deep neural networks for numerous image/video challenges, recently, he is also helping companies set up the AI/deep learning teams for advanced products. He received Ph.D. (2007) from Columbia University, New York, under the supervision of Prof. Shih-Fu Chang. Before that, he was a founding engineer and research manager in CyberLink Corp, now a public image/video software company. He serves as the Associate Editors for IEEE Multimedia Magazine and IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, two premier journals. He is proud to be a marathoner, a triathlete, and a father of three.In his internationally competitive research group, he is always looking forward to working closely, as a partner, with enthusiastic and motivated team members for the exciting projects. Feel free to contact for further opportunities as postdocs, research assistants, and (PhD, master, undergraduate) students.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/winstonhsu/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":13},{"speakerId":81,"NameTw":"Qing Wu, ","NameEn":"Qing Wu","JobTitleTw":"Senior Economist of Google","JobTitleEn":"Senior Economist of Google","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704301602279924.jpg","briefTw":"Dr. Qing Wu joined Google in 2006 and worked on a wide range of analytic projects that include forecasting, impact of macro-economics, auction and bidding, price optimization, user and advertiser behaviour, causal inferences, etc. He collaborates with many teams across the company and provides insights and algorithmic supports for product, engineering, operations, sales and finance. He monitors Google query and revenue closely and coined up the original phrase \"Google as the barometer of the world\". In the past few years, he has been a frequent speaker in industry conferences on big data, uncovering economic and consumer insights from search trends and other topics. Prior to Google, he served as a lead scientist in supply and demand chain management for firms such as SAP, Manhattan Associates, and GAP. Qing Wu received a Ph.D. in Operations Research and Management from Stanford University. He also received a master of Applied Mathematics from University of Kansas.","briefEn":"Dr. Qing Wu joined Google in 2006 and worked on a wide range of analytic projects that include forecasting, impact of macro-economics, auction and bidding, price optimization, user and advertiser behaviour, causal inferences, etc. He collaborates with many teams across the company and provides insights and algorithmic supports for product, engineering, operations, sales and finance. He monitors Google query and revenue closely and coined up the original phrase \"Google as the barometer of the world\". In the past few years, he has been a frequent speaker in industry conferences on big data, uncovering economic and consumer insights from search trends and other topics. Prior to Google, he served as a lead scientist in supply and demand chain management for firms such as SAP, Manhattan Associates, and GAP. Qing Wu received a Ph.D. in Operations Research and Management from Stanford University. He also received a master of Applied Mathematics from University of Kansas.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/jhawktree/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":28},{"speakerId":82,"NameTw":"蘇孟宗","NameEn":"Stephen Su","JobTitleTw":"產業經濟與趨勢研究中心主任","JobTitleEn":"General Director of Industrial Economics and Knowledge, Industrial Technology Research Institute","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705031338042300.png","briefTw":"Stephen Su expertise in strategy, operations Improvement, organization change management, business process redesign, new product development and marketing, investment due diligence, manufacturing management. ","briefEn":"Stephen Su expertise in strategy, operations Improvement, organization change management, business process redesign, new product development and marketing, investment due diligence, manufacturing management. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/stephengioia/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":21},{"speakerId":83,"NameTw":"Volker Heisterman","NameEn":"Volker Heisterman","JobTitleTw":"Managing Director of Yushan Venture","JobTitleEn":"Managing Director of Yushan Venture","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704301607141568.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"As angel investor, entrepreneur, and former manager at a Fortune 100 company AT&T, Volker has been involved in the mobile, corporate & open innovation and start-up space during his 15 years in Silicon Valley and for the past 5 years in China & Chinese Taipei as co-founder of Yushan Ventures. Prior to founding Yushan Ventures, Volker was vice president at investment bank Rutberg & Co. His clients included Nokia, QUALCOMM, KPMG, Admob, and Morgenthaler Ventures, to name a few.\r\nVolker has a reputation for creating profitable partnerships and building ecosystems. Previously, Volker was at Google, focused on the German search engine market and spent his early career as Manager of Market Intelligence at IDG, where he directed research programs and conferences.\r\n\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/volkerheistermann/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":8},{"speakerId":86,"NameTw":"Urvi Bhandari","NameEn":"Urvi Bhandari","JobTitleTw":"CEO/Co-Founder of Seer& Managing Director, Radical Roamer","JobTitleEn":"CEO/Co-Founder of Seer& Managing Director, Radical Roamer","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705031340292193.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"Urvi Bhandari is a 20 year veteran of Fortune 10 companies: IBM, The\r\nCoca-Cola Company, AT&T and most recently Walmart (Fortune 1 Company).\r\nHer focus is on bringing the innovation mindset to organizations and helping\r\ngenerate disruptive ideas that will change the fabric of our culture.\r\nUrvi is passionate about changing the paradigm of how we live, work and play\r\nby connecting people, places and projects across the world. She is a\r\ntransformational leader, connecting four key pillars, through her network and\r\nglobal experience. Corporation (Scale & Market) + Startup (Speed &\r\nInnovation) + Capital + Global Thought Leaders = Collaboration of our\r\nExpansive Future. This community collaborates and generates innovation that\r\nwill expand the experiences of people’s lives. One long term project, (20 years)\r\nis to build floating cities providing a new life platform for innovators, futurists, global thinkers and nomads.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/urvib/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":2},{"speakerId":87,"NameTw":"黃經堯","NameEn":"Ching-Yao Huang","JobTitleTw":"交大產業加速器暨專利開發策略中心主任","JobTitleEn":"Director of Center of Industry Accelerator and Patent Strategy, National Chiao Tung University ","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704301700333808.jpg","briefTw":"黃經堯七十六年台大物理系畢業後,前往美國取得紐澤西理工學院電機碩士,接著取得羅格斯大學電子電腦工程博士,現任職交通大學電機學院副院長、台南分部主任、產業加速器暨專利開發策略中心主任。","briefEn":"After Ching-Yao, Huang graduated from Physics Department of National Taiwan University, He proceed his Master at New Jersey Institute of Technology of EE, and His Ph. D. at Rutgers University. Nowadays, His role is as Deputy Dean of ECE of National Chiao Tung University and also Director of it’s Tainan campus and Director of Center of Industry Accelerator and Patent Strategy.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/hank-huang-36b0ba9a/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":14},{"speakerId":89,"NameTw":"梁洛杭","NameEn":"Laurent Le Guyader","JobTitleTw":"臺灣科技部/法國在臺協會 創新科技專家","JobTitleEn":"Innovation Expert of French Office/MOST","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704301619035964.jpg","briefTw":"之前梁洛杭博士被任命為Biowin中國國際關係總監,從那時起,他成功地協助一些歐洲的中小企業與中國伙伴合作。他現在是為法國政府工作之國際科技創新專家,辦公室設置於臺灣科技部,協助台法雙方之技術的合作機會。他的任務重點在推廣與支持台灣與法國的創新技術(French Tech Taiwan),使法國成為在歐洲最佳的台灣企業家培育搖籃。他在法國圖盧茲第三大學得了生物物理學博士學位。","briefEn":"Before, Dr Le Guyader was Director of International Relations at BioWin in Shanghai (China). He is now Innovation Expert for the French government and is based at Taiwan MOST to help both countries to identify the collaboration potential in technology. His mission focuses on promoting and supporting French innovation (French Tech Taiwan) and to position France as the best European partner for Taiwanese entrepreneurs. In 2007 he received his Ph.D. in Biophysics from Toulouse University III. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/laurent-le-guyader-37b84b41/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":7},{"speakerId":90,"NameTw":"Sansanee Huabsomboon","NameEn":"Sansanee Huabsomboon","JobTitleTw":" Director of Technology Business Incubation Center, NSTDA","JobTitleEn":" Director of Technology Business Incubation Center, NSTDA","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705111640399320.jpg","briefTw":"From many years ’s experiences of fostering & incubating New Technology Entrepreneurs through Business Incubation Center programs of NSTDA. Being a judge and speaker of many stages of Technology competition and startup competitions as Microsoft Imagine Cup (Thailand), AIS The startup, etc. Today Sansanee is one of the key person to set strategic move of Thailand about Startup ecosystem under Ministry of Science and Technology such as \r\n“Startup Thailand 2016” which is the biggest event of startup ecosystem in South East Asia. There is 36,000 attendees join the events from around the globe.","briefEn":"From many years ’s experiences of fostering & incubating New Technology Entrepreneurs through Business Incubation Center programs of NSTDA. Being a judge and speaker of many stages of Technology competition and startup competitions as Microsoft Imagine Cup (Thailand), AIS The startup, etc. Today Sansanee is one of the key person to set strategic move of Thailand about Startup ecosystem under Ministry of Science and Technology such as \r\n“Startup Thailand 2016” which is the biggest event of startup ecosystem in South East Asia. There is 36,000 attendees join the events from around the globe.","fb":"http://www.facebook.com/NstdaBIC/","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":12},{"speakerId":91,"NameTw":"Tom Strodtbeck","NameEn":"Tom Strodtbeck","JobTitleTw":"CEO of Strodtbeck & Company Limited ","JobTitleEn":"CEO of Strodtbeck & Company Limited ","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704301622173185.jpg","briefTw":"Tom Strodtbeck is CEO of Strodtbeck & Company Limited, a UK-based innovation and entrepreneurship consultancy. Over the past decade, Mr. Strodtbeck has partnered with governments in North Amerrica, Europe and Asia on entrepreneurial growth programmes. In addition, Mr. Strodtbeck has provided provided strategic support to large, international networks including the International Business Innovation Association and the Gloal Accelerator Network. ","briefEn":"Tom Strodtbeck is CEO of Strodtbeck & Company Limited, a UK-based innovation and entrepreneurship consultancy. Over the past decade, Mr. Strodtbeck has partnered with governments in North Amerrica, Europe and Asia on entrepreneurial growth programmes. In addition, Mr. Strodtbeck has provided provided strategic support to large, international networks including the International Business Innovation Association and the Gloal Accelerator Network. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/tom-strodtbeck/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":21},{"speakerId":92,"NameTw":"Andrew Tan","NameEn":"Andrew Tan","JobTitleTw":"Managing Partner of TinkBig Venture","JobTitleEn":"Managing Partner of TinkBig Venture","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704301655022948.png","briefTw":"","briefEn":"Andrew is a serial entrepreneur and the founding partner in TinkBig Venture where he is managing partner of the firm’s investment and management team. He is also currently the CEO of CrowdPlus Asia, one of the 6 license holder for equity crowdfunding platform in Malaysia that is regulated by the Securities Commission of Malaysia. Prior to TinkBig , Andrew was chief business development officer and a financial-services investor at Appshack Asia. While at Appshack, he led investments in seven startup deals with other co VC. Prior to that, Andrew was a private-equity investor where he regularly advised his limited Partners on private-equity deals and fund formation. Before that he successfully listed his company at the MESDAQ Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur Securities Exchange where he learned the intricacies of the stock market. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/drewhesper/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":24},{"speakerId":93,"NameTw":"余凱文","NameEn":"Kevin Yu","JobTitleTw":"台灣創速創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Founder of Taiwan Accelerator","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704301630160818.jpg","briefTw":"23歲開始創業,余先生創辦過多家公司,其中一家是創投,曾為自己公司和多家新創企業籌融資共72億新台幣。MZ集團之共同創辦人,協助11個國家超過500家企業上市及經營投資人關係。在資訊科技、企業傳播、整合行銷、投資人關係、財務顧問、創投、併購和IPO領域擁有完整歷練。於2015年創立台灣首家投資人關係培訓中心IRTC,已培訓超過300位企業發言人及財務長,協助上市櫃公司創造股東價值和提升國際競爭力。","briefEn":"As a serial entrepreneur, Kevin began his first business at 23, and has raised a total of USD240 million for his own companies and other startups. He is the co-founder of MZ Group, helping more than 500 companies in 11 countries with public listing and investor relations management. Founded by Kevin in 2015, IRTC has already trained more than 300 CEOs / CFOs / IROs, assisting public companies in creating shareholder value and enhancing international competitiveness.","fb":"http://www.facebook.com/accelerator.tw","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":30},{"speakerId":94,"NameTw":"Christophe Pennetier,","NameEn":"Christophe Pennetier","JobTitleTw":"Partner of Schoolab","JobTitleEn":"Partner of Schoolab","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704301702205939.jpg","briefTw":"Christophe is a PhD candidate in Technology and Operations Management at INSEAD Singapore, he is a researcher, a teacher, a strategic advisor, and an entrepreneur. He conducts research on the dynamics of innovation, in particular on identifying the effects of very specific moments in the life of companies: transitions. His personal mission is to THINK deeply, MAKE things happen, and INSPIRE others.","briefEn":"Christophe is a PhD candidate in Technology and Operations Management at INSEAD Singapore, he is a researcher, a teacher, a strategic advisor, and an entrepreneur. He conducts research on the dynamics of innovation, in particular on identifying the effects of very specific moments in the life of companies: transitions. His personal mission is to THINK deeply, MAKE things happen, and INSPIRE others.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/christophepennetier/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":20},{"speakerId":95,"NameTw":"Tadaaki Kimura","NameEn":"Tadaaki Kimura","JobTitleTw":"CEO of addlight Inc.","JobTitleEn":"CEO of addlight Inc.","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704301635492649.jpg","briefTw":"After graduating from graduate school of Tokyo University, started to work for Deloitte and engaged in various areas such as IPO consulting service. In 2008, founded addlight Inc. and providing Business consulting for big enterprises and incubation service for startups inside/outside Japan. \r\nAlso on the board as director of some tech start-ups and have involved four of them to be listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange market.","briefEn":"After graduating from graduate school of Tokyo University, started to work for Deloitte and engaged in various areas such as IPO consulting service. In 2008, founded addlight Inc. and providing Business consulting for big enterprises and incubation service for startups inside/outside Japan. \r\nAlso on the board as director of some tech start-ups and have involved four of them to be listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange market.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/tadaakikimura/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":16},{"speakerId":96,"NameTw":"謝忠高","NameEn":"Peter Hsieh","JobTitleTw":"博士, Acorn Pacific Ventures普通合夥人","JobTitleEn":"PhD General Partner Acorn Pacific Ventures","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705161417580365.jpg","briefTw":"謝忠高博士20年前開始從事創投,他目前是矽谷Acorn Pacific Ventures 的普通合夥人.在矽谷,北京,台北三地,有過多年的居住以及高階工作經驗。在搬回矽谷之前,謝博士擔任中強光電策略長以及奧圖碼科技全球總經理.更早以前,他是永威投資駐北京的合夥人,聯訊創投矽谷的合夥人。謝博士投資上市案例包括 OmniVision, Oplink, Applie Optoelectronic Inc, 以及軟通動力;併購案例包括Ultima Interconnect (Cadence), U-Systems (GE Medical), Lattice Power (Shunfeng), and 樂友孕嬰童, 目前謝博士擔任軟通動力董事會顧問,美西玉山副主席,AAMA北京和台北搖籃計劃導師。謝博士是美國史丹佛大學工學博士,台大機械系學士。\r\n","briefEn":"Dr. Peter Hsieh, General Partner of Acorn Pacific Ventures, started his Venture Capital career 20 years ago. He has moved from operations to VC, and vice versa, smoothly several times. He has extensive living, venture capital and executive level professional experiences in Silicon Valley, Beijing, and Taipei. Before moving back to Silicon Valley, Peter served as Chief Strategy Officer of Coretronic Corporation, President of Coretronic Venture Capital, and President of Optoma Corporation. Previously Peter was a partner with AsiaVest Partners in Beijing, and partner with Harbinger Ventures. He was founding team/cofounder of PanoCorp Display Systems and WebEver Inc. Before that, he worked for KLA Instruments in engineering and sales management. He is a board advisor to iSoftStone, a software technology consulting firm headquartered in Beijing, with 30,000 employees worldwide. He is also Vice Chairman of Monte Jade West Science and Technology Association, mentor at AAMA Beijing and AAMA Taipei Cradle Plan. His previous investment exits include IPO’s of OmniVision, Oplink, Applied Optoelectronic Inc, and iSoftStone; as well as M&A’s of Ultima Interconnect (Cadence), U-Systems (GE Medical), Lattice Power (Shunfeng), and Leyou, \r\nPeter has a PhD in Ultrasound and Optics from Stanford, and a BS ME from National Taiwan University.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/peter-hsieh-9165a/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":10},{"speakerId":97,"NameTw":"黃新鉗","NameEn":"Stanley Huang","JobTitleTw":"臺灣創新快製媒合中心執行長","JobTitleEn":"CEO of Taiwan Rapid Innovation Prototyping League for Entrepreneurs(TRIPLE)","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704301643499784.jpg","briefTw":"黃執行長國立交通大學機械博士畢業,目前擔任工研院產服中心副主任,並兼任臺灣創新快製媒合中心執行長外。歷經工研院電光電子構裝組、微機電系統組及軟性電子技術組等研究組主管、工研院企劃處電光領域規劃組長及副處長等職,具電子構裝、微系統技術、感性設計(Emotional Design)等20餘年專業技術,相關專利17篇,論文發表逾30篇;並擁有策略規畫、研發管理、跨單位團隊領導及創新價值創造等管理專長。","briefEn":"Dr.Huang is the Deputy General Director in the Commercialization and Industry Service Center (CIS) / Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) and the CEO of TRIPLE (Taiwan Rapid Innovation Prototyping League for Entrepreneurs). Dr. Huang received his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from National Chiao Tung University in 1997. He spent more than 20 years in the areas of advanced electronic packaging, MEMS, flexible electronic and emotional design.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/stanley-h-huang-2a5949ab/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":15},{"speakerId":98,"NameTw":"武田隆太","NameEn":"Ryuta Takeda","JobTitleTw":"Director of Global Bridge Laboratory, Leave a Nest","JobTitleEn":"Director of Global Bridge Laboratory, Leave a Nest","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705132048427488.JPG","briefTw":"After receiving Ph.D. from The Ohio State University (USA) as a molecular biologist, he jumped into a venture company in Japan, Leave a Nest. He managed Human Resource Development Div as a General Manager, and now he is the director of Global Bridge Laboratory for developing business in overseas. Especially, he is responsible for unique deep-tech seed acceleration program \"TECH PLANTER\" in 7 different countries. He also runs Leave a Nest America Inc., as President.","briefEn":"After receiving Ph.D. from The Ohio State University (USA) as a molecular biologist, he jumped into a venture company in Japan, Leave a Nest. He managed Human Resource Development Div as a General Manager, and now he is the director of Global Bridge Laboratory for developing business in overseas. Especially, he is responsible for unique deep-tech seed acceleration program \"TECH PLANTER\" in 7 different countries. He also runs Leave a Nest America Inc., as President.","fb":"http://www.facebook.com/LNEST.Global/","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/ryuta-takeda-49233045/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":22},{"speakerId":100,"NameTw":"Apu Kumar","NameEn":"Apu Kumar","JobTitleTw":"Co-founder & CEO of LotaData, Inc.","JobTitleEn":"Co-founder & CEO of LotaData, Inc.","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705031337455329.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"Apu, an acronym for \"Accelerated Processing Unit\", has extensive technology experience in mobile location intelligence, predictive analytics, machine learning, data science and cloud services. Apu is also the CEO & Founder of LotaData, a company famous for introducing the world’s first \"People Intelligence\" AI platform for translating geo-location signals into actionable insights and behavioral segments, at massive scale. LotaData’s AI can tell you “where your mobile users are, what is on their minds, and what they might do next”. LotaData’s customers include mobile operators, ad exchanges, programmatic marketing companies, connected car OEMs, smart cities and local governments. Prior to LotaData, Apu has held senior leadership roles at technology brands like BlueStacks, Hewlett Packard, Phoenix (acquired by HP), CNET.com and mySimon (acquired by CNET). ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/apukumar/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":17},{"speakerId":102,"NameTw":"Aymerik Renard","NameEn":"Aymerik Renard","JobTitleTw":"Director of Western Digital Capital","JobTitleEn":"Director of Western Digital Capital","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705040008390340.jpeg","briefTw":"Aymerik Renard leads Western Digital Corporation’s start-up investment activities in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. Aymerik has over 22 years of business development and venture capital experience, investing in start-ups involved in consumer, enterprise, and carrier technologies spanning hardware, software, and services. Aymerik has had exits via Nasdaq and NYSE IPOs as well as acquisitions by Cisco, Yahoo, Microsoft, Sun, Oracle, IBM, Ericsson, and SAP, among others. Aymerik is a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University.","briefEn":"Aymerik Renard leads Western Digital Corporation’s start-up investment activities in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. Aymerik has over 22 years of business development and venture capital experience, investing in start-ups involved in consumer, enterprise, and carrier technologies spanning hardware, software, and services. Aymerik has had exits via Nasdaq and NYSE IPOs as well as acquisitions by Cisco, Yahoo, Microsoft, Sun, Oracle, IBM, Ericsson, and SAP, among others. Aymerik is a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/aymerik/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":21},{"speakerId":103,"NameTw":"Yurong Chen","NameEn":"Yurong Chen","JobTitleTw":"Sr. Research Director of Cognitive Computing Lab, Intel Labs China","JobTitleEn":"Sr. Research Director of Cognitive Computing Lab, Intel Labs China","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705040011566923.jpg","briefTw":"Dr. Yurong Chen is a Principal Research Scientist at Intel Corporation and Sr. Director of Cognitive Computing Lab at Intel Labs China, responsible for driving cognitive computing, especially, Visual Understanding (VU) and Machine Learning research for smart computing on Intel next-generation platforms. He is also the co-owner of Intel Labs “Visual Understanding and Synthesis” program, driving research innovation in smart visual data processing technologies on Intel platforms across Intel Labs. He led the team to win Intel China Award (Top team award of Intel China) 2016, Intel Labs Academic Awards (Top award of Intel labs) - Gordy Award 2015 and Gordy Award 2014 for delivering leading Deep Learning based VU technologies, outstanding research achievement on Multimodal Emotion Recognition and excellence in leading people and teams to deliver outstanding business results on Advanced Visual Analytics. His team also won the EmotiW2015. ","briefEn":"Dr. Yurong Chen is a Principal Research Scientist at Intel Corporation and Sr. Director of Cognitive Computing Lab at Intel Labs China, responsible for driving cognitive computing, especially, Visual Understanding (VU) and Machine Learning research for smart computing on Intel next-generation platforms. He is also the co-owner of Intel Labs “Visual Understanding and Synthesis” program, driving research innovation in smart visual data processing technologies on Intel platforms across Intel Labs. He led the team to win Intel China Award (Top team award of Intel China) 2016, Intel Labs Academic Awards (Top award of Intel labs) - Gordy Award 2015 and Gordy Award 2014 for delivering leading Deep Learning based VU technologies, outstanding research achievement on Multimodal Emotion Recognition and excellence in leading people and teams to deliver outstanding business results on Advanced Visual Analytics. His team also won the EmotiW2015. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/yurong-chen-57689a20/?ppe=1","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":6},{"speakerId":104,"NameTw":"翁嘉盛 ","NameEn":"David Weng","JobTitleTw":"亞洲.矽谷執行中心投資長","JobTitleEn":"CFO of Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705040029311326.jpg","briefTw":"David Weng is an angel investor with a track record of bringing start-up companies to successful IPOs, mergers and acquisitions. He has invested in about 80 early stage high technology companies. Some of the more notable successes include the Netscreen Technologies IPO and its acquisition by Juniper Networks for US$4 billions in 2004, and Protego Networks’ acquisition by Cisco Systems. Prior to his investment projects, David served as Software Engineering Director at Cisco Systems and at Hewlett-Packard before that. Mr. Weng has over 20 years of experience in software engineering and Internet Technologies. He is President of the Silicon Valley Taiwan Angels Group and on the board of the San Jose State University Tower Foundation as David received his M.S. in Computer Science Engineering from San Jose State University in 1983. Asia Silicon Valley Development initiative, which aims to make Taiwan a hub for internet-based innovation and entrepreneurship in Asia, is a major component of Taiwan's economic reform agenda. Mr. Weng is one of the architects of Asia Silicon Valley Development Initiative and serves as the Chief Investment Officer.","briefEn":"David Weng is an angel investor with a track record of bringing start-up companies to successful IPOs, mergers and acquisitions. He has invested in about 80 early stage high technology companies. Some of the more notable successes include the Netscreen Technologies IPO and its acquisition by Juniper Networks for US$4 billions in 2004, and Protego Networks’ acquisition by Cisco Systems. Prior to his investment projects, David served as Software Engineering Director at Cisco Systems and at Hewlett-Packard before that. Mr. Weng has over 20 years of experience in software engineering and Internet Technologies. He is President of the Silicon Valley Taiwan Angels Group and on the board of the San Jose State University Tower Foundation as David received his M.S. in Computer Science Engineering from San Jose State University in 1983. Asia Silicon Valley Development initiative, which aims to make Taiwan a hub for internet-based innovation and entrepreneurship in Asia, is a major component of Taiwan's economic reform agenda. Mr. Weng is one of the architects of Asia Silicon Valley Development Initiative and serves as the Chief Investment Officer.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":28},{"speakerId":105,"NameTw":"吳聰慶","NameEn":"Tsung-Ching Wu","JobTitleTw":"亞洲.矽谷執行中心技術長","JobTitleEn":"CTO of Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705151801444436.JPG","briefTw":"T.C Wu is a Corporate Executive and Technical Professional in Semiconductor Industry for more than 35 years. He held a BSEE degree from the National Taiwan University in Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, a MSES degree from the State University of New York in Stony Brook, New York, USA and a Ph.D. degree in EE from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. After got his Ph.D. degree in March 1981, T.C. started his career in the Silicon Valley focusing on R&D in semiconductor devices and technologies. He first joined Philips Research Labs in Sunnyvale, California as a Technical Staff and later joined SEEQ Technology in San Jose, California as Technology Development Manager. In December 1984, T.C. and two other executives of SEEQ Technology started Atmel Corporation (listed in NESDAQ symbol ATML). He has been in Atmel for more than 31 years. ","briefEn":"T.C Wu is a Corporate Executive and Technical Professional in Semiconductor Industry for more than 35 years. He held a BSEE degree from the National Taiwan University in Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, a MSES degree from the State University of New York in Stony Brook, New York, USA and a Ph.D. degree in EE from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. After got his Ph.D. degree in March 1981, T.C. started his career in the Silicon Valley focusing on R&D in semiconductor devices and technologies. He first joined Philips Research Labs in Sunnyvale, California as a Technical Staff and later joined SEEQ Technology in San Jose, California as Technology Development Manager. In December 1984, T.C. and two other executives of SEEQ Technology started Atmel Corporation (listed in NESDAQ symbol ATML). He has been in Atmel for more than 31 years. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":28},{"speakerId":107,"NameTw":"余宛如","NameEn":"Karen Yu","JobTitleTw":"立法委員","JobTitleEn":"Legislators of R.O.C.","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705040055455287.jpg","briefTw":"余宛如曾帶領台灣第一家公平貿易企業走上創櫃板,是一名女性創業家、 也是社會企業家,於 2016 年經民進黨提名,成為第九屆不分區立法委員,在 國會繼續為打造更好的台灣新創生態系而努力,並為青年發聲,關注台灣社會 企業與數位新創的發展。余宛如台大經濟系畢業後任國會助理,開始燃起她對社會議題的關注,開 始以行動改變社會。曾擔任國際知名有機保養品牌行銷經理,相信環保與經濟 發展應該並重。2008 年,一頭栽進國際公平貿易運動,創辦台灣第一家公平貿易認證商生 態綠、持續倡議食物正義與倫理消費,於 2010 年進一步到倫敦研究全球糧食產銷議題,並於 2015 年協助台灣經濟部中小企業處營運台灣第一個社會企 業聚落,培育與孵化社會企業。","briefEn":"Yu wan-Ju(Karen) is a Taiwanese politician currently serving as a legislator. She was nominated by the DPP (Democratic Progressive Party) to be a candidate in the 2016 legislative election and was elected as a legislator-at-large-seat; Yu was assigned to the Finance Committee, and speak up for startups, young entrepreneurs and social enterprises in Taiwan. Yu is an outstanding model for young entrepreneurs because she started as a female social entrepreneur and then became a legislator. She founded her own business Okogreen, which is the first fairtrade company in 2008 and brought social impact to the society, which led her company, Okogreen won many prizes. In 2015, Yu started to run the first Social Enterprise Hub in Taiwan to further accelerate the growth of SEs.","fb":"http://www.facebook.com/Yuwanju/","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":30},{"speakerId":108,"NameTw":"Roger Chen","NameEn":"Roger Chen","JobTitleTw":"Vice President of Content Strategy Group, Samsung Electronics Greater China Head Quarter","JobTitleEn":"Vice President of Content Strategy Group, Samsung Electronics Greater China Head Quarter","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705060127459141.jpg","briefTw":"Roger Chen is a vice president responsible for the strategy, development, and delivery of content and service business portfolio on Samsung mobile devices in China market. He manages the service operation of Galaxy Apps, Samsung’s application store, and other media services as well as the business development of Samsung’s latest fintech innovation, Samsung Pay. He also leads the partnership with developer eco-system as well as the well established internet service providers in greater China region. ","briefEn":"Roger Chen is a vice president responsible for the strategy, development, and delivery of content and service business portfolio on Samsung mobile devices in China market. He manages the service operation of Galaxy Apps, Samsung’s application store, and other media services as well as the business development of Samsung’s latest fintech innovation, Samsung Pay. He also leads the partnership with developer eco-system as well as the well established internet service providers in greater China region. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/roger-chen-b648161/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":5},{"speakerId":109,"NameTw":"Zane Moi","NameEn":"Zane Moi","JobTitleTw":"Head of Business Development-HKT, Amazon","JobTitleEn":"Head of Business Development-HKT, Amazon","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705060130428362.jpg","briefTw":"Zane leads AWS’ business development organization for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, which includes responsibilities around local business development, systems integrator and technology ecosystem partnerships. Prior to AWS, Zane founded a Big Data Analytics and Visualization startup called TreeCrunch and also spent over a decade at smartphone maker BlackBerry where he held leadership positions in Canada, Australia and Hong Kong, most recently as their Regional Director for Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea. He has a BA (Hons) in Economics from Wilfrid Laurier University and an MBA (Distinction) from the University of Hong Kong.","briefEn":"Zane leads AWS’ business development organization for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, which includes responsibilities around local business development, systems integrator and technology ecosystem partnerships. Prior to AWS, Zane founded a Big Data Analytics and Visualization startup called TreeCrunch and also spent over a decade at smartphone maker BlackBerry where he held leadership positions in Canada, Australia and Hong Kong, most recently as their Regional Director for Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea. He has a BA (Hons) in Economics from Wilfrid Laurier University and an MBA (Distinction) from the University of Hong Kong.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/zanemoi/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":18},{"speakerId":110,"NameTw":"Kelvin Ong","NameEn":"Kelvin Ong","JobTitleTw":"CEO of Focustech Ventures","JobTitleEn":"CEO of Focustech Ventures","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705081323304940.jpg","briefTw":"With over 15 years of experience in precision engineering and technology, Kelvin is the Executive Director of Focus-Tech Holding, formerly the holding company of the Seksun Group, world’s leading hard disk drive component maker. He was instrumental in driving the company’s strategic investment and business development efforts in Singapore, US, China, Thailand and Malaysia that culminated in its S$295 million exit. He is also the founder and CEO of FocusTech Ventures, a seed stage investment firm and approved technology incubator under the NRF-IDMPO’s iJAM Reload Scheme, primarily focusing on opportunities around enterprise web, mobile and hardware/internet of things. As an entrepreneur and active angel investor, Kelvin currently serves on the board of several technology startups and traditional businesses. Passionate about hardware, Kelvin went on to co-found OneMakers Group that aims to develop the regional maker ecosystem. Kelvin holds a BA degree from the National University of Singapore and an MBA in Finance and Strategy from the Nanyang Business School.","briefEn":"With over 15 years of experience in precision engineering and technology, Kelvin is the Executive Director of Focus-Tech Holding, formerly the holding company of the Seksun Group, world’s leading hard disk drive component maker. He was instrumental in driving the company’s strategic investment and business development efforts in Singapore, US, China, Thailand and Malaysia that culminated in its S$295 million exit. He is also the founder and CEO of FocusTech Ventures, a seed stage investment firm and approved technology incubator under the NRF-IDMPO’s iJAM Reload Scheme, primarily focusing on opportunities around enterprise web, mobile and hardware/internet of things. As an entrepreneur and active angel investor, Kelvin currently serves on the board of several technology startups and traditional businesses. Passionate about hardware, Kelvin went on to co-found OneMakers Group that aims to develop the regional maker ecosystem. Kelvin holds a BA degree from the National University of Singapore and an MBA in Finance and Strategy from the Nanyang Business School.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/ongkelvin/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":19},{"speakerId":111,"NameTw":"Hanno Brenner","NameEn":"Hanno Brenner","JobTitleTw":"Procurement of Innovation Management and Strategic, Audi","JobTitleEn":"Procurement of Innovation Management and Strategic, Audi","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705102322056348.jpg","briefTw":"Dr. Hanno Brenner has been responsible for innovation management within the procurement department at AUDI AG since January 2015. His actions focus on cooperation management regarding well-established automotive suppliers as well as newcomers such as start-ups. He also places strong emphasis on organizational and process management in order to continuously improve collaborations with these external partners. In 2009 Hanno achieved his doctorate degree in aerospace engineering after his studies at the Technical University of Munich, the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, and the German Aerospace Center (DLR). Parallel to that Hanno finished his business studies as Master of Science. Hanno joined the Volkswagen Group in 2010 and started as Technical Project Manager for small and mid-sized vehicles.\r\n","briefEn":"Dr. Hanno Brenner has been responsible for innovation management within the procurement department at AUDI AG since January 2015. His actions focus on cooperation management regarding well-established automotive suppliers as well as newcomers such as start-ups. He also places strong emphasis on organizational and process management in order to continuously improve collaborations with these external partners. In 2009 Hanno achieved his doctorate degree in aerospace engineering after his studies at the Technical University of Munich, the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, and the German Aerospace Center (DLR). Parallel to that Hanno finished his business studies as Master of Science. Hanno joined the Volkswagen Group in 2010 and started as Technical Project Manager for small and mid-sized vehicles.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-hanno-brenner-5a92b08a/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":3},{"speakerId":112,"NameTw":"謝穎青","NameEn":"Arthur Shay","JobTitleTw":"亞洲.矽谷執行中心法制長","JobTitleEn":"General Counsel of Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705151802191206.JPG","briefTw":"Mr. Shay specializes in E-commerce and Internet, Intellectual Property Rights, Mergers & Acquisitions, Telecommunications, Media and Information Technology. Mr. Shay's practice focuses on high tech industry transactions with an emphasis on international intellectual property rights and regulatory issues arising under the various communications laws. His Intellectual Property practice includes cross border investments involving technology transfer and licensing, joint ventures, anti-counterfeiting programs (including criminal prosecutions, law reform, and regulation advise), litigation and enforcement matters, as well as E-commerce and on-line trading issues. He handles on an ongoing basis complex regulatory issues involving communications laws and regulations such as impact in-bound media and telecommunication infrastructure investments. He is also active in legal advisory work including strategic planning, contract negotiation and dispute resolution. Among other things, his experience with leading international companies includes advising multinational telecom companies on corporate and regulatory issues in Taiwan including consortium building and bidding on GSM /PCS , liberalization regarding international submarine cable landing station, VOIP , and cellular phones and a full range of transactions including digital satellite TV, multiple cable system operators, internet data centers, internet Portals, ASP , ICP in Taiwan involving start-up planning, private placements, Mergers and Acquisitions, contract negotiation and litigation. \r\n","briefEn":"Mr. Shay specializes in E-commerce and Internet, Intellectual Property Rights, Mergers & Acquisitions, Telecommunications, Media and Information Technology. Mr. Shay's practice focuses on high tech industry transactions with an emphasis on international intellectual property rights and regulatory issues arising under the various communications laws. His Intellectual Property practice includes cross border investments involving technology transfer and licensing, joint ventures, anti-counterfeiting programs (including criminal prosecutions, law reform, and regulation advise), litigation and enforcement matters, as well as E-commerce and on-line trading issues. He handles on an ongoing basis complex regulatory issues involving communications laws and regulations such as impact in-bound media and telecommunication infrastructure investments. He is also active in legal advisory work including strategic planning, contract negotiation and dispute resolution. Among other things, his experience with leading international companies includes advising multinational telecom companies on corporate and regulatory issues in Taiwan including consortium building and bidding on GSM /PCS , liberalization regarding international submarine cable landing station, VOIP , and cellular phones and a full range of transactions including digital satellite TV, multiple cable system operators, internet data centers, internet Portals, ASP , ICP in Taiwan involving start-up planning, private placements, Mergers and Acquisitions, contract negotiation and litigation. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":22},{"speakerId":113,"NameTw":"的野浩一","NameEn":"Koichi Matono","JobTitleTw":"Director of Startup Policy, Fukuoka City Government","JobTitleEn":"Director of Startup Policy, Fukuoka City Government","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705111353521126.jpg","briefTw":"After becoming a Fukuoka City government agent, recently in charge of growth strategy planning, exclusive regulatory and system reforms, then after implementing Startup Policy.","briefEn":"After becoming a Fukuoka City government agent, recently in charge of growth strategy planning, exclusive regulatory and system reforms, then after implementing Startup Policy.","fb":"http://www.facebook.com/kouichi.matono","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/koichi-matono-b310b010/?locale=de_DE","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":18},{"speakerId":116,"NameTw":"施立成","NameEn":"Vincent Shih","JobTitleTw":"微軟全球助理法務長暨台灣微軟公共暨法律事務部總經理","JobTitleEn":"Global Assistant General Counsel and GM of Corporate, External and Legal Affairs Microsoft Taiwan","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705201511254301.jpg","briefTw":"施立成律師現任微軟全球助理法務長及台灣微軟公共暨法律事務部總經理,除參與微軟大中華區公共事務外,並負責台灣微軟資訊產業發展政策、統籌公益活動、推廣智財權及資訊安全管理等公共事務,為政府政策及公協會對應窗口,同時亦為公司提供涵括合約及授權方案、訴訟及非訟等全方位法律服務,並擔任公司治理委員會之主要成員以具體實踐公司治理及企業公民願景。除頻繁往來大中華區外,施律師亦曾獲選加入微軟全球 GEO-Rotation Program,輪調至微軟西雅圖總部智慧財產部(IPG)實際參與微軟全球智慧財產權管理及策略擬訂。","briefEn":"Vincent is responsible for leading the Corporate, External, and Legal Affairs (CELA) group in providing full scale support on IT industry policy engagement, corporate social responsibility, and serving as the main contact on government relationship and industry associations for Microsoft Taiwan and Microsoft GCR Regional Sales Group. He also leads the team providing full range of legal support on commercial and licensing transactions, IPR and cybersecurity strategy, as well as litigation and Fair Trade Law related issues. Vincent also serves as the key member of Microsoft Taiwan Corporate Governance Committee to fulfil the vision of Corporate Governance, CSR and Citizenship. In addition to supporting Greater China Region projects, Vincent has also been selected to join Microsoft GEO-Rotation program and worked in Microsoft Intellectual Property Group based in Seattle headquarter to further obtain hands-on experience on global IPR management and strategy.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/vishih/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":21},{"speakerId":117,"NameTw":"Jeffrey Liu","NameEn":"Jeffrey Liu","JobTitleTw":"Member of the IBM Academy of Technology and IBM Master Inventor","JobTitleEn":"Member of the IBM Academy of Technology and IBM Master Inventor","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705201513578068.jpg","briefTw":" Jeffrey is a senior developer and architect from IBM with rich experience in Watson and robot solutions. He has 10 years experience building high performance enterprise appliances and leading incubation projects, from inception to production. He is a member of IBM Academic of Technology, a IBM Master Inventor with 30+ filed US patents, and a Bluemix Evangelist. As a robot enthusiast, he maintains an open source project called Humix that provides a framework for cloud-brained robot of any kind. He runs when he is not in front of his editor.","briefEn":" Jeffrey is a senior developer and architect from IBM with rich experience in Watson and robot solutions. He has 10 years experience building high performance enterprise appliances and leading incubation projects, from inception to production. He is a member of IBM Academic of Technology, a IBM Master Inventor with 30+ filed US patents, and a Bluemix Evangelist. As a robot enthusiast, he maintains an open source project called Humix that provides a framework for cloud-brained robot of any kind. He runs when he is not in front of his editor.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffreychliu/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":17},{"speakerId":118,"NameTw":"Michael Zung","NameEn":"Michael Zung","JobTitleTw":"Managing Director of Fung Global Retail & Technology","JobTitleEn":"Managing Director of Fung Global Retail & Technology","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705260853256377.jpg","briefTw":"Michael Zung heads up marketing for Fung Global Retail & Tech, a retail think tank that is part of the Fung Group. Zung headed HSBC direct banking in Taiwan, and worked for Internet firms DoubleClick and Bazaarvoice. He sold his start-up OneXeno to marketing firm Text 100 in 2010 and continues to advise various start-ups.","briefEn":"Michael Zung heads up marketing for Fung Global Retail & Tech, a retail think tank that is part of the Fung Group. Zung headed HSBC direct banking in Taiwan, and worked for Internet firms DoubleClick and Bazaarvoice. He sold his start-up OneXeno to marketing firm Text 100 in 2010 and continues to advise various start-ups.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelzung/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":64},{"speakerId":119,"NameTw":"王定愷","NameEn":"Robert Wang","JobTitleTw":"數位智慧服務推動聯盟會長","JobTitleEn":"President of Digital Intelligence Service Alliance","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705281241146411.jpg","briefTw":"數位智慧服務推動聯盟會長President of Digital Intelligence Service Alliance暨InnoVEX主辦單位之一台北市電腦公會顧問王定愷先⽣具有豐富的上市、上櫃公司董事會、派駐海外以及美商跨國企業的全球⾏銷與營運管理經驗。經歷企業職務包括科技公司董事⾧、事業部總經理、上市櫃公司董事、獨⽴董事、海外分公司總經理、⾏銷業務總監等。任職美商Intel⼗餘年,擔任亞太地區業務總監,負責統領Intel亞太地區品牌事業,後被任命為Wimax辦公室總監,與兩岸產官學研各界在通訊領域有深⼊的合作。王先⽣亦擔任公協會、法⼈顧問多年,對於資、通訊產業⽣態、政策與兩岸通訊產業合作與發展有深⼊的了解。近年來致⼒推動⾏動運算、雲端與物聯網的跨產業整合與創新應⽤發展。除服務於業界國內外公司⼆⼗餘年之外,王定愷先⽣亦經常受邀並活躍於國內、外資通訊產業之相關活動。2013年初獲經濟部之邀請,代表臺灣⾸次參加共有20個會員國的亞太資通訊聯盟暨創新競賽(APICTA)擔任執⾏委員,並以活動召集⼈⾝分負責推動辦理該活動2016年在台灣舉辦⼤受國內外好評。除獲總統蔡英⽂肯定親臨頒獎典禮致詞之外,APICTA亦被政府列為推動南向計畫的重要基⽯與橋樑。王先⽣多年來經常參與國內外各項app與創新應⽤競賽之輔導與評審⼯作,獲聘擔任國發基⾦天使計畫審議委員。擔任經濟部技術處相關科專案件的審查委員,同時參加政府訪問團擔任團⾧或團員出國多次,2017年更隨蔡總統英捷專案出訪中美洲友邦,亦於2017年智慧城市展全球電信營運商⼤會中擔任召集⼈,對於促進產業國際合作不遺餘⼒。王定愷先⽣近年來擔任宏碁公司⾃建雲應⽤事業單位總經理,推動該公司轉型並主導藍天計畫與新創產業合作頗為產業界所熟知。","briefEn":"Mr. Wang possesses extensive board level experience as board member and independent director of public listed companies. He too has rich international sales, marketing and operational experience of Multi-National Companies as executive at Intel in Asia Pacific region and ADI Corp. in Europe. He was previously the General Manager of BYOC (Build-Your-Own-Cloud) BU at Acer, the strategic transformation org for the corporate, focusing on global Cloud Computing, IoT, and Big Data integrated solution and services building with ecosystem partners. While working for Intel earlier, he managed to grow record 10X (~US$2.5B) revenue for Intel with Acer that as well made Acer the global top three PC brand. Mr. Wang also holds several industry community and NPO roles. He was nominated and has been working as policy advisor to the government at both cabinet and ministry level, chief consultant of TCA (Taipei Computer Association -- Computex host) heavily playing president or leadership roles in Smart City and Industry 4.0 alliance and activities, serving in different review boards for government grants, investment and representing Taiwan as Execution Committee Member in the Asia Pacific ICT Alliance (APICTA) which has participation from 20 member economies around the region.","fb":"http://www.facebook.com/robert.wang.taiwan","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":27},{"speakerId":121,"NameTw":"羅斌","NameEn":"Bin Luo","JobTitleTw":"微軟加速器北京 駐企執行長 ","JobTitleEn":"CEO in Residence of Microsoft Accelerator Beijing","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704201308087802.jpg","briefTw":"羅斌先生全面負責微軟加速器北京的業務、合作伙伴關系及未來發展戰略,同時帶領加速器的服務團隊為創業者提供最好最專業的服務。在加入微軟加速器之前,羅斌任Canonical公司亞太業務發展總監,此前,羅斌在英特爾公司工作超過13年,其中8年以上效力於英特爾投資,歷任英特爾投資亞太業務發展總監,英特爾中國有限公司技術發言人,平台架構經理等職。羅斌先生自九十年代初起亦曾服務於Novell公司和中國惠普有限公司擔任大客戶業務經理、渠道銷售經理和產品市場經理。","briefEn":"Bin LUO joined in Microsoft Accelerator in China as CEO in Residence in Feb. 2016. Bin was from Canonical Asia based in Taipei, who promoted Open Sourced Ubuntu Operation System to world top OEMs, ODMs and IPC companies with their Cloud, Client and IOT products. Before Canonical, Bin had been with Intel for 13 years in vary management positions and the last 8 years was taking care of Intel Capital Biz Development program in Asia. Bin used to be on loan from Intel to RosettaNet (a self-funded global consortium of companies creating and implementation industry wide e-biz standards) as China Director. Prior to Intel, Bin managed major account biz, government program, anti-piracy campaign and Year 2000 program at Novell China. He also served in China Hewlett Packard as channel sales manager and product marketing manager in early 90s.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":18},{"speakerId":122,"NameTw":"謝弘輝","NameEn":"Peter Hsieh ","JobTitleTw":"ARM台灣總經理","JobTitleEn":"General Manager of ARM Taiwan","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704201323400885.jpg","briefTw":"謝弘輝博士在IC設計, 軟體開發, 半導體製造領域有長達30年以上的資歷,曾 在矽谷成功創立數家新創企業而在業界享譽盛名. 謝博士亦曾在美國, 台灣, 中國,等地擔任過重要主管職務。謝博士職涯上的重要成就包括為IBM Watson Research Center 設計出業界首款系統單晶片CMOS RISC微處理器. 以及為首款CMOS IBM大型主機所設計的CMOS gate array family等。謝博士目前擔任ARM台灣區總經理, 將致力於與台灣客戶及生態體系夥伴們緊密合作, 拓展行動運算, 物聯網及伺服器市場. ","briefEn":"Dr. Hsieh has been a recognized entrepreneur for several successful Silicon Valley start-ups and held several executive positions for large semiconductor companies of US, Taiwan, China, and UK cumulating over 30 years of professional experience in IC design, software development, and semiconductor manufacturing. Prior to joining ARM, Dr. Hsieh was R & D President for Freescale Semiconductor China Design Centers responsible for Industrial and Automotive MCU and application processors design and development. These Design Centers are among the largest and highest quality design centers in China. These design centers were responsible for over 80% of Freescale’s industrial/automotive MCU design and development. Dr. Hsieh works closely with Taiwan customers, ecosystem partners, universities, and government functions for mobile computing, automotive, medical devices and health care, green energy, IoT, and server markets. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/peter-hsieh-09307773/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":9},{"speakerId":123,"NameTw":"楊建銘","NameEn":"Jerry Yang","JobTitleTw":"Hardware Club管理合夥人","JobTitleEn":"General Partner of Hardware Club","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704191222510900.jpg","briefTw":"Jerry Yang是Hardware Club的管理合夥人。總部在巴黎的Hardware Club集結了來自全球各國超過一百六十個優秀的早期硬體新創,包含Misfit Wearables、Thync、Prynt、Click & Grow、Reach Robotics等。除了會員新創的創辦人們彼此可以在社群中互相幫助以外,Hardware Club也免費帶來代工和銷售資源引薦,進一步以其管理的風險資本基金投資一部分的新創,協助他們踏上高速成長的曲線。\r\n在進入風險資本的世界前,Jerry Yang在亞洲、美國和歐洲從事半導體設計十二年,其中包含四年的新創經歷。Jerry Yang擁有台灣大學電機系的學士和碩士學位,以及法國HEC Paris商學院的MBA學位,並通過CFA全部的三級考試。\r\n","briefEn":"Jerry is General Partner of the Hardware Club, a private community for global hardware entrepreneurs that has gathered 160 exciting hardware startups from 30 different countries, including Misfit Wearables, Thync, Prynt, Click & Grow, Reach Robotics, etc. The Hardware Club provides capital investments as well as manufacturing and retail resources to its member startups, for which it has partnered with prestigious EMS firms (Foxconn, Pegatron, Flex, Jabil, Quanta, Compal, etc) and retailers (Amazon, Best Buy, Brookstone, Target, Media Saturn, Citadium, etc).","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/jmyang1976/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":29},{"speakerId":124,"NameTw":"安尼士・吾札曼","NameEn":"Anis Uzzaman","JobTitleTw":"創辦人兼CEO, 菲諾克斯風險投資公司","JobTitleEn":"CEO, General Partner of Fenox Venture Capital","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704191300394637.jpg","briefTw":"安尼士・吾札曼為菲諾克斯風險投資公司的合夥創辦人。\r\n在服務於IBM及Cadence期間,領導管理團隊、実現了眾多的策略投資在軟件開發,微體電子和電子商務等領域。\r\n作為零售和科技部門的連續創業家、安尼士提供了籌款,營運和退出策略,輔導創業家。\r\n安尼士在美國,日本和東南亞已投資超過60家新創公司。\r\n他擁有日本東京工業大學科技開發工程學士。美國奧克拉荷馬州立大學工學院電氣資訊碩士。日本首都大學東京工學院資訊通信博士。","briefEn":"Anis Uzzaman, Ph.D is the General Partner and founding member of Fenox Venture Capital. He serves as the Chief Executive of the company, overlooking overall management and operations. As a leader of the IBM and Cadence Management Teams, Anis led numerous strategic investments in the software development, microelectronics, and e-commerce space. A serial entrepreneur in the retail and technological sectors, Anis provides mentorship in fundraising, operations, and exit strategy to entrepreneurs. Anis has invested in over 60 startups in the United States, Japan, and South East Asia. He holds a B.Eng. degree from Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan, an M.S. in Engineering from Oklahoma State University, and a Ph.D in Computer Engineering from Tokyo Metropolitan University in Tokyo, Japan. Anis is an honored guest speaker in international conferences, workshops and seminars, has published more than 30 technical papers, and is the author of the“Startup Bible”.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/anisuzzaman/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":26},{"speakerId":125,"NameTw":"張益肇","NameEn":"Eric Chang","JobTitleTw":"微軟亞洲研究院副院長","JobTitleEn":"Senior Director of Technology Strategy at Microsoft Research Asia","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704271208435109.jpg","briefTw":"張益肇博士于1999年7月加盟微軟亞洲研究院,從事語音方面的研究工作。 現任微軟亞洲研究院副院長,負責技術戰略部。履任微軟亞洲研究院新職位之前,張博士任微軟亞洲工程院副院長,是2003年工程院的創建者之一。在工程院,他帶領團隊開發Windows Mobile和 Windows的產品,並建立起一支多學科技術產品孵化的團隊。在加入工程院之前,張博士曾擔任研究院語音組主任研究員和高校關係總監,他的團隊成功的把漢語普通話語音辨識引擎轉化到了中文版Office和Windows中。他曾是 Nuance Communications 公司研究部的創始人之一,該公司是電信領域自然語言介面研究的先驅。在 Nuance 工作期間,他曾從事自信度分析,聲學建模,語音檢測等領域的研究工作。他領導研究人員開發了 Nuance 產品的日文版本,這是世界上第一個開放式日語語音辨識系統。他還曾在麻省理工的林肯實驗室開發出了新的語音辨識演算法,在東芝 ULSI 研究中心發明了一種新的電路優化技術,在通用電氣公司的研發中心開展了模式識別方面的研究。張博士畢業于麻省理工學院,獲電氣工程和電腦科學學士、碩士和博士學位。","briefEn":"Dr. Eric Chang joined Microsoft Research Asia (MSR Asia) in July, 1999 to work in the area of speech technologies. Eric is currently the Senior Director of Technology Strategy at MSR Asia, where his responsibilities include industry collaboration, IP portfolio management, and driving new research themes such as eHealth. Prior to joining Microsoft, Eric had worked at Nuance Communications, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Toshiba ULSI Laboratory, and General Electric Corporate Research and Development. Eric graduated from MIT with Ph.D., Master and Bachelor degrees, all in the field of electrical engineering and computer science. Eric’s work has been reported by Wall Street Journal, Technology Review, and other publications.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/ericichaochang/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":4},{"speakerId":127,"NameTw":"韓荷麗","NameEn":"Holly Harrington","JobTitleTw":"台灣新創競技場總經理","JobTitleEn":"General Manager of Taiwan Startup Stadium","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705221043260080.jpg","briefTw":"Multipassionate learner & doer. Primary focus is on connecting startups in Taiwan with international markets and opportunities, as well as improving workplace efficiency and promoting diversity in hiring and marketing practices. Workwise, I oversee programs, branding, and marketing for Taiwan Startup Stadium (TSS). I am an 11-year resident of Taipei who has trained entrepreneurs in social media, efficiency, public speaking, and product demonstration, and has consulted for a variety of clients, including Fourdesire, StorySense, Nonzero, Discovery TLC, Fun Taiwan's Janet Hsieh, and URS155/CAMPOBAG. Also a founding member of Forward Taiwan, and curator of Startup Digest Taipei. Twice the subject of Da Ai TV's documentary series \"在台灣站起,\" which chronicles the lives of foreign professionals in Taiwan, as well as the TVBS series \"台灣是我家.\" ","briefEn":"Multipassionate learner & doer. Primary focus is on connecting startups in Taiwan with international markets and opportunities, as well as improving workplace efficiency and promoting diversity in hiring and marketing practices. Workwise, I oversee programs, branding, and marketing for Taiwan Startup Stadium (TSS). I am an 11-year resident of Taipei who has trained entrepreneurs in social media, efficiency, public speaking, and product demonstration, and has consulted for a variety of clients, including Fourdesire, StorySense, Nonzero, Discovery TLC, Fun Taiwan's Janet Hsieh, and URS155/CAMPOBAG. Also a founding member of Forward Taiwan, and curator of Startup Digest Taipei. Twice the subject of Da Ai TV's documentary series \"在台灣站起,\" which chronicles the lives of foreign professionals in Taiwan, as well as the TVBS series \"台灣是我家.\" ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/hollyharringtontw/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":8},{"speakerId":128,"NameTw":"徐竹先","NameEn":"Steve Hsu","JobTitleTw":"TXA 創業家私人董事會創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Founder of TXA Private Board of Directors","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704301555505307.jpg","briefTw":"創意總研智庫董事長,其所創立之TXA創業家私人董事會,已召開超過百場私董會,足跡遍及台北/北京/胡志明市/沖繩/深圳/紐約/東京/巴黎/曼谷/墨爾本,為台灣、東南亞、東北亞最大之國際私董會組織,並已成為法國政府La French Tech官方認證之投資合作夥伴。十年來已培育超過500家科技新創企業,超過20家企業成功於台灣資本市場登板。目前並擔任上海財經大學台灣校友會副會長、國際創新創業協會理事、台灣中小企業總會創業導師以及世界各國創新創業導師與競賽評審。具二十年企業顧問、新事業開發、創業投資、及新創事業育成經驗。","briefEn":"Mr. Hsu is the Chairman of Innovation Research Institute. The TXA Private Board of Directors he found is the largest Advisory Board organization in Taiwan and South East Asia region with records of over 100 board meetings in Taipei, Beijing, Hochiminh City, Okinawa, Shenzhen, New York, Paris, Melbourne and Bangkok. Mr. Hsu has nurtured over 500 startups with over 20 listed in Taiwan Stock Market. He has been certified to be the official investment partner by France government’s La French Tech program. Mr. Hsu has over 20 years of experience on business consultant, new business development, venture investment, startup incubation and has been the judge and mentor of international startup contests in many different regions.","fb":"http://www.facebook.com/stevechhsu","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/steve-hsu-1081a43a/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":11},{"speakerId":129,"NameTw":"Ravi Belani","NameEn":" Ravi Belani","JobTitleTw":"Managing Director of Alchemist Accelerator","JobTitleEn":"Managing Director of Alchemist Accelerator","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705031336162998.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"Ravi Belani is Fenwick & West Lecturer of Entrepreneurship at Stanford University, and Managing Director of the Alchemist Accelerator, an enterprise seed accelerator backed by Cisco, DFJ, Khosla Ventures, Salesforce, Sapphire Ventures, and USVP. Ravi formerly spent six years as part of the investment team at Draper Fisher Jurvetson's Menlo Park global headquarters, where he led investments and served on the boards as the first institutional investor in companies such as Vizu (acq’d by Nielsen), Yield Software (acq'd by Autonomy), Justin.TV/Socialcam, Pubmatic, and Komli. Ravi formerly worked in product management at two Kleiner Perkins enterprise startups, and as a consultant in McKinsey and Company's San Francisco office. Ravi is a Phi Beta Kappa and Tau Beta Pi graduate of Stanford University, holding a BS with Distinction and MS in Industrial Engineering. Ravi also holds an MBA from Harvard Business School.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/ravibelani/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":130,"NameTw":"徐宏民","NameEn":"Winston Hsu","JobTitleTw":"Professor of National Taiwan University & Visiting Scientist at IBM Watson Research","JobTitleEn":"Professor of National Taiwan University & Visiting Scientist at IBM Watson Research","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704301601405407.jpg","briefTw":"Prof. Winston Hsu (徐宏民) is an active researcher dedicated to large-scale image/video retrieval/mining, visual recognition, and machine intelligence. He is keen to realizing advanced researches towards business deliverables via academia-industry collaborations. He is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University. He founded MiRA (Multimedia indexing, Retrieval, and Analysis) research group and co-leads Communication and Multimedia Lab (CMLab). Working closely with the industry, he was a Visiting Scientist at Microsoft Research Redmond (2014) and is now in his sabbatical leave (2016-2017) at IBM TJ Watson Research Center, New York, to enhance Watson's visual cognition, where he contributed the first AI produced movie trailer. He is the Director and PI for NVIDIA AI Lab (NTU), the 1st in Asia. Having investigated deep neural networks for numerous image/video challenges, recently, he is also helping companies set up the AI/deep learning teams for advanced products. He received Ph.D. (2007) from Columbia University, New York, under the supervision of Prof. Shih-Fu Chang. Before that, he was a founding engineer and research manager in CyberLink Corp, now a public image/video software company. He serves as the Associate Editors for IEEE Multimedia Magazine and IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, two premier journals. He is proud to be a marathoner, a triathlete, and a father of three.In his internationally competitive research group, he is always looking forward to working closely, as a partner, with enthusiastic and motivated team members for the exciting projects. Feel free to contact for further opportunities as postdocs, research assistants, and (PhD, master, undergraduate) students.","briefEn":"Prof. Winston Hsu (徐宏民) is an active researcher dedicated to large-scale image/video retrieval/mining, visual recognition, and machine intelligence. He is keen to realizing advanced researches towards business deliverables via academia-industry collaborations. He is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University. He founded MiRA (Multimedia indexing, Retrieval, and Analysis) research group and co-leads Communication and Multimedia Lab (CMLab). Working closely with the industry, he was a Visiting Scientist at Microsoft Research Redmond (2014) and is now in his sabbatical leave (2016-2017) at IBM TJ Watson Research Center, New York, to enhance Watson's visual cognition, where he contributed the first AI produced movie trailer. He is the Director and PI for NVIDIA AI Lab (NTU), the 1st in Asia. Having investigated deep neural networks for numerous image/video challenges, recently, he is also helping companies set up the AI/deep learning teams for advanced products. He received Ph.D. (2007) from Columbia University, New York, under the supervision of Prof. Shih-Fu Chang. Before that, he was a founding engineer and research manager in CyberLink Corp, now a public image/video software company. He serves as the Associate Editors for IEEE Multimedia Magazine and IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, two premier journals. He is proud to be a marathoner, a triathlete, and a father of three.In his internationally competitive research group, he is always looking forward to working closely, as a partner, with enthusiastic and motivated team members for the exciting projects. Feel free to contact for further opportunities as postdocs, research assistants, and (PhD, master, undergraduate) students.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/winstonhsu/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":13},{"speakerId":131,"NameTw":"Qing Wu, ","NameEn":"Qing Wu","JobTitleTw":"Senior Economist of Google","JobTitleEn":"Senior Economist of Google","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704301602279924.jpg","briefTw":"Dr. Qing Wu joined Google in 2006 and worked on a wide range of analytic projects that include forecasting, impact of macro-economics, auction and bidding, price optimization, user and advertiser behaviour, causal inferences, etc. He collaborates with many teams across the company and provides insights and algorithmic supports for product, engineering, operations, sales and finance. He monitors Google query and revenue closely and coined up the original phrase \"Google as the barometer of the world\". In the past few years, he has been a frequent speaker in industry conferences on big data, uncovering economic and consumer insights from search trends and other topics. Prior to Google, he served as a lead scientist in supply and demand chain management for firms such as SAP, Manhattan Associates, and GAP. Qing Wu received a Ph.D. in Operations Research and Management from Stanford University. He also received a master of Applied Mathematics from University of Kansas.","briefEn":"Dr. Qing Wu joined Google in 2006 and worked on a wide range of analytic projects that include forecasting, impact of macro-economics, auction and bidding, price optimization, user and advertiser behaviour, causal inferences, etc. He collaborates with many teams across the company and provides insights and algorithmic supports for product, engineering, operations, sales and finance. He monitors Google query and revenue closely and coined up the original phrase \"Google as the barometer of the world\". In the past few years, he has been a frequent speaker in industry conferences on big data, uncovering economic and consumer insights from search trends and other topics. Prior to Google, he served as a lead scientist in supply and demand chain management for firms such as SAP, Manhattan Associates, and GAP. Qing Wu received a Ph.D. in Operations Research and Management from Stanford University. He also received a master of Applied Mathematics from University of Kansas.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/jhawktree/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":28},{"speakerId":133,"NameTw":"Volker Heisterman","NameEn":"Volker Heisterman","JobTitleTw":"Managing Director of Yushan Venture","JobTitleEn":"Managing Director of Yushan Venture","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704301607141568.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"As angel investor, entrepreneur, and former manager at a Fortune 100 company AT&T, Volker has been involved in the mobile, corporate & open innovation and start-up space during his 15 years in Silicon Valley and for the past 5 years in China & Chinese Taipei as co-founder of Yushan Ventures. Prior to founding Yushan Ventures, Volker was vice president at investment bank Rutberg & Co. His clients included Nokia, QUALCOMM, KPMG, Admob, and Morgenthaler Ventures, to name a few.\r\nVolker has a reputation for creating profitable partnerships and building ecosystems. Previously, Volker was at Google, focused on the German search engine market and spent his early career as Manager of Market Intelligence at IDG, where he directed research programs and conferences.\r\n\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/volkerheistermann/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":8},{"speakerId":134,"NameTw":"Urvi Bhandari","NameEn":"Urvi Bhandari","JobTitleTw":"CEO/Co-Founder of Seer& Managing Director, Radical Roamer","JobTitleEn":"CEO/Co-Founder of Seer& Managing Director, Radical Roamer","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705031340292193.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"Urvi Bhandari is a 20 year veteran of Fortune 10 companies: IBM, The\r\nCoca-Cola Company, AT&T and most recently Walmart (Fortune 1 Company).\r\nHer focus is on bringing the innovation mindset to organizations and helping\r\ngenerate disruptive ideas that will change the fabric of our culture.\r\nUrvi is passionate about changing the paradigm of how we live, work and play\r\nby connecting people, places and projects across the world. She is a\r\ntransformational leader, connecting four key pillars, through her network and\r\nglobal experience. Corporation (Scale & Market) + Startup (Speed &\r\nInnovation) + Capital + Global Thought Leaders = Collaboration of our\r\nExpansive Future. This community collaborates and generates innovation that\r\nwill expand the experiences of people’s lives. One long term project, (20 years)\r\nis to build floating cities providing a new life platform for innovators, futurists, global thinkers and nomads.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/urvib/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":2},{"speakerId":137,"NameTw":"Sansanee Huabsomboon","NameEn":"Sansanee Huabsomboon","JobTitleTw":" Director of Technology Business Incubation Center, NSTDA","JobTitleEn":" Director of Technology Business Incubation Center, NSTDA","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705111640399320.jpg","briefTw":"From many years ’s experiences of fostering & incubating New Technology Entrepreneurs through Business Incubation Center programs of NSTDA. Being a judge and speaker of many stages of Technology competition and startup competitions as Microsoft Imagine Cup (Thailand), AIS The startup, etc. Today Sansanee is one of the key person to set strategic move of Thailand about Startup ecosystem under Ministry of Science and Technology such as \r\n“Startup Thailand 2016” which is the biggest event of startup ecosystem in South East Asia. There is 36,000 attendees join the events from around the globe.","briefEn":"From many years ’s experiences of fostering & incubating New Technology Entrepreneurs through Business Incubation Center programs of NSTDA. Being a judge and speaker of many stages of Technology competition and startup competitions as Microsoft Imagine Cup (Thailand), AIS The startup, etc. Today Sansanee is one of the key person to set strategic move of Thailand about Startup ecosystem under Ministry of Science and Technology such as \r\n“Startup Thailand 2016” which is the biggest event of startup ecosystem in South East Asia. There is 36,000 attendees join the events from around the globe.","fb":"http://www.facebook.com/NstdaBIC/","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":12},{"speakerId":138,"NameTw":"Tom Strodtbeck","NameEn":"Tom Strodtbeck","JobTitleTw":"CEO of Strodtbeck & Company Limited ","JobTitleEn":"CEO of Strodtbeck & Company Limited ","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704301622173185.jpg","briefTw":"Tom Strodtbeck is CEO of Strodtbeck & Company Limited, a UK-based innovation and entrepreneurship consultancy. Over the past decade, Mr. Strodtbeck has partnered with governments in North Amerrica, Europe and Asia on entrepreneurial growth programmes. In addition, Mr. Strodtbeck has provided provided strategic support to large, international networks including the International Business Innovation Association and the Gloal Accelerator Network. ","briefEn":"Tom Strodtbeck is CEO of Strodtbeck & Company Limited, a UK-based innovation and entrepreneurship consultancy. Over the past decade, Mr. Strodtbeck has partnered with governments in North Amerrica, Europe and Asia on entrepreneurial growth programmes. In addition, Mr. Strodtbeck has provided provided strategic support to large, international networks including the International Business Innovation Association and the Gloal Accelerator Network. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/tom-strodtbeck/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":21},{"speakerId":141,"NameTw":"Christophe Pennetier,","NameEn":"Christophe Pennetier","JobTitleTw":"Partner of Schoolab","JobTitleEn":"Partner of Schoolab","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201704301702205939.jpg","briefTw":"Christophe is a PhD candidate in Technology and Operations Management at INSEAD Singapore, he is a researcher, a teacher, a strategic advisor, and an entrepreneur. He conducts research on the dynamics of innovation, in particular on identifying the effects of very specific moments in the life of companies: transitions. His personal mission is to THINK deeply, MAKE things happen, and INSPIRE others.","briefEn":"Christophe is a PhD candidate in Technology and Operations Management at INSEAD Singapore, he is a researcher, a teacher, a strategic advisor, and an entrepreneur. He conducts research on the dynamics of innovation, in particular on identifying the effects of very specific moments in the life of companies: transitions. His personal mission is to THINK deeply, MAKE things happen, and INSPIRE others.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/christophepennetier/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":20},{"speakerId":143,"NameTw":"謝忠高","NameEn":"Peter Hsieh","JobTitleTw":"博士, Acorn Pacific Ventures普通合夥人","JobTitleEn":"PhD General Partner Acorn Pacific Ventures","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705161417580365.jpg","briefTw":"謝忠高博士20年前開始從事創投,他目前是矽谷Acorn Pacific Ventures 的普通合夥人.在矽谷,北京,台北三地,有過多年的居住以及高階工作經驗。在搬回矽谷之前,謝博士擔任中強光電策略長以及奧圖碼科技全球總經理.更早以前,他是永威投資駐北京的合夥人,聯訊創投矽谷的合夥人。謝博士投資上市案例包括 OmniVision, Oplink, Applie Optoelectronic Inc, 以及軟通動力;併購案例包括Ultima Interconnect (Cadence), U-Systems (GE Medical), Lattice Power (Shunfeng), and 樂友孕嬰童, 目前謝博士擔任軟通動力董事會顧問,美西玉山副主席,AAMA北京和台北搖籃計劃導師。謝博士是美國史丹佛大學工學博士,台大機械系學士。\r\n","briefEn":"Dr. Peter Hsieh, General Partner of Acorn Pacific Ventures, started his Venture Capital career 20 years ago. He has moved from operations to VC, and vice versa, smoothly several times. He has extensive living, venture capital and executive level professional experiences in Silicon Valley, Beijing, and Taipei. Before moving back to Silicon Valley, Peter served as Chief Strategy Officer of Coretronic Corporation, President of Coretronic Venture Capital, and President of Optoma Corporation. Previously Peter was a partner with AsiaVest Partners in Beijing, and partner with Harbinger Ventures. He was founding team/cofounder of PanoCorp Display Systems and WebEver Inc. Before that, he worked for KLA Instruments in engineering and sales management. He is a board advisor to iSoftStone, a software technology consulting firm headquartered in Beijing, with 30,000 employees worldwide. He is also Vice Chairman of Monte Jade West Science and Technology Association, mentor at AAMA Beijing and AAMA Taipei Cradle Plan. His previous investment exits include IPO’s of OmniVision, Oplink, Applied Optoelectronic Inc, and iSoftStone; as well as M&A’s of Ultima Interconnect (Cadence), U-Systems (GE Medical), Lattice Power (Shunfeng), and Leyou, \r\nPeter has a PhD in Ultrasound and Optics from Stanford, and a BS ME from National Taiwan University.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/peter-hsieh-9165a/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":10},{"speakerId":148,"NameTw":"Aymerik Renard","NameEn":"Aymerik Renard","JobTitleTw":"Director of Western Digital Capital","JobTitleEn":"Director of Western Digital Capital","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705040008390340.jpeg","briefTw":"Aymerik Renard leads Western Digital Corporation’s start-up investment activities in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. Aymerik has over 22 years of business development and venture capital experience, investing in start-ups involved in consumer, enterprise, and carrier technologies spanning hardware, software, and services. Aymerik has had exits via Nasdaq and NYSE IPOs as well as acquisitions by Cisco, Yahoo, Microsoft, Sun, Oracle, IBM, Ericsson, and SAP, among others. Aymerik is a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University.","briefEn":"Aymerik Renard leads Western Digital Corporation’s start-up investment activities in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. Aymerik has over 22 years of business development and venture capital experience, investing in start-ups involved in consumer, enterprise, and carrier technologies spanning hardware, software, and services. Aymerik has had exits via Nasdaq and NYSE IPOs as well as acquisitions by Cisco, Yahoo, Microsoft, Sun, Oracle, IBM, Ericsson, and SAP, among others. Aymerik is a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/aymerik/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":21},{"speakerId":149,"NameTw":"Yurong Chen","NameEn":"Yurong Chen","JobTitleTw":"Sr. Research Director of Cognitive Computing Lab, Intel Labs China","JobTitleEn":"Sr. Research Director of Cognitive Computing Lab, Intel Labs China","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705040011566923.jpg","briefTw":"Dr. Yurong Chen is a Principal Research Scientist at Intel Corporation and Sr. Director of Cognitive Computing Lab at Intel Labs China, responsible for driving cognitive computing, especially, Visual Understanding (VU) and Machine Learning research for smart computing on Intel next-generation platforms. He is also the co-owner of Intel Labs “Visual Understanding and Synthesis” program, driving research innovation in smart visual data processing technologies on Intel platforms across Intel Labs. He led the team to win Intel China Award (Top team award of Intel China) 2016, Intel Labs Academic Awards (Top award of Intel labs) - Gordy Award 2015 and Gordy Award 2014 for delivering leading Deep Learning based VU technologies, outstanding research achievement on Multimodal Emotion Recognition and excellence in leading people and teams to deliver outstanding business results on Advanced Visual Analytics. His team also won the EmotiW2015. ","briefEn":"Dr. Yurong Chen is a Principal Research Scientist at Intel Corporation and Sr. Director of Cognitive Computing Lab at Intel Labs China, responsible for driving cognitive computing, especially, Visual Understanding (VU) and Machine Learning research for smart computing on Intel next-generation platforms. He is also the co-owner of Intel Labs “Visual Understanding and Synthesis” program, driving research innovation in smart visual data processing technologies on Intel platforms across Intel Labs. He led the team to win Intel China Award (Top team award of Intel China) 2016, Intel Labs Academic Awards (Top award of Intel labs) - Gordy Award 2015 and Gordy Award 2014 for delivering leading Deep Learning based VU technologies, outstanding research achievement on Multimodal Emotion Recognition and excellence in leading people and teams to deliver outstanding business results on Advanced Visual Analytics. His team also won the EmotiW2015. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/yurong-chen-57689a20/?ppe=1","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":6},{"speakerId":150,"NameTw":"翁嘉盛 ","NameEn":"David Weng","JobTitleTw":"亞洲.矽谷執行中心投資長","JobTitleEn":"CFO of Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705040029311326.jpg","briefTw":"David Weng is an angel investor with a track record of bringing start-up companies to successful IPOs, mergers and acquisitions. He has invested in about 80 early stage high technology companies. Some of the more notable successes include the Netscreen Technologies IPO and its acquisition by Juniper Networks for US$4 billions in 2004, and Protego Networks’ acquisition by Cisco Systems. Prior to his investment projects, David served as Software Engineering Director at Cisco Systems and at Hewlett-Packard before that. Mr. Weng has over 20 years of experience in software engineering and Internet Technologies. He is President of the Silicon Valley Taiwan Angels Group and on the board of the San Jose State University Tower Foundation as David received his M.S. in Computer Science Engineering from San Jose State University in 1983. Asia Silicon Valley Development initiative, which aims to make Taiwan a hub for internet-based innovation and entrepreneurship in Asia, is a major component of Taiwan's economic reform agenda. Mr. Weng is one of the architects of Asia Silicon Valley Development Initiative and serves as the Chief Investment Officer.","briefEn":"David Weng is an angel investor with a track record of bringing start-up companies to successful IPOs, mergers and acquisitions. He has invested in about 80 early stage high technology companies. Some of the more notable successes include the Netscreen Technologies IPO and its acquisition by Juniper Networks for US$4 billions in 2004, and Protego Networks’ acquisition by Cisco Systems. Prior to his investment projects, David served as Software Engineering Director at Cisco Systems and at Hewlett-Packard before that. Mr. Weng has over 20 years of experience in software engineering and Internet Technologies. He is President of the Silicon Valley Taiwan Angels Group and on the board of the San Jose State University Tower Foundation as David received his M.S. in Computer Science Engineering from San Jose State University in 1983. Asia Silicon Valley Development initiative, which aims to make Taiwan a hub for internet-based innovation and entrepreneurship in Asia, is a major component of Taiwan's economic reform agenda. Mr. Weng is one of the architects of Asia Silicon Valley Development Initiative and serves as the Chief Investment Officer.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":28},{"speakerId":153,"NameTw":"Roger Chen","NameEn":"Roger Chen","JobTitleTw":"Vice President of Content Strategy Group, Samsung Electronics Greater China Head Quarter","JobTitleEn":"Vice President of Content Strategy Group, Samsung Electronics Greater China Head Quarter","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705060127459141.jpg","briefTw":"Roger Chen is a vice president responsible for the strategy, development, and delivery of content and service business portfolio on Samsung mobile devices in China market. He manages the service operation of Galaxy Apps, Samsung’s application store, and other media services as well as the business development of Samsung’s latest fintech innovation, Samsung Pay. He also leads the partnership with developer eco-system as well as the well established internet service providers in greater China region. ","briefEn":"Roger Chen is a vice president responsible for the strategy, development, and delivery of content and service business portfolio on Samsung mobile devices in China market. He manages the service operation of Galaxy Apps, Samsung’s application store, and other media services as well as the business development of Samsung’s latest fintech innovation, Samsung Pay. He also leads the partnership with developer eco-system as well as the well established internet service providers in greater China region. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/roger-chen-b648161/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":5},{"speakerId":154,"NameTw":"Zane Moi","NameEn":"Zane Moi","JobTitleTw":"Head of Business Development-HKT, Amazon","JobTitleEn":"Head of Business Development-HKT, Amazon","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705060130428362.jpg","briefTw":"Zane leads AWS’ business development organization for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, which includes responsibilities around local business development, systems integrator and technology ecosystem partnerships. Prior to AWS, Zane founded a Big Data Analytics and Visualization startup called TreeCrunch and also spent over a decade at smartphone maker BlackBerry where he held leadership positions in Canada, Australia and Hong Kong, most recently as their Regional Director for Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea. He has a BA (Hons) in Economics from Wilfrid Laurier University and an MBA (Distinction) from the University of Hong Kong.","briefEn":"Zane leads AWS’ business development organization for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, which includes responsibilities around local business development, systems integrator and technology ecosystem partnerships. Prior to AWS, Zane founded a Big Data Analytics and Visualization startup called TreeCrunch and also spent over a decade at smartphone maker BlackBerry where he held leadership positions in Canada, Australia and Hong Kong, most recently as their Regional Director for Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea. He has a BA (Hons) in Economics from Wilfrid Laurier University and an MBA (Distinction) from the University of Hong Kong.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/zanemoi/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":18},{"speakerId":156,"NameTw":"Hanno Brenner","NameEn":"Hanno Brenner","JobTitleTw":"Procurement of Innovation Management and Strategic, Audi","JobTitleEn":"Procurement of Innovation Management and Strategic, Audi","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705102322056348.jpg","briefTw":"Dr. Hanno Brenner has been responsible for innovation management within the procurement department at AUDI AG since January 2015. His actions focus on cooperation management regarding well-established automotive suppliers as well as newcomers such as start-ups. He also places strong emphasis on organizational and process management in order to continuously improve collaborations with these external partners. In 2009 Hanno achieved his doctorate degree in aerospace engineering after his studies at the Technical University of Munich, the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, and the German Aerospace Center (DLR). Parallel to that Hanno finished his business studies as Master of Science. Hanno joined the Volkswagen Group in 2010 and started as Technical Project Manager for small and mid-sized vehicles.\r\n","briefEn":"Dr. Hanno Brenner has been responsible for innovation management within the procurement department at AUDI AG since January 2015. His actions focus on cooperation management regarding well-established automotive suppliers as well as newcomers such as start-ups. He also places strong emphasis on organizational and process management in order to continuously improve collaborations with these external partners. In 2009 Hanno achieved his doctorate degree in aerospace engineering after his studies at the Technical University of Munich, the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, and the German Aerospace Center (DLR). Parallel to that Hanno finished his business studies as Master of Science. Hanno joined the Volkswagen Group in 2010 and started as Technical Project Manager for small and mid-sized vehicles.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-hanno-brenner-5a92b08a/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":3},{"speakerId":159,"NameTw":"施立成","NameEn":"Vincent Shih","JobTitleTw":"微軟全球助理法務長暨台灣微軟公共暨法律事務部總經理","JobTitleEn":"Global Assistant General Counsel and GM of Corporate, External and Legal Affairs Microsoft Taiwan","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705201511254301.jpg","briefTw":"施立成律師現任微軟全球助理法務長及台灣微軟公共暨法律事務部總經理,除參與微軟大中華區公共事務外,並負責台灣微軟資訊產業發展政策、統籌公益活動、推廣智財權及資訊安全管理等公共事務,為政府政策及公協會對應窗口,同時亦為公司提供涵括合約及授權方案、訴訟及非訟等全方位法律服務,並擔任公司治理委員會之主要成員以具體實踐公司治理及企業公民願景。除頻繁往來大中華區外,施律師亦曾獲選加入微軟全球 GEO-Rotation Program,輪調至微軟西雅圖總部智慧財產部(IPG)實際參與微軟全球智慧財產權管理及策略擬訂。","briefEn":"Vincent is responsible for leading the Corporate, External, and Legal Affairs (CELA) group in providing full scale support on IT industry policy engagement, corporate social responsibility, and serving as the main contact on government relationship and industry associations for Microsoft Taiwan and Microsoft GCR Regional Sales Group. He also leads the team providing full range of legal support on commercial and licensing transactions, IPR and cybersecurity strategy, as well as litigation and Fair Trade Law related issues. Vincent also serves as the key member of Microsoft Taiwan Corporate Governance Committee to fulfil the vision of Corporate Governance, CSR and Citizenship. In addition to supporting Greater China Region projects, Vincent has also been selected to join Microsoft GEO-Rotation program and worked in Microsoft Intellectual Property Group based in Seattle headquarter to further obtain hands-on experience on global IPR management and strategy.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/vishih/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":21},{"speakerId":160,"NameTw":"Jeffrey Liu","NameEn":"Jeffrey Liu","JobTitleTw":"Member of the IBM Academy of Technology and IBM Master Inventor","JobTitleEn":"Member of the IBM Academy of Technology and IBM Master Inventor","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705201513578068.jpg","briefTw":" Jeffrey is a senior developer and architect from IBM with rich experience in Watson and robot solutions. He has 10 years experience building high performance enterprise appliances and leading incubation projects, from inception to production. He is a member of IBM Academic of Technology, a IBM Master Inventor with 30+ filed US patents, and a Bluemix Evangelist. As a robot enthusiast, he maintains an open source project called Humix that provides a framework for cloud-brained robot of any kind. He runs when he is not in front of his editor.","briefEn":" Jeffrey is a senior developer and architect from IBM with rich experience in Watson and robot solutions. He has 10 years experience building high performance enterprise appliances and leading incubation projects, from inception to production. He is a member of IBM Academic of Technology, a IBM Master Inventor with 30+ filed US patents, and a Bluemix Evangelist. As a robot enthusiast, he maintains an open source project called Humix that provides a framework for cloud-brained robot of any kind. He runs when he is not in front of his editor.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffreychliu/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":17},{"speakerId":162,"NameTw":"王定愷","NameEn":"Robert Wang","JobTitleTw":"數位智慧服務推動聯盟會長","JobTitleEn":"President of Digital Intelligence Service Alliance","profilePicPath":"/2017/_uploads/201705281241146411.jpg","briefTw":"數位智慧服務推動聯盟會長President of Digital Intelligence Service Alliance暨InnoVEX主辦單位之一台北市電腦公會顧問王定愷先⽣具有豐富的上市、上櫃公司董事會、派駐海外以及美商跨國企業的全球⾏銷與營運管理經驗。經歷企業職務包括科技公司董事⾧、事業部總經理、上市櫃公司董事、獨⽴董事、海外分公司總經理、⾏銷業務總監等。任職美商Intel⼗餘年,擔任亞太地區業務總監,負責統領Intel亞太地區品牌事業,後被任命為Wimax辦公室總監,與兩岸產官學研各界在通訊領域有深⼊的合作。王先⽣亦擔任公協會、法⼈顧問多年,對於資、通訊產業⽣態、政策與兩岸通訊產業合作與發展有深⼊的了解。近年來致⼒推動⾏動運算、雲端與物聯網的跨產業整合與創新應⽤發展。除服務於業界國內外公司⼆⼗餘年之外,王定愷先⽣亦經常受邀並活躍於國內、外資通訊產業之相關活動。2013年初獲經濟部之邀請,代表臺灣⾸次參加共有20個會員國的亞太資通訊聯盟暨創新競賽(APICTA)擔任執⾏委員,並以活動召集⼈⾝分負責推動辦理該活動2016年在台灣舉辦⼤受國內外好評。除獲總統蔡英⽂肯定親臨頒獎典禮致詞之外,APICTA亦被政府列為推動南向計畫的重要基⽯與橋樑。王先⽣多年來經常參與國內外各項app與創新應⽤競賽之輔導與評審⼯作,獲聘擔任國發基⾦天使計畫審議委員。擔任經濟部技術處相關科專案件的審查委員,同時參加政府訪問團擔任團⾧或團員出國多次,2017年更隨蔡總統英捷專案出訪中美洲友邦,亦於2017年智慧城市展全球電信營運商⼤會中擔任召集⼈,對於促進產業國際合作不遺餘⼒。王定愷先⽣近年來擔任宏碁公司⾃建雲應⽤事業單位總經理,推動該公司轉型並主導藍天計畫與新創產業合作頗為產業界所熟知。","briefEn":"Mr. Wang possesses extensive board level experience as board member and independent director of public listed companies. He too has rich international sales, marketing and operational experience of Multi-National Companies as executive at Intel in Asia Pacific region and ADI Corp. in Europe. He was previously the General Manager of BYOC (Build-Your-Own-Cloud) BU at Acer, the strategic transformation org for the corporate, focusing on global Cloud Computing, IoT, and Big Data integrated solution and services building with ecosystem partners. While working for Intel earlier, he managed to grow record 10X (~US$2.5B) revenue for Intel with Acer that as well made Acer the global top three PC brand. Mr. Wang also holds several industry community and NPO roles. He was nominated and has been working as policy advisor to the government at both cabinet and ministry level, chief consultant of TCA (Taipei Computer Association -- Computex host) heavily playing president or leadership roles in Smart City and Industry 4.0 alliance and activities, serving in different review boards for government grants, investment and representing Taiwan as Execution Committee Member in the Asia Pacific ICT Alliance (APICTA) which has participation from 20 member economies around the region.","fb":"http://www.facebook.com/robert.wang.taiwan","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":27},{"speakerId":163,"NameTw":"艾德里安娜.加斯科因","NameEn":"Adriana Gascoigne","JobTitleTw":"Girls In Tech創辦人兼CEO","JobTitleEn":"Founder & CEO of Girls In Tech ","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201803261651125682.jpg","briefTw":"Adriana是Girls in Tech (GIT)的創辦人兼執行長,GIT是世界上第一個關注青年年女性在技術和創業上的組織。在2007年時,因為自身在科技業時有了關鍵性的需求而成立了Girls in Tech,一個幫助女性在科學、技術、工程及數學等領域精進職業生涯的組織。Adriana過去曾在科技公司任職,像是Indiegogo、Involver (Oracle)擔任顧問、 Change.org、Social Gaming Network (SGN)、和 Algentis;領導GIT至今天的規模,已擁有十萬名會員在全球60分會,並在印度、科威特、奈及利亞、智利和日本等國家燃起女性從事科技的足跡。她的背景包括在Ogilvy & Mather, Interpublic Group of Companies 和 SecondMarket(最大的二手交易平台)擔任主要執行官的角色。Adriana是一位奇點大學 Impact Fellow獎學金的獲獎者,並擁有加利福尼亞大學戴維斯分校和墨西哥阿瓜斯卡連特斯蒙特雷分校的學位;同時,她也精通西班牙語。","briefEn":"Adriana is the Founder and CEO of Girls in Tech (GIT), the world’s first group focusing on Millennial women in technology and entrepreneurship. She created GIT in 2007 because of a crucial need she lacked herself at that time in her tech career - a support framework to help women advance their careers in STEM fields. Adriana, who has worked together with tech companies like Indiegogo, Involver (Oracle) as an advisor, Change.org, Social Gaming Network (SGN), and Algentis, and has led GIT to where it is today - with 100,000 members in 60 chapters across the world, and igniting women in tech movements into countries like India, Kuwait, Nigeria, Chile, and Japan. Her background includes key executive roles at Ogilvy & Mather, Interpublic Group of Companies and SecondMarket, the largest secondary trading platform. Adriana is a Singularity University Impact Fellow Scholarship Recipient and holds degrees from the University of California at Davis and El Tecnologico de Monterrey in Aguascalientes, Mexico. She is fluent in Spanish.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/adrianagascoigne/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":164,"NameTw":"安尼士.吾札曼","NameEn":"Anis Uzzaman","JobTitleTw":"菲諾克斯風險投資公司創辦人兼CEO","JobTitleEn":"CEO & General Partner of Fenox Venture Capital","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201803261655474869.jpg","briefTw":"安尼士・吾札曼為菲諾克斯風險投資公司的合夥創辦人。在服務於IBM及Cadence期間,領導管理團隊、実現了眾多的策略投資在軟件開發,微體電子和電子商務等領域。作為零售和科技部門的連續創業家、安尼士提供了籌款,營運和退出策略,輔導創業家。安尼士在美國,日本和東南亞已投資超過60家新創公司。他擁有日本東京工業大學科技開發工程學士。美國奧克拉荷馬州立大學工學院電氣資訊碩士。日本首都大學東京工學院資訊通信博士。","briefEn":"Anis Uzzaman, Ph.D is the General Partner and founding member of Fenox Venture Capital. He serves as the Chief Executive of the company, overlooking overall management and operations. As a leader of the IBM and Cadence Management Teams, Anis led numerous strategic investments in the software development, microelectronics, and e-commerce space. A serial entrepreneur in the retail and technological sectors, Anis provides mentorship in fundraising, operations, and exit strategy to entrepreneurs. Anis has invested in over 60 startups in the United States, Japan, and South East Asia. He holds a B.Eng. degree from Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan, an M.S. in Engineering from Oklahoma State University, and a Ph.D in Computer Engineering from Tokyo Metropolitan University in Tokyo, Japan. Anis is an honored guest speaker in international conferences, workshops and seminars, has published more than 30 technical papers, and is the author of the“Startup Bible”. ","fb":"http://www.facebook.com/anis.uzzaman.37","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/anisuzzaman","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":165,"NameTw":"斎藤佑馬","NameEn":"Yuma Saito","JobTitleTw":"Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support事業統括本部長","JobTitleEn":"Founder & General Director of Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201803261700446819.jpg","briefTw":"斎藤先生擁有審計相關的背景,他發覺他對新創支持的熱情並於2010年成立Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support。Tohmatsu Venture Support從一人公司已成長到全球超過150人。在他對於新創生態圈的投入中,他成立了每週早晨的發表活動-Morning Pitch,促成15個IPO公司和超過200個企業聯盟。斎藤先生支持了超過三千多家日本的新創公司,為超過五百多家大型公司帶來新事業;也為政府機關制定相關政策。斎藤先生曾被選為日本Nikkei最具影響力的人物,經常在日本多家主要的新聞媒體上露出;也在國家級新創活動進行主題演講,像是南韓的Sisa start-up論壇。","briefEn":"Coming from audit background, Yuma found his passion in supporting startups and founded Tohmatsu Venture support inside Deloitte in 2010. The company has since grown from one person to over 150 people globally. He is the pioneer of Deloitte Startup Support Business. He founded Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support in 2010. The company has grown from one person to 150+. In his Startup Ecosystem Development, he had originated Morning Pitch, an early-morning weekly pitch event that has contributed to 15 IPOs and over 200 business alliances. Engaged in support of over 3,000 startups in Japan, new business creation for over 500 large corporations and policymaking for government agencies. For his personal public appearances, he was selected on Nikkei Most Influential People in Japan list. Several newspaper appearances in major Japanese newspapers. Given keynote speeches in national startup events, Sisa start-up forum (South Korea) and more.\r\n","fb":"http://www.facebook.com/saito.yuma","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/yuma-saito-58743233/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":169,"NameTw":"Noa Lifshitz","NameEn":"Noa Lifshitz","JobTitleTw":"諾瑪國際行銷顧問公司執行長","JobTitleEn":"CEO of Noa's Mark","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201803311126358426.jpg","briefTw":"Noa來自新創之國「以色列」。她就學於以色列開放大學,專攻商業心理分析,擁有超過10年國際行銷經驗,為以色列知名企業,如Perion、Glil On、Wineways、Pandoor,建立品牌,行銷全世界。3年前,Noa在特拉維夫創立諾瑪國際行銷顧問公司,幫助企業透過強而有力的行銷手法,帶動銷售增長。1年半前,因客戶的推薦,她來到台灣。一方面,她的國際行銷專業,為傳統的中小企業,重新取得競爭市場上的觀注。另一方面,她的猶太創業家精神,以剛滿30歲的女性創業家身份,為台灣的新創圈,帶來全新的創業家形象。","briefEn":"Noa's Mark founder and CEO Noa Lifshitz has over 10 years of marketing experience and has worked with numerous Israeli companies helping them achieve their business goals. \r\n At Noa's Mark, she now consults for companies in Taiwan, China, Singapore, and Israel on their business plans, marketing strategies, and fundraising campaigns, and has helped Asian companies raise millions of dollars from international VCs. Coming from the startup nation of Israel, Noa teaches ambitious entrepreneurs how to efficiently communicate with diverse audiences around the world as well as how to build effective ventures that not only raise funds but also achieve long-term success. She studied psychology in the Open University of Israel, managed a sales division for Israel’s largest paper manufacturer (Glil On), was a manager at a premium wines store chain (Wineways). assistant to Marketing VP, in charge of business partnerships, content marketing, and B2C sales for Israel’s leading interior doors manufacturer (Pandoor), marketing manager for Perion (TLV: PERI), one of Israel’s leading tech companies. She has a total of 12 years’ experience in sales, marketing, and business development; and pro bono work with young startups, animal rights organizations and other charity organizations.\r\n","fb":"https://www.facebook.com/NoasMark?_rdr=p","twitter":"http://twitter.com/Noas_Mark","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/company/noa'smark","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":170,"NameTw":"廖家欣","NameEn":"Kelly Liao","JobTitleTw":"創業家兄弟共同創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Co-Founder of KuoBrothers Corp.","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804031602328904.jpg","briefTw":"廖家欣為台灣女性企業家,連續創業家,現為台灣電子商務領域上櫃公司-創業家兄弟共同創辦人,畢業於台灣大學工商管理學系,創業前曾任職遠傳電信以及系統資訊整合產業,有豐富的業務和行銷通路等產業實務經驗。加入地圖日記帶領團隊在台灣快速打開知名度,有效獲取會員和流量躍升為台灣第三大社群網站,挾百萬會員和龐大流量之姿,次年被美國最大團購網Groupon併購,擔任Groupon Taiwan策略行銷副總經理。爾後與家人共同成立的創業家兄弟,從成立到上只花四年,創下台灣電商網站最快IPO的公司,2017年營收達37億。","briefEn":"Kelly is a Taiwan famous female serial entrepreneur. She graduated from National Taiwan University. Kelly joined the Atlaspost.com, under her leadership, this company envolved as top 3 social network website in Taiwan. The company was acquired by Groupon. \r\nShe became the co-founder and CMO of Grupon Taiwan. After that, she founded the Kuobrothers Corp. with her husband (Andy Kuo) and his family. Kuobrothers made its official IPO in Taiwan’s capital market and reaches 100 millions USD in 2017.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":171,"NameTw":"葉妍伶","NameEn":"Renee Yeh","JobTitleTw":"首席會議口譯","JobTitleEn":"Lead Interpreter/Translator","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804101742575370.jpeg","briefTw":"她這一輩子都在當翻譯。擔任專業會議口譯員的時候讓中英文的講者觀眾可以互相理解;貓咪行為學讓她學會觀察理解貓與人的互動;最近兩年去矽谷創業,把台灣的阿福管家帶到全世界,將用戶的需求詮釋成電腦語言。阿福管家為矽谷500 startups第12期培育之團隊。","briefEn":"Renee is a serial founder and an experienced interpreter. She masters the art of storytelling to communicate big ideas. Appreciates discussions about: startups, entrepreneurship, making technologies accessible, making technologies friendly, turning users into evangelists, just to name a few.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/reneeyeh/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":172,"NameTw":"唐琦","NameEn":"Stephanie Tang","JobTitleTw":"Rookie Fund執行總監","JobTitleEn":"Managing Director of Rookie Fund","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804110846561683.jpg","briefTw":"唐琦是Rookie Fund的執行總監,負責台灣與廈門兩個駐點的營運,也入選了2018年富比世30歲以下菁英青年排行。加入Rookie Fund之前,唐琦曾就職於宏達電VR部門(HTC VIVE) 虛擬實鏡創投聯盟的經理,負責為全球的投資大會篩選去路演的VR新創公司,尋找中早期項目投資。此前曾在教育科技新創 Zoodles 專注於事業開發以及使用者經驗兩個領域。唐琦擁有於美國Oberlin College主修經濟的學士學位。","briefEn":"Stephanie is a recent Forbes 30 Under 30 honoree of 2018 and Managing Director at Rookie Fund, a student-run venture fund investing in the best student startups in Asia. She oversees recruiting and curriculum, provides guidance to the Rookies in investment and portfolio management, and maintains and grows the mentor network. She was formerly Manager of the Virtual Reality Venture Capital Alliance at HTC Vive, a venture alliance focusing on VR investments. Prior to that, she handled Business Development for Zoodles, an edtech startup. She has a BA in Economics from Oberlin College and is a recent honoree of Forbes' 30 under 30 Asia, 2018.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/sttang/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":173,"NameTw":"徐嫚均","NameEn":"Amanda Hsu","JobTitleTw":"Shape Prototype執行合夥人暨Women in IoT共同合辦人","JobTitleEn":"Managing Partner of Shape Prototype & Co-Founder of Women in IoT ","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804121253577218.jpg","briefTw":"Amanda是Shape Prototype的執行合夥人, 這三年以來, 她將重心放在硬體新創企業上,為他們提供產品的解決方案。他帶領的團隊已幫助超過100個來自不同國家的硬體新創製作產品原型和小量生產。在這之前,他曾在深圳的台商製廠做專案經理,負責美國Fortune500客戶的項目管理。他畢業於英國里茲大學行銷管理碩士,回到亞洲前,他在英國克夏郡的科技化工公司做B2B的營銷管理。","briefEn":"In the past 3 years, Amanda led a product management team helping over 100 tech & IoT startups worldwide in product solutions. Prior to this, she was a lead project manager based in Shenzhen, responsible for projects from Fortune 500 companies. Before working in Asia, she had worked in the UK as a B2B marketing specialist in a multinational industry manufacturer. She graduated from Leeds Business School with a MSc in Marketing Management. She is passionate about entrepreneurship. She believes technology can positively change lives, and her work is to be one of the enablers to push things happen.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/nihaoamanda/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":174,"NameTw":"吳采頤","NameEn":"Tsai-Yi (Iris) Wu","JobTitleTw":"Ambidio創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Founder of Ambidio","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804191705236107.jpg","briefTw":"吳采頤是Ambidio的創辦人及創意發想人。大學主修台北醫學大學醫技系,碩士攻讀紐約大學音樂系。吳采頤曾獲選為Prestige雜誌40 under 40青年創業家、Tatler亞洲50大新興創科技之星,並受邀擔任TEDx講者。吳采頤相信各種將聲音結合可能性、不斷地創造對聲音不同的經驗與震撼。","briefEn":"Tsai-Yi (Iris) Wu is the founder and idea generator of Ambidio. She studied medical technology at Taipei Medical University and has a Master’s Degree in Music Technology from New York University. Iris was listed on 40 Under 40 by Prestige, Asia’s Top 50 Rising Tech Stars by Tatler, and a TEDx speaker. She continues to believe in the relentless pursuit of creating different ways to experience sound.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/tsaiyiwu/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":175,"NameTw":"Sean Moss-Pultz","NameEn":"Sean Moss-Pultz","JobTitleTw":"Bitmark共同創辦人兼執行長","JobTitleEn":"Co-Founder & CEO of Bitmark","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804191728227235.jpg","briefTw":"Sean Moss-Pultz是開發區塊練相關的消費性電子商品,以及網路服務的專家。他大學畢業於美國加州聖地牙哥大學,主修數學及物理。創辦Bitmark公司以前,他曾是EMQ有限公司資深總監(提供安全及便宜的跨國基金轉換服務的新創公司),也曾成立Openmoko公司擔任執行長。Sean Moss-Pultz被認為是開放原始碼硬體的先驅,旗下帶領的Bitmark公司有80位員工,目標將成為繼iPhone及安卓智慧型手機之後,開發出第一個引領風潮開放原始碼智慧手機。","briefEn":"Sean Moss-Pultz is an expert in developing technology for consumer electronics and Internet services – with a focus on blockchain related projects. He graduated from U.C. San Diego with bachelor's degrees in mathematics and physics. Prior to Bitmark Inc., he was a senior executive for EMQ Limited, a financial technology startup which provides secure and lower cost method for transferring funds internationally. Moss-Pultz also launched and was CEO of Openmoko Inc. Recognized as a pioneer of open source hardware, Moss-Pultz led a staff of 80 people to build the first open source phone, a precursor to iPhone and Android smartphones.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/sean-moss-pultz/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":176,"NameTw":"許永真","NameEn":"Jane Hsu","JobTitleTw":"臺大智慧聯網創新研究中心主任","JobTitleEn":"Director of IOX Center NTU","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804201113228264.jpg","briefTw":"許永真教授現任於臺大資訊工程學系暨網路與多媒體研究所,兼臺大智慧聯網創新研究中心(前Intel-臺大創新研究中心)主任,並曾擔任臺大資訊系主任與台灣人工智慧學會理事長。許教授致力於人工智慧研究領域逾三十年,研究主題含智慧型多代理人、資料分析與知識建構、常識運算、感知服務、及智慧型物聯網技術。 近年來積極進行跨國、跨校、跨領域、跨產學之物聯網技術研發,應用於智慧農業、智慧運輸、與智慧家庭。成功取得與英特爾實驗室第二階段的合作,進行擴充智慧人機互動於智慧製造之研究,並推展與國內科技製造大廠合作。活躍於國際學術領域,擔任IEEE iThings, AAAI SocialNLP Workshop, TAAI等國際會議的議程主席; 以及Intelligent Data Analysis, Service-Oriented Computing and Applications, JISE等國際期刊之編輯委員。許教授目前於資訊系開授人工智慧相關課程,並合授網媒所「物聯網產品設計與創新」、創新設計學院「智齡設計—老人科技福祉專題」,透過跨領域合作來激發學生創新思考與前瞻技術實現。","briefEn":"Jane Hsu is a Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Taiwan University, where she served as the Department Chair from 2011 to 2014. As the Director of the NTU IoX Center, Prof. Hsu is leading the global research collaboration on Augmented Collective Beings and Internet of Things. With more than 30 years of experience in AI, her research interests include multiagent planning/learning, crowdsourcing, knowledge mining, commonsense computing, and context-aware smart IoT. Prof. Hsu served on the editorial board of Journal of Information Science and Engineering (2010-), International Journal of Service Oriented Computing and Applications (Springer, 2007-2009) and Intelligent Data Analysis (Elsevier/IOS Press, 1997-2002). She has been actively involved in international conferences of AAAI, IEEE, and ACM, and served as an executive member of the IEEE Technical Committee on E-Commerce (2000), the Taiwanese Association for Artificial Intelligence (2004-), and as TAAI President in 2013 and 2014. Prof. Hsu received the MSRA Collaborative Research Award, and Intel Labs Distinguished Collaborator Award in 2016.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":177,"NameTw":"Artur Kadurin","NameEn":"Artur Kadurin","JobTitleTw":"台灣英科智能公司執行長","JobTitleEn":"CEO of Insilico Taiwan","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804231053553160.jpg","briefTw":"Artur Kadurin是Insilico Medicine的首席AI長及Insilico Taiwan執行長。專精於資料科學、機器學習及深度學習。","briefEn":"Artur Kadurin is Chief AI Officer at Insilico Medicine, and CEO Insilico Taiwan - companies utilizing Deep Learning techniques for drug discovery and aging research. He has strong mathematical background and experience in all flavors of Data Science, Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Prior to Insilico Medicine, he worked at Mail.ru Group - one of the biggest European IT company as the lead data scientist, where he built from scratch user segmentation system for biggest in Russia advertising system.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":178,"NameTw":"李友專","NameEn":"Yu Chuan Jack Li","JobTitleTw":"臺北醫學大學醫學科技學院院長","JobTitleEn":"Dean of College of Medical Science and Technology TMU","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804231058284517.jpg","briefTw":"李友專,臺北醫學大學醫學科技學院院長,台灣醫學資訊協會榮譽理事長,台北市立萬芳醫院皮膚科主治醫師。2010年10月當選美國醫學資訊領域最高學術榮譽委員會――美國醫學資訊學院(ACMI)院士,成為唯一一位來自亞洲的院士,被稱為台灣醫學資訊之父。 ","briefEn":"Dr. Li is the Chief & Dermatologist,Division of Dermatology/Center for Cosmetic and Laser, Taipei Municipal Wanfang Hospital and Editor-in-Chief, International Journal for Quality in Health Care (published jointly by Oxford University Press and ISQua). In addition, he is also the editor-in-Chief, Journal of Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (an SCI scientific journal). \r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":183,"NameTw":"余凱文","NameEn":"Kevin Yu","JobTitleTw":"台灣創速創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Founder of Taiwan Accelerator","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804241157094683.jpg","briefTw":"余凱文於23歲開始創業,創辦過多家公司,其中一家是創投,曾為自己公司和多家新創企業籌融資超過3億美元。世界領先的投資人關係服務公司MZ集團之共同創辦人,協助14個國家超過600家企業上市及經營投資人關係。於2015年創立台灣首家投資人關係培訓中心IRTC,已培訓超過300位上市櫃企業主及高管。2016年10月創辦國內首家種子加速器台灣創速。","briefEn":"K. Yu is a serial entrepreneur since the age of 23, founded numerous companies (one of which was a VC firm), and has raised more than USD300 million for his own companies and other startups. Prior to TA, he is the co-founder of MZ Asia-Pacific, the world’s leading independent IR firm, helping more than 600 companies in 14 countries with public listing and investor relations management. In October 2016, Mr. Yu founded Taiwan Accelerator (TA) - the first seed accelerator in the region.","fb":"https://www.facebook.com/accelerator.tw/","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":184,"NameTw":"Andrew Tan","NameEn":"Andrew Tan","JobTitleTw":"TinkBig Venture創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Founder of TinkBig Venture","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804241440489119.jpg","briefTw":"Andrew is a serial entrepreneur and the founding partner in TinkBig Venture where he is managing partner of the firm’s investment and management team. He is also currently the CEO of CrowdPlus Asia, one of the 6 license holder for equity crowdfunding platform in Malaysia that is regulated by the Securities Commission of Malaysia. Prior to TinkBig, Andrew was chief business development officer and a financial-services investor at Appshack Asia. While at Appshack, he led investments in seven startup deals with other co VC. Prior to that, Andrew was a private-equity investor where he regularly advised his limited Partners on private-equity deals and fund formation. Before that he successfully listed his company at the MESDAQ Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur Securities Exchange where learned the intricacies of the stock market.","briefEn":"Andrew is a serial entrepreneur and the founding partner in TinkBig Venture where he is managing partner of the firm’s investment and management team. He is also currently the CEO of CrowdPlus Asia, one of the 6 license holder for equity crowdfunding platform in Malaysia that is regulated by the Securities Commission of Malaysia. Prior to TinkBig, Andrew was chief business development officer and a financial-services investor at Appshack Asia. While at Appshack, he led investments in seven startup deals with other co VC. Prior to that, Andrew was a private-equity investor where he regularly advised his limited Partners on private-equity deals and fund formation. Before that he successfully listed his company at the MESDAQ Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur Securities Exchange where learned the intricacies of the stock market.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/drewhesper/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":187,"NameTw":"Sansanee Huabsomboon","NameEn":"Sansanee Huabsomboon","JobTitleTw":"泰國NSTDA科技事業育成中心總監","JobTitleEn":"Director of Technology Business Incubation Center NSTDA Thailand","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804291228180661.jpg","briefTw":"From many years ’s experiences of fostering & incubating New Technology Entrepreneurs through Business Incubation Center of NSTDA. Being a judge committee and speaker of many stages of Technology Business competition and Startup pitching challenges of Domestic and International. Today Sansanee is one of the key person to set strategic move of Thailand about Startup ecosystem under Ministry of Science and Technology. She is one of “Startup Thailand” Core team to initiate new programs to strengthen Thai Startup and fulfil Thai Startup ecosystem and policy support.","briefEn":"From many years ’s experiences of fostering & incubating New Technology Entrepreneurs through Business Incubation Center of NSTDA. Being a judge committee and speaker of many stages of Technology Business competition and Startup pitching challenges of Domestic and International. Today Sansanee is one of the key person to set strategic move of Thailand about Startup ecosystem under Ministry of Science and Technology. She is one of “Startup Thailand” Core team to initiate new programs to strengthen Thai Startup and fulfil Thai Startup ecosystem and policy support.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":188,"NameTw":"黃經堯","NameEn":"Ching Yao Huang","JobTitleTw":"中華創業育成協會理事長","JobTitleEn":"Chairman of Chinese Business Incubation Association(CBIA)","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804241445077837.jpg","briefTw":"黃經堯理事長七十六年台大物理系畢業後,前往美國取得紐澤西理工學院電機碩士,接著取得羅格斯大學電子電腦工程博士,現交通大學電機學院副院長、台南分部主任、產業加速器暨專利開發策略中心主任。","briefEn":"Before joining NCTU in 2002, Dr. Huang was with Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies where he was a project leader of 3.5G cellular system development. Dr. Huang was the recipient of \"Bell Labs Team Award\" in 2003, \"Best Paper Award\" from IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference in 2004, and \"Outstanding Achievement Award\" from National Chiao Tung University in the years of 2007-2015. Besides Dr. Huang's academic achievement, Dr. Huang and his team were awarded the \"Best Industry Contribution\" from the Minister of Economic Affairs in 2013 due to the contribution in IPR management and innovation ecosystem. In 2013, Dr. Huang further established the first University Business Accelerator in Taiwan, called \"Center of Industry Accelerator and Patent Strategy\". With more than 50 universities participated, the center carries two national missions in both business acceleration for startups and IPR alliance. The center is UBI index (Sweden) ranked 7 global Incubator/accelerator in 2014 and 2015.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":190,"NameTw":"Phillip Kemp","NameEn":"Phillip Kemp","JobTitleTw":"澳洲Business Foundations Inc.執行長","JobTitleEn":"CEO of Business Foundations Inc. Australia ","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804241307327748.jpg","briefTw":"Phillip is the Chief Executive of Business Foundations Inc, a national business advisory, incubation and training organisation based in Western Australia. He holds key positions on a number of national boards and associations including being the Vice-President of the Asian Association of Business Incubation (AABI) and deputy chairman of Business Innovation and Incubation Australia (BIIA) and former Chairman of the organisation.","briefEn":"Phillip is the Chief Executive of Business Foundations Inc, a national business advisory, incubation and training organisation based in Western Australia. He holds key positions on a number of national boards and associations including being the Vice-President of the Asian Association of Business Incubation (AABI) and deputy chairman of Business Innovation and Incubation Australia (BIIA) and former Chairman of the organisation.","fb":"","twitter":"https://twitter.com/phil_kemp?lang=en","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/phillipkemp/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":191,"NameTw":"Rajendra Jagdale","NameEn":"Rajendra Jagdale","JobTitleTw":"印度浦那科學科技園區執行長暨處長","JobTitleEn":"Director General & CEO of Science and Technology Park Pune India","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804241310466279.jpg","briefTw":"Dr. Rajendra P.Jagdale, Ph.D. is a Director General of Science and Technology Park, a not for profit autonomous institute established by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India and it is hosted by University of Pune. The Park acts as a bridge between industries and academia to make available resources and expertise from academia, research and development labs to industries.\r\n\r\nDr. Rajendra Jagdale was instrumental in making Indian Universitirs ‘Technology Database that showcases some of the emerging technologies and potential of researchers from Indian Universities. This database was made for University Grants Commission, Govt. of India and supported by UN-Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT). Dr. Jagdale is a trainer in Entrepreneurship and mentor for several start-up companies and works closely with DST’s Technology Business Incubation and Innovation Management Programmes. His major areas of expertise are Urban e-transformation using Science and Technology tools, IT open source and freeware, Intellectual Property Management and Technology transfer, Business incubation and promoting Innovation driven cluster development.\r\n\r\nDue to his initiative Science and Technology Park developed and launched India’s most robust GIS based e-transformation called GISDA (GIS for Dynamic Administration).\r\n","briefEn":"Dr. Rajendra P.Jagdale, Ph.D. is a Director General of Science and Technology Park, a not for profit autonomous institute established by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India and it is hosted by University of Pune. The Park acts as a bridge between industries and academia to make available resources and expertise from academia, research and development labs to industries.\r\n\r\nDr. Rajendra Jagdale was instrumental in making Indian Universitirs ‘Technology Database that showcases some of the emerging technologies and potential of researchers from Indian Universities. This database was made for University Grants Commission, Govt. of India and supported by UN-Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT). Dr. Jagdale is a trainer in Entrepreneurship and mentor for several start-up companies and works closely with DST’s Technology Business Incubation and Innovation Management Programmes. His major areas of expertise are Urban e-transformation using Science and Technology tools, IT open source and freeware, Intellectual Property Management and Technology transfer, Business incubation and promoting Innovation driven cluster development.\r\n\r\nDue to his initiative Science and Technology Park developed and launched India’s most robust GIS based e-transformation called GISDA (GIS for Dynamic Administration).\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":192,"NameTw":"劉永道","NameEn":"Bruce Bateman","JobTitleTw":"光寶科技智能生活與應用事業群技術資深處長","JobTitleEn":"Chief Technology Advise of Smart Life & Application SBG LITE-ON","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804241318216659.jpg","briefTw":"Experienced Connected City technologist and designer now leading the drive for Smart City planning and technologies. Bruce has been a Serial Entrepreneur, Mentor, Angel Investor, Startup Advisor, Constant Traveler and Lover of Life with unique blend of technical, sales, marketing and customer service skills to help City Planners understand the social, financial benefits by deploying Appropriate technologies. It’s not about the technology it’s about solving a problem. Previous products / projects for the telecom, wearable, IoT, VR, M2M and enterprise industry. Excellent technical and analytic skills, extensive international experience in manufacturing and distribution, with an understanding of different cultures and business practices. Having started or been involved early stages of 9 startups, the experiences of success and failures has given Bruce an open and enlightened view of the startup world.","briefEn":"Experienced Connected City technologist and designer now leading the drive for Smart City planning and technologies. Bruce has been a Serial Entrepreneur, Mentor, Angel Investor, Startup Advisor, Constant Traveler and Lover of Life with unique blend of technical, sales, marketing and customer service skills to help City Planners understand the social, financial benefits by deploying Appropriate technologies. It’s not about the technology it’s about solving a problem. Previous products / projects for the telecom, wearable, IoT, VR, M2M and enterprise industry. Excellent technical and analytic skills, extensive international experience in manufacturing and distribution, with an understanding of different cultures and business practices. Having started or been involved early stages of 9 startups, the experiences of success and failures has given Bruce an open and enlightened view of the startup world.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/brucewbateman/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":193,"NameTw":"Jerry Damon Chang","NameEn":"Jerry Damon Chang","JobTitleTw":"SocialMatters創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Founder of SocialMatters","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804241320276721.jpg","briefTw":"Business Development Executive and Product Manager with 10 years experience creating web applications, dashboards and data algorithms. Concentration on social media data sets including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Focus in marketing-tech & ad-tech. 7 years of entrepreneurship experience as founder: Spring 2013 Fortify Ventures Accelerator Program, 2015 Capital Factory Incubator company, and 1776 member company in Washington, DC. Project management experience in web and embedded solutions, film and TV sets.\r\n","briefEn":"Business Development Executive and Product Manager with 10 years experience creating web applications, dashboards and data algorithms. Concentration on social media data sets including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Focus in marketing-tech & ad-tech. 7 years of entrepreneurship experience as founder: Spring 2013 Fortify Ventures Accelerator Program, 2015 Capital Factory Incubator company, and 1776 member company in Washington, DC. Project management experience in web and embedded solutions, film and TV sets.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/jerrydamonchang/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":195,"NameTw":"Kevin Lin","NameEn":"Kevin Lin","JobTitleTw":"Twitch共同創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Co-Founder of Twitch","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804241523598131.jpg","briefTw":"Kevin Lin is a 2004 Yale graduate and Co-Founder of Twitch, the world’s leading social video service and community for video game culture and emerging content. He was instrumental in Twitch's 2011 launch when he joined Justin.tv in 2008. Kevin now leads Culture, Strategy, and Innovation, responsible for new Twitch programs including original content and corporate strategy. Currently, 15 million users gather daily to stream, watch, and chat.","briefEn":"Kevin Lin is a 2004 Yale graduate and Co-Founder of Twitch, the world’s leading social video service and community for video game culture and emerging content. He was instrumental in Twitch's 2011 launch when he joined Justin.tv in 2008. Kevin now leads Culture, Strategy, and Innovation, responsible for new Twitch programs including original content and corporate strategy. Currently, 15 million users gather daily to stream, watch, and chat.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinlin3/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":196,"NameTw":"Jinger Zeng","NameEn":"Jinger Zeng","JobTitleTw":"ARM創新計畫暨Auterion商業開發專員","JobTitleEn":"ARM Innovator and Business Development Specialist at Auterion","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804251545075394.jpg","briefTw":"Jinger Zeng 為一美國女性科學家與創業家,現居中國,她喜歡集思廣益,並使用科技解決問題。\r\n她的背景為機械工程,她在內華達州大學求學期間,她曾帶領開發全太陽能發電房屋,並獲得兩項國際大獎。接著她在2014年成立了Dronesmith科技公司,專為企業開發軟硬體設施。她也是女性新創IOT科技之星實驗室的創辦人之一,在2016年她獲選日本前五大傑出年輕女性。她的經歷包括產品,行銷,商業開發及管理。她也是開放式資源的天使投之人,專長為跨領域創新。她現職於瑞士Auterion新創公司,致力建置亞洲跨平台社群。\r\n","briefEn":"Jinger Zeng is a technologist and entrepreneur from United States currently living in Mainland China. She loves to bring people together to solve meaningful problems using technology. \r\n\r\nShe is a mechanical engineer by training, and led a team in the development and realization of a net-zero solar house that won international award when she was at University of Nevada Las Vegas. She then co-founded Dronesmith Technologies in 2014, a company that develops drone hardware and software for developers and corporates. She is an alumni founder of two accelerators - Women’s Startup Lab and Techstars IoT. In 2016, she is one of the five “Outstanding Young Persons” honorees of Japan. Her experience spans across product, marketing, business development, and management. She is an evangelist of open source and maker movement, and specializes in cross-boarder innovation projects. Currently, she works for Swiss startup Auterion, heading its platform adoption and community building in Asia. \r\n","fb":"","twitter":"https://twitter.com/zengjinger","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/jingerzeng/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":197,"NameTw":"Ed Deng","NameEn":"Ed Deng","JobTitleTw":"智抗糖 (Health2Sync)執行長兼共同創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Co-Founder & CEO of Health2Sync Inc.","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804251549037299.jpg","briefTw":"Ed Deng is the Co-Founder and CEO of Health2Sync; he co-founded Health2Sync after witnessing many in his family battle diabetes and learning what works in managing diabetes. Prior to Health2Sync, Ed was Chief marketing Officer of Hesine Technologies, and end-to-end push-platform for mobile devices, which was acquired by NQ Mobile. Ed started his career as an Investment Banker at Lehman Brothers’ Technology Mergers & Acquisitions Group in Palo Alto, CA. Ed obtained a BS in Finance from McIntire School of Commerce at The University of Virginia.","briefEn":"Ed Deng is the Co-Founder and CEO of Health2Sync; he co-founded Health2Sync after witnessing many in his family battle diabetes and learning what works in managing diabetes. Prior to Health2Sync, Ed was Chief marketing Officer of Hesine Technologies, and end-to-end push-platform for mobile devices, which was acquired by NQ Mobile. Ed started his career as an Investment Banker at Lehman Brothers’ Technology Mergers & Acquisitions Group in Palo Alto, CA. Ed obtained a BS in Finance from McIntire School of Commerce at The University of Virginia.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/ed-deng-048a38/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":198,"NameTw":"吳柏蒼","NameEn":"Pochang Wu","JobTitleTw":"KKFARM共同創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Co-Founder of KKFARM","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804251551450271.jpg","briefTw":"回聲樂團主唱、台灣第一個DRM Free MP3線上音樂商店iNDIEVOX創辦人。","briefEn":"Co-founder of KKFARM, Lead vocalist of Echo, founder of iNDIEVOX, the first DRM Free MP3 online music store in Taiwan.","fb":"https://www.facebook.com/echo.pochang/","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":200,"NameTw":"許仲言","NameEn":"Mars Hsu","JobTitleTw":"台灣IBM公司雲端運算事業部總經理","JobTitleEn":"Business Executive of IBM Cloud IBM Taiwan","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804270924272736.jpg","briefTw":"許仲言先生於 2016年 1月起擔任台灣 IBM 公司雲端運算事業部總經理,負責擬定 IBM 雲端平台策略,打造完整雲端生態體系,同時協助既有系統中介軟體客戶轉型至認知運算平台,推動 IBM Bluemix 成為市場首選雲端平台。\r\n許仲言先生擁有政治大學經濟學士學位,與英國西敏大學國際經濟碩士學位。\r\n","briefEn":"Mars Hsu is in charge of Cloud business of IBM Taiwan, overlooking IBM Cloud strategy and ecosystem development. He manages the functions of sales, marketing, technical and operation to fuel IBM’s core business growth, and carries out the mission to make IBM Cloud the leading cloud platform in the market. He also dedicates to assisting enterprises’ digital transformation by deploying cognitive computing platform.\r\n\r\nPrior to this role, Mars is the senior sales manager of IBM middleware, responsible for strategic planning, go-to-market, marketing and branding, as well as customer services. He has been working with enterprises across various industries to lead strategic transformation and disruptive innovation with his rich experience in financial services, IT architecture, and industry reinvention. Mars was awarded of a number of recognitions including “Best Sales Manager of Greater China Group” in 2105 and “Hundred Percent Club” along his carrier in IBM.\r\n\r\nMars obtained Bachelor of Economics at National Cheng Chi University and Master of International Economics at University of Westminster","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/mars-hsu-2b659b10/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":201,"NameTw":"張仁炯","NameEn":"Michael J Chang","JobTitleTw":"微軟台灣 A.I.研發中心執行長","JobTitleEn":"Director of Artificial Intelligence Research & Development Center Microsoft","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805161630452530.jpg","briefTw":"張仁炯現職為微軟台灣 AI 研發中心執行長,負責微軟在台設立AI研發中心。他曾任微軟亞洲工程院副院長、微軟Office事業部 Microsoft Office 大中華區研發總經理等職務,負責微軟Office事業部在東亞地區與大中華區產品研究開發的協調工作,與Office產品開發的專案管理;並曾負責 Office Online、Office 365 Services 大資料運算、Office Extensibility、雲端與移動端軟體產品開發、SharePoint Online、與跨平台開發平台的研究開發工作。\r\n張仁炯於1996年畢業於紐約州立大學石溪分校 (State University of New York at Stony Brook)、取得碩士學位,翌年以校園招聘管道加入美國微軟,曾任軟體測試開發工程師、軟體測試經理、軟體測試部門經理、測試協理、副總經理等職務,參與Project 98、 Word 2000、Word 2002、與OneNote 2003 的研發工作。張仁炯於2004年申請調職到台灣,加入大中華區 Office 研發團隊,參與帶領Microsoft Office 在東亞地區的產品開發,並完成Office2007、Office2010、Office2012、Office2013、Office2016與SharePoint Online/Office365產品開發工作。\r\n張仁炯曾管理台北與北京的Office研發團隊,與在東京、台北、北京、美國、印度、和都柏林的八千餘位研發人員的Office研發團隊合作,負責協調大中華區、東亞地區與美國總部的產品開發進度,實際負責產品架構設計與產品研發方向與專案流程管理,與國際團隊共同開發下一代的 Office 產品。\r\n除產品研發,團隊管理與專案協調外之外,他同時負責軟體工程卓越開發的工作與項目,並參與、負責美國微軟與微軟亞太研發集團(ARD)的校園徵才,同時擔任微軟面試主考官 (As-Appropriate Interviewer)的角色,協助微軟亞太研發集團做校園徵才、招募、及主持面試流程的工作。\r\n張仁炯的專長是大型軟體專案開發流程管理、軟體架構設計、軟體測試、與軟體自動測試,他擁有兩項軟體研發工具的美國專利,並經常應邀至學校與業界,演講軟體專案管理、軟體開發、開發流程、技術卓越、測試開發、企業管理、軟體自動化研發及測試、職涯計畫等有關題目。\r\n除了軟體開發領域之外,張仁炯目前亦擔任國立台灣科技大學工程學院兼任教授級業師專家。","briefEn":"Mr. Michael J. Chang is currently holding the position of Director General of Microsoft AI R&D Center in Taipei. Mr. Chang was formally the Director of Engineering of Software Technology Center in Asia before the assignment to set up the AI R&D Center in Taipei.\r\nOn top of his Office development charter, Mr. Chang also drove the China Incubation engineering efforts in Office Product Group. This unique team is experimenting the new Mobile Productivity Scenarios with WeChat and other mobile conversation platforms. \r\n\r\nGraduated from State University of New York at Stony Brook with Master of Science in 1996, Mr. Chang joined Microsoft Corp, Redmond, WA in 1997 as Campus Hire. Though he later relocated to Microsoft Taiwan in 2004 and Microsoft China in 2012, his career has always been within Office Product Family innovating for the best user experience, from Win32 clients, to Service Products, and to Online Services. He has been working on Project, Word, OneNote, Office Shared Engineering, SharePoint, Exchange, SharePoint Online, Exchange Online, Office365 Cloud Service Management, Big Data, Office ecoSystems/Extensibility, and Office Online.\r\n\r\nAs a senior Engineering Leader and 20 years of veteran in the corporation and Microsoft Office Products, Mr. Chang is also a Microsoft certified As-Appropriate Interviewer. He drove recruiting efforts in Greater China Region. Mr. Chang was invited by many world-class companies in the region to speak and consult their engineering and technology evolution efforts on behalf of Microsoft. In his spare time, he also teaches EMRD (Executive Master of Research and Development) post graduate program in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology as professional adjunct faculty. Mr. Chang holds two US patents on software development tooling and technology. His expertise is in large scale Software Project Management, Software Development and Process, Software Automation, Online Services Product Development (PaaS & SaaS) and Management, and Management Excellence.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-chang-b708a3/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":203,"NameTw":"湯漢林","NameEn":"Hanlin Tang","JobTitleTw":"Intel人工智慧產品事業群首席工程師","JobTitleEn":"Principal Engineer of Artificial Intelligence Products Group Intel Corporation","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805020902350940.jpg","briefTw":"Hanlin Tang, Ph.D. is a Principal Engineer at Intel’s AI Products Group, where he directs computer vision research and applications. His team is also responsible for algorithm-hardware co-design of next generation accelerators, and federal AI projects. Hanlin joined Intel from its acquisition of the deep learning startup Nervana Systems. At both Intel and Nervana, he has contributed to the development of deep learning frameworks, and deployed algorithms in domains ranging from remote sensing to computational neuroscience. Hanlin received his Ph.D. from Harvard University, where he applied recurrent neural networks to study the human visual system. His research has appeared in scientific journals such as Neuron, Scientific Reports, and eLife.","briefEn":"Hanlin Tang, Ph.D. is a Principal Engineer at Intel’s AI Products Group, where he directs computer vision research and applications. His team is also responsible for algorithm-hardware co-design of next generation accelerators, and federal AI projects. Hanlin joined Intel from its acquisition of the deep learning startup Nervana Systems. At both Intel and Nervana, he has contributed to the development of deep learning frameworks, and deployed algorithms in domains ranging from remote sensing to computational neuroscience. Hanlin received his Ph.D. from Harvard University, where he applied recurrent neural networks to study the human visual system. His research has appeared in scientific journals such as Neuron, Scientific Reports, and eLife.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/hanlintang/ ","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":205,"NameTw":"陳勁初","NameEn":"Jesse Chen","JobTitleTw":"國立成功大學國際產學聯盟執行長","JobTitleEn":"CEO of Global Academia & Industry Alliance NCKU","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805021701519988.jpg","briefTw":"1988年共同創立BusLogic,並擔任CEO直到1996年被收購(現在是IBM的一部分)。 1997年共同創立Maton Venture,並投資於33家科技公司,並有6次IPO和9次併購。1997年至1998年擔任美國西部(矽谷)分會主席。為台灣/華人社區發起並組織了第一屆華爾街風格的投資會議,來自台灣的150多位風投,香港,新加坡和日本出席了會議。\r\n1998年至2000年擔任蒙玉科技協會主席, 2013年成立SVT(台灣矽谷)天使,並擔任主席至2016年。啟動矽谷浸入式項目,邀請並選擇來自台灣的許多初創團隊,留在矽谷三個月,並提供指導支持。\r\n","briefEn":"Co-founded BusLogic in 1988 and served as CEO till it was acquired in 1996 (now part of IBM). BusLogic designed, produced & marketed ASIC, PC board and software for IT and storage industries. Investors received 60 times return in 6 years. Dick Kramlich of NEA was my board of director who was original Apple investor.\r\nCo-founded Maton Venture in 1997 and invested in 33 technology companies with 6 IPO and 9 M&A. All 6 CEO of the IPO were the founders of the companies. (AATI, ENVI, OVTI, OPLK, IET, SYSCAN)\r\nServed as Chairman of Monte Jade Science and Technology Association from 1998 to 2000 and its US West (Silicon Valley) Chapter from 1997 to 1998. Initiated and organized the first Wall Street style Investment Conference for the Taiwanese / Chinese community with over 150 VCs from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan attended.\r\nFounded SVT (Silicon Valley Taiwan) Angels in 2013 and served as Chairman till 2016.\r\n(Members include all major Silicon Valley Venture Capitalists from Taiwan.) Started the Silicon Valley Immersion Program invited and selected many start up teams from Taiwan to stay in Silicon Valley for 3 months with mentorship support.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":206,"NameTw":"Simon See","NameEn":"Simon See","JobTitleTw":"NVIDIA公司亞太區首席技術總監","JobTitleEn":"Senior Director of Solution Architecture & Engineering NVIDIA","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805021708395421.jpg","briefTw":"Simon See博士1993年英國Salford大學獲得數值分析博士學位,有近30年的高性能計算工業界和學術界的經驗:他曾在SGI、SUN、Oracle等公司擔任技術高管,2011年起擔任NVIDIA公司亞太區首席技術總監,負責研發管理及聯絡亞太區科研院所;他在新加坡南洋理工大學及新加坡高性能計算研究所擔任客座席位,他還是深圳華大基因的首席技術顧問和泰國KMUTT大學的兼職教授。Simon See博士于2010年初受聘成為上海交通大學的客座研究員。","briefEn":"Prof. Simon See is currently the Solution Architecture and Engineering Director and Chief Solution Architect for Nvidia AI Technology Center. He is also a Professor and Chief Scientific Computing Officer in Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Prof. See is also the Chief Scientific Computing Advisor for BGI (China) and has a position in NanyangTechnological University (Singapore) and King-Mong Kung University of Technology (Thailand). Prof See is currently involved in a number of smart city projects, especially in Singapore and China. His research interests are in the area of High Performance Computing, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, computational science, Applied Mathematics, and simulation methodology. Prof. See is also leading some of the AI initiatives in Asia Pacific. He has published over 200 papers in these areas and has won various awards. Prof. See is also a member of SIAM, IEEE, and IET. He also a committee member of more than 50 conferences.\r\nProf. See graduated from University of Salford (UK) with a Ph.D. in electrical engineering and numerical analysis in 1993. Prior to joining NVIDIA, Prof. See worked for SGI, DSO National Lab. of Singapore, IBM, International Simulation Ltd (UK), Sun Microsystems, and Oracle. He is also providing consultancy to a number of national research and supercomputing centers.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonsee/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":207,"NameTw":"Andrew Batten","NameEn":"Andrew Batten","JobTitleTw":"Hyperform Consulting 管理總監","JobTitleEn":"Managing Director of Hyperform Consulting","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805031822131043.jpg","briefTw":"Andrew Batten started his 30-year career with BT in the UK specializing in Product Development – also the topic of his MBA thesis. For the last 15 years he was based on APAC, providing consulting services before joining EY also as a Regional Director of Consulting. He now works as an Independent Consultant.","briefEn":"Andrew Batten started his 30-year career with BT in the UK specializing in Product Development – also the topic of his MBA thesis. For the last 15 years he was based on APAC, providing consulting services before joining EY also as a Regional Director of Consulting. He now works as an Independent Consultant.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":208,"NameTw":"傅立成","NameEn":"Li Chen Fu","JobTitleTw":"臺灣大學資訊工程學系特聘教授","JobTitleEn":"Distinguished Professor of Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering NTU","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805041008370472.jpg","briefTw":"傅立成教授於民國七十年自台大電機系畢業簼役畢後赴美國加州大學柏克萊分校攻讀電機電腦(EECS)博士學位畢業後於民國七十六年旋即返回台大母校電機系與資訊系任教簼並積極從事電機控制、機電整合、機器人及自動化、資訊科技和人 工智慧應用等相關之研究。起初學術的環境偏重教學但傅教授深感研究的優窳關係國家科技與國防的強盛與否,亦影響經濟的盛衰甚大,因而以高品質的教學獲得教育部頒贈「教學特優獎」,並積極投入研究工作,十數年如一日,從無間斷在國內、外的”控制領域”及“機器人與自動化領域”備受各界肯定。","briefEn":"Li-Chen Fu (F'04) received B.S. degree from National Taiwan University, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 1981, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A. in 1985 and 1987, respectively.\r\n Since 1987, he has been a member of the faculty, and is currently a full professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University (NTU), Taiwan, R.O.C. Currently, he serves as Director of NTU Center for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Advanced Robotics as well as Co-director of MOST (Ministry of Science and Technology)/NTU Joint Research Center for AI Technology and All Vista Healthcare. He was awarded Lifetime Distinguished Professorship from his university in 2007. He has received numerous academic recognitions, such as Distinguished Research Awards from National Science Council, Taiwan, R.O.C., the Irving T. Ho Chair Professorship, Macronix Chair Professorship, Academic Award from Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R.O.C., IEEE Fellow in 2004, and IFAC Fellow in 2017. He currently serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Asian Journal of Control as well as Vice-President of IEEE Control Systems Society. His research interests include robotics, smart home, visual detection and tracking, intelligent vehicle, production scheduling, virtual reality, and control theory & applications.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":209,"NameTw":"Rich Fuh","NameEn":"Rich Fuh","JobTitleTw":"科技部Taiwan Tech Arena計畫主持人","JobTitleEn":"Manager of Taiwan Tech Arena Ministry of Science and Technology","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805041402175341.jpg","briefTw":"Rich is responsible for Taiwan Tech Arena, a flagship tech startups ecosystem building program funded by Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan. Rich has\r\n\r\nextensive experience in tech industry from startups, local Taiwan company to Fortune Top 50 company in high tech area in Taiwan and US. Rich loves new things and have a big passion in working with people to use technology and innovation to make the world a better one. \r\n","briefEn":"Rich is responsible for Taiwan Tech Arena, a flagship tech startups ecosystem building program funded by Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan. Rich has\r\n\r\nextensive experience in tech industry from startups, local Taiwan company to Fortune Top 50 company in high tech area in Taiwan and US. Rich loves new things and have a big passion in working with people to use technology and innovation to make the world a better one. \r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":210,"NameTw":"陳凱爾","NameEn":"Kyle Chen","JobTitleTw":"數位時代創業小聚社群行銷總監","JobTitleEn":"Director of Community & Media Business Next Media Corp.","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805041406139286.jpg","briefTw":"2011年加入巨思文化,2014年起開始負責創業小聚社群,透過線下活動籌辦宇線上媒體經營,打造一個聚合台灣新創所需資金、資源與國際鏈結的機會平台,至今已藉由一對一採訪接觸超過500組團隊。重度網路成癮,樂於擁抱創新帶來的可能,並樂見新科技在跨領域可能創造的機會與新商業。2014年起協助籌辦Meet Taipei創新創業嘉年華,為台灣第一個多元化、跨領域、並且跨國交流的大型創業活動品牌,2017年創下3天、4大舞台、20場舞台節目與高達400組參展企業/新創參展記錄,其中包括100組國際新創。並且邀請超過70位國際級企業代表與投資人擔任演講人或者評審,共促成200組以上的投資人/新創媒合,總參觀人次高達68,800人次。","briefEn":"Joined Business Next Media Corp. as a marketing and event coordinator in 2011. Started to work as the community manager of Meet, the biggest startup community in Taiwan, also a platform for startup founders to find opportunities of investment, startup resources, and global network. Discovered more than 500 startup companies via one by one interviews.\r\nStarted to join the curation team of Meet Taipei Startup Festival, the first and biggest startup festival from local to global since 2014. In the 3 days event in 2017, there have been 400 booths (including 100 foreign startups), 20 different programs on 4 stages, 70+ global speakers and investors, 200+ sets of investor/startup match making, and 68,800 visits in total.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":211,"NameTw":"Kevin McSpadden","NameEn":"Kevin McSpadden","JobTitleTw":"新加坡科技媒體e27編輯","JobTitleEn":"Editor of e27","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805041408456953.jpg","briefTw":"畢業於香港大學,曾於TIME、 Reuters服務,於2015年進入e27擔任編輯,致力於推廣亞洲創新創業生態系。平時喜愛戶外活動,探索無限可能。","briefEn":"As the Editor at e27 his main focus is to steer the ship for content and make long-term decisions for the editorial side of the company. \r\n\r\nHe learned the journalism trade at the University of Hong Kong. Professionally, Kevin cut his teeth as a Production Assistant at Reuters and a reporting intern at TIME. In 2015 he took the leap of faith to move to an unknown city and begin working at e27. \r\n\r\nWhen not working, Kevin likes to spend time outdoors exploring as much as is reasonably possible.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":212,"NameTw":"Minesh Pore","NameEn":"Minesh Pore","JobTitleTw":"Head of Startup Launchpad at Global Sources","JobTitleEn":"Head of Startup Launchpad Global Sources","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805041503527204.jpg","briefTw":"Minesh is a highly regarded global trade expert with over 15 years’ experience leading multinational organizations in corporate transformation, business development, and strategic planning.\r\n\r\nMr. Pore is currently the Director of International Business at Global Sources and Head of Startup Launchpad (SULP), a division dedicated to developing the global startup ecosystem through business conferences, investor-focused events, mentoring, manufacturing and supply-chain expertise, and direct access to global buyers.\r\n\r\nStartup Launchpad organizes Asia’s largest hardware startup tradeshow in Hong Kong every spring and fall, offering exhibitors access to distribution, manufacturing and thought leadership. The show provides companies with access to 60,000+ distributors and some of the largest and most recognized retailers worldwide. \r\n","briefEn":"Minesh is a highly regarded global trade expert with over 15 years’ experience leading multinational organizations in corporate transformation, business development, and strategic planning.\r\n\r\nMr. Pore is currently the Director of International Business at Global Sources and Head of Startup Launchpad (SULP), a division dedicated to developing the global startup ecosystem through business conferences, investor-focused events, mentoring, manufacturing and supply-chain expertise, and direct access to global buyers.\r\n\r\nStartup Launchpad organizes Asia’s largest hardware startup tradeshow in Hong Kong every spring and fall, offering exhibitors access to distribution, manufacturing and thought leadership. The show provides companies with access to 60,000+ distributors and some of the largest and most recognized retailers worldwide. \r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/mineshpore/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":213,"NameTw":"游直翰","NameEn":"Chih Han Yu","JobTitleTw":"執行長暨共同創辦人Appier","JobTitleEn":"Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder of Appier","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805151122418540.JPG","briefTw":"游直翰帶領Appier的產品研發和業務團隊,運用人工智慧為客戶解決複雜的跨螢商業難題。游直翰在學術領域曾從事多個極具代表性的人工智慧專案,如:代表史丹佛大學參加美國國防部 DARPA無人駕駛自動車競賽以及參加機器狗(Little Dog)研發專案。","briefEn":"Yu leads Appier’s product development and business teams, building AI to make cross screen easy for clients. He worked on iconic AI projects such as Stanford’s DARPA Challenge self-driving car and Little Dog before leaving academia.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":214,"NameTw":"Tom Vanhoutte","NameEn":"Tom Vanhoutte","JobTitleTw":"Imec.xpand創辦人暨管理合夥人","JobTitleEn":"Founder & Managing Partner of Imec.xpand","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805081517596735.jpg","briefTw":"Tom Vanhoutte is the founder and managing partner of imec.xpand a Belgian based venture capital fund that turns nanotechnology innovation into global businesses. Tom is a strong believer in giving talented entrepreneurs access to all the tools necessary to build successful ventures. imec.xpand identifies high potential opportunities at a very early stage and matches them with the knowledge, expertise and infrastructure of imec, the world-leading R&D and innovation hub in nano-electronics and digital technologies. The imec.xpand team also believes in well-funded ventures from the very beginning so the entrepreneurs can focus on growing their business without having to worry about raising capital every few months. Prior to founding imec.xpand, Tom built 15 years of relevant private equity and venture capital experience at PwC in New York and at Capricorn Venture Partners where he was CFO, member of the management committee and member of the board. Tom holds a Master’s Degree in business engineering from the KU Leuven.","briefEn":"Tom Vanhoutte is the founder and managing partner of imec.xpand a Belgian based venture capital fund that turns nanotechnology innovation into global businesses. Tom is a strong believer in giving talented entrepreneurs access to all the tools necessary to build successful ventures. imec.xpand identifies high potential opportunities at a very early stage and matches them with the knowledge, expertise and infrastructure of imec, the world-leading R&D and innovation hub in nano-electronics and digital technologies. The imec.xpand team also believes in well-funded ventures from the very beginning so the entrepreneurs can focus on growing their business without having to worry about raising capital every few months. Prior to founding imec.xpand, Tom built 15 years of relevant private equity and venture capital experience at PwC in New York and at Capricorn Venture Partners where he was CFO, member of the management committee and member of the board. Tom holds a Master’s Degree in business engineering from the KU Leuven.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":215,"NameTw":"林清詠","NameEn":"Ching Yung Lin","JobTitleTw":"Graphen, Inc. 執行長暨哥倫比亞大學教授","JobTitleEn":"CEO of Graphen, Inc. & Professor of Columbia University","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805101007167168.JPG","briefTw":"林清詠博士是Graphen公司的首席執行官,該公司是一家致力於開發人工智慧的公司,尤其是針對金融服務行業和醫療保健行業的新型解決方案。 2017年6月之前,他曾擔任Graph Computing領域的IBM首席科學家,並擔任IBM傑出研究員。他在IBM T. J. Watson研究中心創建並領導了網絡科學與機器智能部門。他自2005年起一直擔任哥倫比亞大學的教授,同時還是華盛頓大學2003-2009的附屬教授和2014年紐約大學的兼職教授。","briefEn":"Dr. Ching-Yung Lin is the CEO of Graphen, Inc., a startup company dedicated to developing next-generation Artificial Intelligence technologies, especially for novel solutions in the Financial Services industry and the Healthcare industry. Before June 2017, He was the IBM Chief Scientist, in the area of Graph Computing, and an IBM Distinguished Researcher. He created and led the Network Science and Machine Intelligence Department in IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. He has been an Adjunct Professor at Columbia University since 2005 and was also an Affiliate Professor at the University of Washington 2003-2009 and an Adjunct Professor at NYU in 2014.","fb":"","twitter":"https://twitter.com/GraphenAI","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/company/graphenai/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":216,"NameTw":"王儷玲","NameEn":"Jennifer Wang","JobTitleTw":"國立政治大學副校長","JobTitleEn":"Vice President of National Cheng-Chi University ","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805081523048649.JPG","briefTw":"王儷玲教授是國立政治大學副校長、產學營運暨創新育成總中心營運長、風險與保險研究中心主任委員以及金融科技研究中心主任。她同時也是台灣風險與保險學會理事長、中華民國退休基金協會理事長及中華民國投信投顧公會理事。她曾擔任金融監督管理委員會主任委員、財團法人保險安定基金董事長以及政治大學商學院副院長。她是美國天普大學風險管理與保險學系博士,對於風險管理、金融市場、金融科技、長壽風險、退休基金投資管理、年金保險等議題都有深入研究。","briefEn":"Professor Jennifer Wang is the Distinguished Professor and Vice President at National Cheng-Chi University. She is the chairman of Fintech Research Center at National Cheng-Chi University. She is also the current President of Pension Funds Association in Taiwan. For the past three years, she has served as the Chairperson of the Financial Supervisory Commission in Taiwan. Professor Wang was also elected as a board member of both the American Risk and Insurance Association and the Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association. She was also the president of Taiwan Risk and Insurance Association (TRIA).","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":217,"NameTw":"Alessandro Gasparini","NameEn":"Alessandro Gasparini","JobTitleTw":"ImmerVision執行副總暨行銷總監","JobTitleEn":"Executive Vice President & Chief Commercial Officer of ImmerVersion","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805220902241361.jpg","briefTw":"Alessandro Gasparini is Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer of ImmerVision, the global experts in wide-angle imaging technology and intelligent vision. He has more than two decades of experience, including over 15 years in the emerging technology space, in the areas of corporate strategy, technology innovation, strategic management, business definition, planning and execution, and sales & marketing. \r\nAlessandro joined ImmerVision in 2005 as Chief Commercial Officer and was later appointed to Executive Vice President. He is responsible for leading ImmerVision’s commercial strategy, global presence, and overseeing the company’s expansion into new markets.\r\nBefore ImmerVision, Alessandro was Vice President of Strategic Alliances and Business Development at Polyplan Technologies until it was acquired by PTC, a strategic partner.\r\nWhen not traveling the world, Alessandro fulfills his passion for alpine skiing. He is a certified Canadian Ski Instructor, and coaches, mentors and certifies new instructors. Alessandro has a penchant for sport cars, especially convertibles and when he’s not driving he enjoys fine dining and great wines.","briefEn":"Alessandro Gasparini is Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer of ImmerVision, the global experts in wide-angle imaging technology and intelligent vision. He has more than two decades of experience, including over 15 years in the emerging technology space, in the areas of corporate strategy, technology innovation, strategic management, business definition, planning and execution, and sales & marketing. \r\nAlessandro joined ImmerVision in 2005 as Chief Commercial Officer and was later appointed to Executive Vice President. He is responsible for leading ImmerVision’s commercial strategy, global presence, and overseeing the company’s expansion into new markets.\r\nBefore ImmerVision, Alessandro was Vice President of Strategic Alliances and Business Development at Polyplan Technologies until it was acquired by PTC, a strategic partner.\r\nWhen not traveling the world, Alessandro fulfills his passion for alpine skiing. He is a certified Canadian Ski Instructor, and coaches, mentors and certifies new instructors. Alessandro has a penchant for sport cars, especially convertibles and when he’s not driving he enjoys fine dining and great wines.","fb":"https://www.facebook.com/ImmerVision-113594679218/","twitter":"https://twitter.com/ImmerVision","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":218,"NameTw":"Handol Kim","NameEn":"Handol Kim","JobTitleTw":"Quadrant總經理","JobTitleEn":"General Manager of Quadrant","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805220925336296.jpg","briefTw":"Handol is the General Manager of Quadrant, a D-Wave Business. Handol has 20+ years of technology business experience in cloud, virtualization, HPC, mobile and telecom software in Silicon Valley, Asia and Canada.","briefEn":"Handol is the General Manager of Quadrant, a D-Wave Business. Handol has 20+ years of technology business experience in cloud, virtualization, HPC, mobile and telecom software in Silicon Valley, Asia and Canada.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":219,"NameTw":"葉啟信","NameEn":"Casey Yeh","JobTitleTw":"中鼎集團創新研發長","JobTitleEn":"Head of Group Research & Innovation Center of CTCI","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805221035065877.jpg","briefTw":"葉啓信先生1984年畢業於國立成功大學航空系後在美國愛荷華大學得到工業工程與管理研究所的碩士。畢業後在矽谷開始了電腦軟體工程師的工作,負責工廠自動化,ERP,CRM, 金融服務多項系統和軟體硏發工作,曾任VISA的電腦軟體開發總監。因為對產品研發和新科技應用有很大興趣,開始轉到大型科技專案管理的工作,在Autodesk負責電腦雲端平台研發的專案,以及新科技的產品化。於2017年應中鼎集團公司邀請,返台擔任集團創研長的工作,負責創新硏發的工作。","briefEn":"Casey Yeh graduated from the Aviation Department of National Cheng Kung University in 1984 and received a master's degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from the University of Iowa. After graduating, he’s working for factory automation, ERP, CRM, financial services, and various systems and software development as a computer software engineer in Silicon Valley. He used to be the computer software development director of VISA. Then, he was responsible for the research and development of cloud and the new technology in Autodesk. In 2017, at the invitation of the CTCI Corporation, he returned to Taiwan to work as a research director and was responsible for the work of innovation and development.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":220,"NameTw":"Dr. Mario Urbina Cazenave","NameEn":"Dr. Mario Urbina Cazenave","JobTitleTw":"BMW集團首席 User Experience and Interaction Designer","JobTitleEn":"Lead User Experience & Interaction Design of BMW","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805221856473984.jpg","briefTw":"Mario Urbina Cazenave博士目前於BMW集團擔任首席使用者互動體驗設計師(lead UI/UX designer),負責包含BMW, MINI, 與Rolls-Royce品牌在車內或可攜式裝置上的iDrive 多媒體娛樂系統、觸控顯示介面,螢幕鑰匙、後座娛樂影音系統等互動裝置的設計與發想。專長於多媒體與人機互動等不同面向的開發,像是視線、語音、手勢的互動控制研發,或是視覺感知結合觸控系統的設計整合,為當代在智能互動領域中最傑出的專家。","briefEn":"","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":221,"NameTw":"Hironao Kunimitsu","NameEn":"Hironao Kunimitsu","JobTitleTw":"gumi Inc. 總裁暨執行長","JobTitleEn":"President & CEO of gumi Inc.","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805251534563110.jpg","briefTw":"Mr. Hironao Kunimitsu founded gumi Inc., in June 2007 and it started listing on first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in December, 2014. He has been its President since June 2007. Mr. Kunimitsu serves as Chief Executive Officer at Tokyo VR Startups. He joined Atmovie Inc. as a Company Director since May 2004. Mr. Kunimitsu produced movies and TV Dramas, and started ventures. He is a Director of inXile entertainment, Inc. Mr. Kunimitsu serves as a Director of gumi ventures. He has been Representative Director at gumi Inc. since June 2007. graduated from Santa Monica College.","briefEn":"Mr. Hironao Kunimitsu founded gumi Inc., in June 2007 and it started listing on first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in December, 2014. He has been its President since June 2007. Mr. Kunimitsu serves as Chief Executive Officer at Tokyo VR Startups. He joined Atmovie Inc. as a Company Director since May 2004. Mr. Kunimitsu produced movies and TV Dramas, and started ventures. He is a Director of inXile entertainment, Inc. Mr. Kunimitsu serves as a Director of gumi ventures. He has been Representative Director at gumi Inc. since June 2007. graduated from Santa Monica College.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":223,"NameTw":"Nils Beers","NameEn":"Nils Beers","JobTitleTw":"Startup Delta 總監","JobTitleEn":"Director of Startup Delta","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805251950263939.jpg","briefTw":"At the age of 22, Nils started his first company that built speedboats on solar power. After this, he was asked to develop new business for BAM, one of the largest construction companies of Europe with clients like Tesla, and he got another taste of the startup world by working for a well-funded scale up for electronic locking devices Clay. He then became the commercial director of Yes!Delft, the largest and most respected tech incubator of Europe. At StartupDelta Nils’ entrepreneurial mindset and commercial experience are essential in building the 1 innovation nation of Europe, together with corporates and leading policymakers.","briefEn":"At the age of 22, Nils started his first company that built speedboats on solar power. After this, he was asked to develop new business for BAM, one of the largest construction companies of Europe with clients like Tesla, and he got another taste of the startup world by working for a well-funded scale up for electronic locking devices Clay. He then became the commercial director of Yes!Delft, the largest and most respected tech incubator of Europe. At StartupDelta Nils’ entrepreneurial mindset and commercial experience are essential in building the 1 innovation nation of Europe, together with corporates and leading policymakers.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":224,"NameTw":"Andy Lürling","NameEn":"Andy Lürling","JobTitleTw":"LUMO Labs創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Founder of LUMO Labs","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805251951473825.jpg","briefTw":"Andy is a Dutch serial entrepreneur in the high tech and creative industries. After selling the shares of his company iOpener Media GmbH in Germany in 2011 he started to advise and support start-ups in the high tech and creative industries. Noticing the lack of early stage ‘risk’ capital available for start-ups in Western Europe, Andy founded LUMO labs, a so-called venture builder in 2016. LUMO Labs is a two year venture builder program that besides providing seed funding, actively supports entrepreneurs with a ''hands on'' approach. LUMO labs mission is to facilitate a vibrant ecosystem and stimulate cross-pollination between start-ups. Its focus markets are on big data/deep learning, AI, VR/AR/MR, Blockchain and Robotics/IoT. Andy also is fostering social impact by creating awareness of the need for heightened focus on sustainability as well as creating profitable businesses. Andy divides his time between the Eindhoven (The Netherlands) and Los Angeles (USA) where the first two LUMO Labs are located. Andy holds a degree in Information Management from the Zuyd University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands), and successfully completed the Master Class Technology, Strategy and Entrepreneurship at Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands).","briefEn":"Andy is a Dutch serial entrepreneur in the high tech and creative industries. After selling the shares of his company iOpener Media GmbH in Germany in 2011 he started to advise and support start-ups in the high tech and creative industries. Noticing the lack of early stage ‘risk’ capital available for start-ups in Western Europe, Andy founded LUMO labs, a so-called venture builder in 2016. LUMO Labs is a two year venture builder program that besides providing seed funding, actively supports entrepreneurs with a ''hands on'' approach. LUMO labs mission is to facilitate a vibrant ecosystem and stimulate cross-pollination between start-ups. Its focus markets are on big data/deep learning, AI, VR/AR/MR, Blockchain and Robotics/IoT. Andy also is fostering social impact by creating awareness of the need for heightened focus on sustainability as well as creating profitable businesses. Andy divides his time between the Eindhoven (The Netherlands) and Los Angeles (USA) where the first two LUMO Labs are located. Andy holds a degree in Information Management from the Zuyd University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands), and successfully completed the Master Class Technology, Strategy and Entrepreneurship at Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands).","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":225,"NameTw":"Dave Drach","NameEn":"Dave Drach","JobTitleTw":"Techstars經營策略部總經理","JobTitleEn":"Vice President of Corporate Strategy Techstars","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805280917040326.png","briefTw":"Dave Drach is Vice President of Corporate Strategy at Techstars where he helps entrepreneurs and corporates prosper together. With a small team at Techstars he created the first corporate backed, partnership driven, startup accelerator with the powered by Techstars model and has evolved that model into successful partnerships with corporations like Microsoft, Barclays, Disney, Google, Nike and Ford. Prior to Techstars Dave was a Managing Director in Microsoft’s Emerging Business Team, Microsoft’s venture arm. Prior to Microsoft he was with Great Plain Software and Boeing. He has an engineering degree from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and a master’s degree from Carnegie Mellon University. Dave enjoys building hotrods, playing a little golf and spending time with his family.","briefEn":"Dave Drach is Vice President of Corporate Strategy at Techstars where he helps entrepreneurs and corporates prosper together. With a small team at Techstars he created the first corporate backed, partnership driven, startup accelerator with the powered by Techstars model and has evolved that model into successful partnerships with corporations like Microsoft, Barclays, Disney, Google, Nike and Ford. Prior to Techstars Dave was a Managing Director in Microsoft’s Emerging Business Team, Microsoft’s venture arm. Prior to Microsoft he was with Great Plain Software and Boeing. He has an engineering degree from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and a master’s degree from Carnegie Mellon University. Dave enjoys building hotrods, playing a little golf and spending time with his family.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":226,"NameTw":"Edward Greve","NameEn":"Edward Greve","JobTitleTw":"IOTA Foundation首席工程師","JobTitleEn":"Head of Engineering IOTA Foundation","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805272104582582.jpeg","briefTw":"Edward Greve has been a software developer for a number of years, most recently at WillowTree Apps in North Carolina, where he worked on cutting edge digital products for nationally and internationally recognizable brands, such as CBC and National Geographic. His area of expertise is in full-stack web development, and he understands how to work with business partners to develop advanced cloud-based systems that support applications with a world-class user experience. Edward holds degrees in Mathematics and Physics from Rowan University and is fully self-taught in computer science. He is also a language enthusiast and polyglot, and he speaks fluent Mandarin Chinese, Dutch, and French in addition to conversational bits and pieces in a half-dozen other languages from around the world. He spent almost a decade living and working in Taiwan. Edward Greve has a wide range of experience from different regions and brings with him a varied skill set to the IOTA Foundation, and while his primary role will be full stack front-end development, he plays a key role in supporting the IOTA Foundation’s efforts on the ground in Asia to establish IOTA as a standard in the region for IoT and beyond. His polyglot abilities is also a very useful asset for obvious reasons.","briefEn":"Edward Greve has been a software developer for a number of years, most recently at WillowTree Apps in North Carolina, where he worked on cutting edge digital products for nationally and internationally recognizable brands, such as CBC and National Geographic. His area of expertise is in full-stack web development, and he understands how to work with business partners to develop advanced cloud-based systems that support applications with a world-class user experience. Edward holds degrees in Mathematics and Physics from Rowan University and is fully self-taught in computer science. He is also a language enthusiast and polyglot, and he speaks fluent Mandarin Chinese, Dutch, and French in addition to conversational bits and pieces in a half-dozen other languages from around the world. He spent almost a decade living and working in Taiwan. Edward Greve has a wide range of experience from different regions and brings with him a varied skill set to the IOTA Foundation, and while his primary role will be full stack front-end development, he plays a key role in supporting the IOTA Foundation’s efforts on the ground in Asia to establish IOTA as a standard in the region for IoT and beyond. His polyglot abilities is also a very useful asset for obvious reasons.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":227,"NameTw":"丁彥允","NameEn":"Martin Tin","JobTitleTw":"喜門史塔雷克總經理","JobTitleEn":"General Manager of 7STARLAKE","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805291159250670.jpg","briefTw":"身為喜門史塔雷克有限公司的創辦人與總經理,丁彥允秉持『聰明城市,智慧交通』的理念與構想,積極研究智慧無人科技及雲端平台,包括無人車、3D LiDAR智慧路口、V2X車聯網絡等等,更成立喜門史塔雷克,為未來人工智慧、無人科技、物聯網車聯網等前端技術提供平台,2017年5月,引進全台首輛無人車,並在各地區場域展開測試活動,開始了智慧城市的第一塊拼圖。","briefEn":"Human has been dreaming of smarter life for centuries, unmanned technology is one of main drive. In this program, SSL invites top technology and industry experts to discuss this innovative emerging force.\r\nPanelists including core technology “Lidar Sensor” and “computing” developers with application vehicle makers to share how their advanced know-how are shaping the new world and what’s new milestone to be achieved in near future. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":228,"NameTw":"吳漢章","NameEn":"Peter Wu","JobTitleTw":"華碩雲端總經理","JobTitleEn":"CEO of ASUS Cloud Corporation","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805291201152603.jpg","briefTw":"吳漢章於2008年加入了華碩集團,負責雲端服務的研發、營運與行銷,將雲端服務帶到全球的消費及商業市場,並於教育科技、精準醫療、物聯網與智慧城市等垂直領域建構生態圈,逐步帶領華碩雲端成為雲端領域的領導品牌。\r\n吳漢章同時擔任行政院數位國家創新經濟(Digi)推動小組民間諮詢委員、台北市智慧城市委員會委員、台灣雲端運算產業協會副主任委員、TCA台灣行動應用暨資安產業聯盟會長及擔任多項政府專案與計畫主持人,協助資訊科技與產業整合。","briefEn":"","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":229,"NameTw":"劉思泰","NameEn":"ST Liew","JobTitleTw":"高通副總裁暨台灣區總裁","JobTitleEn":"Vice President & President of Qualcomm Taiwan","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805291202407352.jpg","briefTw":"劉思泰先生於2016年10月起擔任高通公司副總裁暨台灣區總裁,負責高通在台業務。劉思泰在通訊產業擁有三十年以上領導業務和工程團隊資歷,曾任宏碁股份有限公司自建雲與智慧產品事業總經理,負責包含智慧型手機、平板電腦及穿戴式裝置等產品項目。在其領導下,宏碁智慧型手機及平板電腦業績皆有倍數性成長。於此之前,曾任宏碁歐洲、中東、非洲(EMEA)地區智慧型手機事業部總處長。","briefEn":"","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":230,"NameTw":"吳修辰","NameEn":"Scott Wu","JobTitleTw":"商業周刊編輯處副總編輯","JobTitleEn":"Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Business Weekly ","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805291522233196.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":231,"NameTw":"曾仲銘","NameEn":"Benjamin Tseng","JobTitleTw":"隆中網絡董事長","JobTitleEn":"Founder & Chairman@Net Publishing","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805300856164593.jpg","briefTw":"Experienced Founder with a demonstrated history of working in the computer games industry. Skilled in Online Gaming, Casual Games, Social Games, Digital Marketing, and Value-Added Services (VAS). Strong entrepreneurship professional with a Master focused in Industrial Engineering from National Chiao Tung University.","briefEn":"Experienced Founder with a demonstrated history of working in the computer games industry. Skilled in Online Gaming, Casual Games, Social Games, Digital Marketing, and Value-Added Services (VAS). Strong entrepreneurship professional with a Master focused in Industrial Engineering from National Chiao Tung University.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":232,"NameTw":"Samson Ellis","NameEn":"Samson Ellis","JobTitleTw":"Bloomberg台北局長","JobTitleEn":"Taipei Bureau Chief of Bloomberg","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201806021501582487.jpg","briefTw":"We are the central nervous system of global finance. Born in 1981, Bloomberg is a forward-looking company focused on building products and solutions that are needed for the 21st century. As a global information and technology company, we connect decision makers to a dynamic network of data, people and ideas – accurately delivering business and financial information, news and insights to customers around the world.","briefEn":"We are the central nervous system of global finance. Born in 1981, Bloomberg is a forward-looking company focused on building products and solutions that are needed for the 21st century. As a global information and technology company, we connect decision makers to a dynamic network of data, people and ideas – accurately delivering business and financial information, news and insights to customers around the world.","fb":"","twitter":"https://twitter.com/samsonellis?lang=en","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":233,"NameTw":"Cindy Sui","NameEn":"Cindy Sui","JobTitleTw":"Correspondent of BBC","JobTitleEn":"Correspondent of BBC","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201806021523393371.jpg","briefTw":"BBC's Taiwan correspondent, based in Taipei. Previously worked in Beijing, Hong Kong and California. Love to look at all sides and share what I learn.","briefEn":"BBC's Taiwan correspondent, based in Taipei. Previously worked in Beijing, Hong Kong and California. Love to look at all sides and share what I learn.","fb":"","twitter":"https://twitter.com/bbccindysui?lang=en","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":234,"NameTw":"林德理","NameEn":"Jeffrey Ling","JobTitleTw":"Startup Ecosystem Builder","JobTitleEn":"Startup Ecosystem Builder","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201806121043527148.jpg","briefTw":"Jeffrey Ling is a startup ecosystem builder and innovator with particular interest in venture building and corporate innovation in Taiwan and beyond. He founded Entrepreneurs Society of Taiwan in 2011, currently numbering 4300+ members. Thereafter, he held leadership role in two startup ventures before joining Taiwan Startup Stadium, a government-funded project tasked with globalizing the Taiwan startup ecosystem, where he handled, among other things, startup development and investor relations. He has worked with over 100 tech startups covering various verticals. Before his startup-related roles, Jeffrey spent the first 10 years of his career as a legal professional in both New Zealand and Taiwan.","briefEn":"Jeffrey Ling is a startup ecosystem builder and innovator with particular interest in venture building and corporate innovation in Taiwan and beyond. He founded Entrepreneurs Society of Taiwan in 2011, currently numbering 4300+ members. Thereafter, he held leadership role in two startup ventures before joining Taiwan Startup Stadium, a government-funded project tasked with globalizing the Taiwan startup ecosystem, where he handled, among other things, startup development and investor relations. He has worked with over 100 tech startups covering various verticals. Before his startup-related roles, Jeffrey spent the first 10 years of his career as a legal professional in both New Zealand and Taiwan.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":235,"NameTw":"艾德里安娜.加斯科因","NameEn":"Adriana Gascoigne","JobTitleTw":"Girls In Tech創辦人兼CEO","JobTitleEn":"Founder & CEO of Girls In Tech ","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201803261651125682.jpg","briefTw":"Adriana是Girls in Tech (GIT)的創辦人兼執行長,GIT是世界上第一個關注青年年女性在技術和創業上的組織。在2007年時,因為自身在科技業時有了關鍵性的需求而成立了Girls in Tech,一個幫助女性在科學、技術、工程及數學等領域精進職業生涯的組織。Adriana過去曾在科技公司任職,像是Indiegogo、Involver (Oracle)擔任顧問、 Change.org、Social Gaming Network (SGN)、和 Algentis;領導GIT至今天的規模,已擁有十萬名會員在全球60分會,並在印度、科威特、奈及利亞、智利和日本等國家燃起女性從事科技的足跡。她的背景包括在Ogilvy & Mather, Interpublic Group of Companies 和 SecondMarket(最大的二手交易平台)擔任主要執行官的角色。Adriana是一位奇點大學 Impact Fellow獎學金的獲獎者,並擁有加利福尼亞大學戴維斯分校和墨西哥阿瓜斯卡連特斯蒙特雷分校的學位;同時,她也精通西班牙語。","briefEn":"Adriana is the Founder and CEO of Girls in Tech (GIT), the world’s first group focusing on Millennial women in technology and entrepreneurship. She created GIT in 2007 because of a crucial need she lacked herself at that time in her tech career - a support framework to help women advance their careers in STEM fields. Adriana, who has worked together with tech companies like Indiegogo, Involver (Oracle) as an advisor, Change.org, Social Gaming Network (SGN), and Algentis, and has led GIT to where it is today - with 100,000 members in 60 chapters across the world, and igniting women in tech movements into countries like India, Kuwait, Nigeria, Chile, and Japan. Her background includes key executive roles at Ogilvy & Mather, Interpublic Group of Companies and SecondMarket, the largest secondary trading platform. Adriana is a Singularity University Impact Fellow Scholarship Recipient and holds degrees from the University of California at Davis and El Tecnologico de Monterrey in Aguascalientes, Mexico. She is fluent in Spanish.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/adrianagascoigne/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":236,"NameTw":"安尼士.吾札曼","NameEn":"Anis Uzzaman","JobTitleTw":"菲諾克斯風險投資公司創辦人兼CEO","JobTitleEn":"CEO & General Partner of Fenox Venture Capital","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201803261655474869.jpg","briefTw":"安尼士・吾札曼為菲諾克斯風險投資公司的合夥創辦人。在服務於IBM及Cadence期間,領導管理團隊、実現了眾多的策略投資在軟件開發,微體電子和電子商務等領域。作為零售和科技部門的連續創業家、安尼士提供了籌款,營運和退出策略,輔導創業家。安尼士在美國,日本和東南亞已投資超過60家新創公司。他擁有日本東京工業大學科技開發工程學士。美國奧克拉荷馬州立大學工學院電氣資訊碩士。日本首都大學東京工學院資訊通信博士。","briefEn":"Anis Uzzaman, Ph.D is the General Partner and founding member of Fenox Venture Capital. He serves as the Chief Executive of the company, overlooking overall management and operations. As a leader of the IBM and Cadence Management Teams, Anis led numerous strategic investments in the software development, microelectronics, and e-commerce space. A serial entrepreneur in the retail and technological sectors, Anis provides mentorship in fundraising, operations, and exit strategy to entrepreneurs. Anis has invested in over 60 startups in the United States, Japan, and South East Asia. He holds a B.Eng. degree from Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan, an M.S. in Engineering from Oklahoma State University, and a Ph.D in Computer Engineering from Tokyo Metropolitan University in Tokyo, Japan. Anis is an honored guest speaker in international conferences, workshops and seminars, has published more than 30 technical papers, and is the author of the“Startup Bible”. ","fb":"http://www.facebook.com/anis.uzzaman.37","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/anisuzzaman","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":237,"NameTw":"斎藤佑馬","NameEn":"Yuma Saito","JobTitleTw":"Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support事業統括本部長","JobTitleEn":"Founder & General Director of Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201803261700446819.jpg","briefTw":"斎藤先生擁有審計相關的背景,他發覺他對新創支持的熱情並於2010年成立Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support。Tohmatsu Venture Support從一人公司已成長到全球超過150人。在他對於新創生態圈的投入中,他成立了每週早晨的發表活動-Morning Pitch,促成15個IPO公司和超過200個企業聯盟。斎藤先生支持了超過三千多家日本的新創公司,為超過五百多家大型公司帶來新事業;也為政府機關制定相關政策。斎藤先生曾被選為日本Nikkei最具影響力的人物,經常在日本多家主要的新聞媒體上露出;也在國家級新創活動進行主題演講,像是南韓的Sisa start-up論壇。","briefEn":"Coming from audit background, Yuma found his passion in supporting startups and founded Tohmatsu Venture support inside Deloitte in 2010. The company has since grown from one person to over 150 people globally. He is the pioneer of Deloitte Startup Support Business. He founded Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support in 2010. The company has grown from one person to 150+. In his Startup Ecosystem Development, he had originated Morning Pitch, an early-morning weekly pitch event that has contributed to 15 IPOs and over 200 business alliances. Engaged in support of over 3,000 startups in Japan, new business creation for over 500 large corporations and policymaking for government agencies. For his personal public appearances, he was selected on Nikkei Most Influential People in Japan list. Several newspaper appearances in major Japanese newspapers. Given keynote speeches in national startup events, Sisa start-up forum (South Korea) and more.\r\n","fb":"http://www.facebook.com/saito.yuma","twitter":"","linkedIn":"http://www.linkedin.com/in/yuma-saito-58743233/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":238,"NameTw":"Noa Lifshitz","NameEn":"Noa Lifshitz","JobTitleTw":"諾瑪國際行銷顧問公司執行長","JobTitleEn":"CEO of Noa's Mark","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201803311126358426.jpg","briefTw":"Noa來自新創之國「以色列」。她就學於以色列開放大學,專攻商業心理分析,擁有超過10年國際行銷經驗,為以色列知名企業,如Perion、Glil On、Wineways、Pandoor,建立品牌,行銷全世界。3年前,Noa在特拉維夫創立諾瑪國際行銷顧問公司,幫助企業透過強而有力的行銷手法,帶動銷售增長。1年半前,因客戶的推薦,她來到台灣。一方面,她的國際行銷專業,為傳統的中小企業,重新取得競爭市場上的觀注。另一方面,她的猶太創業家精神,以剛滿30歲的女性創業家身份,為台灣的新創圈,帶來全新的創業家形象。","briefEn":"Noa's Mark founder and CEO Noa Lifshitz has over 10 years of marketing experience and has worked with numerous Israeli companies helping them achieve their business goals. \r\n At Noa's Mark, she now consults for companies in Taiwan, China, Singapore, and Israel on their business plans, marketing strategies, and fundraising campaigns, and has helped Asian companies raise millions of dollars from international VCs. Coming from the startup nation of Israel, Noa teaches ambitious entrepreneurs how to efficiently communicate with diverse audiences around the world as well as how to build effective ventures that not only raise funds but also achieve long-term success. She studied psychology in the Open University of Israel, managed a sales division for Israel’s largest paper manufacturer (Glil On), was a manager at a premium wines store chain (Wineways). assistant to Marketing VP, in charge of business partnerships, content marketing, and B2C sales for Israel’s leading interior doors manufacturer (Pandoor), marketing manager for Perion (TLV: PERI), one of Israel’s leading tech companies. She has a total of 12 years’ experience in sales, marketing, and business development; and pro bono work with young startups, animal rights organizations and other charity organizations.\r\n","fb":"https://www.facebook.com/NoasMark?_rdr=p","twitter":"http://twitter.com/Noas_Mark","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/company/noa'smark","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":239,"NameTw":"廖家欣","NameEn":"Kelly Liao","JobTitleTw":"創業家兄弟共同創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Co-Founder of KuoBrothers Corp.","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804031602328904.jpg","briefTw":"廖家欣為台灣女性企業家,連續創業家,現為台灣電子商務領域上櫃公司-創業家兄弟共同創辦人,畢業於台灣大學工商管理學系,創業前曾任職遠傳電信以及系統資訊整合產業,有豐富的業務和行銷通路等產業實務經驗。加入地圖日記帶領團隊在台灣快速打開知名度,有效獲取會員和流量躍升為台灣第三大社群網站,挾百萬會員和龐大流量之姿,次年被美國最大團購網Groupon併購,擔任Groupon Taiwan策略行銷副總經理。爾後與家人共同成立的創業家兄弟,從成立到上只花四年,創下台灣電商網站最快IPO的公司,2017年營收達37億。","briefEn":"Kelly is a Taiwan famous female serial entrepreneur. She graduated from National Taiwan University. Kelly joined the Atlaspost.com, under her leadership, this company envolved as top 3 social network website in Taiwan. The company was acquired by Groupon. \r\nShe became the co-founder and CMO of Grupon Taiwan. After that, she founded the Kuobrothers Corp. with her husband (Andy Kuo) and his family. Kuobrothers made its official IPO in Taiwan’s capital market and reaches 100 millions USD in 2017.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":240,"NameTw":"葉妍伶","NameEn":"Renee Yeh","JobTitleTw":"首席會議口譯","JobTitleEn":"Lead Interpreter/Translator","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804101742575370.jpeg","briefTw":"她這一輩子都在當翻譯。擔任專業會議口譯員的時候讓中英文的講者觀眾可以互相理解;貓咪行為學讓她學會觀察理解貓與人的互動;最近兩年去矽谷創業,把台灣的阿福管家帶到全世界,將用戶的需求詮釋成電腦語言。阿福管家為矽谷500 startups第12期培育之團隊。","briefEn":"Renee is a serial founder and an experienced interpreter. She masters the art of storytelling to communicate big ideas. Appreciates discussions about: startups, entrepreneurship, making technologies accessible, making technologies friendly, turning users into evangelists, just to name a few.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/reneeyeh/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":241,"NameTw":"唐琦","NameEn":"Stephanie Tang","JobTitleTw":"Rookie Fund執行總監","JobTitleEn":"Managing Director of Rookie Fund","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804110846561683.jpg","briefTw":"唐琦是Rookie Fund的執行總監,負責台灣與廈門兩個駐點的營運,也入選了2018年富比世30歲以下菁英青年排行。加入Rookie Fund之前,唐琦曾就職於宏達電VR部門(HTC VIVE) 虛擬實鏡創投聯盟的經理,負責為全球的投資大會篩選去路演的VR新創公司,尋找中早期項目投資。此前曾在教育科技新創 Zoodles 專注於事業開發以及使用者經驗兩個領域。唐琦擁有於美國Oberlin College主修經濟的學士學位。","briefEn":"Stephanie is a recent Forbes 30 Under 30 honoree of 2018 and Managing Director at Rookie Fund, a student-run venture fund investing in the best student startups in Asia. She oversees recruiting and curriculum, provides guidance to the Rookies in investment and portfolio management, and maintains and grows the mentor network. She was formerly Manager of the Virtual Reality Venture Capital Alliance at HTC Vive, a venture alliance focusing on VR investments. Prior to that, she handled Business Development for Zoodles, an edtech startup. She has a BA in Economics from Oberlin College and is a recent honoree of Forbes' 30 under 30 Asia, 2018.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/sttang/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":242,"NameTw":"徐嫚均","NameEn":"Amanda Hsu","JobTitleTw":"Shape Prototype執行合夥人暨Women in IoT共同合辦人","JobTitleEn":"Managing Partner of Shape Prototype & Co-Founder of Women in IoT ","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804121253577218.jpg","briefTw":"Amanda是Shape Prototype的執行合夥人, 這三年以來, 她將重心放在硬體新創企業上,為他們提供產品的解決方案。他帶領的團隊已幫助超過100個來自不同國家的硬體新創製作產品原型和小量生產。在這之前,他曾在深圳的台商製廠做專案經理,負責美國Fortune500客戶的項目管理。他畢業於英國里茲大學行銷管理碩士,回到亞洲前,他在英國克夏郡的科技化工公司做B2B的營銷管理。","briefEn":"In the past 3 years, Amanda led a product management team helping over 100 tech & IoT startups worldwide in product solutions. Prior to this, she was a lead project manager based in Shenzhen, responsible for projects from Fortune 500 companies. Before working in Asia, she had worked in the UK as a B2B marketing specialist in a multinational industry manufacturer. She graduated from Leeds Business School with a MSc in Marketing Management. She is passionate about entrepreneurship. She believes technology can positively change lives, and her work is to be one of the enablers to push things happen.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/nihaoamanda/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":243,"NameTw":"吳采頤","NameEn":"Tsai-Yi (Iris) Wu","JobTitleTw":"Ambidio創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Founder of Ambidio","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804191705236107.jpg","briefTw":"吳采頤是Ambidio的創辦人及創意發想人。大學主修台北醫學大學醫技系,碩士攻讀紐約大學音樂系。吳采頤曾獲選為Prestige雜誌40 under 40青年創業家、Tatler亞洲50大新興創科技之星,並受邀擔任TEDx講者。吳采頤相信各種將聲音結合可能性、不斷地創造對聲音不同的經驗與震撼。","briefEn":"Tsai-Yi (Iris) Wu is the founder and idea generator of Ambidio. She studied medical technology at Taipei Medical University and has a Master’s Degree in Music Technology from New York University. Iris was listed on 40 Under 40 by Prestige, Asia’s Top 50 Rising Tech Stars by Tatler, and a TEDx speaker. She continues to believe in the relentless pursuit of creating different ways to experience sound.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/tsaiyiwu/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":244,"NameTw":"Sean Moss-Pultz","NameEn":"Sean Moss-Pultz","JobTitleTw":"Bitmark共同創辦人兼執行長","JobTitleEn":"Co-Founder & CEO of Bitmark","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804191728227235.jpg","briefTw":"Sean Moss-Pultz是開發區塊練相關的消費性電子商品,以及網路服務的專家。他大學畢業於美國加州聖地牙哥大學,主修數學及物理。創辦Bitmark公司以前,他曾是EMQ有限公司資深總監(提供安全及便宜的跨國基金轉換服務的新創公司),也曾成立Openmoko公司擔任執行長。Sean Moss-Pultz被認為是開放原始碼硬體的先驅,旗下帶領的Bitmark公司有80位員工,目標將成為繼iPhone及安卓智慧型手機之後,開發出第一個引領風潮開放原始碼智慧手機。","briefEn":"Sean Moss-Pultz is an expert in developing technology for consumer electronics and Internet services – with a focus on blockchain related projects. He graduated from U.C. San Diego with bachelor's degrees in mathematics and physics. Prior to Bitmark Inc., he was a senior executive for EMQ Limited, a financial technology startup which provides secure and lower cost method for transferring funds internationally. Moss-Pultz also launched and was CEO of Openmoko Inc. Recognized as a pioneer of open source hardware, Moss-Pultz led a staff of 80 people to build the first open source phone, a precursor to iPhone and Android smartphones.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/sean-moss-pultz/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":245,"NameTw":"許永真","NameEn":"Jane Hsu","JobTitleTw":"臺大智慧聯網創新研究中心主任","JobTitleEn":"Director of IOX Center NTU","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804201113228264.jpg","briefTw":"許永真教授現任於臺大資訊工程學系暨網路與多媒體研究所,兼臺大智慧聯網創新研究中心(前Intel-臺大創新研究中心)主任,並曾擔任臺大資訊系主任與台灣人工智慧學會理事長。許教授致力於人工智慧研究領域逾三十年,研究主題含智慧型多代理人、資料分析與知識建構、常識運算、感知服務、及智慧型物聯網技術。 近年來積極進行跨國、跨校、跨領域、跨產學之物聯網技術研發,應用於智慧農業、智慧運輸、與智慧家庭。成功取得與英特爾實驗室第二階段的合作,進行擴充智慧人機互動於智慧製造之研究,並推展與國內科技製造大廠合作。活躍於國際學術領域,擔任IEEE iThings, AAAI SocialNLP Workshop, TAAI等國際會議的議程主席; 以及Intelligent Data Analysis, Service-Oriented Computing and Applications, JISE等國際期刊之編輯委員。許教授目前於資訊系開授人工智慧相關課程,並合授網媒所「物聯網產品設計與創新」、創新設計學院「智齡設計—老人科技福祉專題」,透過跨領域合作來激發學生創新思考與前瞻技術實現。","briefEn":"Jane Hsu is a Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Taiwan University, where she served as the Department Chair from 2011 to 2014. As the Director of the NTU IoX Center, Prof. Hsu is leading the global research collaboration on Augmented Collective Beings and Internet of Things. With more than 30 years of experience in AI, her research interests include multiagent planning/learning, crowdsourcing, knowledge mining, commonsense computing, and context-aware smart IoT. Prof. Hsu served on the editorial board of Journal of Information Science and Engineering (2010-), International Journal of Service Oriented Computing and Applications (Springer, 2007-2009) and Intelligent Data Analysis (Elsevier/IOS Press, 1997-2002). She has been actively involved in international conferences of AAAI, IEEE, and ACM, and served as an executive member of the IEEE Technical Committee on E-Commerce (2000), the Taiwanese Association for Artificial Intelligence (2004-), and as TAAI President in 2013 and 2014. Prof. Hsu received the MSRA Collaborative Research Award, and Intel Labs Distinguished Collaborator Award in 2016.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":246,"NameTw":"Artur Kadurin","NameEn":"Artur Kadurin","JobTitleTw":"台灣英科智能公司執行長","JobTitleEn":"CEO of Insilico Taiwan","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804231053553160.jpg","briefTw":"Artur Kadurin是Insilico Medicine的首席AI長及Insilico Taiwan執行長。專精於資料科學、機器學習及深度學習。","briefEn":"Artur Kadurin is Chief AI Officer at Insilico Medicine, and CEO Insilico Taiwan - companies utilizing Deep Learning techniques for drug discovery and aging research. He has strong mathematical background and experience in all flavors of Data Science, Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Prior to Insilico Medicine, he worked at Mail.ru Group - one of the biggest European IT company as the lead data scientist, where he built from scratch user segmentation system for biggest in Russia advertising system.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":247,"NameTw":"李友專","NameEn":"Yu Chuan Jack Li","JobTitleTw":"臺北醫學大學醫學科技學院院長","JobTitleEn":"Dean of College of Medical Science and Technology TMU","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804231058284517.jpg","briefTw":"李友專,臺北醫學大學醫學科技學院院長,台灣醫學資訊協會榮譽理事長,台北市立萬芳醫院皮膚科主治醫師。2010年10月當選美國醫學資訊領域最高學術榮譽委員會――美國醫學資訊學院(ACMI)院士,成為唯一一位來自亞洲的院士,被稱為台灣醫學資訊之父。 ","briefEn":"Dr. Li is the Chief & Dermatologist,Division of Dermatology/Center for Cosmetic and Laser, Taipei Municipal Wanfang Hospital and Editor-in-Chief, International Journal for Quality in Health Care (published jointly by Oxford University Press and ISQua). In addition, he is also the editor-in-Chief, Journal of Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (an SCI scientific journal). \r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":248,"NameTw":"余凱文","NameEn":"Kevin Yu","JobTitleTw":"台灣創速創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Founder of Taiwan Accelerator","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804241157094683.jpg","briefTw":"余凱文於23歲開始創業,創辦過多家公司,其中一家是創投,曾為自己公司和多家新創企業籌融資超過3億美元。世界領先的投資人關係服務公司MZ集團之共同創辦人,協助14個國家超過600家企業上市及經營投資人關係。於2015年創立台灣首家投資人關係培訓中心IRTC,已培訓超過300位上市櫃企業主及高管。2016年10月創辦國內首家種子加速器台灣創速。","briefEn":"K. Yu is a serial entrepreneur since the age of 23, founded numerous companies (one of which was a VC firm), and has raised more than USD300 million for his own companies and other startups. Prior to TA, he is the co-founder of MZ Asia-Pacific, the world’s leading independent IR firm, helping more than 600 companies in 14 countries with public listing and investor relations management. In October 2016, Mr. Yu founded Taiwan Accelerator (TA) - the first seed accelerator in the region.","fb":"https://www.facebook.com/accelerator.tw/","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":249,"NameTw":"Andrew Tan","NameEn":"Andrew Tan","JobTitleTw":"TinkBig Venture創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Founder of TinkBig Venture","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804241440489119.jpg","briefTw":"Andrew is a serial entrepreneur and the founding partner in TinkBig Venture where he is managing partner of the firm’s investment and management team. He is also currently the CEO of CrowdPlus Asia, one of the 6 license holder for equity crowdfunding platform in Malaysia that is regulated by the Securities Commission of Malaysia. Prior to TinkBig, Andrew was chief business development officer and a financial-services investor at Appshack Asia. While at Appshack, he led investments in seven startup deals with other co VC. Prior to that, Andrew was a private-equity investor where he regularly advised his limited Partners on private-equity deals and fund formation. Before that he successfully listed his company at the MESDAQ Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur Securities Exchange where learned the intricacies of the stock market.","briefEn":"Andrew is a serial entrepreneur and the founding partner in TinkBig Venture where he is managing partner of the firm’s investment and management team. He is also currently the CEO of CrowdPlus Asia, one of the 6 license holder for equity crowdfunding platform in Malaysia that is regulated by the Securities Commission of Malaysia. Prior to TinkBig, Andrew was chief business development officer and a financial-services investor at Appshack Asia. While at Appshack, he led investments in seven startup deals with other co VC. Prior to that, Andrew was a private-equity investor where he regularly advised his limited Partners on private-equity deals and fund formation. Before that he successfully listed his company at the MESDAQ Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur Securities Exchange where learned the intricacies of the stock market.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/drewhesper/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":250,"NameTw":"Sansanee Huabsomboon","NameEn":"Sansanee Huabsomboon","JobTitleTw":"泰國NSTDA科技事業育成中心總監","JobTitleEn":"Director of Technology Business Incubation Center NSTDA Thailand","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804291228180661.jpg","briefTw":"From many years ’s experiences of fostering & incubating New Technology Entrepreneurs through Business Incubation Center of NSTDA. Being a judge committee and speaker of many stages of Technology Business competition and Startup pitching challenges of Domestic and International. Today Sansanee is one of the key person to set strategic move of Thailand about Startup ecosystem under Ministry of Science and Technology. She is one of “Startup Thailand” Core team to initiate new programs to strengthen Thai Startup and fulfil Thai Startup ecosystem and policy support.","briefEn":"From many years ’s experiences of fostering & incubating New Technology Entrepreneurs through Business Incubation Center of NSTDA. Being a judge committee and speaker of many stages of Technology Business competition and Startup pitching challenges of Domestic and International. Today Sansanee is one of the key person to set strategic move of Thailand about Startup ecosystem under Ministry of Science and Technology. She is one of “Startup Thailand” Core team to initiate new programs to strengthen Thai Startup and fulfil Thai Startup ecosystem and policy support.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":251,"NameTw":"黃經堯","NameEn":"Ching Yao Huang","JobTitleTw":"中華創業育成協會理事長","JobTitleEn":"Chairman of Chinese Business Incubation Association(CBIA)","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804241445077837.jpg","briefTw":"黃經堯理事長七十六年台大物理系畢業後,前往美國取得紐澤西理工學院電機碩士,接著取得羅格斯大學電子電腦工程博士,現交通大學電機學院副院長、台南分部主任、產業加速器暨專利開發策略中心主任。","briefEn":"Before joining NCTU in 2002, Dr. Huang was with Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies where he was a project leader of 3.5G cellular system development. Dr. Huang was the recipient of \"Bell Labs Team Award\" in 2003, \"Best Paper Award\" from IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference in 2004, and \"Outstanding Achievement Award\" from National Chiao Tung University in the years of 2007-2015. Besides Dr. Huang's academic achievement, Dr. Huang and his team were awarded the \"Best Industry Contribution\" from the Minister of Economic Affairs in 2013 due to the contribution in IPR management and innovation ecosystem. In 2013, Dr. Huang further established the first University Business Accelerator in Taiwan, called \"Center of Industry Accelerator and Patent Strategy\". With more than 50 universities participated, the center carries two national missions in both business acceleration for startups and IPR alliance. The center is UBI index (Sweden) ranked 7 global Incubator/accelerator in 2014 and 2015.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":252,"NameTw":"Phillip Kemp","NameEn":"Phillip Kemp","JobTitleTw":"澳洲Business Foundations Inc.執行長","JobTitleEn":"CEO of Business Foundations Inc. Australia ","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804241307327748.jpg","briefTw":"Phillip is the Chief Executive of Business Foundations Inc, a national business advisory, incubation and training organisation based in Western Australia. He holds key positions on a number of national boards and associations including being the Vice-President of the Asian Association of Business Incubation (AABI) and deputy chairman of Business Innovation and Incubation Australia (BIIA) and former Chairman of the organisation.","briefEn":"Phillip is the Chief Executive of Business Foundations Inc, a national business advisory, incubation and training organisation based in Western Australia. He holds key positions on a number of national boards and associations including being the Vice-President of the Asian Association of Business Incubation (AABI) and deputy chairman of Business Innovation and Incubation Australia (BIIA) and former Chairman of the organisation.","fb":"","twitter":"https://twitter.com/phil_kemp?lang=en","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/phillipkemp/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":253,"NameTw":"Rajendra Jagdale","NameEn":"Rajendra Jagdale","JobTitleTw":"印度浦那科學科技園區執行長暨處長","JobTitleEn":"Director General & CEO of Science and Technology Park Pune India","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804241310466279.jpg","briefTw":"Dr. Rajendra P.Jagdale, Ph.D. is a Director General of Science and Technology Park, a not for profit autonomous institute established by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India and it is hosted by University of Pune. The Park acts as a bridge between industries and academia to make available resources and expertise from academia, research and development labs to industries.\r\n\r\nDr. Rajendra Jagdale was instrumental in making Indian Universitirs ‘Technology Database that showcases some of the emerging technologies and potential of researchers from Indian Universities. This database was made for University Grants Commission, Govt. of India and supported by UN-Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT). Dr. Jagdale is a trainer in Entrepreneurship and mentor for several start-up companies and works closely with DST’s Technology Business Incubation and Innovation Management Programmes. His major areas of expertise are Urban e-transformation using Science and Technology tools, IT open source and freeware, Intellectual Property Management and Technology transfer, Business incubation and promoting Innovation driven cluster development.\r\n\r\nDue to his initiative Science and Technology Park developed and launched India’s most robust GIS based e-transformation called GISDA (GIS for Dynamic Administration).\r\n","briefEn":"Dr. Rajendra P.Jagdale, Ph.D. is a Director General of Science and Technology Park, a not for profit autonomous institute established by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India and it is hosted by University of Pune. The Park acts as a bridge between industries and academia to make available resources and expertise from academia, research and development labs to industries.\r\n\r\nDr. Rajendra Jagdale was instrumental in making Indian Universitirs ‘Technology Database that showcases some of the emerging technologies and potential of researchers from Indian Universities. This database was made for University Grants Commission, Govt. of India and supported by UN-Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT). Dr. Jagdale is a trainer in Entrepreneurship and mentor for several start-up companies and works closely with DST’s Technology Business Incubation and Innovation Management Programmes. His major areas of expertise are Urban e-transformation using Science and Technology tools, IT open source and freeware, Intellectual Property Management and Technology transfer, Business incubation and promoting Innovation driven cluster development.\r\n\r\nDue to his initiative Science and Technology Park developed and launched India’s most robust GIS based e-transformation called GISDA (GIS for Dynamic Administration).\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":254,"NameTw":"劉永道","NameEn":"Bruce Bateman","JobTitleTw":"光寶科技智能生活與應用事業群技術資深處長","JobTitleEn":"Chief Technology Advise of Smart Life & Application SBG LITE-ON","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804241318216659.jpg","briefTw":"Experienced Connected City technologist and designer now leading the drive for Smart City planning and technologies. Bruce has been a Serial Entrepreneur, Mentor, Angel Investor, Startup Advisor, Constant Traveler and Lover of Life with unique blend of technical, sales, marketing and customer service skills to help City Planners understand the social, financial benefits by deploying Appropriate technologies. It’s not about the technology it’s about solving a problem. Previous products / projects for the telecom, wearable, IoT, VR, M2M and enterprise industry. Excellent technical and analytic skills, extensive international experience in manufacturing and distribution, with an understanding of different cultures and business practices. Having started or been involved early stages of 9 startups, the experiences of success and failures has given Bruce an open and enlightened view of the startup world.","briefEn":"Experienced Connected City technologist and designer now leading the drive for Smart City planning and technologies. Bruce has been a Serial Entrepreneur, Mentor, Angel Investor, Startup Advisor, Constant Traveler and Lover of Life with unique blend of technical, sales, marketing and customer service skills to help City Planners understand the social, financial benefits by deploying Appropriate technologies. It’s not about the technology it’s about solving a problem. Previous products / projects for the telecom, wearable, IoT, VR, M2M and enterprise industry. Excellent technical and analytic skills, extensive international experience in manufacturing and distribution, with an understanding of different cultures and business practices. Having started or been involved early stages of 9 startups, the experiences of success and failures has given Bruce an open and enlightened view of the startup world.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/brucewbateman/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":255,"NameTw":"Jerry Damon Chang","NameEn":"Jerry Damon Chang","JobTitleTw":"SocialMatters創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Founder of SocialMatters","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804241320276721.jpg","briefTw":"Business Development Executive and Product Manager with 10 years experience creating web applications, dashboards and data algorithms. Concentration on social media data sets including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Focus in marketing-tech & ad-tech. 7 years of entrepreneurship experience as founder: Spring 2013 Fortify Ventures Accelerator Program, 2015 Capital Factory Incubator company, and 1776 member company in Washington, DC. Project management experience in web and embedded solutions, film and TV sets.\r\n","briefEn":"Business Development Executive and Product Manager with 10 years experience creating web applications, dashboards and data algorithms. Concentration on social media data sets including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Focus in marketing-tech & ad-tech. 7 years of entrepreneurship experience as founder: Spring 2013 Fortify Ventures Accelerator Program, 2015 Capital Factory Incubator company, and 1776 member company in Washington, DC. Project management experience in web and embedded solutions, film and TV sets.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/jerrydamonchang/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":256,"NameTw":"Kevin Lin","NameEn":"Kevin Lin","JobTitleTw":"Twitch共同創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Co-Founder of Twitch","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804241523598131.jpg","briefTw":"Kevin Lin is a 2004 Yale graduate and Co-Founder of Twitch, the world’s leading social video service and community for video game culture and emerging content. He was instrumental in Twitch's 2011 launch when he joined Justin.tv in 2008. Kevin now leads Culture, Strategy, and Innovation, responsible for new Twitch programs including original content and corporate strategy. Currently, 15 million users gather daily to stream, watch, and chat.","briefEn":"Kevin Lin is a 2004 Yale graduate and Co-Founder of Twitch, the world’s leading social video service and community for video game culture and emerging content. He was instrumental in Twitch's 2011 launch when he joined Justin.tv in 2008. Kevin now leads Culture, Strategy, and Innovation, responsible for new Twitch programs including original content and corporate strategy. Currently, 15 million users gather daily to stream, watch, and chat.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinlin3/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":257,"NameTw":"Jinger Zeng","NameEn":"Jinger Zeng","JobTitleTw":"ARM創新計畫暨Auterion商業開發專員","JobTitleEn":"ARM Innovator and Business Development Specialist at Auterion","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804251545075394.jpg","briefTw":"Jinger Zeng 為一美國女性科學家與創業家,現居中國,她喜歡集思廣益,並使用科技解決問題。\r\n她的背景為機械工程,她在內華達州大學求學期間,她曾帶領開發全太陽能發電房屋,並獲得兩項國際大獎。接著她在2014年成立了Dronesmith科技公司,專為企業開發軟硬體設施。她也是女性新創IOT科技之星實驗室的創辦人之一,在2016年她獲選日本前五大傑出年輕女性。她的經歷包括產品,行銷,商業開發及管理。她也是開放式資源的天使投之人,專長為跨領域創新。她現職於瑞士Auterion新創公司,致力建置亞洲跨平台社群。\r\n","briefEn":"Jinger Zeng is a technologist and entrepreneur from United States currently living in Mainland China. She loves to bring people together to solve meaningful problems using technology. \r\n\r\nShe is a mechanical engineer by training, and led a team in the development and realization of a net-zero solar house that won international award when she was at University of Nevada Las Vegas. She then co-founded Dronesmith Technologies in 2014, a company that develops drone hardware and software for developers and corporates. She is an alumni founder of two accelerators - Women’s Startup Lab and Techstars IoT. In 2016, she is one of the five “Outstanding Young Persons” honorees of Japan. Her experience spans across product, marketing, business development, and management. She is an evangelist of open source and maker movement, and specializes in cross-boarder innovation projects. Currently, she works for Swiss startup Auterion, heading its platform adoption and community building in Asia. \r\n","fb":"","twitter":"https://twitter.com/zengjinger","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/jingerzeng/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":258,"NameTw":"Ed Deng","NameEn":"Ed Deng","JobTitleTw":"智抗糖 (Health2Sync)執行長兼共同創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Co-Founder & CEO of Health2Sync Inc.","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804251549037299.jpg","briefTw":"Ed Deng is the Co-Founder and CEO of Health2Sync; he co-founded Health2Sync after witnessing many in his family battle diabetes and learning what works in managing diabetes. Prior to Health2Sync, Ed was Chief marketing Officer of Hesine Technologies, and end-to-end push-platform for mobile devices, which was acquired by NQ Mobile. Ed started his career as an Investment Banker at Lehman Brothers’ Technology Mergers & Acquisitions Group in Palo Alto, CA. Ed obtained a BS in Finance from McIntire School of Commerce at The University of Virginia.","briefEn":"Ed Deng is the Co-Founder and CEO of Health2Sync; he co-founded Health2Sync after witnessing many in his family battle diabetes and learning what works in managing diabetes. Prior to Health2Sync, Ed was Chief marketing Officer of Hesine Technologies, and end-to-end push-platform for mobile devices, which was acquired by NQ Mobile. Ed started his career as an Investment Banker at Lehman Brothers’ Technology Mergers & Acquisitions Group in Palo Alto, CA. Ed obtained a BS in Finance from McIntire School of Commerce at The University of Virginia.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/ed-deng-048a38/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":259,"NameTw":"吳柏蒼","NameEn":"Pochang Wu","JobTitleTw":"KKFARM共同創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Co-Founder of KKFARM","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804251551450271.jpg","briefTw":"回聲樂團主唱、台灣第一個DRM Free MP3線上音樂商店iNDIEVOX創辦人。","briefEn":"Co-founder of KKFARM, Lead vocalist of Echo, founder of iNDIEVOX, the first DRM Free MP3 online music store in Taiwan.","fb":"https://www.facebook.com/echo.pochang/","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":260,"NameTw":"許仲言","NameEn":"Mars Hsu","JobTitleTw":"台灣IBM公司雲端運算事業部總經理","JobTitleEn":"Business Executive of IBM Cloud IBM Taiwan","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201804270924272736.jpg","briefTw":"許仲言先生於 2016年 1月起擔任台灣 IBM 公司雲端運算事業部總經理,負責擬定 IBM 雲端平台策略,打造完整雲端生態體系,同時協助既有系統中介軟體客戶轉型至認知運算平台,推動 IBM Bluemix 成為市場首選雲端平台。\r\n許仲言先生擁有政治大學經濟學士學位,與英國西敏大學國際經濟碩士學位。\r\n","briefEn":"Mars Hsu is in charge of Cloud business of IBM Taiwan, overlooking IBM Cloud strategy and ecosystem development. He manages the functions of sales, marketing, technical and operation to fuel IBM’s core business growth, and carries out the mission to make IBM Cloud the leading cloud platform in the market. He also dedicates to assisting enterprises’ digital transformation by deploying cognitive computing platform.\r\n\r\nPrior to this role, Mars is the senior sales manager of IBM middleware, responsible for strategic planning, go-to-market, marketing and branding, as well as customer services. He has been working with enterprises across various industries to lead strategic transformation and disruptive innovation with his rich experience in financial services, IT architecture, and industry reinvention. Mars was awarded of a number of recognitions including “Best Sales Manager of Greater China Group” in 2105 and “Hundred Percent Club” along his carrier in IBM.\r\n\r\nMars obtained Bachelor of Economics at National Cheng Chi University and Master of International Economics at University of Westminster","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/mars-hsu-2b659b10/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":261,"NameTw":"張仁炯","NameEn":"Michael J Chang","JobTitleTw":"微軟台灣 A.I.研發中心執行長","JobTitleEn":"Director of Artificial Intelligence Research & Development Center Microsoft","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805161630452530.jpg","briefTw":"張仁炯現職為微軟台灣 AI 研發中心執行長,負責微軟在台設立AI研發中心。他曾任微軟亞洲工程院副院長、微軟Office事業部 Microsoft Office 大中華區研發總經理等職務,負責微軟Office事業部在東亞地區與大中華區產品研究開發的協調工作,與Office產品開發的專案管理;並曾負責 Office Online、Office 365 Services 大資料運算、Office Extensibility、雲端與移動端軟體產品開發、SharePoint Online、與跨平台開發平台的研究開發工作。\r\n張仁炯於1996年畢業於紐約州立大學石溪分校 (State University of New York at Stony Brook)、取得碩士學位,翌年以校園招聘管道加入美國微軟,曾任軟體測試開發工程師、軟體測試經理、軟體測試部門經理、測試協理、副總經理等職務,參與Project 98、 Word 2000、Word 2002、與OneNote 2003 的研發工作。張仁炯於2004年申請調職到台灣,加入大中華區 Office 研發團隊,參與帶領Microsoft Office 在東亞地區的產品開發,並完成Office2007、Office2010、Office2012、Office2013、Office2016與SharePoint Online/Office365產品開發工作。\r\n張仁炯曾管理台北與北京的Office研發團隊,與在東京、台北、北京、美國、印度、和都柏林的八千餘位研發人員的Office研發團隊合作,負責協調大中華區、東亞地區與美國總部的產品開發進度,實際負責產品架構設計與產品研發方向與專案流程管理,與國際團隊共同開發下一代的 Office 產品。\r\n除產品研發,團隊管理與專案協調外之外,他同時負責軟體工程卓越開發的工作與項目,並參與、負責美國微軟與微軟亞太研發集團(ARD)的校園徵才,同時擔任微軟面試主考官 (As-Appropriate Interviewer)的角色,協助微軟亞太研發集團做校園徵才、招募、及主持面試流程的工作。\r\n張仁炯的專長是大型軟體專案開發流程管理、軟體架構設計、軟體測試、與軟體自動測試,他擁有兩項軟體研發工具的美國專利,並經常應邀至學校與業界,演講軟體專案管理、軟體開發、開發流程、技術卓越、測試開發、企業管理、軟體自動化研發及測試、職涯計畫等有關題目。\r\n除了軟體開發領域之外,張仁炯目前亦擔任國立台灣科技大學工程學院兼任教授級業師專家。","briefEn":"Mr. Michael J. Chang is currently holding the position of Director General of Microsoft AI R&D Center in Taipei. Mr. Chang was formally the Director of Engineering of Software Technology Center in Asia before the assignment to set up the AI R&D Center in Taipei.\r\nOn top of his Office development charter, Mr. Chang also drove the China Incubation engineering efforts in Office Product Group. This unique team is experimenting the new Mobile Productivity Scenarios with WeChat and other mobile conversation platforms. \r\n\r\nGraduated from State University of New York at Stony Brook with Master of Science in 1996, Mr. Chang joined Microsoft Corp, Redmond, WA in 1997 as Campus Hire. Though he later relocated to Microsoft Taiwan in 2004 and Microsoft China in 2012, his career has always been within Office Product Family innovating for the best user experience, from Win32 clients, to Service Products, and to Online Services. He has been working on Project, Word, OneNote, Office Shared Engineering, SharePoint, Exchange, SharePoint Online, Exchange Online, Office365 Cloud Service Management, Big Data, Office ecoSystems/Extensibility, and Office Online.\r\n\r\nAs a senior Engineering Leader and 20 years of veteran in the corporation and Microsoft Office Products, Mr. Chang is also a Microsoft certified As-Appropriate Interviewer. He drove recruiting efforts in Greater China Region. Mr. Chang was invited by many world-class companies in the region to speak and consult their engineering and technology evolution efforts on behalf of Microsoft. In his spare time, he also teaches EMRD (Executive Master of Research and Development) post graduate program in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology as professional adjunct faculty. Mr. Chang holds two US patents on software development tooling and technology. His expertise is in large scale Software Project Management, Software Development and Process, Software Automation, Online Services Product Development (PaaS & SaaS) and Management, and Management Excellence.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-chang-b708a3/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":262,"NameTw":"湯漢林","NameEn":"Hanlin Tang","JobTitleTw":"Intel人工智慧產品事業群首席工程師","JobTitleEn":"Principal Engineer of Artificial Intelligence Products Group Intel Corporation","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805020902350940.jpg","briefTw":"Hanlin Tang, Ph.D. is a Principal Engineer at Intel’s AI Products Group, where he directs computer vision research and applications. His team is also responsible for algorithm-hardware co-design of next generation accelerators, and federal AI projects. Hanlin joined Intel from its acquisition of the deep learning startup Nervana Systems. At both Intel and Nervana, he has contributed to the development of deep learning frameworks, and deployed algorithms in domains ranging from remote sensing to computational neuroscience. Hanlin received his Ph.D. from Harvard University, where he applied recurrent neural networks to study the human visual system. His research has appeared in scientific journals such as Neuron, Scientific Reports, and eLife.","briefEn":"Hanlin Tang, Ph.D. is a Principal Engineer at Intel’s AI Products Group, where he directs computer vision research and applications. His team is also responsible for algorithm-hardware co-design of next generation accelerators, and federal AI projects. Hanlin joined Intel from its acquisition of the deep learning startup Nervana Systems. At both Intel and Nervana, he has contributed to the development of deep learning frameworks, and deployed algorithms in domains ranging from remote sensing to computational neuroscience. Hanlin received his Ph.D. from Harvard University, where he applied recurrent neural networks to study the human visual system. His research has appeared in scientific journals such as Neuron, Scientific Reports, and eLife.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/hanlintang/ ","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":263,"NameTw":"陳勁初","NameEn":"Jesse Chen","JobTitleTw":"國立成功大學國際產學聯盟執行長","JobTitleEn":"CEO of Global Academia & Industry Alliance NCKU","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805021701519988.jpg","briefTw":"1988年共同創立BusLogic,並擔任CEO直到1996年被收購(現在是IBM的一部分)。 1997年共同創立Maton Venture,並投資於33家科技公司,並有6次IPO和9次併購。1997年至1998年擔任美國西部(矽谷)分會主席。為台灣/華人社區發起並組織了第一屆華爾街風格的投資會議,來自台灣的150多位風投,香港,新加坡和日本出席了會議。\r\n1998年至2000年擔任蒙玉科技協會主席, 2013年成立SVT(台灣矽谷)天使,並擔任主席至2016年。啟動矽谷浸入式項目,邀請並選擇來自台灣的許多初創團隊,留在矽谷三個月,並提供指導支持。\r\n","briefEn":"Co-founded BusLogic in 1988 and served as CEO till it was acquired in 1996 (now part of IBM). BusLogic designed, produced & marketed ASIC, PC board and software for IT and storage industries. Investors received 60 times return in 6 years. Dick Kramlich of NEA was my board of director who was original Apple investor.\r\nCo-founded Maton Venture in 1997 and invested in 33 technology companies with 6 IPO and 9 M&A. All 6 CEO of the IPO were the founders of the companies. (AATI, ENVI, OVTI, OPLK, IET, SYSCAN)\r\nServed as Chairman of Monte Jade Science and Technology Association from 1998 to 2000 and its US West (Silicon Valley) Chapter from 1997 to 1998. Initiated and organized the first Wall Street style Investment Conference for the Taiwanese / Chinese community with over 150 VCs from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan attended.\r\nFounded SVT (Silicon Valley Taiwan) Angels in 2013 and served as Chairman till 2016.\r\n(Members include all major Silicon Valley Venture Capitalists from Taiwan.) Started the Silicon Valley Immersion Program invited and selected many start up teams from Taiwan to stay in Silicon Valley for 3 months with mentorship support.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":264,"NameTw":"Simon See","NameEn":"Simon See","JobTitleTw":"NVIDIA公司亞太區首席技術總監","JobTitleEn":"Senior Director of Solution Architecture & Engineering NVIDIA","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805021708395421.jpg","briefTw":"Simon See博士1993年英國Salford大學獲得數值分析博士學位,有近30年的高性能計算工業界和學術界的經驗:他曾在SGI、SUN、Oracle等公司擔任技術高管,2011年起擔任NVIDIA公司亞太區首席技術總監,負責研發管理及聯絡亞太區科研院所;他在新加坡南洋理工大學及新加坡高性能計算研究所擔任客座席位,他還是深圳華大基因的首席技術顧問和泰國KMUTT大學的兼職教授。Simon See博士于2010年初受聘成為上海交通大學的客座研究員。","briefEn":"Prof. Simon See is currently the Solution Architecture and Engineering Director and Chief Solution Architect for Nvidia AI Technology Center. He is also a Professor and Chief Scientific Computing Officer in Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Prof. See is also the Chief Scientific Computing Advisor for BGI (China) and has a position in NanyangTechnological University (Singapore) and King-Mong Kung University of Technology (Thailand). Prof See is currently involved in a number of smart city projects, especially in Singapore and China. His research interests are in the area of High Performance Computing, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, computational science, Applied Mathematics, and simulation methodology. Prof. See is also leading some of the AI initiatives in Asia Pacific. He has published over 200 papers in these areas and has won various awards. Prof. See is also a member of SIAM, IEEE, and IET. He also a committee member of more than 50 conferences.\r\nProf. See graduated from University of Salford (UK) with a Ph.D. in electrical engineering and numerical analysis in 1993. Prior to joining NVIDIA, Prof. See worked for SGI, DSO National Lab. of Singapore, IBM, International Simulation Ltd (UK), Sun Microsystems, and Oracle. He is also providing consultancy to a number of national research and supercomputing centers.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonsee/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":265,"NameTw":"Andrew Batten","NameEn":"Andrew Batten","JobTitleTw":"Hyperform Consulting 管理總監","JobTitleEn":"Managing Director of Hyperform Consulting","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805031822131043.jpg","briefTw":"Andrew Batten started his 30-year career with BT in the UK specializing in Product Development – also the topic of his MBA thesis. For the last 15 years he was based on APAC, providing consulting services before joining EY also as a Regional Director of Consulting. He now works as an Independent Consultant.","briefEn":"Andrew Batten started his 30-year career with BT in the UK specializing in Product Development – also the topic of his MBA thesis. For the last 15 years he was based on APAC, providing consulting services before joining EY also as a Regional Director of Consulting. He now works as an Independent Consultant.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":266,"NameTw":"傅立成","NameEn":"Li Chen Fu","JobTitleTw":"臺灣大學資訊工程學系特聘教授","JobTitleEn":"Distinguished Professor of Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering NTU","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805041008370472.jpg","briefTw":"傅立成教授於民國七十年自台大電機系畢業簼役畢後赴美國加州大學柏克萊分校攻讀電機電腦(EECS)博士學位畢業後於民國七十六年旋即返回台大母校電機系與資訊系任教簼並積極從事電機控制、機電整合、機器人及自動化、資訊科技和人 工智慧應用等相關之研究。起初學術的環境偏重教學但傅教授深感研究的優窳關係國家科技與國防的強盛與否,亦影響經濟的盛衰甚大,因而以高品質的教學獲得教育部頒贈「教學特優獎」,並積極投入研究工作,十數年如一日,從無間斷在國內、外的”控制領域”及“機器人與自動化領域”備受各界肯定。","briefEn":"Li-Chen Fu (F'04) received B.S. degree from National Taiwan University, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 1981, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A. in 1985 and 1987, respectively.\r\n Since 1987, he has been a member of the faculty, and is currently a full professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University (NTU), Taiwan, R.O.C. Currently, he serves as Director of NTU Center for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Advanced Robotics as well as Co-director of MOST (Ministry of Science and Technology)/NTU Joint Research Center for AI Technology and All Vista Healthcare. He was awarded Lifetime Distinguished Professorship from his university in 2007. He has received numerous academic recognitions, such as Distinguished Research Awards from National Science Council, Taiwan, R.O.C., the Irving T. Ho Chair Professorship, Macronix Chair Professorship, Academic Award from Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R.O.C., IEEE Fellow in 2004, and IFAC Fellow in 2017. He currently serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Asian Journal of Control as well as Vice-President of IEEE Control Systems Society. His research interests include robotics, smart home, visual detection and tracking, intelligent vehicle, production scheduling, virtual reality, and control theory & applications.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":267,"NameTw":"Rich Fuh","NameEn":"Rich Fuh","JobTitleTw":"科技部Taiwan Tech Arena計畫主持人","JobTitleEn":"Manager of Taiwan Tech Arena Ministry of Science and Technology","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805041402175341.jpg","briefTw":"Rich is responsible for Taiwan Tech Arena, a flagship tech startups ecosystem building program funded by Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan. Rich has\r\n\r\nextensive experience in tech industry from startups, local Taiwan company to Fortune Top 50 company in high tech area in Taiwan and US. Rich loves new things and have a big passion in working with people to use technology and innovation to make the world a better one. \r\n","briefEn":"Rich is responsible for Taiwan Tech Arena, a flagship tech startups ecosystem building program funded by Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan. Rich has\r\n\r\nextensive experience in tech industry from startups, local Taiwan company to Fortune Top 50 company in high tech area in Taiwan and US. Rich loves new things and have a big passion in working with people to use technology and innovation to make the world a better one. \r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":268,"NameTw":"陳凱爾","NameEn":"Kyle Chen","JobTitleTw":"數位時代創業小聚社群行銷總監","JobTitleEn":"Director of Community & Media Business Next Media Corp.","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805041406139286.jpg","briefTw":"2011年加入巨思文化,2014年起開始負責創業小聚社群,透過線下活動籌辦宇線上媒體經營,打造一個聚合台灣新創所需資金、資源與國際鏈結的機會平台,至今已藉由一對一採訪接觸超過500組團隊。重度網路成癮,樂於擁抱創新帶來的可能,並樂見新科技在跨領域可能創造的機會與新商業。2014年起協助籌辦Meet Taipei創新創業嘉年華,為台灣第一個多元化、跨領域、並且跨國交流的大型創業活動品牌,2017年創下3天、4大舞台、20場舞台節目與高達400組參展企業/新創參展記錄,其中包括100組國際新創。並且邀請超過70位國際級企業代表與投資人擔任演講人或者評審,共促成200組以上的投資人/新創媒合,總參觀人次高達68,800人次。","briefEn":"Joined Business Next Media Corp. as a marketing and event coordinator in 2011. Started to work as the community manager of Meet, the biggest startup community in Taiwan, also a platform for startup founders to find opportunities of investment, startup resources, and global network. Discovered more than 500 startup companies via one by one interviews.\r\nStarted to join the curation team of Meet Taipei Startup Festival, the first and biggest startup festival from local to global since 2014. In the 3 days event in 2017, there have been 400 booths (including 100 foreign startups), 20 different programs on 4 stages, 70+ global speakers and investors, 200+ sets of investor/startup match making, and 68,800 visits in total.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":269,"NameTw":"Kevin McSpadden","NameEn":"Kevin McSpadden","JobTitleTw":"新加坡科技媒體e27編輯","JobTitleEn":"Editor of e27","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805041408456953.jpg","briefTw":"畢業於香港大學,曾於TIME、 Reuters服務,於2015年進入e27擔任編輯,致力於推廣亞洲創新創業生態系。平時喜愛戶外活動,探索無限可能。","briefEn":"As the Editor at e27 his main focus is to steer the ship for content and make long-term decisions for the editorial side of the company. \r\n\r\nHe learned the journalism trade at the University of Hong Kong. Professionally, Kevin cut his teeth as a Production Assistant at Reuters and a reporting intern at TIME. In 2015 he took the leap of faith to move to an unknown city and begin working at e27. \r\n\r\nWhen not working, Kevin likes to spend time outdoors exploring as much as is reasonably possible.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":270,"NameTw":"Minesh Pore","NameEn":"Minesh Pore","JobTitleTw":"Head of Startup Launchpad at Global Sources","JobTitleEn":"Head of Startup Launchpad Global Sources","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805041503527204.jpg","briefTw":"Minesh is a highly regarded global trade expert with over 15 years’ experience leading multinational organizations in corporate transformation, business development, and strategic planning.\r\n\r\nMr. Pore is currently the Director of International Business at Global Sources and Head of Startup Launchpad (SULP), a division dedicated to developing the global startup ecosystem through business conferences, investor-focused events, mentoring, manufacturing and supply-chain expertise, and direct access to global buyers.\r\n\r\nStartup Launchpad organizes Asia’s largest hardware startup tradeshow in Hong Kong every spring and fall, offering exhibitors access to distribution, manufacturing and thought leadership. The show provides companies with access to 60,000+ distributors and some of the largest and most recognized retailers worldwide. \r\n","briefEn":"Minesh is a highly regarded global trade expert with over 15 years’ experience leading multinational organizations in corporate transformation, business development, and strategic planning.\r\n\r\nMr. Pore is currently the Director of International Business at Global Sources and Head of Startup Launchpad (SULP), a division dedicated to developing the global startup ecosystem through business conferences, investor-focused events, mentoring, manufacturing and supply-chain expertise, and direct access to global buyers.\r\n\r\nStartup Launchpad organizes Asia’s largest hardware startup tradeshow in Hong Kong every spring and fall, offering exhibitors access to distribution, manufacturing and thought leadership. The show provides companies with access to 60,000+ distributors and some of the largest and most recognized retailers worldwide. \r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/mineshpore/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":271,"NameTw":"游直翰","NameEn":"Chih Han Yu","JobTitleTw":"執行長暨共同創辦人Appier","JobTitleEn":"Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder of Appier","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805151122418540.JPG","briefTw":"游直翰帶領Appier的產品研發和業務團隊,運用人工智慧為客戶解決複雜的跨螢商業難題。游直翰在學術領域曾從事多個極具代表性的人工智慧專案,如:代表史丹佛大學參加美國國防部 DARPA無人駕駛自動車競賽以及參加機器狗(Little Dog)研發專案。","briefEn":"Yu leads Appier’s product development and business teams, building AI to make cross screen easy for clients. He worked on iconic AI projects such as Stanford’s DARPA Challenge self-driving car and Little Dog before leaving academia.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":272,"NameTw":"Tom Vanhoutte","NameEn":"Tom Vanhoutte","JobTitleTw":"Imec.xpand創辦人暨管理合夥人","JobTitleEn":"Founder & Managing Partner of Imec.xpand","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805081517596735.jpg","briefTw":"Tom Vanhoutte is the founder and managing partner of imec.xpand a Belgian based venture capital fund that turns nanotechnology innovation into global businesses. Tom is a strong believer in giving talented entrepreneurs access to all the tools necessary to build successful ventures. imec.xpand identifies high potential opportunities at a very early stage and matches them with the knowledge, expertise and infrastructure of imec, the world-leading R&D and innovation hub in nano-electronics and digital technologies. The imec.xpand team also believes in well-funded ventures from the very beginning so the entrepreneurs can focus on growing their business without having to worry about raising capital every few months. Prior to founding imec.xpand, Tom built 15 years of relevant private equity and venture capital experience at PwC in New York and at Capricorn Venture Partners where he was CFO, member of the management committee and member of the board. Tom holds a Master’s Degree in business engineering from the KU Leuven.","briefEn":"Tom Vanhoutte is the founder and managing partner of imec.xpand a Belgian based venture capital fund that turns nanotechnology innovation into global businesses. Tom is a strong believer in giving talented entrepreneurs access to all the tools necessary to build successful ventures. imec.xpand identifies high potential opportunities at a very early stage and matches them with the knowledge, expertise and infrastructure of imec, the world-leading R&D and innovation hub in nano-electronics and digital technologies. The imec.xpand team also believes in well-funded ventures from the very beginning so the entrepreneurs can focus on growing their business without having to worry about raising capital every few months. Prior to founding imec.xpand, Tom built 15 years of relevant private equity and venture capital experience at PwC in New York and at Capricorn Venture Partners where he was CFO, member of the management committee and member of the board. Tom holds a Master’s Degree in business engineering from the KU Leuven.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":273,"NameTw":"林清詠","NameEn":"Ching Yung Lin","JobTitleTw":"Graphen, Inc. 執行長暨哥倫比亞大學教授","JobTitleEn":"CEO of Graphen, Inc. & Professor of Columbia University","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805101007167168.JPG","briefTw":"林清詠博士是Graphen公司的首席執行官,該公司是一家致力於開發人工智慧的公司,尤其是針對金融服務行業和醫療保健行業的新型解決方案。 2017年6月之前,他曾擔任Graph Computing領域的IBM首席科學家,並擔任IBM傑出研究員。他在IBM T. J. Watson研究中心創建並領導了網絡科學與機器智能部門。他自2005年起一直擔任哥倫比亞大學的教授,同時還是華盛頓大學2003-2009的附屬教授和2014年紐約大學的兼職教授。","briefEn":"Dr. Ching-Yung Lin is the CEO of Graphen, Inc., a startup company dedicated to developing next-generation Artificial Intelligence technologies, especially for novel solutions in the Financial Services industry and the Healthcare industry. Before June 2017, He was the IBM Chief Scientist, in the area of Graph Computing, and an IBM Distinguished Researcher. He created and led the Network Science and Machine Intelligence Department in IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. He has been an Adjunct Professor at Columbia University since 2005 and was also an Affiliate Professor at the University of Washington 2003-2009 and an Adjunct Professor at NYU in 2014.","fb":"","twitter":"https://twitter.com/GraphenAI","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/company/graphenai/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":274,"NameTw":"王儷玲","NameEn":"Jennifer Wang","JobTitleTw":"國立政治大學副校長","JobTitleEn":"Vice President of National Cheng-Chi University ","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805081523048649.JPG","briefTw":"王儷玲教授是國立政治大學副校長、產學營運暨創新育成總中心營運長、風險與保險研究中心主任委員以及金融科技研究中心主任。她同時也是台灣風險與保險學會理事長、中華民國退休基金協會理事長及中華民國投信投顧公會理事。她曾擔任金融監督管理委員會主任委員、財團法人保險安定基金董事長以及政治大學商學院副院長。她是美國天普大學風險管理與保險學系博士,對於風險管理、金融市場、金融科技、長壽風險、退休基金投資管理、年金保險等議題都有深入研究。","briefEn":"Professor Jennifer Wang is the Distinguished Professor and Vice President at National Cheng-Chi University. She is the chairman of Fintech Research Center at National Cheng-Chi University. She is also the current President of Pension Funds Association in Taiwan. For the past three years, she has served as the Chairperson of the Financial Supervisory Commission in Taiwan. Professor Wang was also elected as a board member of both the American Risk and Insurance Association and the Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association. She was also the president of Taiwan Risk and Insurance Association (TRIA).","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":275,"NameTw":"Alessandro Gasparini","NameEn":"Alessandro Gasparini","JobTitleTw":"ImmerVision執行副總暨行銷總監","JobTitleEn":"Executive Vice President & Chief Commercial Officer of ImmerVersion","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805220902241361.jpg","briefTw":"Alessandro Gasparini is Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer of ImmerVision, the global experts in wide-angle imaging technology and intelligent vision. He has more than two decades of experience, including over 15 years in the emerging technology space, in the areas of corporate strategy, technology innovation, strategic management, business definition, planning and execution, and sales & marketing. \r\nAlessandro joined ImmerVision in 2005 as Chief Commercial Officer and was later appointed to Executive Vice President. He is responsible for leading ImmerVision’s commercial strategy, global presence, and overseeing the company’s expansion into new markets.\r\nBefore ImmerVision, Alessandro was Vice President of Strategic Alliances and Business Development at Polyplan Technologies until it was acquired by PTC, a strategic partner.\r\nWhen not traveling the world, Alessandro fulfills his passion for alpine skiing. He is a certified Canadian Ski Instructor, and coaches, mentors and certifies new instructors. Alessandro has a penchant for sport cars, especially convertibles and when he’s not driving he enjoys fine dining and great wines.","briefEn":"Alessandro Gasparini is Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer of ImmerVision, the global experts in wide-angle imaging technology and intelligent vision. He has more than two decades of experience, including over 15 years in the emerging technology space, in the areas of corporate strategy, technology innovation, strategic management, business definition, planning and execution, and sales & marketing. \r\nAlessandro joined ImmerVision in 2005 as Chief Commercial Officer and was later appointed to Executive Vice President. He is responsible for leading ImmerVision’s commercial strategy, global presence, and overseeing the company’s expansion into new markets.\r\nBefore ImmerVision, Alessandro was Vice President of Strategic Alliances and Business Development at Polyplan Technologies until it was acquired by PTC, a strategic partner.\r\nWhen not traveling the world, Alessandro fulfills his passion for alpine skiing. He is a certified Canadian Ski Instructor, and coaches, mentors and certifies new instructors. Alessandro has a penchant for sport cars, especially convertibles and when he’s not driving he enjoys fine dining and great wines.","fb":"https://www.facebook.com/ImmerVision-113594679218/","twitter":"https://twitter.com/ImmerVision","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":276,"NameTw":"Handol Kim","NameEn":"Handol Kim","JobTitleTw":"Quadrant總經理","JobTitleEn":"General Manager of Quadrant","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805220925336296.jpg","briefTw":"Handol is the General Manager of Quadrant, a D-Wave Business. Handol has 20+ years of technology business experience in cloud, virtualization, HPC, mobile and telecom software in Silicon Valley, Asia and Canada.","briefEn":"Handol is the General Manager of Quadrant, a D-Wave Business. Handol has 20+ years of technology business experience in cloud, virtualization, HPC, mobile and telecom software in Silicon Valley, Asia and Canada.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":277,"NameTw":"葉啟信","NameEn":"Casey Yeh","JobTitleTw":"中鼎集團創新研發長","JobTitleEn":"Head of Group Research & Innovation Center of CTCI","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805221035065877.jpg","briefTw":"葉啓信先生1984年畢業於國立成功大學航空系後在美國愛荷華大學得到工業工程與管理研究所的碩士。畢業後在矽谷開始了電腦軟體工程師的工作,負責工廠自動化,ERP,CRM, 金融服務多項系統和軟體硏發工作,曾任VISA的電腦軟體開發總監。因為對產品研發和新科技應用有很大興趣,開始轉到大型科技專案管理的工作,在Autodesk負責電腦雲端平台研發的專案,以及新科技的產品化。於2017年應中鼎集團公司邀請,返台擔任集團創研長的工作,負責創新硏發的工作。","briefEn":"Casey Yeh graduated from the Aviation Department of National Cheng Kung University in 1984 and received a master's degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from the University of Iowa. After graduating, he’s working for factory automation, ERP, CRM, financial services, and various systems and software development as a computer software engineer in Silicon Valley. He used to be the computer software development director of VISA. Then, he was responsible for the research and development of cloud and the new technology in Autodesk. In 2017, at the invitation of the CTCI Corporation, he returned to Taiwan to work as a research director and was responsible for the work of innovation and development.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":278,"NameTw":"Dr. Mario Urbina Cazenave","NameEn":"Dr. Mario Urbina Cazenave","JobTitleTw":"BMW集團首席 User Experience and Interaction Designer","JobTitleEn":"Lead User Experience & Interaction Design of BMW","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805221856473984.jpg","briefTw":"Mario Urbina Cazenave博士目前於BMW集團擔任首席使用者互動體驗設計師(lead UI/UX designer),負責包含BMW, MINI, 與Rolls-Royce品牌在車內或可攜式裝置上的iDrive 多媒體娛樂系統、觸控顯示介面,螢幕鑰匙、後座娛樂影音系統等互動裝置的設計與發想。專長於多媒體與人機互動等不同面向的開發,像是視線、語音、手勢的互動控制研發,或是視覺感知結合觸控系統的設計整合,為當代在智能互動領域中最傑出的專家。","briefEn":"","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":279,"NameTw":"Hironao Kunimitsu","NameEn":"Hironao Kunimitsu","JobTitleTw":"gumi Inc. 總裁暨執行長","JobTitleEn":"President & CEO of gumi Inc.","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805251534563110.jpg","briefTw":"Mr. Hironao Kunimitsu founded gumi Inc., in June 2007 and it started listing on first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in December, 2014. He has been its President since June 2007. Mr. Kunimitsu serves as Chief Executive Officer at Tokyo VR Startups. He joined Atmovie Inc. as a Company Director since May 2004. Mr. Kunimitsu produced movies and TV Dramas, and started ventures. He is a Director of inXile entertainment, Inc. Mr. Kunimitsu serves as a Director of gumi ventures. He has been Representative Director at gumi Inc. since June 2007. graduated from Santa Monica College.","briefEn":"Mr. Hironao Kunimitsu founded gumi Inc., in June 2007 and it started listing on first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in December, 2014. He has been its President since June 2007. Mr. Kunimitsu serves as Chief Executive Officer at Tokyo VR Startups. He joined Atmovie Inc. as a Company Director since May 2004. Mr. Kunimitsu produced movies and TV Dramas, and started ventures. He is a Director of inXile entertainment, Inc. Mr. Kunimitsu serves as a Director of gumi ventures. He has been Representative Director at gumi Inc. since June 2007. graduated from Santa Monica College.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":280,"NameTw":"Nils Beers","NameEn":"Nils Beers","JobTitleTw":"Startup Delta 總監","JobTitleEn":"Director of Startup Delta","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805251950263939.jpg","briefTw":"At the age of 22, Nils started his first company that built speedboats on solar power. After this, he was asked to develop new business for BAM, one of the largest construction companies of Europe with clients like Tesla, and he got another taste of the startup world by working for a well-funded scale up for electronic locking devices Clay. He then became the commercial director of Yes!Delft, the largest and most respected tech incubator of Europe. At StartupDelta Nils’ entrepreneurial mindset and commercial experience are essential in building the 1 innovation nation of Europe, together with corporates and leading policymakers.","briefEn":"At the age of 22, Nils started his first company that built speedboats on solar power. After this, he was asked to develop new business for BAM, one of the largest construction companies of Europe with clients like Tesla, and he got another taste of the startup world by working for a well-funded scale up for electronic locking devices Clay. He then became the commercial director of Yes!Delft, the largest and most respected tech incubator of Europe. At StartupDelta Nils’ entrepreneurial mindset and commercial experience are essential in building the 1 innovation nation of Europe, together with corporates and leading policymakers.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":281,"NameTw":"Andy Lürling","NameEn":"Andy Lürling","JobTitleTw":"LUMO Labs創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Founder of LUMO Labs","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805251951473825.jpg","briefTw":"Andy is a Dutch serial entrepreneur in the high tech and creative industries. After selling the shares of his company iOpener Media GmbH in Germany in 2011 he started to advise and support start-ups in the high tech and creative industries. Noticing the lack of early stage ‘risk’ capital available for start-ups in Western Europe, Andy founded LUMO labs, a so-called venture builder in 2016. LUMO Labs is a two year venture builder program that besides providing seed funding, actively supports entrepreneurs with a ''hands on'' approach. LUMO labs mission is to facilitate a vibrant ecosystem and stimulate cross-pollination between start-ups. Its focus markets are on big data/deep learning, AI, VR/AR/MR, Blockchain and Robotics/IoT. Andy also is fostering social impact by creating awareness of the need for heightened focus on sustainability as well as creating profitable businesses. Andy divides his time between the Eindhoven (The Netherlands) and Los Angeles (USA) where the first two LUMO Labs are located. Andy holds a degree in Information Management from the Zuyd University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands), and successfully completed the Master Class Technology, Strategy and Entrepreneurship at Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands).","briefEn":"Andy is a Dutch serial entrepreneur in the high tech and creative industries. After selling the shares of his company iOpener Media GmbH in Germany in 2011 he started to advise and support start-ups in the high tech and creative industries. Noticing the lack of early stage ‘risk’ capital available for start-ups in Western Europe, Andy founded LUMO labs, a so-called venture builder in 2016. LUMO Labs is a two year venture builder program that besides providing seed funding, actively supports entrepreneurs with a ''hands on'' approach. LUMO labs mission is to facilitate a vibrant ecosystem and stimulate cross-pollination between start-ups. Its focus markets are on big data/deep learning, AI, VR/AR/MR, Blockchain and Robotics/IoT. Andy also is fostering social impact by creating awareness of the need for heightened focus on sustainability as well as creating profitable businesses. Andy divides his time between the Eindhoven (The Netherlands) and Los Angeles (USA) where the first two LUMO Labs are located. Andy holds a degree in Information Management from the Zuyd University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands), and successfully completed the Master Class Technology, Strategy and Entrepreneurship at Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands).","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":282,"NameTw":"Dave Drach","NameEn":"Dave Drach","JobTitleTw":"Techstars經營策略部總經理","JobTitleEn":"Vice President of Corporate Strategy Techstars","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805280917040326.png","briefTw":"Dave Drach is Vice President of Corporate Strategy at Techstars where he helps entrepreneurs and corporates prosper together. With a small team at Techstars he created the first corporate backed, partnership driven, startup accelerator with the powered by Techstars model and has evolved that model into successful partnerships with corporations like Microsoft, Barclays, Disney, Google, Nike and Ford. Prior to Techstars Dave was a Managing Director in Microsoft’s Emerging Business Team, Microsoft’s venture arm. Prior to Microsoft he was with Great Plain Software and Boeing. He has an engineering degree from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and a master’s degree from Carnegie Mellon University. Dave enjoys building hotrods, playing a little golf and spending time with his family.","briefEn":"Dave Drach is Vice President of Corporate Strategy at Techstars where he helps entrepreneurs and corporates prosper together. With a small team at Techstars he created the first corporate backed, partnership driven, startup accelerator with the powered by Techstars model and has evolved that model into successful partnerships with corporations like Microsoft, Barclays, Disney, Google, Nike and Ford. Prior to Techstars Dave was a Managing Director in Microsoft’s Emerging Business Team, Microsoft’s venture arm. Prior to Microsoft he was with Great Plain Software and Boeing. He has an engineering degree from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and a master’s degree from Carnegie Mellon University. Dave enjoys building hotrods, playing a little golf and spending time with his family.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":283,"NameTw":"Edward Greve","NameEn":"Edward Greve","JobTitleTw":"IOTA Foundation首席工程師","JobTitleEn":"Head of Engineering IOTA Foundation","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805272104582582.jpeg","briefTw":"Edward Greve has been a software developer for a number of years, most recently at WillowTree Apps in North Carolina, where he worked on cutting edge digital products for nationally and internationally recognizable brands, such as CBC and National Geographic. His area of expertise is in full-stack web development, and he understands how to work with business partners to develop advanced cloud-based systems that support applications with a world-class user experience. Edward holds degrees in Mathematics and Physics from Rowan University and is fully self-taught in computer science. He is also a language enthusiast and polyglot, and he speaks fluent Mandarin Chinese, Dutch, and French in addition to conversational bits and pieces in a half-dozen other languages from around the world. He spent almost a decade living and working in Taiwan. Edward Greve has a wide range of experience from different regions and brings with him a varied skill set to the IOTA Foundation, and while his primary role will be full stack front-end development, he plays a key role in supporting the IOTA Foundation’s efforts on the ground in Asia to establish IOTA as a standard in the region for IoT and beyond. His polyglot abilities is also a very useful asset for obvious reasons.","briefEn":"Edward Greve has been a software developer for a number of years, most recently at WillowTree Apps in North Carolina, where he worked on cutting edge digital products for nationally and internationally recognizable brands, such as CBC and National Geographic. His area of expertise is in full-stack web development, and he understands how to work with business partners to develop advanced cloud-based systems that support applications with a world-class user experience. Edward holds degrees in Mathematics and Physics from Rowan University and is fully self-taught in computer science. He is also a language enthusiast and polyglot, and he speaks fluent Mandarin Chinese, Dutch, and French in addition to conversational bits and pieces in a half-dozen other languages from around the world. He spent almost a decade living and working in Taiwan. Edward Greve has a wide range of experience from different regions and brings with him a varied skill set to the IOTA Foundation, and while his primary role will be full stack front-end development, he plays a key role in supporting the IOTA Foundation’s efforts on the ground in Asia to establish IOTA as a standard in the region for IoT and beyond. His polyglot abilities is also a very useful asset for obvious reasons.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":284,"NameTw":"丁彥允","NameEn":"Martin Tin","JobTitleTw":"喜門史塔雷克總經理","JobTitleEn":"General Manager of 7STARLAKE","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805291159250670.jpg","briefTw":"身為喜門史塔雷克有限公司的創辦人與總經理,丁彥允秉持『聰明城市,智慧交通』的理念與構想,積極研究智慧無人科技及雲端平台,包括無人車、3D LiDAR智慧路口、V2X車聯網絡等等,更成立喜門史塔雷克,為未來人工智慧、無人科技、物聯網車聯網等前端技術提供平台,2017年5月,引進全台首輛無人車,並在各地區場域展開測試活動,開始了智慧城市的第一塊拼圖。","briefEn":"Human has been dreaming of smarter life for centuries, unmanned technology is one of main drive. In this program, SSL invites top technology and industry experts to discuss this innovative emerging force.\r\nPanelists including core technology “Lidar Sensor” and “computing” developers with application vehicle makers to share how their advanced know-how are shaping the new world and what’s new milestone to be achieved in near future. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":285,"NameTw":"吳漢章","NameEn":"Peter Wu","JobTitleTw":"華碩雲端總經理","JobTitleEn":"CEO of ASUS Cloud Corporation","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805291201152603.jpg","briefTw":"吳漢章於2008年加入了華碩集團,負責雲端服務的研發、營運與行銷,將雲端服務帶到全球的消費及商業市場,並於教育科技、精準醫療、物聯網與智慧城市等垂直領域建構生態圈,逐步帶領華碩雲端成為雲端領域的領導品牌。\r\n吳漢章同時擔任行政院數位國家創新經濟(Digi)推動小組民間諮詢委員、台北市智慧城市委員會委員、台灣雲端運算產業協會副主任委員、TCA台灣行動應用暨資安產業聯盟會長及擔任多項政府專案與計畫主持人,協助資訊科技與產業整合。","briefEn":"","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":286,"NameTw":"劉思泰","NameEn":"ST Liew","JobTitleTw":"高通副總裁暨台灣區總裁","JobTitleEn":"Vice President & President of Qualcomm Taiwan","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805291202407352.jpg","briefTw":"劉思泰先生於2016年10月起擔任高通公司副總裁暨台灣區總裁,負責高通在台業務。劉思泰在通訊產業擁有三十年以上領導業務和工程團隊資歷,曾任宏碁股份有限公司自建雲與智慧產品事業總經理,負責包含智慧型手機、平板電腦及穿戴式裝置等產品項目。在其領導下,宏碁智慧型手機及平板電腦業績皆有倍數性成長。於此之前,曾任宏碁歐洲、中東、非洲(EMEA)地區智慧型手機事業部總處長。","briefEn":"","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":287,"NameTw":"吳修辰","NameEn":"Scott Wu","JobTitleTw":"商業周刊編輯處副總編輯","JobTitleEn":"Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Business Weekly ","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805291522233196.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":288,"NameTw":"曾仲銘","NameEn":"Benjamin Tseng","JobTitleTw":"隆中網絡董事長","JobTitleEn":"Founder & Chairman@Net Publishing","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201805300856164593.jpg","briefTw":"Experienced Founder with a demonstrated history of working in the computer games industry. Skilled in Online Gaming, Casual Games, Social Games, Digital Marketing, and Value-Added Services (VAS). Strong entrepreneurship professional with a Master focused in Industrial Engineering from National Chiao Tung University.","briefEn":"Experienced Founder with a demonstrated history of working in the computer games industry. Skilled in Online Gaming, Casual Games, Social Games, Digital Marketing, and Value-Added Services (VAS). Strong entrepreneurship professional with a Master focused in Industrial Engineering from National Chiao Tung University.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":289,"NameTw":"Samson Ellis","NameEn":"Samson Ellis","JobTitleTw":"Bloomberg台北局長","JobTitleEn":"Taipei Bureau Chief of Bloomberg","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201806021501582487.jpg","briefTw":"We are the central nervous system of global finance. Born in 1981, Bloomberg is a forward-looking company focused on building products and solutions that are needed for the 21st century. As a global information and technology company, we connect decision makers to a dynamic network of data, people and ideas – accurately delivering business and financial information, news and insights to customers around the world.","briefEn":"We are the central nervous system of global finance. Born in 1981, Bloomberg is a forward-looking company focused on building products and solutions that are needed for the 21st century. As a global information and technology company, we connect decision makers to a dynamic network of data, people and ideas – accurately delivering business and financial information, news and insights to customers around the world.","fb":"","twitter":"https://twitter.com/samsonellis?lang=en","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":290,"NameTw":"Cindy Sui","NameEn":"Cindy Sui","JobTitleTw":"Correspondent of BBC","JobTitleEn":"Correspondent of BBC","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201806021523393371.jpg","briefTw":"BBC's Taiwan correspondent, based in Taipei. Previously worked in Beijing, Hong Kong and California. Love to look at all sides and share what I learn.","briefEn":"BBC's Taiwan correspondent, based in Taipei. Previously worked in Beijing, Hong Kong and California. Love to look at all sides and share what I learn.","fb":"","twitter":"https://twitter.com/bbccindysui?lang=en","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":291,"NameTw":"林德理","NameEn":"Jeffrey Ling","JobTitleTw":"Startup Ecosystem Builder","JobTitleEn":"Startup Ecosystem Builder","profilePicPath":"/2018/_uploads/201806121043527148.jpg","briefTw":"Jeffrey Ling is a startup ecosystem builder and innovator with particular interest in venture building and corporate innovation in Taiwan and beyond. He founded Entrepreneurs Society of Taiwan in 2011, currently numbering 4300+ members. Thereafter, he held leadership role in two startup ventures before joining Taiwan Startup Stadium, a government-funded project tasked with globalizing the Taiwan startup ecosystem, where he handled, among other things, startup development and investor relations. He has worked with over 100 tech startups covering various verticals. Before his startup-related roles, Jeffrey spent the first 10 years of his career as a legal professional in both New Zealand and Taiwan.","briefEn":"Jeffrey Ling is a startup ecosystem builder and innovator with particular interest in venture building and corporate innovation in Taiwan and beyond. He founded Entrepreneurs Society of Taiwan in 2011, currently numbering 4300+ members. Thereafter, he held leadership role in two startup ventures before joining Taiwan Startup Stadium, a government-funded project tasked with globalizing the Taiwan startup ecosystem, where he handled, among other things, startup development and investor relations. He has worked with over 100 tech startups covering various verticals. Before his startup-related roles, Jeffrey spent the first 10 years of his career as a legal professional in both New Zealand and Taiwan.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":292,"NameTw":"鄭芳田","NameEn":"Fan-Tien Cheng","JobTitleTw":"教授","JobTitleEn":"Professor","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904231654021964.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"Professor Fan-Tien Cheng focuses his academic researches on the production process improvement, production automation, e-Manufacturing/intelligent machinery, and Industry 4.0 of both high-tech (semiconductor, TFT-LCD, and solar-cell) and traditional (aerospace, blow molding machine, machine tool, and carbon fiber) industries. In this way, he has been helping various industries to surpass Industry 4.0 and reach the state of Industry 4.1 (Zero Defects). His splendid outcome of both academic and industrial applications has won him dozens of awards both internationally and domestically. He is thus famed \"the Father of Taiwan's semiconductor automation.\"","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"國立成功大學智慧製造研究中心教授","boothInfoEn":"Professor of NCKU, Intelligent Manufacturing Research Center","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":294,"NameTw":"鄭永斌","NameEn":"Yung-Pin Cheng","JobTitleTw":"副教授","JobTitleEn":"Associate Professor","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904231659534725.jpg","briefTw":"鄭永斌教授在西元2000於美國 Purdue CS 獲得博士學位之後,回國加入國內的資訊工程研究與教育。他的研究領域與專長為軟體工程,專精於軟體測試,軟體除錯,軟體視覺化,物件導向分析,以及軟體自動化驗證等領域。另外,鄭永斌教授對於軟體開發的實務有很深入的探索,幾年來他擔任台積電軟體開發部門的顧問,負責引導他們朝世界級的軟體公司前進。近年來,鄭永斌教授執行多年期的科技部工業深耕計畫,所產出的研發成果已經為國內的幾個知名大廠所使用。學術方面,鄭永斌教授不定期在國際頂尖軟體工程學術會議發表論文,他也是台灣軟體工程學會的重要成員多年,推廣國內的軟體工程研究與教育不遺餘力。","briefEn":"Yung-Pin Cheng received his B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, in 1989 and 1991 respectively. He received his Ph.D. in computer science from Purdue University, West Lafayette, U.S. 2000. His major research interest is in software engineering. He has published his papers in some important software engineering conference and journals, including SIGSOFT Foundation of Software Engineering (FSE), SIGSOFT ISSTA (International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis). His research topics include automatic software verification, software visualization, object-oriented design and analysis. He likes to build software engineering tools to try out new ideas.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"國立中央大學資訊工程系副教授","boothInfoEn":"Associate Professor of NCU, CSIE ","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":295,"NameTw":"陳慶瀚","NameEn":"Qingqi Chen","JobTitleTw":"教授","JobTitleEn":"Professor","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904231701135911.jpg","briefTw":"MIAT(Machine Intelligence and Automation Technology)實驗室由陳慶瀚博士於1998年創立。實驗室宗旨在於建構一個領先全球的創新設計方法論,以此為核心從事前瞻嵌入式軟體和硬體以及應用系統研發。MIAT實驗室的碩博士生研究主題均根據產業的技術發展趨勢和實際需求來規劃,所研發的技術成果因此與產業應用價值緊密結合。","briefEn":"The MIAT (Machine Intelligence and Automation Technology) laboratory was founded in 1998 by Dr. Chen Qingqi. The purpose of the lab is to build a globally leading approach to innovative design, with a focus on forward-looking embedded software and hardware and application system development. The research themes of the doctoral students of MIAT Lab are all based on the technical development trend and actual needs of the industry. The technical results of the research and development are closely combined with the industrial application value.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"國立中央大學資訊工程系教授","boothInfoEn":"Professor of NCU, CSIE ","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":296,"NameTw":"陳倩瑜","NameEn":"Chien-Yu Chen","JobTitleTw":"教授","JobTitleEn":" Professor","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904231702445503.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"Dr. Chen, Chien-Yu is currently a professor of the department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering, National Taiwan University. From 2019/2/1, she also serves as the chief scientist of Genomic AI in the Taiwan AI Labs. She has expertise in Bioinformatics, machine learning, and gene regulatory networks. Dr. Chen received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University in 1996, the M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 1998, and the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Information Engineering from National Taiwan University in 2003. With the strong background of developing machine learning algorithms during her Ph.D. study, the research of Dr. Chen mainly focuses on designing machine learning methods for solving problems of molecular biology, including predicting protein-DNA binding and variant pathogenicity, using both supervised learning such as classification/regression and unsupervised learning such as clustering/pattern mining.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"國立臺灣大學 生物產業機電工程學教授","boothInfoEn":" Professor of NTU, Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":297,"NameTw":"賴飛羆","NameEn":"Feipei Lai","JobTitleTw":"醫務秘書/教授","JobTitleEn":"Secretary in medical affairs/Professor","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904231703350812.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"Feipei Lai received a B.S.E.E. degree from National Taiwan University in 1980, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1984 and 1987, respectively.\r\nHe is a professor in the Graduate Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics, the Graduate Institute of Medical Device and Imaging, the Graduate Institute of Health Policy and Management, the Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering and the Department of Electrical Engineering at National Taiwan University. He serves as secretary in medical affairs, National Taiwan University Hospital. He was a vice superintendent of National Taiwan University Hospital. He was the chairman of Taiwan Network Information Center. His current research interest is Medical Informatics.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"臺大醫院醫務秘書/教授","boothInfoEn":"Secretary in medical affairs/Professor of National Taiwan University Hospital","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":298,"NameTw":"胡務亮","NameEn":"Paul Hwu","JobTitleTw":"主治醫生/教授","JobTitleEn":"Attending Physician/Professor","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904231704392749.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"Dr. Paul Hwu is a Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) in Taiwan.\r\nProfessor Hwu completed his medical and PhD degrees at College of Medicine, National Taiwan University. He completed his residency at NTUH. He has also done fellowship at the Department of Genetics at Johns Hopkins University, and was a Visiting Scientist at the Department of Medical Genetics at Mayo Clinic. He was the Department Head of Medical Genetics at NTUH from 2006 to 2012, and the Inaugural President of the Taiwan Human Genetics Society from 1999 to 2002. He is a Board Member of the Taiwan Foundation for Rare Disorders.\r\n\r\nProfessor Hwu set up the Newborn Screening Program for Pompe Disease in Taiwan, one of the first in the world, and has dedicated much of his research and clinical effort in the diagnosis, management, and gene therapy for patients with rare genetic diseases. His recent interests include employing next generation sequencing (NGS) and artificial intelligence to facilitate the diagnosis of genetic disease and related conditions.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"臺大醫院基因學部暨小兒部主治醫生/教授","boothInfoEn":"Attending Physician/Professor of National Taiwan University Hospital","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":299,"NameTw":"楊泮池","NameEn":"Pan-Chyr Yang","JobTitleTw":"主治醫生/教授","JobTitleEn":"Attending Physician/Professor","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904231705265946.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"Dr. Yang is Chair Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University College of Medicine. He was the former President of National Taiwan University. His major research interests are pulmonary and critical care medicine, lung cancer genomics and precision cancer therapy. He was elected as member of Academia Sinica in 2006 and the World Academic of Science in 2008 as well as the National Academy of Inventors of USA in 2015 because of his contributions in leading the translational research and implementation of precision medicine for lung cancer, which have significantly improved the survival in lung cancer patients in Taiwan. His research group identified novel biomarkers and pathways that associated with lung cancer risk and progression. They successfully established new platforms of theranostic applications of aptamer, lung cancer stem cell and tumor microenvironment directed therapy that may be beneficial and improve treatment outcome of lung cancer patients.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"臺大醫院內科部主治醫生/教授","boothInfoEn":"Attending Physician/Professor of National Taiwan University Hospital","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":300,"NameTw":"伍紹勳","NameEn":"Sau-Hsuan Wu","JobTitleTw":"教授","JobTitleEn":"Professor","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904261756370466.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"Sau-Hsuan Wu received the B.S. and the M.S. degrees from National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, in 1990 and 1993, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, CA, USA, in 2003. From 1995 to 1999, and from 2004 to 2005, he served in the industry first as a senior circuit and system design engineer, and then as a technical consultant for wireless communication system designs. Since 2005, he has been with National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, and is currently a full Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His research interests lie in the areas of signal processing, system design and performance analysis for wireless communications, and bio-medical signal processing. He has won the best paper award in IEEE Greencom 2013, and the first prize award in AIoT innovation contest in 2018 Mobileheroes. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"國立交大電機系教授","boothInfoEn":"Professor of NCTU, Electrical and Computer Engineering","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":301,"NameTw":"宋俊瑩","NameEn":"Gene Song","JobTitleTw":"處長","JobTitleEn":"Technical Director","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904231706493043.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"百歐精準生物醫學技術處處長","boothInfoEn":"Technical Director of AllBio Science Incorporated","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":302,"NameTw":"Dominik Schiener","NameEn":"Dominik Schiener","JobTitleTw":"董事會主席","JobTitleEn":"Co-Chairman of the Boards of Directors & Founder","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904241329137394.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"A passionate and aspiring entrepreneur. Dominik is currently working on several projects that make use of the Blockchain and Smart Contract to create new and socially impactful applications. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"IOTA Foundati董事會主席","boothInfoEn":"Co-Chairman of the Boards of Directors & Founder of IOTA Foundation","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":303,"NameTw":"Jeff McDonald","NameEn":"Jeff McDonald","JobTitleTw":"共同創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Co-Founder","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904241328538582.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"Early blockchain advocate, builder, and foundation co-founder of a multi-billion dollar blockchain.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"NEM.IO Foundation 共同創辦人","boothInfoEn":"Co-Founder of NEM.IO Foundation ","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":304,"NameTw":"Peko Wan","NameEn":"Peko Wan","JobTitleTw":"副總經理","JobTitleEn":"Vice President ","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904241329354496.jpeg","briefTw":"Peko Wan has over 15 year experience in the IT industry. As a Vice President at Pundi X, Peko has facilitated strategic partnerships as well as launched Pundi X payment products in the global markets. She leads Pundi X on branding, marketing and communications strategy, and other initiatives. \r\nPeko received her MBA from Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California and a Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages and Literature from National Sun Yat-sen University.","briefEn":"Peko Wan has over 15 year experience in the IT industry. As a Vice President at Pundi X, Peko has facilitated strategic partnerships as well as launched Pundi X payment products in the global markets. She leads Pundi X on branding, marketing and communications strategy, and other initiatives. \r\nPeko received her MBA from Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California and a Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages and Literature from National Sun Yat-sen University.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Pundi X副總經理","boothInfoEn":"Vice President of Pundi X","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":305,"NameTw":"John Jorritsma","NameEn":"John Jorritsma","JobTitleTw":"市長","JobTitleEn":"Mayor ","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904241421383032.jpg","briefTw":"John Jorritsma is a Dutch politician. He has been mayor of Eindhoven since 13 September 2016. He was the King's Commissioner of the Dutch province of Friesland between 16 May 2008 and 12 September 2016.\r\nJorritsma was a member of the States of North Brabant from 1994 to 1998. He was mayor of Cranendonck between 1997 and 2002.","briefEn":"John Jorritsma is a Dutch politician. He has been mayor of Eindhoven since 13 September 2016. He was the King's Commissioner of the Dutch province of Friesland between 16 May 2008 and 12 September 2016.\r\nJorritsma was a member of the States of North Brabant from 1994 to 1998. He was mayor of Cranendonck between 1997 and 2002.","fb":"","twitter":"https://twitter.com/JJorritsma040","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"荷蘭愛因荷芬市市長","boothInfoEn":"Mayor of Netherlands, Eindhoven","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":306,"NameTw":"Alessandro Grande","NameEn":"Alessandro Grande","JobTitleTw":"Ecosystem Manager","JobTitleEn":"Ecosystem Manager","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904240924218790.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"Alessandro is the ecosystem manager in the automotive and IoT division at Arm. Alessandro is part of a global team that focuses on driving innovation by supporting a diverse range of developers building solutions in IoT, embedded, robotics, drones, machine learning and security. Alessandro joined Arm as an electronic engineer in 2014. After four years working as a design and validation engineer, he spent six months as an Education Specialist, equipping engineers from across the globe, with the right tools and support they needed to help students pursue a career in electronics and computer science. Prior to joining Arm, Alessandro achieved an master in nuclear physics, with a focus on electronics, from the University of Rome \"La Sapienza\", Italy.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Ecosystem Manager of Arm","boothInfoEn":"Ecosystem Manager of Arm","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":317,"NameTw":"翁嘉盛","NameEn":"David Weng","JobTitleTw":"總經理","JobTitleEn":"General manager","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904241445002334.jpg","briefTw":"翁嘉盛以在矽谷三十七年實戰經驗、專職天使投資人並有最高投報率逾百倍勝績,接任台灣第一個國家級投資公司:台杉投資管理顧問股份有限公司總經理。台杉投資已募集兩檔共百億元基金,看過數百新創公。台杉投資的投資領域包括物聯網領域五家、生技領域,海內外公司各占一半。其中物聯網基金已投資包含美國自駕車關鍵零組件廠光達技術(LIDAR),期待助台廠搶進自駕車供應鏈。\r\n","briefEn":"David Weng is recognized as a seasoned angel and venture investor with proven track record of bringing startups to successful IPOs, mergers and acquisitions. He focuses primarily on early-stage investments in Internet, enterprise software, wireless, cyber security, and rapidly-growing technology companies.\r\n\r\nHe has invested in about 80 early-stage high technology companies. Some of the more notable successes include the NetScreen Technologies IPO and its acquisition by Juniper Networks for US$4 billion, and Protego Networks' acquisition by Cisco Systems.\r\n\r\nPrior to his investment projects, David served as Software Engineering Director at Cisco Systems and at Hewlett-Packard before that. He actively participated in M&A activities during Cisco fast-growing time in the 90's. He has over 20 years of experience in software engineering and Internet technologies.\r\n\r\nDavid was President of the Silicon Valley Taiwan Angels Group and on the board of the San Jose State University Tower Foundation as he received his M.S. in Computer Science Engineering from San Jose State University in 1983.\r\n\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"台杉資本總經理","boothInfoEn":"General manager of Taiwania Capital Management Corporation","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":318,"NameTw":"徐竹先","NameEn":"Steve Hsu","JobTitleTw":"總經理","JobTitleEn":"General manager","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904241427525356.jpg","briefTw":"Mr. Hsu found TXA Private Board which is the largest Advisory Board organization in Taiwan with records of over 260 board meetings in major cities in Asia. Mr. Hsu has nurtured over 600 startups with over 20 listed in Taiwan Stock Market. Mr. Hsu has over 20 years of experience on business consultant, corporate training, new business development, venture investment, and startup incubation.","briefEn":"Mr. Hsu found TXA Private Board which is the largest Advisory Board organization in Taiwan with records of over 260 board meetings in major cities in Asia. Mr. Hsu has nurtured over 600 startups with over 20 listed in Taiwan Stock Market. Mr. Hsu has over 20 years of experience on business consultant, corporate training, new business development, venture investment, and startup incubation.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/steve-hsu-1081a43a/?originalSubdomain=tw","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"TXA 創業家私董會總經理","boothInfoEn":"General manager of TXA Private Board","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":320,"NameTw":"林弘全","NameEn":"Light Lin","JobTitleTw":"創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Founder","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904240934444886.jpg","briefTw":"Light Lin is the Co-Founder of Poseidon Network, a decentralized content acceleration network based on Edge Computing, and Co-Founder of BiiLabs, a Taiwan-based startup focusing on distributed ledger technology (DLT) with IOTA, providing scalable Internet of Things (IoT) applications to build a trusted economy. Its specialities include secured data transaction for distributed identification, smart city solutions (e.g. Air Quality Sensor Grid), and smart energy management. It partners with Taipei City Government, IOTA Foundation and other world-class organizations to enable industry innovation with real-world use cases. \r\n\r\nPrior to BiiLabs, Light Lin co-founded Wretch.cc (2003-2007, acquired by Yahoo!), flyingV.cc (2012-2017, successful exit), and also managed 2 angel funds (37 portfolios with 40M USD AUM).\r\n\r\nLight Lin received 2014 “Award for Creativity & Research” from Pan Wen Yuan Foundation, a key indicative award in technology field. He also sits on the “Youth Advisory Board” for Governmental Executive Yuan. He received the “100 MVP Managers Award” in 2014, and also “Young Achiever Award” from Monte Jade Science & Technology Association, a key organization that takes a pro-active role in enhancing Taiwan’s tech entrepreneurship. \r\n\r\nIn 2015, he was invited by Taipei City Government to serve as the Advisor for Taipei Municipal. He also actively participates in the legislative process toward a more open platform for equity crowdfunding. In addition, he advises the amendment in corporate laws that govern closely-held companies.\r\n\r\nIn 2016, he joined the Advisory Committee of National Project ASVDA (Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency). In 2017, he serves on the Advisory Committee of DIGI+ (a national digitalization project) by Executive Yuan.","briefEn":"Light Lin is the Co-Founder of Poseidon Network, a decentralized content acceleration network based on Edge Computing, and Co-Founder of BiiLabs, a Taiwan-based startup focusing on distributed ledger technology (DLT) with IOTA, providing scalable Internet of Things (IoT) applications to build a trusted economy. Its specialities include secured data transaction for distributed identification, smart city solutions (e.g. Air Quality Sensor Grid), and smart energy management. It partners with Taipei City Government, IOTA Foundation and other world-class organizations to enable industry innovation with real-world use cases. \r\n\r\nPrior to BiiLabs, Light Lin co-founded Wretch.cc (2003-2007, acquired by Yahoo!), flyingV.cc (2012-2017, successful exit), and also managed 2 angel funds (37 portfolios with 40M USD AUM).\r\n\r\nLight Lin received 2014 “Award for Creativity & Research” from Pan Wen Yuan Foundation, a key indicative award in technology field. He also sits on the “Youth Advisory Board” for Governmental Executive Yuan. He received the “100 MVP Managers Award” in 2014, and also “Young Achiever Award” from Monte Jade Science & Technology Association, a key organization that takes a pro-active role in enhancing Taiwan’s tech entrepreneurship. \r\n\r\nIn 2015, he was invited by Taipei City Government to serve as the Advisor for Taipei Municipal. He also actively participates in the legislative process toward a more open platform for equity crowdfunding. In addition, he advises the amendment in corporate laws that govern closely-held companies.\r\n\r\nIn 2016, he joined the Advisory Committee of National Project ASVDA (Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency). In 2017, he serves on the Advisory Committee of DIGI+ (a national digitalization project) by Executive Yuan.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/lightlin/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"POSEIDON NETWORK創辦人","boothInfoEn":"Founder of POSEIDON NETWORK","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":323,"NameTw":" Zvika Popper","NameEn":" Zvika Popper","JobTitleTw":"策略總監","JobTitleEn":"VP of Strategy","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905081642249948.png","briefTw":"Zvika Popper is part of the founding team of HYPE Sports Innovation - the largest global sports innovation ecosystem of over 40K members. HYPE is dedicated to positively impact people’s lives through the power of sports and innovation. Zvika is also leading HYPE's annual TOP50 programs while personally mentoring and supporting dozens of startups from around the globe. He holds Bsc in Environmental Health and MA in Sustainable Development and has vast experience in leading various large scale international projects (public and private) and strategic collaborations.","briefEn":"Zvika Popper is part of the founding team of HYPE Sports Innovation - the largest global sports innovation ecosystem of over 40K members. HYPE is dedicated to positively impact people’s lives through the power of sports and innovation. Zvika is also leading HYPE's annual TOP50 programs while personally mentoring and supporting dozens of startups from around the globe. He holds Bsc in Environmental Health and MA in Sustainable Development and has vast experience in leading various large scale international projects (public and private) and strategic collaborations.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/zvika-popper-1721a626/?originalSubdomain=il","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"HYPE Sports Innovation策略總監","boothInfoEn":"VP Strategy of HYPE Sports Innovation","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":324,"NameTw":"黃經堯","NameEn":"ChingYao Huang","JobTitleTw":"理事長","JobTitleEn":"Chairman","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904240938100734.jpg","briefTw":"黃經堯理事長七十六年台大物理系畢業後,前往美國取得紐澤西理工學院電機碩士,接著取得羅格斯大學電子電腦工程博士,現交通大學電機學院副院長、台南分部主任、產業加速器暨專利開發策略中心主任。","briefEn":"Before joining NCTU in 2002, Dr. Huang was with Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies where he was a project leader of 3.5G cellular system development. Dr. Huang was the recipient of \"Bell Labs Team Award\" in 2003, \"Best Paper Award\" from IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference in 2004, and \"Outstanding Achievement Award\" from National Chiao Tung University in the years of 2007-2015. Besides Dr. Huang's academic achievement, Dr. Huang and his team were awarded the \"Best Industry Contribution\" from the Minister of Economic Affairs in 2013 due to the contribution in IPR management and innovation ecosystem. In 2013, Dr. Huang further established the first University Business Accelerator in Taiwan, called \"Center of Industry Accelerator and Patent Strategy\". With more than 50 universities participated, the center carries two national missions in both business acceleration for startups and IPR alliance. The center is UBI index (Sweden) ranked 7 global Incubator/accelerator in 2014 and 2015.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"亞太加速器網絡協會理事長","boothInfoEn":"Chairman of Asia-Pacific Accelerator Network(AAN)","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":326,"NameTw":"黃彥菱","NameEn":"Molly Huang","JobTitleTw":"執行長","JobTitleEn":"CEO","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904240925215994.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/molly-huang-594a9058/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Velodash執行長","boothInfoEn":"CEO of Velodash","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":327,"NameTw":"Katrina Chan","NameEn":"Katrina Chan","JobTitleTw":"總監","JobTitleEn":"Director","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904241401414808.jpeg","briefTw":"Kat serves as Director of QBO, a Philippine innovation hub and startup platform which she cofounded in 2016. QBO is the first of its kind public-private partnership initiative in the country formed by a collaboration among the Department of Science and Technology, Department of Trade and Industry, IdeaSpace and J.P. Morgan, specifically geared to provide resources, connections and support to accelerate the growth of Philippine tech startup companies. At QBO, Kat advises startups and leads overall program and business development activities collaborating closely with startup ecosystem partners.\r\n\r\nKat previously served as Associate Director and Head of Growth and Strategy at IdeaSpace, the Philippines’ largest private startup accelerator, and draws on prior experience working with senior management in corporate development, capital markets and process engineering positions.\r\n\r\nKat completed her undergraduate degree at Carnegie Mellon University, obtaining a degree in Materials Science and Engineering, with a double major in Business Administration. Kat is a Filipina millennial that advocates for spurring innovation and technopreneurship as an engine for driving economic growth and global competitiveness in emerging economies.\r\n","briefEn":"Kat serves as Director of QBO, a Philippine innovation hub and startup platform which she cofounded in 2016. QBO is the first of its kind public-private partnership initiative in the country formed by a collaboration among the Department of Science and Technology, Department of Trade and Industry, IdeaSpace and J.P. Morgan, specifically geared to provide resources, connections and support to accelerate the growth of Philippine tech startup companies. At QBO, Kat advises startups and leads overall program and business development activities collaborating closely with startup ecosystem partners.\r\n\r\nKat previously served as Associate Director and Head of Growth and Strategy at IdeaSpace, the Philippines’ largest private startup accelerator, and draws on prior experience working with senior management in corporate development, capital markets and process engineering positions.\r\n\r\nKat completed her undergraduate degree at Carnegie Mellon University, obtaining a degree in Materials Science and Engineering, with a double major in Business Administration. Kat is a Filipina millennial that advocates for spurring innovation and technopreneurship as an engine for driving economic growth and global competitiveness in emerging economies.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/krchan/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Qbo Innovation Hub總監","boothInfoEn":"Director of Qbo Innovation Hub","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":332,"NameTw":"佐藤將史","NameEn":"Masashi Sato","JobTitleTw":"經理","JobTitleEn":"Manager","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904240935417949.jpg","briefTw":"佐藤將史先生任職於野村綜合研究所,從事宇宙產業及振興創投,為主軸,產業創造與育成,開放式創新,產學合作,針對政府和智慧產權相關的政府及公司客戶的諮詢顧問業務。\r\n他於東京大學理學部畢業(2001年,地球與行星物理學),東京大學理學研究科修完(2003年,地球與行星科學),加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA)MPP(2013年,公共政策碩士),曾任職日本內政部“關於宇宙利用的未來象等相關懇談會”主要成員,日本內政部“開拓宇宙專案組”成員。 Softbank Creative“商業 + IT”刊物之“宇宙商業”連載中。","briefEn":"Mr. Masashi Sato is a business management consultant having worked on startup ecosystem development, open innovation, industry policy, public affairs, and NewSpace development.","fb":"","twitter":"https://twitter.com/masasi_jp?lang=en","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/masashi-sato-40975255/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"野村綜合研究所經理","boothInfoEn":"Manager of Nomura Research Institute","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":333,"NameTw":"Jeff Karp","NameEn":"Jeff Karp","JobTitleTw":"教授","JobTitleEn":"Professor","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904240933480464.jpg","briefTw":"Dr. Jeff Karp works in the fields of drug delivery, medical devices, stem cell therapeutics, and tissue adhesives. He has published over 125 peer-reviewed papers, with >17,000 citations, and has given over 300 invited lectures. He has over 100 issued or pending national and international patents. Several technologies developed in his lab have led to multiple products currently in development or on the market and for the launch of seven companies that have raised over $180 million in funding \r\n\r\nKarp has received over 50 awards and honors. Boston Magazine recently recognized Karp as one of 11 Boston Doctors Making Medical Breakthroughs. The Boston Business Journal recognized him as a Champion in Healthcare Innovation and MIT’s Technology Review Magazine (TR35) also recognized Karp as being one of the top innovators in the world (three members from his laboratory have subsequently received this award). Karp was elected to the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering’s College of Fellows in 2013 and a fellow of the Biomediacl Engineering Society (BMES) in 2018. \r\n\r\nIn addition to his research goals, Karp is dedicated to developing the careers of the next generation bioengineers at the forefront of regenerative medicine. He was selected as the Outstanding Faculty Undergraduate Mentor among all faculty at MIT and he received the HST McMahon Mentoring award for being the top mentor of Harvard-MIT students. To date, 20 trainees from his laboratory have secured faculty positions. ","briefEn":"Dr. Jeff Karp works in the fields of drug delivery, medical devices, stem cell therapeutics, and tissue adhesives. He has published over 125 peer-reviewed papers, with >17,000 citations, and has given over 300 invited lectures. He has over 100 issued or pending national and international patents. Several technologies developed in his lab have led to multiple products currently in development or on the market and for the launch of seven companies that have raised over $180 million in funding \r\n\r\nKarp has received over 50 awards and honors. Boston Magazine recently recognized Karp as one of 11 Boston Doctors Making Medical Breakthroughs. The Boston Business Journal recognized him as a Champion in Healthcare Innovation and MIT’s Technology Review Magazine (TR35) also recognized Karp as being one of the top innovators in the world (three members from his laboratory have subsequently received this award). Karp was elected to the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering’s College of Fellows in 2013 and a fellow of the Biomediacl Engineering Society (BMES) in 2018. \r\n\r\nIn addition to his research goals, Karp is dedicated to developing the careers of the next generation bioengineers at the forefront of regenerative medicine. He was selected as the Outstanding Faculty Undergraduate Mentor among all faculty at MIT and he received the HST McMahon Mentoring award for being the top mentor of Harvard-MIT students. To date, 20 trainees from his laboratory have secured faculty positions. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"哈佛大學教授","boothInfoEn":"Professor of Harvard University","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":336,"NameTw":"Giuseppe Izzo","NameEn":"Giuseppe Izzo","JobTitleTw":"理事長","JobTitleEn":"Chairman","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904240934046954.jpg","briefTw":"Giuseppe Izzo現擔任意法半導體亞太區副總裁暨台灣區總經理。\r\n\r\nGiuseppe Izzo於1987年加入SGS-Thomson半導體公司 (意法半導體的前身),此後不久被公司派駐亞洲,曾於韓國、台灣、香港、中國大陸多個國家定居工作,在意法半導體亞太區擔任過多項職務,包括電源管理、消費性電子、電腦系統、汽車電子及多重市場半導體等產品的行銷與銷售、應用開發及產品設計。Giuseppe Izzo創辦了意法半導體上海汽車電子和多元系統能力中心和意法半導體台灣電源管理能力中心,為公司在個人電腦主機板電源管理解決方案市場的成功以及開拓亞太區車身和動力系統及數位音效市場做出了貢獻。\r\n","briefEn":"Giuseppe Izzo is Regional Vice President and Taiwan Managing Director at STMicroelectronics’ Asia Pacific Region.\r\n\r\nIzzo joined SGS-Thomson Microelectronics (now STMicroelectronics) in 1987 and shortly thereafter relocated to Asia, living and working in many different Countries, from Korea to Taiwan, to Hong Kong to China. He has held various positions within ST’s Asia Pacific organization, covering marketing, application development and product design for power management, consumer and computer systems, automotive, and multi-segment products. Izzo established ST’s Automotive and Multi-Systems Competence Centers in Shanghai and Power Management Competence Center in Taiwan, contributing to the Company’s success in power management solutions for PC motherboards and building its presence in the car body and power train arenas, as well as the digital audio markets in Asia Pacific. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"歐洲在台商務協會理事長","boothInfoEn":"Chairman of European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":338,"NameTw":"柯博升","NameEn":"Bor-Sheng (Kevin) Ko","JobTitleTw":"內科部主治醫師","JobTitleEn":"Attending Physician","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904260913545007.jpg","briefTw":"Bor-Sheng (Kevin) Ko received his M.D. degree in Medical College of National Taiwan University, and Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Clinical Medicine, National Taiwan University in 2011. He is currently an attending physician of the Hematology Division and assistant professor at National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH), the president of Taiwan Society of Blood and Marrow Transplant (TBMT), and the president of Taiwan Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research (TASPOR). In addition, he also serves as a committee member of multiple committees in Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA), and Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) in the past years. He is the co-founder for this NTUH IRB approved AHEAD project and responsible for clinical validation for the algorithm and development for related clinical application.","briefEn":"Bor-Sheng (Kevin) Ko received his M.D. degree in Medical College of National Taiwan University, and Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Clinical Medicine, National Taiwan University in 2011. He is currently an attending physician of the Hematology Division and assistant professor at National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH), the president of Taiwan Society of Blood and Marrow Transplant (TBMT), and the president of Taiwan Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research (TASPOR). In addition, he also serves as a committee member of multiple committees in Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA), and Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) in the past years. He is the co-founder for this NTUH IRB approved AHEAD project and responsible for clinical validation for the algorithm and development for related clinical application.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"臺大醫院內科部主治醫師","boothInfoEn":"Attending Physician at National Taiwan University Hospital","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":339,"NameTw":"Ravi Belani","NameEn":"Ravi Belani","JobTitleTw":"Managing Partner","JobTitleEn":"Managing Partner","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904260927079631.jpg","briefTw":"Ravi Belani is co-founder and Managing Director of Alchemist. He also teaches entrepreneurship at Stanford. He led the investment team at Draper Fisher Jurvetson’s and worked as a consultant at McKinsey. BS & MS from Stanford Univ., and MBA form Harvard Business School.","briefEn":"Ravi Belani is co-founder and Managing Director of Alchemist. He also teaches entrepreneurship at Stanford. He led the investment team at Draper Fisher Jurvetson’s and worked as a consultant at McKinsey. BS & MS from Stanford Univ., and MBA form Harvard Business School.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravibelani/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Alchemist Accelerator Managing Director","boothInfoEn":"Alchemist Accelerator Managing Director","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":340,"NameTw":"Ravi Belani","NameEn":"Ravi Belani","JobTitleTw":"Managing Director","JobTitleEn":"Managing Director","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904260930471357.jpg","briefTw":"Ravi Belani is co-founder and Managing Director of Alchemist. He also teaches entrepreneurship at Stanford. He led the investment team at Draper Fisher Jurvetson’s and worked as a consultant at McKinsey. BS & MS from Stanford Univ., and MBA form Harvard Business School.","briefEn":"Ravi Belani is co-founder and Managing Director of Alchemist. He also teaches entrepreneurship at Stanford. He led the investment team at Draper Fisher Jurvetson’s and worked as a consultant at McKinsey. BS & MS from Stanford Univ., and MBA form Harvard Business School.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravibelani/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Co-founder and Managing Director of Alchemist","boothInfoEn":"Co-founder and Managing Director of Alchemist","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":343,"NameTw":"Edouard Plus","NameEn":"Edouard Plus","JobTitleTw":"Fintech Business Incubator","JobTitleEn":"Fintech Business Incubator","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904261752099993.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/edouard-plus-swaver/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Fintech Business Incubator of Paris&Co","boothInfoEn":"Fintech Business Incubator of Paris&Co","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":344,"NameTw":"Seth Welday","NameEn":"Seth Welday","JobTitleTw":"Product Marketing Manager","JobTitleEn":"Product Marketing Manager","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904261800533772.jpg","briefTw":"Seth started as a developer evangelist at Dronesmith Technologies, a provider of IoT drone hardware and software for developers and businesses. Currently, he works at Seeed Studios promoting and shaping new IoT hardware with the aim of creating a more connected and sustainable world. Seth believes that this vision can become a reality by supporting developers with flexible IoT platforms to allow them to innovate and quickly move to field-ready devices.","briefEn":"Seth started as a developer evangelist at Dronesmith Technologies, a provider of IoT drone hardware and software for developers and businesses. Currently, he works at Seeed Studios promoting and shaping new IoT hardware with the aim of creating a more connected and sustainable world. Seth believes that this vision can become a reality by supporting developers with flexible IoT platforms to allow them to innovate and quickly move to field-ready devices.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"SEEED Studios產品行銷經理","boothInfoEn":"Product Marketing Manager of SEEED Studios","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":345,"NameTw":"Stephen Su","NameEn":"Stephen Su","JobTitleTw":"Senior Solution Specialist","JobTitleEn":"Senior Solution Specialist","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201904261802533911.jpg","briefTw":"Based in San Jose office. Focus on maximizing the long-term success and revenue in IoT and embedded segments. Lead customer engagement across the whole value chain - design wins, OEM and SIP engagement in new markets and new business development. Stephen is also the Product Manager of Armv7-A cores to manage product portfolio of Cortex-A5, A7, A9, A15 and 17. Before Arm, Stephen was the Applications Engineering Manager at Apical Ltd.","briefEn":"Based in San Jose office. Focus on maximizing the long-term success and revenue in IoT and embedded segments. Lead customer engagement across the whole value chain - design wins, OEM and SIP engagement in new markets and new business development. Stephen is also the Product Manager of Armv7-A cores to manage product portfolio of Cortex-A5, A7, A9, A15 and 17. Before Arm, Stephen was the Applications Engineering Manager at Apical Ltd.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Senior Solution Specialist, Arm Automotive & IoT Line of Business group","boothInfoEn":"Senior Solution Specialist, Arm Automotive & IoT Line of Business group","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":346,"NameTw":"趙式隆","NameEn":"Jack Chao","JobTitleTw":"理事長","JobTitleEn":"Chairman","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905061315226247.jpg","briefTw":"Jack is extolled as the rising star of Taiwanese entrepreneurs. As a scholar, he is the youngest PhD. Candidate of the department of electrical engineering in National Taiwan University (NTU). His research results in wireless mobile networks are widely adopted in 4G international standard communication protocols. \r\n\r\nAs a teacher, he is the co-founder of Creativity and Entrepreneurship Program (CEP) in NTU. In addition, his lecture about mobile and Internet application development was one of the most popular courses in NTU. As a serial entrepreneur, he founded his first startup company when he was 19 years old. In 2013, he founded Zuvio, which is one of the market leaders of educational technology in both Taiwan and mainland China. \r\n\r\nSince 2017, Jack has been devoting himself to Fintech. His company, BravoAI focuses on providing AI solutions for insurance industry and stays ahead of the competition. More than that, Jack also dedicates his life to government policies and laws for startups. Currently, he is the chairman of the Association of Taiwanese Startup in Silicon Valley (SVEAT) and XFail Conference, which is one of the most important annual events for startups in Taiwan.","briefEn":"Jack is extolled as the rising star of Taiwanese entrepreneurs. As a scholar, he is the youngest PhD. Candidate of the department of electrical engineering in National Taiwan University (NTU). His research results in wireless mobile networks are widely adopted in 4G international standard communication protocols. \r\n\r\nAs a teacher, he is the co-founder of Creativity and Entrepreneurship Program (CEP) in NTU. In addition, his lecture about mobile and Internet application development was one of the most popular courses in NTU. As a serial entrepreneur, he founded his first startup company when he was 19 years old. In 2013, he founded Zuvio, which is one of the market leaders of educational technology in both Taiwan and mainland China. \r\n\r\nSince 2017, Jack has been devoting himself to Fintech. His company, BravoAI focuses on providing AI solutions for insurance industry and stays ahead of the competition. More than that, Jack also dedicates his life to government policies and laws for startups. Currently, he is the chairman of the Association of Taiwanese Startup in Silicon Valley (SVEAT) and XFail Conference, which is one of the most important annual events for startups in Taiwan.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"台灣矽谷創業家協會理事長","boothInfoEn":"Chairman of Silicon Valley Entrepreneur Association of Taiwan","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":347,"NameTw":"許秀玲","NameEn":"Maggie Hsu","JobTitleTw":"組長 ","JobTitleEn":"Director","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905061608582464.jpg","briefTw":"Maggie is now the Director of International and Cross-Strait Sports Division at the\r\nSports Administration, Ministry of Education (SAMOE), as well as a current member of the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee (CTOC).\r\n\r\nShe got her master degree from the University of Texas at Austin in USA and bachelor\r\ndegree from the National Cheng-Chi University (NCCU) in Taiwan.\r\n\r\nBeing a junior handball player, she has passion in sports and has been working for\r\nthe sports related fields for years. Her job is to bring major sporting events to Taiwan,\r\nincluding 2009 Kaohsiung World Games, 2017 Taipei Summer Universiade, etc.\r\n\r\nShe used to be the Assistant to the APEC SMEWG Chair 2011-2012, initiated the APEC Accelerator Network (AAN) in 2012 and launched the APEC Sports Policy Network (ASPN) in 2016.\r\n\r\nIn 2018, SAMOE cooperated with HYPE Sports Innovation and National Chiao Tung University to set up Asia’s first sports innovation accelerator, a step further to advance sportsmanship to entrepreneurship in the Asia Pacific region.\r\n","briefEn":"Maggie is now the Director of International and Cross-Strait Sports Division at the\r\nSports Administration, Ministry of Education (SAMOE), as well as a current member of the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee (CTOC).\r\n\r\nShe got her master degree from the University of Texas at Austin in USA and bachelor\r\ndegree from the National Cheng-Chi University (NCCU) in Taiwan.\r\n\r\nBeing a junior handball player, she has passion in sports and has been working for\r\nthe sports related fields for years. Her job is to bring major sporting events to Taiwan,\r\nincluding 2009 Kaohsiung World Games, 2017 Taipei Summer Universiade, etc.\r\n\r\nShe used to be the Assistant to the APEC SMEWG Chair 2011-2012, initiated the APEC Accelerator Network (AAN) in 2012 and launched the APEC Sports Policy Network (ASPN) in 2016.\r\n\r\nIn 2018, SAMOE cooperated with HYPE Sports Innovation and National Chiao Tung University to set up Asia’s first sports innovation accelerator, a step further to advance sportsmanship to entrepreneurship in the Asia Pacific region.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"體育署國際及兩岸運動組長","boothInfoEn":"Director of Int'l & Cross-Strait Div, Sports Admin of MOE","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":348,"NameTw":"梁洛杭","NameEn":"Laurent Le Guyader","JobTitleTw":"Community Lead & Member of the board","JobTitleEn":"Community Lead & Member of the board","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905080945439038.jpg","briefTw":"For the past ten years Laurent has facilitated partnerships between Europe, China and Taiwan at multiple levels. In the biology and medical sectors at first as a French researcher (Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, 2008-2011) then as business developer for a Belgian healthcare cluster (BioWin, Shanghai, 2011-2015). This allowed him to build a strong knowledge of the whole value chain in healthcare, from biomanufacturing to connected health. Then, as international innovation Experts for the French ministry of foreign affairs (MOST, Taipei, 2016-2018) he has widened this expertise into key technological sectors driving innovation such as IoT, AI, Greentech...\r\n\r\nLaurent always has played a role in bridging and in federating innovation stakeholders: a good example is the establishment of La French Tech official community in Taiwan which took a lot of efforts to assemble French and Taiwanese stakeholders toward a common goal, as well as some convincing at the government level. La French Tech Taiwan, with an office in Taiwan Tech Arena, is today a strong platform to supports Taiwanese start-ups in accessing France’s resources and reciprocally. Laurent is board member of La French Tech Taiwan since 2016.\r\n\r\nLately he has been working with French IoT company Sigfox (2018-present) and successfully established its second global Hacking House, which opened last March at Digiblock Taipei.\r\n\r\nLaurent graduated in Biophysics, Toulouse University, France. He is married and lives in Taipei.","briefEn":"For the past ten years Laurent has facilitated partnerships between Europe, China and Taiwan at multiple levels. In the biology and medical sectors at first as a French researcher (Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, 2008-2011) then as business developer for a Belgian healthcare cluster (BioWin, Shanghai, 2011-2015). This allowed him to build a strong knowledge of the whole value chain in healthcare, from biomanufacturing to connected health. Then, as international innovation Experts for the French ministry of foreign affairs (MOST, Taipei, 2016-2018) he has widened this expertise into key technological sectors driving innovation such as IoT, AI, Greentech...\r\n\r\nLaurent always has played a role in bridging and in federating innovation stakeholders: a good example is the establishment of La French Tech official community in Taiwan which took a lot of efforts to assemble French and Taiwanese stakeholders toward a common goal, as well as some convincing at the government level. La French Tech Taiwan, with an office in Taiwan Tech Arena, is today a strong platform to supports Taiwanese start-ups in accessing France’s resources and reciprocally. Laurent is board member of La French Tech Taiwan since 2016.\r\n\r\nLately he has been working with French IoT company Sigfox (2018-present) and successfully established its second global Hacking House, which opened last March at Digiblock Taipei.\r\n\r\nLaurent graduated in Biophysics, Toulouse University, France. He is married and lives in Taipei.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Community Lead & Member of the board at French Tech Taiwan","boothInfoEn":"Community Lead & Member of the board at French Tech Taiwan","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":349,"NameTw":"孫民","NameEn":"Min Sun","JobTitleTw":"首席人工智慧科學家","JobTitleEn":"Chief AI Scientist","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905130950188129.jpg","briefTw":"孫民現任Appier首席人工智慧科學家,同時也是清華大學電機工程學系副教授。\r\n孫民師承頂尖人工智慧專家吳恩達(Andrew Ng)、李飛飛及Silvio Savarese,曾在由李飛飛所主導的ImageNet圖像識別研究計畫中參與草創期的系統設計,也曾協助開發機器人作業系統(ROS)及微軟Kinect人體姿勢辨識系統。\r\n孫民專精電腦視覺、自然語言處理、深度學習與強化學習,並擁有兩項美國專利,曾獲頒傑出人才發展基金會第六屆年輕學者創新獎。\r\n孫民擁有密西根大學電機博士學位與史丹佛大學電機碩士學位。","briefEn":"Dr. Min Sun is Chief Artificial Intelligence (AI) Scientist of Appier. He joined Appier from National Tsing Hua University , where he served as an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering.\r\n\r\nDr. Sun has worked under some of the most influential AI leaders, including Andrew Ng, Fei-Fei Li and Silvio Savarese. He contributed crowdsourcing ideas to the revolutionary ImageNet project led by Fei-Fei Li in 2009, and he is also an early contributor to the Robot Operating System (ROS) and Microsoft Kinect’s human pose estimation system.\r\n\r\nHis areas of expertise are computer vision, natural language processing, deep learning, and reinforcement learning. \r\n\r\nDr. Sun received his Ph.D in Electrical Engineering: System from the University of Michigan and his M.S in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Appier首席人工智慧科學家","boothInfoEn":"Chief AI Scientist of Appier","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":351,"NameTw":"Kevin Su","NameEn":"Kevin Su","JobTitleTw":"Project Manager","JobTitleEn":"Project Manager","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905272343191582.jpg","briefTw":"Kevin Su is the Project Manager for DT42, and is responsible for bringing Enterprise AI Solutions to clients.\r\nCurrently, he is spearheading the BerryNet edge hardware project: codename AIKEA, in the hopes of bringing accessible visual AI to developer and educational communities. Prior to DT42, Kevin built machine vision and automation equipment for neuro-behavioural research at the University of British Columbia.","briefEn":"Kevin Su is the Project Manager for DT42, and is responsible for bringing Enterprise AI Solutions to clients.\r\nCurrently, he is spearheading the BerryNet edge hardware project: codename AIKEA, in the hopes of bringing accessible visual AI to developer and educational communities. Prior to DT42, Kevin built machine vision and automation equipment for neuro-behavioural research at the University of British Columbia.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Project Manager of DT42","boothInfoEn":"Project Manager of DT42","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":352,"NameTw":"張家源","NameEn":"Alex Chang","JobTitleTw":"處長","JobTitleEn":"Director","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905272355115139.jpg","briefTw":"聯發科技計算與人工智能技術群處長,負責AI演算法與軟體架構及解決方案","briefEn":"Alex is from MediaTek Computing and AI Group, responsible for AI algorithm and software framework solutions","fb":"https://www.facebook.com/MediaTekTaiwan/?brand_redir=1492939347703469","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"聯發科技計算與人工智能技術群處長","boothInfoEn":"Director of MediaTek Computing and AI Group","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":353,"NameTw":"林銘賢","NameEn":"Limas Lin","JobTitleTw":"技術營銷和業務發展副總經理","JobTitleEn":"VP of Technical Marketing & Business Development","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905280008105825.jpg","briefTw":"林銘賢先生擔任Etron / eYs3D技術營銷和業務開發(BD)副總裁,具有超過25年的半導體行業工作經驗,並擅長消費電子,ASIC和初創企業。在加入Etron / eYs3D之前,林先生是Intersil的高級戰略營銷經理和TranSwitch BD總監。在此之前,林先生於2003年共同創立了Kolorific,並擔任其總裁兼營銷副總裁。他是Panstera的營銷總監,2001年被Pixelworks以1.27億美元收購。他還曾在ITE和美國國家半導體擔任過多個職位。林先生是一名優秀的工程專業人士,擁有美國西北大學電機工程學系碩士學位。","briefEn":"Mr. Lin serves as Etron/eYs3D VP of Technical Marketing & Business Development (BD) with a demonstrated history of working in the semiconductors industry and skilled in Consumer Electronics, ASIC, and Start-ups. Prior to join Etron/eYs3D, Mr. Lin was the Sr. Strategic Marketing Manager at Intersil & BD Director at TranSwitch. Before that Mr. Lin co-founded Kolorific in 2003 and served as its President & Marketing VP. He was the Marketing Director of Panstera which was acquired by Pixelworks in 2001 with $127M. He also held various positions in ITE and National Semiconductor. Mr. Lin is a strong engineering professional earned a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Northwestern University.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/limas-lin-8990a17/ ","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"鈺創科技技術營銷和業務發展副總經理","boothInfoEn":"VP of Technical Marketing & Business Development of Etron Technology","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":354,"NameTw":"Amit Pradhan","NameEn":"Amit Pradhan","JobTitleTw":"President","JobTitleEn":"President","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905280019200498.png","briefTw":"A seasoned startup founder, investor and speaker, and spend his time creating, evangelizing and investing in the future of responsible AI and decentralization. A 19-year veteran of Silicon Valley, he has built deep-tech startups with multi-million-dollar revenue streams and focus on technology, startups and systems that have a positive impact on the humans they serve. He is the co-founder & President of the Silicon Valley Blockchain Society, a network of some of the largest Investors, Thinkers, Practitioners and Creators, with Chapters around the globe – with a core mission to ‘Fund the Revolution’ and bring with it a thoughtful and responsible approach to the impact, value and culture in the Decentralized Ecosystem.\r\n","briefEn":"A seasoned startup founder, investor and speaker, and spend his time creating, evangelizing and investing in the future of responsible AI and decentralization. A 19-year veteran of Silicon Valley, he has built deep-tech startups with multi-million-dollar revenue streams and focus on technology, startups and systems that have a positive impact on the humans they serve. He is the co-founder & President of the Silicon Valley Blockchain Society, a network of some of the largest Investors, Thinkers, Practitioners and Creators, with Chapters around the globe – with a core mission to ‘Fund the Revolution’ and bring with it a thoughtful and responsible approach to the impact, value and culture in the Decentralized Ecosystem.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/amitpradhan/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"President of Silicon Valley Blockchain Society","boothInfoEn":"President of Silicon Valley Blockchain Society","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":355,"NameTw":"Craig William Harding","NameEn":"Craig William Harding","JobTitleTw":"Angel Investor","JobTitleEn":"Angel Investor","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905280018527062.png","briefTw":"Craig William Harding is the Angel Investor, Band of Angels & Life Science Angels. He specializes in-house legal work, corporate, financing, stock option admin, intellectual property,HR, sales and marketing.\r\n","briefEn":"Craig William Harding is the Angel Investor, Band of Angels & Life Science Angels. He specializes in-house legal work, corporate, financing, stock option admin, intellectual property,HR, sales and marketing.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/craig-harding-1348817/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Angel Investor, Band of Angels & Life Science Angels","boothInfoEn":"Angel Investor, Band of Angels & Life Science Angels","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":356,"NameTw":"Rutger de Graaf ","NameEn":"Rutger de Graaf","JobTitleTw":"Director","JobTitleEn":"Director","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905280021489653.jpeg","briefTw":"Rutger de Graaf is working closely with the Dutch ecosystem to open the doors for ambitious startup founders, entrepreneurs and foreign investors. He is highly skilled in Economics, Analysis, International Relations, Research, and Market Analysis.\u000b \u000bCurrently, he is Director Netherlands Point of Entry at Netherlands Entreprise Agency where he advises on residence permits for startups (the Startup Visa), foreign investors, ambitious entrepreneurs & knowledge workers. The agency stimulates entrepreneurs in sustainable, agricultural, innovative and international business and aims to improve opportunities for entrepreneurs, strengthens their position and helps them realise their international ambitions with funding, networking, know-how and compliance with laws and regulations. Prior to this, he was Senior Economic & Commercial Officer at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.\r\n","briefEn":"Rutger de Graaf is working closely with the Dutch ecosystem to open the doors for ambitious startup founders, entrepreneurs and foreign investors. He is highly skilled in Economics, Analysis, International Relations, Research, and Market Analysis.\u000b \u000bCurrently, he is Director Netherlands Point of Entry at Netherlands Entreprise Agency where he advises on residence permits for startups (the Startup Visa), foreign investors, ambitious entrepreneurs & knowledge workers. The agency stimulates entrepreneurs in sustainable, agricultural, innovative and international business and aims to improve opportunities for entrepreneurs, strengthens their position and helps them realise their international ambitions with funding, networking, know-how and compliance with laws and regulations. Prior to this, he was Senior Economic & Commercial Officer at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Director Point of Entry/ Netherlands Enterprise Agency","boothInfoEn":"Director Point of Entry/ Netherlands Enterprise Agency","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":357,"NameTw":"Andrés Saborido","NameEn":"Andrés Saborido","JobTitleTw":"Founder and Director","JobTitleEn":"Founder and Director","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905280024425662.jpg","briefTw":"Mr. Andrés Saborido launched Wayra Argentina in 2011 and currently lead Wayra and Telefónica Open Future_ in Spain, with +700 invested startups worldwide. He developed businesses between tech-startups and big corporations for the last 7 years. Highly experienced in Open Innovation and passionate about startups and entrepreneurship, he has fostered seed investment ecosystems in Europe.","briefEn":"Mr. Andrés Saborido launched Wayra Argentina in 2011 and currently lead Wayra and Telefónica Open Future_ in Spain, with +700 invested startups worldwide. He developed businesses between tech-startups and big corporations for the last 7 years. Highly experienced in Open Innovation and passionate about startups and entrepreneurship, he has fostered seed investment ecosystems in Europe.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/andr%C3%A9s-saborido-16949a8/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Founder and Director of Wayra ","boothInfoEn":"Founder and Director of Wayra ","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":358,"NameTw":"劉峻誠 ","NameEn":"Albert Liu","JobTitleTw":"創辦人暨執行長","JobTitleEn":"Founder & CEO","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905280029367051.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"耐能志慧創辦人暨執行長","boothInfoEn":"Founder & CEO of Kneron","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":359,"NameTw":"Vitaliy Goncharuk","NameEn":"Vitaliy Goncharuk","JobTitleTw":"CEO & Founder ","JobTitleEn":"CEO & Founder ","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905280037174644.jpg","briefTw":"Vitaliy Goncharuk is a tech entrepreneur. In 2011 he established Augmented Pixels, Inc., based in Palo Alto, California. He is also an investor in several computer vision and machine learning startups and a founder of the largest Computer Vision conference for prefessionals in Eastern Europe(EECVC.com).","briefEn":"Vitaliy Goncharuk is a tech entrepreneur. In 2011 he established Augmented Pixels, Inc., based in Palo Alto, California. He is also an investor in several computer vision and machine learning startups and a founder of the largest Computer Vision conference for prefessionals in Eastern Europe(EECVC.com).","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"CEO & Co-Founder of Augmented Pixels","boothInfoEn":"CEO & Co-Founder of Augmented Pixels","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":360,"NameTw":"Yan Li","NameEn":"Yan Li","JobTitleTw":"Director","JobTitleEn":"Director","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905280041108648.png","briefTw":"Yan is a Director at Qualcomm Ventures. She has contributed to the investment and management of China deals, including AccuVally, CooTek, Dolphin Browser, Eques, GFan, Mobike and Neobear. \r\n\r\nPrior to joining Qualcomm, she worked for Moody’s Investors Service’s Corporate Finance division and Lehman Brothers’ Investment Banking division in New York. Yan was a member of Lehman’s Global Technology team, involved in both M&A advisory roles and debt and equity financings. She holds an M.B.A. from the Wharton School and a M.Eng. and S.B. from M.I.T.\r\n","briefEn":"Yan is a Director at Qualcomm Ventures. She has contributed to the investment and management of China deals, including AccuVally, CooTek, Dolphin Browser, Eques, GFan, Mobike and Neobear. \r\n\r\nPrior to joining Qualcomm, she worked for Moody’s Investors Service’s Corporate Finance division and Lehman Brothers’ Investment Banking division in New York. Yan was a member of Lehman’s Global Technology team, involved in both M&A advisory roles and debt and equity financings. She holds an M.B.A. from the Wharton School and a M.Eng. and S.B. from M.I.T.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/yan-li-7644153/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Director of Qualcomm Ventures","boothInfoEn":"Director of Qualcomm Ventures","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":361,"NameTw":"Pranesh Sinha","NameEn":"Pranesh Sinha","JobTitleTw":"Sr. Director, Product Management Qualcomm Technology Licensing","JobTitleEn":"Sr. Director, Product Management Qualcomm Technology Licensing","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905280046091078.png","briefTw":"Pranesh Sinha leads Technology and Product Strategy initiatives at Qualcomm. Currently, he is driving Qualcomm's collaboration efforts in multiple countries by building innovation labs which benefit ecosystem partners. Pranesh has been at Qualcomm for more than 10 years in various roles including 3GPP standardization, technology strategy, and product development. Some of his key accomplishments include delivery of the world’s first HSPA+ and LTE products, establishing LTE-TDD as a global standard for unpaired spectrum, and delivering the first world-mode cellular modem including TD-SCDMA. For the past 3 years, Pranesh has also been leading Qualcomm’s start-up incubation efforts in India.\r\n\r\nPranesh has also worked in management and technical leadership roles at Intel, Texas Instruments, and Conexant. He is published in technical journals and holds multiple patents. He graduated from the National University of Singapore.\r\n","briefEn":"Pranesh Sinha leads Technology and Product Strategy initiatives at Qualcomm. Currently, he is driving Qualcomm's collaboration efforts in multiple countries by building innovation labs which benefit ecosystem partners. Pranesh has been at Qualcomm for more than 10 years in various roles including 3GPP standardization, technology strategy, and product development. Some of his key accomplishments include delivery of the world’s first HSPA+ and LTE products, establishing LTE-TDD as a global standard for unpaired spectrum, and delivering the first world-mode cellular modem including TD-SCDMA. For the past 3 years, Pranesh has also been leading Qualcomm’s start-up incubation efforts in India.\r\n\r\nPranesh has also worked in management and technical leadership roles at Intel, Texas Instruments, and Conexant. He is published in technical journals and holds multiple patents. He graduated from the National University of Singapore.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Sr. Director, Product Management Qualcomm Technology Licensing, Qualcomm Inc.","boothInfoEn":"Sr. Director, Product Management Qualcomm Technology Licensing, Qualcomm Inc.","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":362,"NameTw":"詹益鑑","NameEn":"IC Jan","JobTitleTw":"Ambassador ","JobTitleEn":"Ambassador ","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905280054186348.jpg","briefTw":"Dr. I-Chien (IC) Jan joined NBRP at the end of 2017 as Assistant Chief Executive of BioHub to strengthen the biomedical startup ecosystem in Taiwan. Prior to joining NBRP, Dr. Jan was co-founder and full-time partner of AppWorks Ventures between 2010-2016.","briefEn":"Dr. I-Chien (IC) Jan joined NBRP at the end of 2017 as Assistant Chief Executive of BioHub to strengthen the biomedical startup ecosystem in Taiwan. Prior to joining NBRP, Dr. Jan was co-founder and full-time partner of AppWorks Ventures between 2010-2016.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/icjan/?originalSubdomain=tw","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Ambassador in Taiwan at Startup Genome","boothInfoEn":"Ambassador in Taiwan at Startup Genome","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":363,"NameTw":"許毓仁","NameEn":"Jason Hsu","JobTitleTw":"Legislator aka Crypto Congressman","JobTitleEn":"Legislator aka Crypto Congressman","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905280058212117.png","briefTw":"六年級後段班,喜好文學、電影、旅行和運動;政治大學主修英語文學系、副修新聞系。大學畢業後,曾追尋 Che 的腳步在中南美洲開啟生命的壯遊, 畢業後第一份工作擔任 Taiwan News 主筆室翻譯,也在 Nike 擔任教育訓練講師, 曾跟著 UNESCO 到西安做永續經營 (sustainable development)的都市規劃, 亦曾與朋友們在舊金山的車庫創業。\r\n\r\n2008年創辦The Big Question Conference,隔年與朋友創辦TEDx Taipei,成為亞洲區第一個得到TED授權的城市,建構TEDx Taipei的願景:塑造TEDx Taipei為「社會企業」,以「18分鐘演講改變全世界」的全球論壇,處理主流企業不願意做的事。隨著TEDx Taipei在TED社群發展蓬勃,2011年成為TEDx亞洲區大使。","briefEn":"The curiosity to understand the world and passion to change it influence my life decisions. I believe that in order to change the system you must create something new to make the original system obsolete. For me, entrepreneurship was the answer -- a way to create opportunities for many. In 2008 I co-founded The Big Questions Conference to bring together leaders from all fields to engage in conversations and actions for sustainable future. In 2009 I co-founded TEDxTaipei. Since 2011 I have been serving as TEDx Ambassador for Asia. Over the course last years I have organized conferences and gatherings that promote cross-boarder dialogues and innovation. More than 35 cities and 400 leaders and innovators participated in these meetings. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonhsu1/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Legislator at Executive Yuan","boothInfoEn":"Legislator at Executive Yuan","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":364,"NameTw":"許有進","NameEn":"Yu-Chin Hsu","JobTitleTw":"次長","JobTitleEn":"Deputy Minister","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905290023473079.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"科技部次長","boothInfoEn":"Deputy Minister, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":365,"NameTw":"陳立偉","NameEn":"Lewis Chen","JobTitleTw":"總監","JobTitleEn":"Managing Director","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905280109530933.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/lewis-chen-%E9%99%B3%E7%AB%8B%E5%81%89-6855a349/?originalSubdomain=tw","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"台灣新創基地總監","boothInfoEn":"Managing Director of Taiwan Tech Arena","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":366,"NameTw":"Sahil Bansal","NameEn":"Sahil Bansal","JobTitleTw":"Sr. Director of Product Management","JobTitleEn":"Sr. Director of Product Management","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201905280115120015.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/sahil-bansal-2a4852/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":367,"NameTw":"Dave NG","NameEn":"Dave NG","JobTitleTw":"Head of Southeast Asia","JobTitleEn":"Head of Southeast Asia","profilePicPath":"/2019/_uploads/201906050942334167.jpg","briefTw":"Dave Ng is the Head of Southeast Asia for Eight Roads Ventures, based out of Singapore. He comes with a track record of backing promising consumer, fintech and enterprise technology companies. Prior to this, he was a Venture Partner at B Capital Group, where he was first based in San Francisco and subsequently moved to Singapore to help launch the Asia office. At B Capital, Dave co-led investments into several tech companies globally, including Ninja Van, CXA Group, Icertis, Mswipe, Capital Match and Carro. He served on the Board of Capital Match, CXA Group and Ninja Van. \r\nBesides investing, Dave spent many years operating and building companies within the technology industry. He was a Director at Oracle, where he led the strategy for Cloud and Converged Infrastructure business. Before that, he was an early employee at Zuora, the leading enterprise SaaS for Subscription Business management that went public on NYSE. At Zuora, he led strategy and operations for the Services business, focusing on people, process, and infrastructure growth – scaling and expanding across US, EMEA and APAC. Earlier on, Dave was a management consultant at the Boston Consulting Group. He began his career in product development as a software engineer at Oracle, delivering multiple major product releases. \r\n","briefEn":"Dave Ng is the Head of Southeast Asia for Eight Roads Ventures, based out of Singapore. He comes with a track record of backing promising consumer, fintech and enterprise technology companies. Prior to this, he was a Venture Partner at B Capital Group, where he was first based in San Francisco and subsequently moved to Singapore to help launch the Asia office. At B Capital, Dave co-led investments into several tech companies globally, including Ninja Van, CXA Group, Icertis, Mswipe, Capital Match and Carro. He served on the Board of Capital Match, CXA Group and Ninja Van. \r\nBesides investing, Dave spent many years operating and building companies within the technology industry. He was a Director at Oracle, where he led the strategy for Cloud and Converged Infrastructure business. Before that, he was an early employee at Zuora, the leading enterprise SaaS for Subscription Business management that went public on NYSE. At Zuora, he led strategy and operations for the Services business, focusing on people, process, and infrastructure growth – scaling and expanding across US, EMEA and APAC. Earlier on, Dave was a management consultant at the Boston Consulting Group. He began his career in product development as a software engineer at Oracle, delivering multiple major product releases. \r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"Head of Southeast Asia, Eight Roads Ventures","boothInfoEn":"Head of Southeast Asia, Eight Roads Ventures","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":368,"NameTw":"蔣大巍","NameEn":"David Chiang","JobTitleTw":"","JobTitleEn":"","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105140206149695.jpg","briefTw":"多年服務於產業公協會並推廣科技新創之發展,協助將新創公司與國內外潛在投資者、跨界專業人士等搓合以促進商機。因有豐富國際工作經驗,橫跨南非、英國、瑞典,貫穿飯店管理、外匯交易與資通訊產業,被賦予營運數個駐台商務辦事處經營;運用相關計畫、COMPUTEX TAIPEI、InnoVEX等平臺吸引國際專業人士之目光,透過展期展示、競賽、媒合、舞台論壇/對談以及軟性交流派對等線上/實體等活動,達到國際多邊商務交流,為新創公司爭取精準商機曝光機會,提升媒合效益。","briefEn":"With years of experience in NPO and ICT industry promotion and facilitating business engagements for tech-startups. Using platforms such as COMPUTEX TAIPEI and InnoVEX, and with online and onsite activities such as exhibitions, webinars, keynotes, matchmaking, networking parties and social media to bridge tech-startups with potential investors, industry professionals, press media internationally to maximize business opportunities. Due to the abundant work experience from South Africa, U.K., Sweden, and in industries such as hospitality management, foreign exchange trading and the ICT industry, David is also holds the mission of maintaining a close relationship with over a dozen Trade Offices in Taiwan.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":369,"NameTw":"劉晏蓉","NameEn":"Amanda Liu","JobTitleTw":"執行長","JobTitleEn":"CEO","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105140210522714.jpg","briefTw":"全台最大企業主題式加速器-StarFab Accelerator創辦人及董事長,被譽為台灣雲端應用新創育成之母;交通大學管理科學碩士,擁有超過20年無線通訊、寬頻網路、雲端運算產品開發及國際行銷經驗,創辦StarFab前曾在工業技術研究院及知名半導體公司任職。2013年創辦「台灣雲谷雲豹育成」,以獨創「主題式育成」及「以大帶小」的創業模式,推升「台灣雲谷雲豹育成」成為台灣最成功的企業創新加速器,並將新創企業的智能方案推廣到全球超過30個國家。目前帶領StarFab Accelerator專注於將人工智慧、物聯網、雲端運算、大數據等創新技術,導入台灣優勢產業的製造、醫療、零售、智慧城市等數位創新的領域,輔導大企業與新創公司共同創新,齊力打造台灣產業共榮生態系。","briefEn":"Amanda Liu is the CEO and founder of StarFab Accelerator, the biggest theme-based corporate accelerator in Taiwan. She is known for being the pioneer of cloud application development in Taiwan having worked across wireless communication, broadband internet, cloud computing SaaS ( Software as a Service) development, and international marketing for more than 20 years. After graduating from the National Chiao Tung University with a Master of Science in Management degree, she had experience working for the Industrial Technology Research Institute and a well-known semiconductor company. In 2013, she founded the first CIAT Accelerator program and curated a thematic training and corporate-startup mentorship mechanism unique to the CIAT Accelerator program, which is now the most successful accelerator program in Taiwan that has introduced startup innovations to more than 30 countries worldwide.","fb":"https://www.facebook.com/amanda.liu.9279","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":true,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":370,"NameTw":"余東洛","NameEn":"Tony Yu","JobTitleTw":"Partner","JobTitleEn":"Partner","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105140215572808.jpg","briefTw":"余東洛先生自2015年起獲邀成為聚達創投的合夥人,擁有二十年以上在國內外科技業領導工程研發,與行銷業務管理經驗。涉獵產業包括軟體、IC設計服務、無線及寬頻通訊、以及醫療電子等領域。曾服務於國內外各種規模之公司,對於新創事業之創建與塑造,乃至財星五百強之運作模式以及組織文化,均有深刻之理解與實務參與。\r\n
\r\n聚達創投創立於2015年,匯集亞洲地區之工程、製造、研發、以及通路資源,合作夥伴包括業界首屈一指的硬體製造廠商、系統整合商、乃至於金控集團,提供旗下所投資之新創公司,快速成長的機會。聚達創投專注於投資新移動科技、數據中心科技,以及物聯網應用領域。","briefEn":"Having worked in industries of embedded software, IC design, telecommunications, medical devices and consumer electronics, Tony brings more than 20 years of management experiences in R&D and worldwide business development. Tony has served companies of diverse background and growth stages. This allows him to provide unique perspectives on organizational culture and corporate operations when coaching entrepreneurs.\r\n
\r\nFounded in 2015, Mesh Ventures is an investment firm that leverages the engineering, manufacturing, research, and channel resources in Asia to accelerate the growth of disruptive early-stage companies. It works with industry-leading partners, ranging from tier-1 manufacturers, system-level solution providers, to financial institutions, to help startups innovate and scale. Mesh Ventures focuses on exploring global investment opportunities of new mobility technologies, data center technologies, and Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/%E4%BD%99%E6%9D%B1%E6%B4%9B-tony-yu-ab47bb1/?originalSubdomain=tw","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":true,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":371,"NameTw":"陳儀雪","NameEn":"Yvonne Chen","JobTitleTw":"創辦人","JobTitleEn":"Founder","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105140218512288.jpg","briefTw":"20年通訊產業及創業投資併購經驗,包含美商中經合、宏達電直接投資、漢鼎、開發國際、台揚科技等公司,投資併購涵蓋美國、歐洲、中國、台灣、日本等地。\r\n
\r\n- 理工背景/創投家思維:電腦科學、通訊及科技管理
\r\n- 涉獵投資產業包含:能源管理、數位健康、醫療器材、人工智慧廣告後台管理、 AR/VR、car IoT/car financing、5G、移動社交平台、行動銀行服務、資訊安全、POS、半導體晶片、 生物測試、OLED 及LED 等。\r\n
\r\n穀神星資本是陳儀雪和蔡如雅在2018年共同創辦,以財務策略顧問諮詢業務出發並且投資、購併和促成跨領域合作。聚焦產業包含AIOT、大健康及醫療科技、保險金融科技、5G、智慧製造及智慧城市等。","briefEn":"Over 20 years of experience in international wireless & telecommunications industry and corporate investments into advanced tech, Digital Health, AR/VR, Fintech, Security, IoT and Blockchain. \r\n
\r\n- Successfully closed more than 20 early-stage deals amounting to over USD 40M and managed Alibaba Taiwan Entrepreneurship Fund II (USD 100M) as a partner at WI Harper
\r\n- Headed the leading smartphone maker HTC's direct investment division prior to WI Harper
\r\n- Completed USD 435M strategic investments in England, France and US
\r\n- Managed investment portfolio valued at over USD 500M
\r\n- Executed HTC's limited partner commitments in VC/PE funds of over USD 120M\r\n
\r\nCeres Capital founded in 2018 by Yvonne Chen and Bonnie Hsiao, is a financial advisory and investment representative firm to reshape the value and engagement of investments in 5G/6G, AI Health, AI manufacturing, Fintech and new material/alternative energy.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/yvonne-chen-53a28714/?originalSubdomain=tw","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":372,"NameTw":"劉思泰","NameEn":"ST Liew","JobTitleTw":"高通副總裁暨台灣與東南亞區總裁","JobTitleEn":"Vice President and President of Qualcomm Taiwan and South East Asia","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105140224101190.jpg","briefTw":"劉思泰先生是高通副總裁暨台灣與東南亞區總裁,負責高通在此區域業務。劉思泰過去為高通公司副總裁暨台灣區總裁,在通訊產業擁有三十年以上領導業務和工程團隊資歷,曾任宏碁股份有限公司自建雲與智慧產品事業總經理,在其領導下,宏碁智慧型手機及平板電腦業績皆有倍數性成長。在此之前任職摩托羅拉(Motorola)公司,負責業務與技術管理。","briefEn":"ST Liew is Vice President, QUALCOMM CDMA Technologies Asia-Pacific Pte. Ltd., and President of Qualcomm Taiwan & SEA. In this role, Liew is responsible for leading all business and operational functions for Qualcomm in these regions. Prior to this, Liew served as Vice President and President of Qualcomm Taiwan. Liew has more than 30 years of experience leading business and engineering teams in the telecommunications industry. Most recently, Liew was President of Acer Smart Product Business Group. \r\n
\r\nBefore joining Acer, Liew worked at Motorola where he held multiple business and technical roles, including leading Motorola's design centers as well as in product management, product development, manufacturing and test engineering. Liew spent many years in Motorola responsible for a variety of R&D projects ranging from walkie-talkie, pagers and cellular products in markets all over the world. Liew received his MBA from the National University of Singapore, and holds a BSc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Leeds, UK.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":373,"NameTw":"Sudeepto Roy","NameEn":"Sudeepto Roy","JobTitleTw":"VP, Engineering, Qualcomm Incorporated and Lead of Regional Strategy and Engagement for QTL","JobTitleEn":"VP, Engineering, Qualcomm Incorporated and Lead of Regional Strategy and Engagement for QTL","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105140228541022.jpg","briefTw":"As Vice President of Engineering at Qualcomm Technology Licensing, QTL, San Diego, Sudeepto focuses on worldwide Regional Strategy and Ecosystem (RSE) engagements. \r\nHis team leverages technology, design, business and IPR expertise to help strategic licensees, startups, universities and governments succeed in their business and policy goals while utilizing Qualcomm's technologies and innovations. \r\nSudeepto has been with Qualcomm for over two decades, in various pioneering and strategic roles across engineering, product management and customer engagement, spanning infrastructure, IoT, and 2G through 5G devices from major worldwide manufacturers.\r\n
\r\nHe has a BSCE from MS University of Baroda, India, MSCE from Old Dominion University, Virginia and has completed post-graduate programs in technology management, IPR law and advanced computing from Caltech, UCSD and MIT. \r\n
\r\nOutside of work, Sudeepto volunteers for matters of local community interests and children's well-being, including serving on the Boards of two non-profit schools.","briefEn":"As Vice President of Engineering at Qualcomm Technology Licensing, QTL, San Diego, Sudeepto focuses on worldwide Regional Strategy and Ecosystem (RSE) engagements. \r\nHis team leverages technology, design, business and IPR expertise to help strategic licensees, startups, universities and governments succeed in their business and policy goals while utilizing Qualcomm's technologies and innovations. \r\nSudeepto has been with Qualcomm for over two decades, in various pioneering and strategic roles across engineering, product management and customer engagement, spanning infrastructure, IoT, and 2G through 5G devices from major worldwide manufacturers.\r\n
\r\nHe has a BSCE from MS University of Baroda, India, MSCE from Old Dominion University, Virginia and has completed post-graduate programs in technology management, IPR law and advanced computing from Caltech, UCSD and MIT. \r\n
\r\nOutside of work, Sudeepto volunteers for matters of local community interests and children's well-being, including serving on the Boards of two non-profit schools.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":true,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":374,"NameTw":"陳凱爾","NameEn":"Kyle Chen","JobTitleTw":"創業小聚社群行銷總監","JobTitleEn":"Director, Startup Media & Community","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105162128391522.jpg","briefTw":"2011 年加入巨思文化,2014 年起開始負責創業小聚社群,透過線下活動籌辦以及線上媒體經營,打造一個聚合台灣新創所需資金、資源與國際鏈結的機會平台,至今已藉由一對一採訪接觸超過 500 組團隊。重度網路成癮,樂於擁抱創新帶來的可能,並樂見新科技在跨領域可能創造的機會與新商業。2014 年起協助籌辦 Meet Taipei 創新創業嘉年華,為台灣第一個多元化、跨領域、並且跨國交流的大型創業活動品,2019 年創下 3 天、5 大舞台、25 以上場舞台節目與超過 450 組參展企業/新創參展記錄,其中包括 100 組國際新創。並且邀請超過 70 位國際級企業代表與投資人擔任演講人或者評審,共促成 400 組次以上的投資人/新創媒合,總參觀人數高達 26,000 人。","briefEn":"Joined Business Next Media Corp. as a marketing and event coordinator in 2011. Started to work as the community manager of Meet, the biggest startup community in Taiwan, also a platform for startup founders to find opportunities of investment, startup resources, and global network. Discovered more than 500 startup companies via one by one interviews.\r\nStarted to join the curation team of Meet Taipei Startup Festival, the first and biggest startup festival from local to global since 2014. In the 3 days event in 2019, there have been 460 booths (including 100 foreign startups), 25 different programs on 5 stages, 70+ global speakers and investors, 300+ sets of investor/startup match making, and 26,000 visitors in total.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/chenkyle/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":375,"NameTw":"戴郁文","NameEn":"Yvie Tai","JobTitleTw":"美國高通公司業務開發行政經理暨「高通台灣創新競賽」計畫負責人","JobTitleEn":"Staff Manager, Business Development at Qualcomm & Program Manager of QITC","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105140235268057.jpg","briefTw":"戴郁文為美國高通公司業務開發部行政經理,負責高通台灣創新競賽(Qualcomm Innovate in Taiwan Challenge, QITC)。\r\n
\r\n自2007年加入高通,戴郁文曾擔任過多個職務,包括在高通CDMA事業部(Qualcomm CDMA Technology, QCT )客戶工程部門擔任軟體主管;以及在產品行銷部門擔任資深經理,負責關聯性市場 (adjacent market)業務開發,推動產品在設計時就贏得客戶訂單(design wins)及產品上市。\r\n
\r\n戴郁文擁有國立交通大學電子研究所碩士學位,和國立清華大學電機系學士學位。","briefEn":"Yvie Tai is currently the Staff Manager, Business Development at Qualcomm and is responsible for program managing Qualcomm Innovate in Taiwan Challenge (QITC) and finding new business opportunities arising out of the program.\r\n
\r\nSince joining Qualcomm in 2007, she has held various roles including as software lead in the Customer Engineering department and senior manager in the Product Marketing department of Qualcomm CDMA Technology (QCT) where she led the adjacent market business development in Taiwan and drove design wins and products launch.\r\n
\r\nYvie holds BS and MS degrees in Electrical Engineering from National Tsing-Hua University and National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":376,"NameTw":"陳宥任","NameEn":"Jack Chen","JobTitleTw":"營運長","JobTitleEn":"COO","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105140236454082.jpg","briefTw":"負責公司運營/品質系統/法律事務;創辦洞見未來科技前,具有多年從事投資律師工作經驗。\r\n
\r\n洞見未來科技是由陳宥任(Jack)、陳柏儒(Blue)兩兄弟於2018年在台灣創立,Blue本身為先天性重度聽障,長年配戴助聽器,深感傳統助聽器的不便,為了解決人們,特別是聽障者「聽不清楚」的核心難題,洞見未來科技專注於聲音處理技術,並以我們的AI人聲增幅引擎為核心,打造出採用創新AI技術的助輔聽耳機品牌-Otoadd,藉由我們的AI人聲增幅引擎,Otoadd的產品能捕捉並分離環境中不同的人聲,達到抑制噪音、強化人聲的效果。結合Blue對助聽器的經驗、知識與Jack在營運與投資法務的專才,我們希望能「讓更多人聽見世界的精彩」。 \r\n
\r\n洞見未來科技為2019年高通台灣創新競賽的冠軍,於2020年獲邀加入高通全球商用生態系。","briefEn":"In charge of corporate operation/quality system/legal. Before funding RelaJet, Jack had years of experience of working as an investment lawyer.\r\n
\r\nRelaJet was co-founded by two brothers in Taiwan, Blue Chen and Jack Chen. As a hearing aid user, Blue gathers his observation of hearing aid user experiences and his engineering knowledge to build Otoadd, a product with innovative AI technology to enhance the audio quality and overall product practicality. RelaJet implements innovative software engineering with AI technology to identify and separate different speakers’ voices with Edge Computing processors. Through RelaJet's Speech Enhancement Engine, the environmental noises are identified and significantly denoised from the output, hence the user is able to hear the voices clearly. By leveraging Blue's personal experience and knowledge of hearing aid products, along with Jack's expertise in operation and investment law, RelaJet is ready to \"Help the World Hear Better.\"\r\n
\r\nRelaJet was the winner of Qualcomm Innovate in Taiwan Challenge in 2019 and joined Qualcomm Advantage Network in 2020.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":377,"NameTw":"張焜傑","NameEn":"Kim Chang","JobTitleTw":"創辦人兼執行長","JobTitleEn":"CEO & Founder","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105140237417774.jpg","briefTw":"Kim Chang來自於張榮森實驗室,提供企業外包研發服務,涉獵領域包含光學、電子、材料以及生醫光電。2016年,實驗室以「開源智慧手環」獲得勞工部百萬創客擂台桃竹苗區優勝;2018年,以光學振動放大技術搭配人工智能的帕金森症偵測計畫Vibrasee得到科技部萌芽計畫支持,緊接著獲得奇點大學亞太創業大賽優勝;也以工業智慧貼紙Smart Tag獲選2019 CES Eureka Park TTA Pavilion。在矽谷期間組成Vibrasee團隊,獲選加入NVIDIA的Inception Program,得到強力的算力支援;Vibrasee也獲得2019年由H Spectrum舉辦的TRANS大展最佳新創。\r\n
\r\n2018年底自矽谷奇點大學參加完培訓,先是成立Vibrasee團隊,後於2020年創辦智慧貼紙股份有限公司。獲得該年高雄創業大賽、高通QITC挑戰賽、經濟部通訊大賽冠軍,入選TAcc+加速器、AWS聯合創新中心、Spark Labs Taipei加速器。\r\n
\r\nKim Chang本身也是一位歷史小說作家,2019年5月出版了「蘭船東去:胡椒、渡渡鳥與紅髮人的航海之旅」(前衛出版社)。","briefEn":"Kim Chang came from Rong Seng Laboratories from National Central University, providing outsourcing R&D service. Kim led the team won maker's prize in Taoyuan City in 2016 by Open source Smart wrist band; winner in Singularity APAC Challenge 2018 by Vibrasee, the Parkinson's Disease Scanner supported by MOST; won the seat to CES 2019 sponsored by MOST; inception program by NVIDIA; winner in TRANS competition held by H spectrum.\r\n
\r\nKim was trained in Singularity University in 2018 and founded the team Vibrasee. Later, the team turned into Smart Tag Inc. for Industrial Diagnosis Service in 2020. Smart Tag won Kaohsiung Startup Award, Qualcomm Innovation Taiwan Challenge Winner, Mobile Hero Winner in late 2020, and get selected into TAcc+, AWS, and Spark Labs Taipei accelerator programs.\r\n
\r\nKim is also a historical novelist and has his first historical novel \"Stories before VOC\" in May 2019, published by Avanguard.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":378,"NameTw":"吳君孝","NameEn":"Shaw Wu","JobTitleTw":"執行長","JobTitleEn":"CEO","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105140239161238.jpg","briefTw":"吳君孝為資料科學家、悠由數據應用(DataYoo)創辦人,更定位自己為農業數據科技的先驅者。多年前,身為資料科學家的他一腳踏入農業,一步一腳印透過數據幫助農企業在耕種的週期中,精準預測生產週期。\r\n
\r\n農業與科技,聽起來遙遠,事實上數據能帶來的更超乎想像。悠由數據專注於作物資料的演算法,提供各式農業資通訊相關服務,環繞較多的是整體供應鏈與整合;透過全套數據服務的支持,來貫穿整個農產業,形成「多方效益」農業生態。","briefEn":"Shaw Wu, the CEO of DataYoo, position himself as a pioneer of data analytics and data science application in agriculture. Based on data analysis and AI technique, we tracked crops growing condition and market intelligence to predict the next steps. Though this system, we provide total solution of risk management from producers to consumers. Furthermore, it is feasible for us to concatenate the agriculture supply chain with the data application services.\r\n
\r\nIn 2019, in cooperate with the client, we managed the exporting pineapple in KaohSiung through the Data Analysis and Prediction Service. We raised the standard products from 50% to 80%, rejected substandard products from 8% to 1% as well.\r\n
\r\nBesides, through our developed remote monitoring technique, we helped our client, which is a banana farmer cooperative in Yunlin, increase 2 times of managed field and 4 times of corporate farmer.\r\n
\r\nFocusing on risk management in agriculture, we combined models of crop physiology and AI machine analysis techniques to provide our client two services: Crop physiology Models Building and Harvest and Supply Prediction. \r\n
\r\nCrop physiology Models Building Service helps to stabilize crop quality, maximize the yield and gives some cultivate advices as well. Harvest and Supply Prediction System can predict the price fluctuation in order to sell the crops at better prices, give export or import advices, also stabilize the market. \r\n
\r\nWe are eager to make data analysis product technique in Taiwan well-developed and promote it to all over the world. Hope to create new era of smart agriculture in Taiwan.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":379,"NameTw":"陳瑋阡","NameEn":"Mack Chen","JobTitleTw":"高通行銷資深經理","JobTitleEn":"Senior Manager, Marketing","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105140241290834.jpg","briefTw":"陳瑋阡於2013年加入美國高通公司,目前擔任行銷資深經理,專注於5G-NR、數據機軟體/硬體技術、車載資通訊系統以及射頻技術相關領域,負責協助客戶產品計畫、規格溝通,並共同開發以毫米波和Wi-Fi 6為室內連線的數據機解決方案。\r\n
\r\n陳瑋阡擁有國立交通大學電信工程學士、國立台灣大學電信工程碩士學位。","briefEn":"Mack Chen is the Senior Manager of Marketing at Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. He specializes in 5G-NR, modem HW/SW technology, auto telematics and RF technology support. In this role, he is responsible for communication of product plan and specification, working on modem solution with mmWave and Wi-Fi 6 as indoor interface with customers.\r\n
\r\nBefore joining Qualcomm, Chen worked at HTC as Principal Engineer and specialized in GSM/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/LTE RF hardware system architecture and RF Front-End Module system. In addition, he was the Senior Engineer at BenQ, where he was responsible for developing Qualcomm's platform and leading RF project.\r\n
\r\nChen graduated from National Chiao Tung University with a Bachelor of Science in Communication Engineering. He also holds a Master of Science in Communication Engineering from National Taiwan University.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":380,"NameTw":"黃建堯","NameEn":"Duncan Huang","JobTitleTw":"執行長","JobTitleEn":"CEO","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105140243385518.jpg","briefTw":"Duncan Huang,1980 出生於臺北,熱愛壘球、麥當勞與創業。現任業安科技的CEO,帶領團隊改變販賣機產業邁向數位轉型與數據導向。2010 首次創業後跟上物聯網(IoT)浪潮,曾創下一年2,000萬臺幣的業績。\r\n
\r\n2018拿下雲豹加速器季軍,2019 奪下Pitch Camp的 Pitch King,皆驗證了物聯網技術與販賣機結合的商業潛力。我們的團隊在兩年的時間內,協助 6個國家客戶的販賣機智慧化,其中包含民族性強的販賣機大國日本。\r\n
\r\n歡迎指教交流:duncan@yallvend.com","briefEn":"Duncan Huang, CEO of Yallvend Co., Ltd., leads the team to push vending machine industry become digital-transforming and data-driven. By catching up the IoT trends in 2010, his first business once acquired 20 million NTD in one year. \r\n
\r\nAccumulating the experiences in vending machine, IoT, and partners, his proposal of upgrading vending machine won the third place in 2018 Cloud Computing and IoT Association in Taiwan Demo Day, and the Pitch King in 2019 Pitch Camp. The little victories were two of the hints that the business of IoT vending machine business would go big and global. Yallvend team has upgraded vending machines in 6 countries since 2019, including Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines. \r\n
\r\nWelcome to contact Duncan via: duncan@yallvend.com","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":381,"NameTw":"陳右庭","NameEn":"Jackal Chen","JobTitleTw":"研發部資深副總經理","JobTitleEn":"Senior Vice General Manager, R&D Department","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105140245301452.jpg","briefTw":"學經歷
\r\n-清華大學 資訊工程系 碩士\r\n
\r\n-無線通訊協定及 IoT 產品設計
\r\n-專利策略佈局, 為多項行動通訊方法, 心電圖設計方法, 心電圖貼片設計之專利發明人\r\n
\r\n宇心生醫2013年成立於美國,核心業務為醫療級12導程心電圖(ECG)系統。本公司專注於遠距醫療、AI輔助判讀和居家照護的創新,為醫護人員和心臟病患提供革命性解決方案,可隨時隨地管理心臟健康。本公司旗艦產品PCA 500已獲得美國FDA, 歐盟CE MARK和台灣TFDA認證,成功應用於醫院、診所、安養院、居家照護、商用航空、以及許多遠距心血管疾病照護等市場。我們的願景是成為新世紀ECG技術的領導者,我們的使命是透過ECG和AI技術,守護所有人心臟健康。","briefEn":"Experiences
\r\n-QT Medical, Inc.
\r\n-MediaTek Inc.
\r\n-M.S in Computer Science , National Tsing Hua University\r\n
\r\n Field of specialty
\r\n-Software/Hardware integration development for wearable and medical device
\r\n-Wireless Protocol and IoT device design
\r\n-EMC compliant design
\r\n-Biosensor patch and flexible PCB design
\r\n-Strategic Patent Portfolio, Patent inventor
\r\n-Mobile communication methods
\r\n-ECG design methods
\r\n-Electrode patch design\r\n
\r\nQT Medical is a medtech company with a focus on high quality 12-lead diagnostic electrocardiogram (ECG) for use by healthcare professionals and patients. Cleared by the FDA, TFDA, and CE marked, PCA 500 is the world's most compact 12-lead ECG system. With its simplicity, ease of use, mobile technology and cloud management, PCA 500 brings hospital-grade ECG to homes, and enables doctors to make informed decisions anywhere, anytime. Powered by advanced AI diagnostics, QT Medical will revolutionize cardiac care in the 21st century for millions of patients.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":382,"NameTw":"葉佳佳","NameEn":"Kristy Yeh","JobTitleTw":"共同創辦人兼執行長","JobTitleEn":"Co-Founder and CEO","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105140248064561.jpg","briefTw":"葉佳佳是聯騏技研共同創辦人兼執行長。聯騏技研是一家IoT / ICT解決方案供應商,主要提供飯店和物業管理產業門禁控管,成為智慧城市的一部分。在返回台灣創辦聯騏技研之前,葉佳佳在越南和中國的製造業和高科技領域工作了三年。 聯騏技研是2019年「高通台灣創新競賽(Qualcomm Innovate in Taiwan Challenge, QITC)」的入圍新創團隊之一。聯騏技研憑藉其解決方案–智慧前台系統CellBedell和NB-IoT環境檢測系統FIND(Fuzzy Intelligent Networked Detection System)獲得了CES 2020創新獎並將進一步使用高通 Wifi 6技術平台升級系統。葉佳佳擁有逢甲大學、外貿協會「國際企業經營班」及國立交通大學GMBA等碩士學位。 ","briefEn":"Kristy Yeh is the co-founder and CEO of Nestech. Nestech is an IoT/ICT solutions provider, mainly specializing in smart locking/access control systems for hospitality and property management industries towards building a smart city. \r\n
\r\nBefore starting up Nestech, Kristy worked in the manufacturing and high-tech industry in Vietnam and Mainland China for 3 years. Nestech is one of the shortlisted teams of Qualcomm Innovate in Taiwan Challenge 2019. Its front desk system CellBedell and Fuzzy Intelligent Networked Detection System (FIND) with NB-IoT technology won the CES 2020 Innovation Award and will further use Qualcomm Wifi 6 technology platform to upgrade the system. Kristy holds Master's degrees from Feng Chia University, TAITRA's International Trade Institute, and GMBA of National Chiao Tung University.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":383,"NameTw":"盧時軒","NameEn":"Michael Lur","JobTitleTw":"","JobTitleEn":"","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105140250509626.jpg","briefTw":"具多年國際工作與生活經驗,熟悉國際行銷、展覽產業與商務文化,服務於智庫與產業協會。致力以數位與社群行銷等專業促進ICT及新創產業交流。透過在COMPUTEX TAIPEI及InnoVEX等平台為新創社群與產業推動國際連結與商機。","briefEn":"A marketer who understands both Western and Eastern marketing cultures. With many years of international working experiences in the United States & Taipei, professional in Social Media & Digital Marketing, International Exhibition, and Startup Community organizing. Dedicated to exploring business opportunities for ICT, Technology, and Startup Industry. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":384,"NameTw":"葉韋賢","NameEn":"David Yeh","JobTitleTw":"總監","JobTitleEn":"Principal","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105140251440156.jpg","briefTw":"David 是位以人為本的技術創新與生態系串聯的實踐者。作為一名經驗豐富的顧問,David 為包括製造業和醫療保健在內的多個行業提供了數位轉型解決方案和實施諮詢。\r\n
\r\nDavid 目前任職於 BE Accelerator,負責連接三個不同的利益相關者:1) 需要採用創新解決方案來改善醫療服務和患者體驗的醫院; 2) 想進入醫療科技/健康科技行業的企業; 3) 準備在 MedTech/HealthTech 行業進入市場的初創企業。David 的日常職責包含了解與溝通每個利益相關者的目標,以促進 BE Health Ventures 投資項目、醫院、企業合作夥伴、及 BE Accelerator 學員之間的商業條款和合作模式的談判。\r\n
\r\n在加入 BE Accelerator 之前,David 在智慧工廠領域創立了一家初創公司,而後在研華 CTO 辦公室擔任客戶成功團隊經理。\"","briefEn":"David is a practitioner of the human-centric approach to tech innovation and ecosystem. As an experienced consultant, David provided digital transformation solution and implementation consultation to multiple industries including manufacturing and healthcare. \r\n
\r\nDavid is currently the Principal of BE Accelerator, responsible for Connecting three distinct stakeholders: 1) hospitals needing to adopt innovative solution to improve healthcare delivery and patient experience; 2) corporates wanting to enter the MedTech/HealthTech industry; and 3) start-ups preparing go-to-market strategy in the MedTech/HealthTech industry. Understanding and communicating goals of each stakeholder to facilitate the negotiation of business terms and co-working model between BE Health Ventures investment portfolio, hospitals, corporate partners, and BE Accelerator trainees are David's daily responsibilities.\r\n
\r\nPrior to Joining BE Accelerator, David founded a start-up in the smart factory domain and was a Manager of Customer Success Team in the CTO Office at Advantech.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":true,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":385,"NameTw":"Chang Hun Lee","NameEn":"Chang Hun Lee","JobTitleTw":"CSO & Co-Founder","JobTitleEn":"CSO & Co-Founder","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105140252302092.jpg","briefTw":"I am Chang Hun Lee, a serial entrepreneur, from South Korea, who have experienced one small exit and one failure.","briefEn":"I am Chang Hun Lee, a serial entrepreneur, from South Korea, who have experienced one small exit and one failure.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/douglee93/ ","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":true,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":386,"NameTw":"Vineet Johnson","NameEn":"Vineet Johnson","JobTitleTw":"Founder and CEO","JobTitleEn":"Founder and CEO","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105140253239473.jpg","briefTw":"CEO of IRegained Inc.
\r\nNeuroscientist and Physiotherapist with more than 25 years academic clinical / research experience in Canada, UK and India. In addition, leadership experience in managing department and participating in University senate committees.","briefEn":"CEO of IRegained Inc.
\r\nNeuroscientist and Physiotherapist with more than 25 years academic clinical / research experience in Canada, UK and India. In addition, leadership experience in managing department and participating in University senate committees.","fb":"https://m.facebook.com/Iregainedinc/?ref=bookmarks","twitter":"https://twitter.com/iregained ","linkedIn":"https://linkedin.com/company/iregained-inc","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":true,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":387,"NameTw":"葉怡嬅","NameEn":"Christine Yeh","JobTitleTw":"","JobTitleEn":"","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105140255160167.jpg","briefTw":"長期協助台灣產業與國際企業接軌,協助我商拓展海外市場,擁有跨文化溝通能力。曾負責歐洲經貿網(Europe Enterprise Network, EEN)、經濟部非洲市場推動辦公室及中東中亞市場拓展,並多次率團赴中東中亞及非洲進行海外市場拓銷計畫,且長期參與歐洲及非洲市場的開發工作,熟悉該區域市場特性。於智慧城市展期間規劃辦理線上及實體展會活動,並執行線上商機媒合活動與城市雙邊商務合作會議,期間並辦理大型線上高峰論壇,同時擔任多場智慧城市展國際論壇司儀,藉由各項商務活動之辦理,促成國際交流與合作契機。","briefEn":"Responsible for Europe Enterprise Network (EEN), Taiwan-Africa Trade Promotion Office, MOEA (TATPO), and market expansion in the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa, assisting SME enterprises to expand their global reach. Leading Taiwan Trade Mission to a variety of Countries (i.e. UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan, Oman, Egypt, Turkey and Kazakhstan), establishing partnerships between Taiwanese Enterprises and the overseas companies. During Taiwan Trade Center in Kuwait, has invited Bahrain, Kuwaiti, Iraqi, Syrian industrial buyers to \"Sourcing Taiwan\" and to attend exhibitions such as COMPUTEX, Food Taipei and TAISPO, Medicare, and implemented Online B2B Matchmaking with Taiwanese companies. \r\n
\r\nDuring the Smart City Summit & Expo, executing Online and physical exhibition activities, and implement several Online business matchmaking activities, and city bilateral business conference, as well as organizing large-scale International forums such as Mayors' Summit, CTalk, creating a business platform for both Taiwanese solution providers and the overseas enterprises. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":388,"NameTw":"洪偉淦","NameEn":"Bob Hung","JobTitleTw":"台灣暨香港區總經理","JobTitleEn":"Taiwan & Hong Kong General Manager","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105140256221915.jpg","briefTw":"洪偉淦2000年11月加入趨勢科技, 於2007年2月升任台灣區總經理,並於2010年底升任台灣暨香港區總經理至今。洪偉淦任職期間致力協助客戶有效防禦新興的網路攻擊並提升趨勢品牌形象。","briefEn":"Bob Hung is the General Manager for Trend Micro Hong Kong and Taiwan. He joined Trend Micro in 2000 with an engineering background, now leads the sales and marketing teams in both regions with over 17 years of industry experience. Bob has had numerous successes in promoting Trend Micro security solutions to helping customer fighting against advanced cyber threat.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":389,"NameTw":"Hongwen Zhang","NameEn":"Hongwen Zhang","JobTitleTw":"Founder, CEO & CTO","JobTitleEn":"Founder, CEO & CTO","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105140258375052.jpg","briefTw":"Co-founder of Wedge Networks, Inc.,
\r\nDr. Zhang previously co-founded the 24C Group Inc., which pioneered the first digital receipts infrastructure for secure electronic commerce, and was a principal of Servidium Inc., a global leader in agile development methodology. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science and a M.Sc. in Computer Engineering. Throughout his 25+ years career and leadership in the enterprise software industry, Dr. Zhang has been instrumental in launching several commercially successful cyber security and safety products into the global market. This has resulted in successful customer adoptions; from his involvement in the Digital Receipt Infrastructure (with the 24C Group, and later AxWay), through his work with companies such as Valmet/Telvent (now Schneider), and Servidium (acquired by Thought Works Inc.). Dr. Zhang served as the Chair of the Metro Ethernet Forum's (MEF) Security-as-a-Service working group, which defined the practices of Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) for many of the largest telecom service providers in the world. He is a well-respected speaker and writer in the areas of security and cloud computing. As a co-founder of Wedge Networks, Dr. Zhang has led the design, implementation, and launch of the firm's patented, award-winning Deep Content Inspection and Security Services Orchestration platform.","briefEn":"Co-founder of Wedge Networks, Inc.,
\r\nDr. Zhang previously co-founded the 24C Group Inc., which pioneered the first digital receipts infrastructure for secure electronic commerce, and was a principal of Servidium Inc., a global leader in agile development methodology. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science and a M.Sc. in Computer Engineering. Throughout his 25+ years career and leadership in the enterprise software industry, Dr. Zhang has been instrumental in launching several commercially successful cyber security and safety products into the global market. This has resulted in successful customer adoptions; from his involvement in the Digital Receipt Infrastructure (with the 24C Group, and later AxWay), through his work with companies such as Valmet/Telvent (now Schneider), and Servidium (acquired by Thought Works Inc.). Dr. Zhang served as the Chair of the Metro Ethernet Forum's (MEF) Security-as-a-Service working group, which defined the practices of Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) for many of the largest telecom service providers in the world. He is a well-respected speaker and writer in the areas of security and cloud computing. As a co-founder of Wedge Networks, Dr. Zhang has led the design, implementation, and launch of the firm's patented, award-winning Deep Content Inspection and Security Services Orchestration platform.","fb":"","twitter":"https://twitter.com/hongwenzhang","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/hongwen-zhang-2a3b1a/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":390,"NameTw":"池明洋","NameEn":"Ming-Yang Chih","JobTitleTw":"總經理","JobTitleEn":"CEO","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105140301184875.jpg","briefTw":"Ming-yang 畢業於臺大電機所,來自臺灣最強的密碼實驗室,專研密碼系統、雲端技術,長期關注資安防禦等技術及議題。\r\n
\r\n• 池安科技有限公司 總經理\r\n• 美商SENTRI Labs技術長\r\n• 廣達電腦股份有限公司 研發專員\r\n
\r\nMing-yang擁有10年以上的技術開發經驗,研發超過20項與加密、物聯網、區塊鏈及醫療保健相關的產品。透過四次從零到一的創業過程中,累積在企業應用軟體的實戰經驗,與面對各種困難克服的意志力,帶領著Chelpis開發出多款資安產品。","briefEn":"Ming-yang graduated from The Graduate Institute of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, which has the strongest cryptographic laboratory in Taiwan. He also specializes in cryptographic systems, cloud technologies, and has long been concerned about information security protection\r\n
\r\nMajor Experience:
\r\n-CEO of CHELPIS Co., Ltd.
\r\n-CTO of Sentri Labs Inc
\r\n-R&D Specialist of Quanta Computer Co., Ltd.\r\n
\r\nMing-Yang works in new technology development over 10 years and joins over 20 advance products from Health care, Crypto, IoT, Blockchain. He has involved four startups as co-founder. He learns from the experiences to build up the leadership, business development, product management and build future. These knowledge base apply on Chelpis to develop many products. \r\n
\r\nCHELPIS was founded in 2017 to provide enterprise zero-trust identification and access management information security solutions. Our products can help companies protect important online and offline data and authority control.\r\n
\r\nOur products:
\r\n1. CELLWALL-CELLWALL takes the zero-trust architecture as the core to help companies protect important data in cloud services and control employee permissions.
\r\n2. Podrick Space Management System - Podrick apply high-security identity authentication, IoT technology and cloud services to helps client to build a modern workspace.
\r\n3. SecID 2FA identity authentication card -the card uses EAL6+ security chips and a standard password system to protect the important data in company.
\r\n4. KelvinWallet - Quantum proof wallet, the safest cold wallet on blockchain cryptocurrency. It can protect digital assets and cryptocurrencies.","fb":"https://www.facebook.com/yammechih","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/my-chih/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":391,"NameTw":"林琮庸","NameEn":"Bruce Lin","JobTitleTw":"執行長","JobTitleEn":"Chief Executive Officer","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105231536405013.jpg","briefTw":"國立清華大學國際產學營運總中心林琮庸執行長為美國亞歷桑那大學系統工業工程博士,曾任泰潤科技執行長、康全電訊副總經理,偉創力(Flextronics)台灣country manager、合勤科技股份有限公司服務暨生產處等單位高階主管。\r\n林執行長於電子產業擔任高階經理人逾20年以上,具開創性格,領導魄力,擅溝通協調,跨部協作,帶領團隊完成組織目標;並長期致力新團隊招募組建、新廠房規劃設立、新事業部門整合、新市場策略開拓。\r\n
\r\n林執行長與團隊執行科技部「國際產學聯盟」(Global Research & Industry Alliance, GLORIA)計畫自2017年9月迄今,已邁入第二期計畫。第一期計畫著眼於提升產學合作與技術移轉之服務質量,如:高價值產業顧問服務,協助企業找尋解決方案;協助他校產學媒合、技術移轉;協助新創公司產品銷售、資金募集等,俾使清華服務平台,能擴增優化,永續經營。\r\n
\r\n第二期計畫自2020年10月開始,林執行長之策略推動,將整合清大、政大、輔大、逢甲、淡江之研發資源以豐富清華五校聯盟平台,並採「中心化」及「去中心化」雙軌運作架構。就「中心化」組織運作而言,平台將逐步整合五校產學資源,成立五校專利暨產學合作推廣聯合辦公室以匯聚協調五校產學研究量能,並主動邀請國內企業與國際企業進行主題式、跨領域、跨學科、跨校際合作,以利增加會員企業家數,增加產學合作會員費收入、產學合作案與技轉案,擴大平台服務績效;就「去中心化」組織運作而言,平台立基聯盟各校運作機制,發揮專長特色,以協助相關產業升級與創業創新。","briefEn":"Bruce Lin, CEO of NTHU GLORIA Operation Center, is a Ph.D. in Systems Industrial Engineering University of Arizona. He used to be the top executives such as CEO of Zocean Poewr Technology Co., Ltd., Deputy General Manager of Comtrend Corporation, Country Manager of Flextronics International Ltd., and the Director of the service and production department of Zyxel Communications Corp. CEO Lin has more than 20 years of management experience, good at communication and coordination, cross-department collaboration and has dedicated his life to recruiting new team, planning and establishment new plant, integrating new department and new market development strategies.\r\nSince 2017, he has been the Chief Operating Officer of NTHU GLORIA Program Office, building a platform for enterprises and NTHU, serving NTHU teachers and benchmark enterprises; Since he became CEO in 2019, he has added to the original business responsibility of Industry Collaboration Service Division as the unified window of GLORIA Program and integrate new innovation and cultivation, intellectual property technology transfer, legal contract and other businesses, so as to gradually build the research and innovation ecosystem of NTHU. At the same time, CEO Lin invited industry experts to check the R&D capability and technical teams in school, provide value-added services, and become a bridge between the academia and the industry. The team led by CEO Lin creates customized solutions for the industry and academia, and plays the role of communication and coordination. For example, the collaboration between THSRC and NTHU is a highlight industry-academic case, and the promotion of joint R&D with enterprises based on the model of \" Enterprise Issues Schools Solve \" is also the key strategy of CEO Lin. That is to sign a contract with cooperative enterprises for five years and invest more than 10 million a year. For example, AcBel Polytech Inc. and NTHU set up a joint R&D center to promote the development of Frontier technology and talent cultivation.\r\nAs for the industry-academic assistance of NTHU teachers, CEO Lin is planning the NTHU GLORIA project translation plan. This plan aims to strengthen the cooperation between industry liaison experts and the R&D teams composed of potential professors of NTHU, especially young scholars. There are industry experts assigned exclusively for each case to strengthen the matchmaking between professors and enterprises, assist in talent training, help the R&D team members to integrate the university professors' R&D technology and ability of communication with enterprises so as to accelerate the technology commercialization. \r\nCEO Lin and his team have implemented the GLORIA project of the Ministry of Science and Technology since September 2017, and it has entered the second phase of the project. The first phase of the project focuses on improving the service quality of research-industry cooperation and technology transfer. \r\n
\r\nThe second phase of the project starts in October 2020. CEO Lin integrates the R&D resources of NTHU, NCCU, FJCU, FCU, and TKU, establishes a five-school alliance platform, and adopts \"centralization\" and \"decentralization\" dual-track operation structure. In terms of \"centralized\" organization and operation, and set up a join office for patent and industry-academic collaboration promotion to gather and coordinate the industry-academic research capacity of the five schools, and actively invite domestic and international companies to carry out thematic, cross-field, cross-disciplinary, and cross-school collaboration to increase the corporate members, increase industry-academic collaboration membership fee income, collaboration cases and technology transfer cases, and expand platform service performance. In terms of \"decentralized\" organization operation, the platform is based on the operation mechanism and characteristics of each school to assist related industry upgrades and innovation and entrepreneurship.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":392,"NameTw":"彭聖偉","NameEn":"David Peng","JobTitleTw":"執行長","JobTitleEn":"Chief Executive Officer","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105231539386135.jpg","briefTw":"具有豐富產業界工作背景,最早於新竹科學園區聯華電子等高科技公司工作二年,後進入美商公司工作,於AT&T台灣分公司及大中華區服務11年,最高擔任台灣分公司副總經理,負責Data Warehouse Business。隨後於IBM服務,最高擔任大中華區(兩岸三地)商業智能事業群總經理(Business Intelligence),帶領100多人也兼任策略聯盟(Strategic Alliance)總經理要職。\r\n
\r\n2015年開始參與新創投資及經營工作,投資二家新創公司的共同創辦人,於2018年協助科技部GLORIA計劃擔任台大該計畫執行長二年,接著2020出任成大GLORIA執行長。","briefEn":"","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":393,"NameTw":"梁鶯騰","NameEn":"Onail Liang","JobTitleTw":"副執行長","JobTitleEn":"Deputy Executive Manager","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105231541095007.jpg","briefTw":"","briefEn":"","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":394,"NameTw":"王鏡戎","NameEn":"James Wang","JobTitleTw":"Chief Strategy & Sales Officer","JobTitleEn":"Chief Strategy & Sales Officer","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105140310209575.jpg","briefTw":"James目前是安謀投資的無晶圓廠半導體公司鈺立微電子的商務和營銷主管兼首席戰略官。他還擔任鈺創科技的董事長特別助理。\r\n
\r\nJames是一位擁有一系列成功經驗的商務領袖,在消費者,機械和半導體公司中,他有跨領域的商業領導戰績和成功經驗。在加入科技行業之前,他是泰國Sappe集團的企業合夥人以及大中華區首席執行官,Sappe 集團是一家在泰國成立的快速消費品集團,James建立該公司在大中華區的實體經營和分銷商網絡樹立了市場地位並且帶來超過4000萬美元的年營收。\r\n在此之前,他曾擔任上海YXP包裝集團副總裁,領導該公司在機械和HDPE供應業務方面贏得了豐厚的回報,成為中國統一和多個全球品牌的供應商產生了數百萬美元的收入。自加入鈺立微電子以來,公司得到了多個新的商業成功,同時統籌公司的企業戰略和業務計劃並成功得到安謀物聯網基金與, 美國中經合集團以及其他知名投資者的投資。James 同時是多個科技以及消費性產品公司的董事以及數個海外私募資金的顧問。","briefEn":"James is a business person with serial successes. He is currently the Head of Sales & marketing and the Chief Strategy Officer of eYs3D Microelectronics, an ARM invested fabless semiconductor company. He also serves as special assistant to the chairman of Etron technology.\r\n
\r\nHe comes with a track record of promising business leadership and success in consumer, machinery and semiconductor companies. Before joining the tech industry, he was the corporate partner as well as CEO of the greater China region of Sappe Public Company, a listed FMCG group built in Thailand, where he built the greater China entity and distributor network along with a market presence with over 40 Million US dollars in revenue.\r\n
\r\nPrior to that, he was the Vice President of YXP packing group in Shanghai, where he led the company winning rewarding business in machinery and the HDPE supply business, with customers such as uni-president and other global brands which generated multi-million US dollars in revenue. With the success of several design-wins since joining eYs3D, James has led the company's corporate strategy and business planning.He has also helped eYs3d in receiving ARM IoT Fund, WI Harper as well as other reputable investors' investments. James serves on the boards of several technology and consumer product companies, as well as as an advisor to a few private equity firms.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":true,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":395,"NameTw":"范秉航","NameEn":"Ping-Hang (Eric) Fan","JobTitleTw":"副所長","JobTitleEn":"Deputy Director, Div. VI, ","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105140311137355.jpg","briefTw":"范秉航博士目前擔任台灣經濟研究院研究六所副所長、本誠創投與聯訊陸創投法人董事。台灣經濟研究院係於1976年9月1日由辜振甫博士創辦,為台灣最早由民間設立之獨立學術研究機構。該院成立宗旨為積極從事國內、外經濟及產業經濟研究,並將研究成果提供政府、企業及學術界參考,以促進我國經濟發展。\r\n
\r\n近年范秉航博士參與多項政府創新創業與新創募資相關計畫,目的在於改善台灣早期投資與新創企業生態環境。推動內容涵蓋國內外早期投資市場觀測與數據系統建置、趨勢研究分析,並辦理許多募資相關活動。此外,范秉航博士專責於新興科技領域,以及創新創業政策與創業投資研究。","briefEn":"Dr. Fan is currently the Deputy Director of Div. VI at Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (TIER), director of AppWorks Fund II and Harbinger Venture Fund VI. TIER was established in 1976 by Dr. Chen-Fu Koo as the first private independent economic think tank in Taiwan.\r\n
\r\nDr. Fan is the lead of government projects, which aims to promote early stage investment and startup ecosystem in Taiwan. He is responsible for conducting the global early stage investment database, research analysis and startup fundraising events. In addition, he covers the research of emerging technologies, innovation and entrepreneurship policies, and angel/venture capital investment.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":true,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":396,"NameTw":"斎藤祐馬","NameEn":"YUMA SAITO","JobTitleTw":"代表取締役社長 / 公認會計士","JobTitleEn":"President & CEO / Certified Accountant","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105201154220010.jpg","briefTw":"斎藤 祐馬Yuma Saito出生於1983年,畢業於慶應義塾大學經濟系。\r\n
\r\n2006年通過公認會計師考試,加入Deloitte Tohmatsu Ltd.。\r\n
\r\n2010年以公司內部創業的形式成立Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support Co., Ltd.,並在三年半的時間裡成功地在日本全國擴展了20個據點並擁有150名員工。主要扶持新創公司的成長,從事各種支持大型公司的新業務創建CVC到風險政策的顧問規劃。\r\n
\r\nMorning Pitch活動的創始人,該活動主要邀請新創公司向100家大公司進行演講。於《日經產業新聞》(Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun)連載專欄“創業的成功與否”系列。參與過許多電視節目,例如:周刊新聞深度閱讀(NHK)、Biz + Sunday(NHK)。主要著作包括《如何找到賭上一生的工作》(鑽石出版社),並在許多媒體刊物上發表連載,如:《Nikkei Business Online》、《Diamond online》等。\r\n2017年被Nikkei Business選為「創建次世代的100人」之一。\r\n
\r\n2019年擔任Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support Co., Ltd.社長(董事長兼執行長)。","briefEn":"Graduated from the Economics Department of Keio University.\r\nPassed the Certified Public Accountant and joined Deloitte Tohmatsu Ltd. in 2006.\r\n
\r\nSince 2010, Yuma Saito has been involved in launching Tohmatsu Venture Support Co., Ltd. (currently known as Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support Co., Ltd.).\r\n
\r\nIn 2019, he was appointed as the Managing Director of Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support Co., Ltd., and he is also a Japanese Certified Public Accountant.\r\n
\r\nHe is engaged in helping large corporations all over the world launch new businesses, as well as designing startup policies. He was the founder of \"Morning Pitch\", an early morning event where entrepreneurs give presentations to 100 large corporations. His main publication is \"How to Find a Job Worth Betting Your Life On\" (Diamond Publications). He has also appeared in various media such as newspapers, magazines, TV programs, and online media. He was chosen as one of Nikkei Business's \"100 People Who Will Create the Next Generation\" in 2017.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":397,"NameTw":"羅沁雯","NameEn":"Violet Lo","JobTitleTw":"創新創業服務執行長","JobTitleEn":"Director, Innovation & Entrepreneur Services ","profilePicPath":"/2021/_uploads/202105231534292178.jpg","briefTw":"羅沁雯擁有奧地利國際租稅法碩士與國立政治大學EMBA跨領域的學歷,於資誠PwC Taiwan任職期間歷任審計、稅務、市場發展策略等業務,並曾經外派中國與比利時,擁有二十年以上協助跨國企業處理全球投資架構與營運模式規劃與稅務管理諮詢輔導經驗,同時擅長跨領域智識議題開發與行銷活動整合規劃、市場策略發展、公共關係與企業品牌形象管理。近年投入創新創業服務,成立資誠PwC's Scale up創業成長加速器擔任執行長乙職,憑藉20多年累積的專業顧問服務經驗,提供新創團隊從公司、股權架構、市場發展策略到公司營運管理等整合性顧問諮詢服務。羅沁雯並為2018-2021台灣新創生態圈大調查計畫主持人,對台灣新創生態圈發展及新創企業經營管理議題有深入了解。","briefEn":"Violet earns her EMBA degree from National Chengchi University and LL.M. degree in International Tax Law from Vienna University of Economics and Business. With more than 20 years of experiences in providing audit, accounting advisory and international tax consulting services to multi-national companies, Violet is now leading Innovation and Entrepreneur Services team at PwC Taiwan and established PwC's Scale-up Program to help fast-growth startups strengthen company operation and raise their next major institutional funding rounds through an investor readiness program. Violet is also the program leader of the 2018-2021 Taiwan Startup Ecosystem Survey, and has an in-depth understanding of the development of Taiwan's startup ecosystem.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":398,"NameTw":"Sarah Tatsis","NameEn":"Sarah Tatsis","JobTitleTw":"Senior VP, IVY Platform Development","JobTitleEn":"Senior VP, IVY Platform Development","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205101000414083.jpg","briefTw":"BlackBerry provides intelligent security software and services to enterprises and governments around the world. The company secures more than 500M endpoints including 195M vehicles with its QNX software. Based in Waterloo, Ontario, the company leverages AI and machine learning to deliver innovative solutions in the areas of cybersecurity, safety and data privacy solutions, and is a leader in the areas of endpoint security, endpoint management, encryption, and embedded systems. \r\n
\r\nBlackberry and AWS are co-developing BlackBerry IVY, an intelligent vehicle data platform used to generate insights from vehicle data on the edge, controlled via the cloud, that enables new experiences and improved operations for connected vehicles. \r\n
\r\nSarah Tatsis is the Senior Vice President of the IVY Platform Development at BlackBerry. Having worked at the company for over 20 years, Tatsis has held a number of leadership positions in areas of research and development, operations, quality, pricing, analytics, and customer support.","briefEn":"BlackBerry provides intelligent security software and services to enterprises and governments around the world. The company secures more than 500M endpoints including 195M vehicles with its QNX software. Based in Waterloo, Ontario, the company leverages AI and machine learning to deliver innovative solutions in the areas of cybersecurity, safety and data privacy solutions, and is a leader in the areas of endpoint security, endpoint management, encryption, and embedded systems. \r\n
\r\nBlackberry and AWS are co-developing BlackBerry IVY, an intelligent vehicle data platform used to generate insights from vehicle data on the edge, controlled via the cloud, that enables new experiences and improved operations for connected vehicles. \r\n
\r\nSarah Tatsis is the Senior Vice President of the IVY Platform Development at BlackBerry. Having worked at the company for over 20 years, Tatsis has held a number of leadership positions in areas of research and development, operations, quality, pricing, analytics, and customer support.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":true,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":399,"NameTw":"葉建宏","NameEn":"Michael Yeh","JobTitleTw":"第八事業處 資深經理","JobTitleEn":"Senior Director, Automotive BU","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205101003090147.jpg","briefTw":"20 年IT 產業經驗
\r\n- PC 領域 - 市場分析/ 產品開發與專案管理 / 創新產品架構 服務全球跨國PC 客戶
\r\n- 車用電子市場分析 / 產品開發與專案管理\r\n","briefEn":"20 Years IT filed experience include
\r\n- PC Marketing / Program Management / Innovation Architecture for MNC Customer
\r\n- Automotive Marketing Program / Product Development \r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":400,"NameTw":"Stephen Coates","NameEn":"Stephen Coates","JobTitleTw":"Vice President, Global Operations and General Manager, Asia","JobTitleEn":"Vice President, Global Operations and General Manager, Asia","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205101005092276.jpg","briefTw":"Canada's power chip maker GaN Systems is a leader in Gallium Nitride (GaN) power transistors. Applications include consumer electronics, automotive, renewable energy and more. Most recently, it raised $150 million in a funding round led by Fidelity Management & Research to expand its market share to the EV market. BMW and Toyota Motor have been investors in GaN Systems for several years. \r\n
\r\nAs GaN Systems'VP of Operations, Stephen Coates joined GaN Systems in 2015 from DigiLens, where he was Head of Manufacturing. Stephen has more than three decades of experience in engineering, manufacturing operations, and supply-chain management. He has extensive experience in building and running advanced technology fabs (front end and backend). In addition, he has expertise in establishing and developing strategic relationships to support full product commercialization, high-volume manufacturing, and device packaging and integration which is key to ensuring that GaN Systems meets global demands.\r\n
\r\nStephen moved to Taiwan in 2016 to establish GaN Systems Asia and has successfully grown the team to be the second largest and the fastest growing office in the company.\r\n","briefEn":"Canada's power chip maker GaN Systems is a leader in Gallium Nitride (GaN) power transistors. Applications include consumer electronics, automotive, renewable energy and more. Most recently, it raised $150 million in a funding round led by Fidelity Management & Research to expand its market share to the EV market. BMW and Toyota Motor have been investors in GaN Systems for several years. \r\n
\r\nAs GaN Systems'VP of Operations, Stephen Coates joined GaN Systems in 2015 from DigiLens, where he was Head of Manufacturing. Stephen has more than three decades of experience in engineering, manufacturing operations, and supply-chain management. He has extensive experience in building and running advanced technology fabs (front end and backend). In addition, he has expertise in establishing and developing strategic relationships to support full product commercialization, high-volume manufacturing, and device packaging and integration which is key to ensuring that GaN Systems meets global demands.\r\n
\r\nStephen moved to Taiwan in 2016 to establish GaN Systems Asia and has successfully grown the team to be the second largest and the fastest growing office in the company.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":true,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":401,"NameTw":"陳瑋阡","NameEn":"Mack Chen","JobTitleTw":"行銷資深經理","JobTitleEn":"Senior Manager, Marketing","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205101050164505.jpg","briefTw":"陳瑋阡於2013年加入美國高通公司,目前擔任行銷資深經理,專注於5G-NR、數據機軟體/硬體技術、車載資通訊系統以及射頻技術相關領域,負責協助客戶產品計畫、規格溝通,並共同開發以毫米波和Wi-Fi 6為室內連線的數據機解決方案。\r\n
\r\n陳瑋阡擁有國立交通大學電信工程學士、國立台灣大學電信工程碩士學位。","briefEn":"Mack Chen is the Senior Manager of Marketing at Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. He specializes in 5G-NR, modem HW/SW technology, auto telematics and RF technology support. In this role, he is responsible for communication of product plan and specification, working on modem solution with mmWave and Wi-Fi 6 as indoor interface with customers.\r\n
\r\nBefore joining Qualcomm, Chen worked at HTC as Principal Engineer and specialized in GSM/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/LTE RF hardware system architecture and RF Front-End Module system. In addition, he was the Senior Engineer at BenQ, where he was responsible for developing Qualcomm’s platform and leading RF project.\r\n
\r\nChen graduated from National Chiao Tung University with a Bachelor of Science in Communication Engineering. He also holds a Master of Science in Communication Engineering from National Taiwan University.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":402,"NameTw":"郭柳宗","NameEn":"Leo Guo","JobTitleTw":"創辦人兼執行長","JobTitleEn":"Founder & CEO","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205101053339038.jpg","briefTw":"Leo Guo是女媧機器人的創始人兼CEO。女媧提供性價比最高的機器人,從AI陪伴/教育機器人、家庭機器人到專業的服務機器人。此外女媧也提供了一個完整的機器人開發平台,提供不僅SDK,還有軟件開發工具,讓機器人內容和應用程序的開發變得更有效率。於2022年,女媧將成為台灣、日本、韓國和香港地區出貨量最大的機器人供應商。女媧剛剛在2021年高通台灣創新競賽(QITC)中獲得第一名。\r\n
\r\n在創辦女媧之前,Leo 在富士康、和碩、軟銀、三菱電機等IT行業擁有超過 25 年的工作經驗,曾擔任軟件工程師、項目/產品經理至BU負責人。Leo擁有斯坦福大學計算機科學碩士學位。\r\n
guo.leo@nuwarobotics.com\r\n","briefEn":"Leo Guo is the founder and CEO of Nuwa Robotics Corp. Nuwa provides the most cost-effective robots from AI companion/education robots, and home robots to professional service robots. Besides, Nuwa provides a complete robot development platform with not only SDK but also software tools to facilitate robot content, and application development. Nuwa will be the largest robot provider in terms of shipping quantity in Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and Hong Kong. Nuwa just won the 1st prize in Qualcomm Innovate in Taiwan Challenge (QITC) in 2021. \r\n
\r\nBefore starting up Nuwa, Leo has more than 25 years of working experience in the IT industry, such as Foxconn, Pegatron, Softbank, and Mitsubishi Electric, and served as a software engineer, project/product manager to BU head. Leo holds a Master of Computer Science degree from Stanford University.\r\n
\r\nLeo's contact info:
guo.leo@nuwarobotics.com\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":403,"NameTw":"陳俊傑","NameEn":"Jay Chen","JobTitleTw":"創辦人","JobTitleEn":"CEO","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205101106262889.jpg","briefTw":"Jay 是奎景運算創始人與董事長。他在台灣大學完成CS博士學位。他從事大數據研究超過 15 年,之後便參加美國NVIDIA的頂尖工程團隊。在這之前,他的研究主題包括大數據分析、深度學習和分散式演算法。同時,他是NTU Design Thinking Club的創始人之一,前NVIDIA PESA,Berkeley Skydeck GIP #12團隊創辦人,2次斐陶斐獎(Phi-Tau-Phi)得主(2004和2016)成員,並獲其他榮譽。2022年起,主要專注於AI端到端性能優化技術與加速AI運算工具研發,帶領奎景運算開拓美國市場。","briefEn":"Jay Chen, Co-founder and CEO of Avalanche Computing. He got his Ph.D. degree at NTU. He is doing big data research for more than 15 years and then focusing on AI at NVIDIA Santa Clara. His research includes Bigdata Analytics, Deep Learning, and Distributed Algorithm. He was one of the founders of NTU Design Thinking Club, ex-NVIDIA PESA, Berkeley Skydeck GIP #12, member of Phi-Tau-Phi (2004 and 2016), et., al. Now, he focuses on AI end-to-end performance optimization for the data center. After 2022, he led Avalanche Computing Taiwan and developed business in the US market.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/jay-chen-innovation/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":404,"NameTw":"陳晏誠","NameEn":"Frankie Chen","JobTitleTw":"行銷長","JobTitleEn":"CMO","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205101108064517.jpg","briefTw":"Frankie是司圖科技的共同創辦人兼CMO,專精於輔導企業完善數位轉型,透過室內定位系統優化企業營運效率,深入解決垂直產業問題,曾輔導企業包含台北車站及商圈、全台最大停車場經營業者、知名物流業、知名EMS製造業等。\r\n
\r\n司圖科技專注於定位物聯、賦能空間,進而影響行動用戶跟實體世界的互動,針對實體展售打造全新地圖視訊定位體驗的『stoVENUE metaverse』,讓遠端用戶可透過Avatar即時跟現場人員展銷交流、提升商務締結率,為實體場域營運開拓一個全新的OMO行動展售渠道。\r\n","briefEn":"Frankie is the co-founder and CMO of Spatial Topology Co., Ltd..\r\n
\r\nFrankie specializes in serving digital transformation for smart building authorities and creating practical AIOT solutions in each vertical, such as asset locating for Manufacturing, indoor navigation for Transportation, and offline data analytics for Retail.\r\n
\r\nSpatial Topology is dedicated to influence how mobile user interact with the physical world. 『stoVENUE metaverse』is a Map-based Conference-Call Platform, breaks online/offline boundaries via transforming all users into avatars, also enables remote avatars (online customers) starting business talk in real-time with onsite avatars (store clerks). This map platform not only creates brand engagement through in-store gamified customer experiences, but also starts a new OMO sales channel for Retail and Exhibit authorities.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/yen-cheng-frankie-chen-07b24037/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":405,"NameTw":"戴郁文","NameEn":"Yvie Tai","JobTitleTw":"業務開發總監暨「高通台灣創新競賽」計畫負責人","JobTitleEn":"Director, Business Development & Program Manager of Qualcomm Innovate in Taiwan Challenge (QITC)","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205101110581555.jpg","briefTw":"戴郁文是美國高通公司業務開發總監,負責「高通台灣創新競賽(Qualcomm Innovate in Taiwan Challenge, QITC)」計畫;在競賽團隊中佈建合作夥伴關係、並從中開拓新的業務發展機會。QITC自2019年開始舉辦,透過發掘並培育優秀新創團隊,支持台灣新創生態系的成長。\r\n
\r\n自2007年加入高通之後,戴郁文曾擔任過多個職務,包括在高通CDMA事業部(Qualcomm CDMA Technology, QCT )客戶工程部門擔任軟體主管;以及在產品行銷部門擔任資深經理,負責關聯性市場 (adjacent market)業務開發,促成產品在設計發想階段就贏得客戶訂單(design wins)及產品上市。\r\n
\r\n戴郁文擁有國立交通大學電子研究所碩士學位,和國立清華大學電機系學士學位。\r\n","briefEn":"Yvie Tai is Director of Business Development at Qualcomm Inc. and is responsible for program managing Qualcomm Innovate in Taiwan Challenge (QITC). With this role, she builds partnerships, and finds new business opportunities arising out of the program. QITC was started in 2019 to support the development of Taiwan startup ecosystem by identifying and nurturing innovative startups.\r\n
\r\nAfter joining Qualcomm in 2007, Yvie has held various roles including as software lead in the Customer Engineering department and senior manager in the Product Marketing department of Qualcomm CDMA Technology (QCT) where she led the adjacent market business development in Taiwan and drove design wins and products launch.\r\n
\r\nYvie holds BS and MS degrees in Electrical Engineering from National Tsing-Hua University and National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":406,"NameTw":"張焜傑","NameEn":"Kim Chang","JobTitleTw":"創辦人兼執行長","JobTitleEn":"Founder & CEO","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205101158523959.jpg","briefTw":"Kim Chang來自於張榮森實驗室,提供企業外包研發服務,涉獵領域包含光學、電子、材料以及生醫光電。2016年,實驗室以「開源智慧手環」獲得勞工部百萬創客擂台桃竹苗區優勝;2018年,以光學振動放大技術搭配人工智能的帕金森症偵測計畫Vibrasee得到科技部萌芽計畫支持,緊接著獲得奇點大學亞太創業大賽優勝;也以工業智慧貼紙Smart Tag獲選2019 CES Eureka Park TTA Pavilion。在矽谷期間組成Vibrasee團隊,獲選加入NVIDIA的Inception Program,得到強力的算力支援;Vibrasee也獲得2019年由H Spectrum舉辦的TRANS大展最佳新創。 \r\n
\r\n2018年底自矽谷奇點大學參加完培訓,先是成立Vibrasee團隊,後於2020年創辦智慧貼紙股份有限公司。獲得該年高雄創業大賽、高通台灣創新競賽、經濟部通訊大賽冠軍、2021 Meet Taipei Neo Star首獎,入選TAcc+加速器、AWS聯合創新中心、中華電信5G加速器、SparkLabs Taipei加速器。 \r\n
\r\nKim Chang本身也是一位歷史小說作家,2019年5月出版了「蘭船東去:胡椒、渡渡鳥與紅髮人的航海之旅」(前衛出版社)。 ","briefEn":"Kim Chang came from Rong Seng Laboratories from National Central University, providing outsourcing R&D service. Kim led the team won maker's prize in Taoyuan City in 2016 by Open source Smart wrist band; winner in Singularity APAC Challenge 2018 by Vibrasee, the Parkinson's Disease Scanner supported by MOST; won the seat to CES 2019 sponsored by MOST; inception program by NVIDIA; winner in TRANS competition held by H spectrum. \r\n
\r\nKim was trained in Singularity University in 2018 and founded the team Vibrasee. Later, the team turned into Smart Tag Inc. for Industrial Diagnosis Service in 2020. Smart Tag won Kaohsiung Startup Award, Qualcomm Innovate in Taiwan Challenge Winner, Mobile Hero Winner in late 2020, Meet Taipei 2021 Neo Star Winner, and get selected into TAcc+, AWS, Chunghwa Telecom 5G, and SparkLabs Taipei accelerator programs. \r\n
\r\nKim is also a historical novelist and has his first historical novel \"Stories before VOC\" in May 2019, published by Avanguard.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/kim-chang-89469428/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":407,"NameTw":"洪啓淵","NameEn":"Aryan Hung","JobTitleTw":"創辦人兼執行長","JobTitleEn":"Founder & CEO","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205101200217070.jpg","briefTw":"桓竑智聯於2016年創立,公司使命是讓全世界的智慧終端設備具備「傳輸路徑更直接簡易、傳輸內容的保密與保護程度更高、傳輸機制能夠有低成本優勢、傳輸應用可被創新」的遠距交流模式。希望能夠讓企業引用桓竑智聯的Arctos解決方案,安心地以音視訊方式遠距執行商務或提供服務,或用於創建具備視訊互動功能的產品。\r\n
\r\n洪啓淵過往20年工作經歷,涉及\"傳統手機與智能手機的開發、生產與銷售\",和\"為企業客戶開發、導入行動互聯網應用和商務系統並協助運營\"。洪啓淵與團隊期望能夠以Arctos解決方案為企業客戶帶來更好的商務功能與價值。\r\n","briefEn":"iHH was founded in 2016. The company's mission is to make the transmission of the smart device \"easier and straighter, with the capability of higher information protection. iHH provides an obvious cost advantage operation model, making remote integration and communication innovative. iHH's Arctos solution invites enterprises to conduct business or provide services remotely audio and video, or to create products with interactive video functions.\r\n
\r\nAryan Hung has 20 years of working experience, involving the development, production, and sales of feature phones and smartphones, and the development of mobile applications and business systems for corporate customers. Aryan Hung and his team expect to bring better business functions and value to enterprise customers with Arctos solutions.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/aryan-hung-46bba8147/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":408,"NameTw":"賴宗佑","NameEn":"Matt Lai","JobTitleTw":"創辦人兼執行長","JobTitleEn":"Founder & CEO","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205101201584795.jpg","briefTw":"賴宗佑創辦凌波股份有限公司,體認到瓦斯零售行業轉型的必要性,為傳統產業提供平台管理系統,其研發IoT探測器,能夠有效追蹤能源使用情況,實現提前通知的計畫配送方式。\r\n
\r\n凌波專注在能源產業的創新,為Qualcomm Innovate in Taiwan Challenge 2021團隊之一,並獲得2021年通訊大賽首獎;在此之前,賴先生亦為Braxx Biotech創辦人,其開發的產品獲得FDA認證,以及2019年國家新創獎的肯定。\r\n
\r\n賴先生具備雙碩士學位,畢業於國防醫學院、以及政治大學商學院。\r\n","briefEn":"Matt Lai founded LINGBO Co., Ltd., realizing the necessity of the transformation in gas retail industry, and providing a platform management system for the industry. The IoT detector developed by LINGBO can track home energy usage, grasp the stock to achieve advance notification of the distribution of the way, and achieve \"planned delivery\" services. \r\n
\r\nLINGBO focuses on innovation in the energy industry and is one of the Qualcomm Innovate in Taiwan Challenge 2021 teams. Its IoT Solution won the first prize in the 2021 Communication Innovation Award. Before that, Matt was also the founder of Braxx Biotech, got an FDA approval and affirmed by the 2019 National Innovation Award. \r\n
\r\nMatt graduated from the National Defense Medical Center and the National Chengchi University with dual master's degrees.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":true,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":409,"NameTw":"馬大康","NameEn":"Dr. Jason Ma","JobTitleTw":"董事總經理","JobTitleEn":"Engineering Director","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205110445021748.jpg","briefTw":"目前擔任 Google 台灣董事總經理,負責 Google 台灣的經營管理與發展規劃,同時領導多項產品的研發。在出任台灣董事總經理一職前,是Google美國總部平台與產業鏈 (Platform & Ecosystem,包括Android、Chrome、ChromeOS) 部門中負責平台技術與雲端運算的專家。\r\n
\r\n在加入Google 12 年來,帶領多項與全球軟硬體廠商及晶片大廠的策略合作,進行全方位雲+端科技的創新。這些努力的成果,除了促成Chromebook在全球教育及消費者市場佔有率的大幅提昇,也吸引了全球科技人才加入Google及其合作夥伴的軟硬體共同開發行列。\r\n
\r\n於2007年獲派擔任台灣微軟技術中心及技術團隊總經理,期間與英特爾及惠普在台灣創立解決方案技術中心(Solution Center),介绍推廣微軟公有雲、資料中心及私有雲技術,為台灣雲端運算產業昇級與世界銜接作出貢獻。\r\n
\r\n加入微軟前,擔任Soma.com 副總裁及技術執行長,在任職期間帶領團隊設計執行電子商務服務,並與默克藥廠及WebMD 進行健康諮詢和處方藥的商業合作,創造共同利潤。Soma.com 進而順利被全美第二大藥局連鎖店CVS收購組成CVS.com ,由馬大康博士擔任副總裁及技術執行長,以提供網際網路整合方案。\r\n
\r\n於國立成功大學電機系畢業後赴美深造,於1993年獲得華盛頓大學電機工程博士學位,專注於電力系統與人工智慧專家系統的整合與創新。1997年馬大康博士獲聘為國立中山大學電機系副教授,過去曾出版過22 篇論文及共同著作兩本專業書籍。由於多項優異表現受肯定,於1998 年榮登Who's Who in the World 世界名人錄。","briefEn":"As the Engineering Director, Jason Ma oversees Google Taiwan's site growth, business management and development, as well as leads multiple R&D projects across the board. Before taking this leadership role at Google Taiwan, Jason was a Platform Technology and Cloud Computing expert in the Platform & Ecosystem business group at Google Mountain View, CA. In his 12 years with Google, Jason has successfully led strategic partnerships with global hardware and software manufacturers and major chip providers to drive various innovations in cloud technology. These efforts have not only contributed to a substantial increase in Chromebook’s share in global education, consumer and enterprise markets, but have also attracted global talents to join Google and its partners in furthering the development of hardware and software technology solutions/services.\r\n
\r\nPrior to joining Google, Jason served on the Office group at Microsoft Redmond, WA. He represented the company in a project, involving Merck, Dell, Boeing, and the United States Department of Defense, to achieve solutions in unified communications and integrated voice technology. In 2007, Jason was appointed Director of the Microsoft Technology Center in Taiwan. During which time, Jason led the Microsoft Taiwan technology team and worked with Intel and HP to establish a Solution Center in Taiwan to promote Microsoft public cloud, data center, and private cloud technologies, connecting Taiwan’s cloud computing industry with the global market and supply chain.\r\n
\r\nBefore joining Microsoft, Jason was Vice President and Chief Technology Officer at Soma.com. At Soma.com, Jason led the team in designing and launching e-commerce services, and partnered with Merck and WebMD on health consultation services and over the counter/prescription rugs/services. Soma.com was in turn acquired by CVS, the second largest pharmacy chain in the United States, forming CVS.com, where Jason served as Vice President and Chief Technology Officer and provided solutions for digital integration. \r\n
\r\nJason graduated from the Department of Electrical Engineering at National Cheng Kung University, subsequent which he moved to the United States to further his graduate studies. In 1993, Jason obtained a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Washington, with a focus in the integration and innovation of power systems and AI Expert Systems. In 1997, Jason joined the National Sun Yat-sen University as an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering. To date, Jason has published 22 research papers and co-authored 2 books. Due to his outstanding performance, Jason was nominated and listed in Who's Who in the World in 1998.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":true,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":410,"NameTw":"降旗亮介","NameEn":"Ryosuke Furihata","JobTitleTw":"Vice President","JobTitleEn":"Vice President","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205110448034482.jpg","briefTw":"Career Overview \r\n
\r\nExtensive international experience
\r\n-Lived or worked in the US, Brazil, and the UAE (Dubai) for a total of 9 years \r\n
\r\nMission-driven business builder
\r\n- Built Japanese Corporate Team from scratch in Brazil following the first acquisition of a locally-based bank
\r\n- Launched and led Administration Team of USD390M Gulf Japan Food Fund with strategic profit, sustainability, and social benefit criteria\r\n
\r\nInnovative Startups Coordination Department (2021-Present)
\r\n-Provide comprehensive solutions to post-IPO innovative clients to support their further business growth and expansion by working closely with bank branches and other Mizuho group entities\r\n","briefEn":"Career Overview \r\n
\r\nExtensive international experience
\r\n-Lived or worked in the US, Brazil, and the UAE (Dubai) for a total of 9 years \r\n
\r\nMission-driven business builder
\r\n- Built Japanese Corporate Team from scratch in Brazil following the first acquisition of a locally-based bank
\r\n- Launched and led Administration Team of USD390M Gulf Japan Food Fund with strategic profit, sustainability, and social benefit criteria\r\n
\r\nInnovative Startups Coordination Department (2021-Present)
\r\n-Provide comprehensive solutions to post-IPO innovative clients to support their further business growth and expansion by working closely with bank branches and other Mizuho group entities\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":true,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":411,"NameTw":"張書維","NameEn":"Su-Wei Chang","JobTitleTw":"總經理","JobTitleEn":"President","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205110450408732.jpg","briefTw":"主要研究領域為毫米波和次毫米波前端射頻系統、毫米波IC (MMIC)設計及超低溫電子電路設計。所創立的稜研科技成功研發多項創新的關鍵技術,如全球首套毫米波射頻開發套件—BBox、獨家毫米波升降頻模組等,陣列天線關鍵技術及測試解決方案,成功解決毫米波產業技術瓶頸,獲得多項毫米波應用相關專利,全球客戶已超過35個國家,並持續與國際大廠合作開發最前沿毫米波技術。","briefEn":"Mr. Su-Wei Chang was involved in developing the mmWave and sub-mmWave receiver systems for radio telescopes in ASIAA. He received a master's degree and is a Ph.D. candidate in the ECE at U. Mass-Amherst. His research interests include low noise, cryogenic circuits design, and applications, silicon-based MMIC up to mm-wave bands. He founded TMYTEK in 2014, deliver millimeter-wave solutions in 5G/B5G and satellite communication applications. Su-Wei received the Young Scholars‘ Creativity Award of Pan Wen Yuan Foundation.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":413,"NameTw":"陳瑞弦","NameEn":"Victor Chen","JobTitleTw":"共同創辦人兼執行長","JobTitleEn":"Co-Founder & CEO","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205110501323325.jpg","briefTw":"Victor 陳瑞弦為臺灣第一個食農餐飲科技創業加速器與創投基金 - 扶田資本 Foodland Ventures 的創辦人暨執行長。作為連續創業家,Victor 為 NOM Magazine 共同創辦人,創辦全台最具影響力餐飲媒體,舉辦多場大型跨界餐飲社群盛事。透過科技業、餐飲生態圈的實戰經驗與產業人脈,擅長將科技運用帶入飲食產業,成為搭建餐飲與科技整合的跨界橋樑。","briefEn":"Victor is the founder and CEO of Foodland Ventures - VC & Accelerator founded in Taiwan focusing on the AgriFood tech sector in APAC & North America. He’s a serial entrepreneur, community builder and an active investor in global AgriFood tech startups. By leveraging partnerships with leading F&B brands globally, Foodland Ventures helps startups fundraise effectively while growing their business.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":414,"NameTw":"侯玉展","NameEn":"Jim Hou","JobTitleTw":"工程總監","JobTitleEn":"Director, Engineering","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205110506432913.jpg","briefTw":"侯玉展現任高通工程總監,自2006年加入高通,即負責客戶產品開發的技術支援與專案管理。其職務內容包含帶領客戶工程團隊藉由高通涵蓋無線通訊、行動運算、多媒體、延展實境(XR)、物聯網與汽車領域的技術,協助台灣OEM/ODM廠商的產品成功進入商用與量產階段。\r\n
\r\n侯玉展擁有資訊工程碩士學位,畢業於國立交通大學資訊工程研究所。\r\n","briefEn":"Jim Hou is Director of Engineering at Qualcomm Technologies, Inc . Hou has been responsible for technical support and project management of customers’ product development since 2006. Hou's work involves leading customers' engineering team to enable Taiwan OEM/ODM to commercialize products utilizing Qualcomm's technologies ranging from wireless communication, mobile computing, multimedia, XR, IoT and automotive fields. \r\n
\r\nJim holds a Master of Computer Science and Engineering from National Chiao Tung University. \r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":415,"NameTw":"黃甦","NameEn":"Shu Huang","JobTitleTw":"組長","JobTitleEn":"Division Director","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205110520164008.jpg","briefTw":"2011年畢業於比利時魯汶大學機械工程博士,研究領域為機器人運動學控制、動力學控制、路徑軌跡規劃、機電整合等技術,現任工研院機械與機電系統研究所智慧機器人技術組 組長,帶領團隊研發了多款工業機器人、視覺與自動化等技術,並於2021年以軟體定義增強型機器人關節模組獲得R&D 100 Awards,此外也密切的與國內機械與製造業合作,期提升我國產業的附加價值。","briefEn":"Shu Huang received the Ph.D. degree in Department of Mechanical Engineering from University of Leuven, Belgium, in 2011. He is currently the Director of Intelligent Robotics Division in Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan, as well as an Adjunct Assistant Professor in NYCU, Taiwan. His research interests are in the areas of robotics, advanced motion planning, CPS system, medical robotics, and bio-inspired behavior-based mobile manipulation. He leads ITRI Robotics team to develop various kinds of industrial manipulators, vision-guided robotic applications and intelligent CPS manufacturing systems. The novel software-defined joint module has won the R&D100 Award in 2021. His goal is to provide value-added robotic technology to the industry.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":416,"NameTw":"陳政隆","NameEn":"Johnny Chen","JobTitleTw":"董事長","JobTitleEn":"Chairman","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205110522162416.jpg","briefTw":"曾任:
\r\nStern Stewart管理顧問公司管理顧問","briefEn":"BNP Securities Taiwan, Head of Research
\r\nDeutsche Securities, Senior technology analyst
\r\nCSFB Hong Kong, Associate
\r\nStern Stewart, Consulting Firm \r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":417,"NameTw":"楊凱","NameEn":"Kai Yang","JobTitleTw":"商品副總裁","JobTitleEn":"VP of Product","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205110523484099.jpg","briefTw":"This is Kai.
\r\nI am currently the VP of Product at Landing AI. Being Landing AI for 3 year, my team is responsible for the LandingLens product vision and development. I also oversee the product roadmap, and work very closely with our strategic partners. Before joining Landing, I found an AI startup for 2 years that focused on biological applications. Before that, I spent 15 years in semiconductor / EDA. Got my Ph.D from UC Santa Barbara and BS in National Tsing Hua University.","briefEn":"This is Kai.
\r\nI am currently the VP of Product at Landing AI. Being Landing AI for 3 year, my team is responsible for the LandingLens product vision and development. I also oversee the product roadmap, and work very closely with our strategic partners. Before joining Landing, I found an AI startup for 2 years that focused on biological applications. Before that, I spent 15 years in semiconductor / EDA. Got my Ph.D from UC Santa Barbara and BS in National Tsing Hua University.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":true,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":418,"NameTw":"黃鐘賢","NameEn":"David Huang","JobTitleTw":"經理","JobTitleEn":"Manager","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205110526102490.jpg","briefTw":"黃鐘賢於2007年取得長庚大學電機工程博士後,加入工業研究院前瞻技術中心,專注於電腦視覺與機器學習技術開發。於2013年加入廣明光電智慧系統處,該團隊為於2016年成立達明機器人公司。黃博士目前帶領達明機器人視覺應用事業部,致力於人工智慧與機器人視覺之技術發展。","briefEn":"David Huang received his Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering in 2007. Then he joined Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) as a researcher focusing on computer vision and machine learning. In 2013, he joined Intelligent System Division in Quanta Storage Inc. This team then became Techman Robot Inc. in 2016. Now he leads Vision Business Department of Techman Robot and dedicates on the development of AI and Robotics vision. ","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":419,"NameTw":"王展帆","NameEn":"Jack Wang","JobTitleTw":"智慧製造應用發展經理 ","JobTitleEn":"TCE Application Development Manager","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205110527389421.jpg","briefTw":"講者現為洛克威爾自動化智會製造應用發展部門經理,其團隊主要在協助工廠進行有效的數位化轉型,透過整合各式技術及OT/IT各系統,幫助企業提升安全、產能、環保等績效,講者具有多年的IT/OT整合經驗,並曾擔任商務、顧問及技術職,可以針對工廠的數位轉型提供全面的藍圖。","briefEn":"Jack Wang serves as TCE Application Development Manager in Rockwell Automation. Jack lead the consultant and project deliver team to assist factories execute digital transformation. Jack and his team has experience leveraging ML, AI, MR technology with conventional industrial automation and bring value to customer. Besides, Jack and his team also provide consulting service for semiconductor fab facility and help providing strategy to make the fab more efficient and safer. Before joining Rockwell Jack was in charge of the business developing and technical skill enablement for APAC region for Beijer Electronics.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":420,"NameTw":"張剛羚","NameEn":"Connyn Chang","JobTitleTw":"理事","JobTitleEn":"Director","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205121059124767.jpg","briefTw":"學歷:
\r\n英國亨利商學院 碩士 Henley Business School
\r\n英國雷丁大學 University of Reading
\r\n美國爾灣加州大學 商務學認證 UC Irvine \r\n
\r\n於2019年獲得台灣人工智慧學校經理人班認證、2021年4月獲得微軟Microsoft AI Program認證。\r\n
\r\n目前兼任台灣人工智慧協會理事一職,並管理協會臺北區活動小組,歷往辦理過經濟部工業局主辦「2020 AI in TAIWAN台灣人工智慧黑客松」活動、「 AI HUB x AI Day 智慧製造導入及應用」活動。\r\n","briefEn":"Connyn Chang received the MSc degree in ICMA Centre, Henley Business School from University of Reading, U.K. She's currently Treasury VP in Global Capital Markets Group at CTBC Bank Co., Ltd., as well as the Director of Taiwan Artificial Intelligence Association (TAIA) and Taiwan Artificial Intelligence for Adolescents Association. She joined Taiwan AI Academy (AIA)'s Executive Program in Artificial Intelligence in 2019 and FinTech Program in 2022, organizing various events for all of the alumni since 2019. She also holds the certificate of Microsoft Certified Azure AI Fundamentals and the certificate in structured finance from UC Irvine.\r\n
\r\nAs derivatives PM at the trading floor and top financial presentation/infographic designer, Connyn's expertise is to convert big data in financial derivatives & global capital markets into useful info with aesthetics. In recent years, she leads many projects of TAIA, such as 2020 AI in Taiwan Hackathon, a series of AI Hub x AI Day events, etc. She has served as the moderator in Taiwan's biggest AI forum - AI Academy Annual Conference, 2021 UK-Taiwan AI+ Smart Manufacturing International Online Conference, and the bilingual hostess in the Toastmasters D67 annual conference.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":421,"NameTw":"陳韋良","NameEn":"Andrew Chen","JobTitleTw":"產品與服務管理協理","JobTitleEn":"Director of Product & Service Management","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205140203568534.jpg","briefTw":"陳韋良協理自2006年加入趨勢科技,作為PM團隊的一員參與核心技術及其解決方案的研發。其後仍持續作為PM角色,與團隊共同管理端點防護平台(EPP)之產品研發,並將研發範圍擴展至端點偵測與回應(EDR)、及託管式端點偵測與回應(MDR)服務領域。","briefEn":"Since joining Trend Micro from 2006, Andrew started as Director of Core Technology Solution PM group. Later Andrew manages Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP) product line and expanded to Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) and Managed Detection and Response (MDR) services team as part of the PM group.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":422,"NameTw":"洪進福","NameEn":"Jeff Hung","JobTitleTw":"總經理","JobTitleEn":"General Manager","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205140205398943.jpg","briefTw":"中華資安國際總經理洪進福,在電信、資通訊、資安領域擁有超過25年豐富經驗,從技術研發、業務銷售到企業經營全面向的專業能力,自2017帶領成立中華資安國際連年以平均四成的速度成長,是國內唯一連續三年獲行政院資安廠商評鑑五A最高評價的公司,並榮獲Frost & Sullivan 2021台灣安全服務商大獎的專業經理人。","briefEn":"Jeff Hung, the general manager of CHT Security., possesses not only more than 25-year experience among telecommunications, information communications technology and cybersecurity industries but also comprehensive capabilities from R&D, sales to business management. Since CHT Security founded in 2017, he has led the company with 40% CAGR to win the 2021 Taiwan Managed Security Services Company of the Year Award from Frost & Sullivan and achieved the top rating for 3 consecutive years in the government's annual review.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":423,"NameTw":"廖長健","NameEn":"Ivan Liao","JobTitleTw":"執行長","JobTitleEn":"CEO","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205140206436529.jpg","briefTw":"廖長健先生目前 於Openfind 擔任執行長一職,並負責全球市場(台灣、日本、東南亞、大中華及新興市場)之行銷業務、產品管理與策略規劃工作。廖先生於資訊軟體產業擁有20多年豐富經驗,近來年因應雲端趨勢蓬勃發展,積極推動以雲端服務與外銷為主的營運模式,成功領導團隊開拓海內外市場,引領Openfind順利轉型為企業安全溝通協作之混合雲服務供應商。","briefEn":"Ivan Liao, currently the CEO of Openfind and is responsible for marketing, product management and strategic planning for the global market (Taiwan, Japan, Southeast Asia, Greater China and Emerging Markets). 20+ years of experience in the information software industry. In recent years, he has actively promoted the business model of cloud service, successfully led the team to exploit worldwide markets and been the first software company won The 20th Rising Star Award.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":424,"NameTw":"林惠菁","NameEn":"River Lin","JobTitleTw":"技術顧問暨副總經理","JobTitleEn":"Deputy General Manager","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205140207314257.jpg","briefTw":"洞悉全球資訊安全技術發展趨勢,產業經驗超過 20 年,專長系統架構設計、細膩規格設計、運作品質驗證、養成教育訓練、文件品質要求,協助上千家企業建置新一代資訊安全與雲端協同作業系統,主導專案包含國泰人壽、三商美邦人壽、彰化銀行、台新銀行、台灣產物保險、華南產物保險、警政署署屬機關、交通部中央氣象局、日月光集團、遠東集團、長榮集團、金車集團等,「睿智安防、頂級訂製」是其團隊達成極高客戶滿意度的重要關鍵。","briefEn":"Insight into the development trend of global information security technology, with more than 20 years of industry experience, expertise in system architecture design, detailed specification design, operation quality verification, education and training, document quality requirements, and assisting thousands of enterprises to build a new generation of information security and cloud collaborative operating systems , leading projects include Cathay Life Insurance, Sanshang American Life Insurance, Changhua Bank, Taishin Bank, Taiwan Property Insurance, South China Property Insurance, the police department, the Central Meteorological Bureau of the Ministry of Communications, ASE Group, Far East Group, Evergreen Group, King Car Group, etc., \"Intelligent Security · Elite Customization\" is an important key for its team to achieve high customer satisfaction.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":425,"NameTw":"吳西恩","NameEn":"Sean Wu","JobTitleTw":"副處長","JobTitleEn":"Deputy Director","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205140208213325.jpg","briefTw":"吳博士于2021年加入PUFsecurity。在重新加入半導體行業之前,他在美洲和亞洲的製造業及SaaS行業擔任過研發、業務開發和管理職務,擁有豐富的領導經驗和資料分析背景。運用他從元件到完整產品的廣泛經驗,吳博士目前帶領數位行銷部門負責eMemory和PUFsecurity的產品推廣、品牌經營等行銷業務。","briefEn":"Dr. Wu is an Deputy Director at PUFsecurity and currently leads the Digital Marketing Team to promote both eMemory and PUFsecurity branding and products. He returned to the semiconductor industry in 2021 after previously holding leadership positions in manufacturing and SaaS companies globally. He brings a wide array of experience to his work, extending from component-level research, to product promotion, and business development.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":426,"NameTw":"葉宗穎","NameEn":"Joe Yeh","JobTitleTw":"總經理特別助理","JobTitleEn":"EA & EVP","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205140241586279.jpg","briefTw":"學歷 : 加州大學聖地牙哥分校 電子工程學系 & 經濟學系
\r\n經歷:義隆電子(股)公司 事業發展經理","briefEn":"Education:
\r\nBachelor of Electrical Engineering , University of California , San Diego
\r\nBachelor of Economics , University of California , San Diego\r\n
\r\nExperience:Business Development Lead , ELAN Microelectronics Corp.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":true,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":427,"NameTw":"吳昕霈","NameEn":"Jeffrey Wu","JobTitleTw":"創辦人暨執行長","JobTitleEn":"Founder & CEO","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205140318087450.jpg","briefTw":"台灣寶島長大,大學到美國唸書及工作,對台灣土地有著深刻地感情。在海外工作十五年後, 卻在人才出走的現今,放棄知名國際顧問公司高薪回台落地深耕,返鄉投入創業行列。\r\n
\r\n從在地思維出發 ,結合永續經營發展理念,從頭打造共享智慧機車 WeMo Scooter ,期許以永續經營發展的理念 ,改變交通樣貌,建立更美好的城市生活。目前 WeMo Scooter 已是亞洲最大無站點式智慧機車 共享服務。\r\n","briefEn":"Jeffrey Wu, the founder and CEO of WeMo Scooter, he grew up in Taiwan, and he went to the United States to study at university and work, but he had a deep affection for his country (Taiwan).After working outside for fifteen years in the current era of talent exodus, he has given up the well-known international consulting company to return to Taiwan with high salaries and returned to his hometown to start a business.Starting from local thinking, combined with sustainable management development, we will build a shared intelligent locomotive WeMo Scooter from scratch, hoping to change the appearance of transportation and make a better urban life with the concept of sustainable business development. WeMo Scooter is now Asia's largest sharing-scooter service brand.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":true,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":428,"NameTw":"邱懷萱","NameEn":"Elisa Chiu","JobTitleTw":"創辦人暨執行長","JobTitleEn":"Founder & CEO","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205190241064349.jpg","briefTw":"邱懷萱 (Elisa Chiu) 的背景橫跨資本市場和新創生態圈,過去於香港摩根大通 (JP Morgan) 及歐洲最大信貸避險基金負責亞太區投資交易。2017年她自矽谷返台創立Anchor Taiwan,透過創新創業連結世界和台灣,吸引來自Microsoft、Intel、Uber、Y Combinator等十五個國家的國際主管、科技新創及投資人來台。旗下企業創投 (Corporate Venturing) 的生態圈連結了超過九十間台灣企業,並透過Women in Venture致力於建立女性投資人社群。\r\n
\r\nAnchor Taiwan相關報導可見於商業周刊、今周刊、天下、誠品人、DIGITIMES電子時報等。Elisa運用國際商業拓展的背景,為台灣進行新創外交,爭取機會於史丹佛大學、華盛頓大學、APEC亞太經濟合作會議、全球港灣論壇、紐約及夏威夷國際論壇等管道行銷台灣,於2018年獲選為40 Under 40科技女力、2019年La Vie十大創意平台、2020年Gen.T X Credit Suisse Social Impact Awardee。Elisa是英屬哥倫比亞大學最高榮譽經濟學士、多倫多大學金融經濟碩士,她也是加拿大亞太基金會、台港經濟文化合作策進會、以及鴻海MIH電動車聯盟策略委員會成員。","briefEn":"Elisa Chiu is an entrepreneur who operates at the intersection of innovation, investment and cross-border collaboration. She sailed from Wall Street with a decade of experience at top tier investment banks and hedge funds, overseeing US$1 billion+ in APAC. In 2017, she founded Anchor Taiwan, a platform to provide industry access, market immersion and technology partnerships in Asia with clients and partners from 15+ countries.\r\n
\r\nElisa is an ecosystem builder at heart (e.g. convener for Corporate Venturing Roundtables with 90+ corporates, and Women in Venture network with 100+ women investors). She sits on the Strategic Advisory Council of Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada and the Advisory Committee of MIH, an open EV platform initiated by Foxconn.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"https://linkedin.com/in/elisachiu/","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":429,"NameTw":"Andrew Lu","NameEn":"Andrew Lu","JobTitleTw":"Partner Development Lead, Global Partner Solutions","JobTitleEn":"Partner Development Lead, Global Partner Solutions","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205220207527543.jpg","briefTw":"Andrew Lu is the former Vice President of Cloud Platform Solutions of Microsoft Taiwan Expert Technology Department, Convenor of Taiwan Microsoft New Accelerator Architecture Technology Application Innovation Expert Group, with qualifications of Taiwan Amazon AWS, Yihua Computer, Taiwan Agilent Technology. Andrew has been promoting the digital transformation of large enterprises and cross-industry cloud. He has more than 20 years of experience in solutions, business and projects.","briefEn":"Andrew Lu is the former Vice President of Cloud Platform Solutions of Microsoft Taiwan Expert Technology Department, Convenor of Taiwan Microsoft New Accelerator Architecture Technology Application Innovation Expert Group, with qualifications of Taiwan Amazon AWS, Yihua Computer, Taiwan Agilent Technology. Andrew has been promoting the digital transformation of large enterprises and cross-industry cloud. He has more than 20 years of experience in solutions, business and projects.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":430,"NameTw":"Laetitia Lim","NameEn":"Laetitia Lim","JobTitleTw":"Co-President","JobTitleEn":"Co-President","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205220209219754.jpg","briefTw":"Laetitia is Co-President of La French Tech Taiwan and CEO of Quividi a French Tech company, global leader in computer vision software solutions for retail. She started her career at L'Oréal where she held several general management positions across Asia. She then co-founded Hyphen Group, a leading fintech company in Greater Southeast Asia, present in 6 countries and serving 10M+ consumers per month. With extensive experience in corporates and start-ups, Laetitia has a proven track record in setting up and scaling up international businesses. She enjoys experience sharing and believes technologies are here to improve people’s life. She is graduated from INSEAD and ESCP Europe business school.","briefEn":"Laetitia is Co-President of La French Tech Taiwan and CEO of Quividi a French Tech company, global leader in computer vision software solutions for retail. She started her career at L'Oréal where she held several general management positions across Asia. She then co-founded Hyphen Group, a leading fintech company in Greater Southeast Asia, present in 6 countries and serving 10M+ consumers per month. With extensive experience in corporates and start-ups, Laetitia has a proven track record in setting up and scaling up international businesses. She enjoys experience sharing and believes technologies are here to improve people’s life. She is graduated from INSEAD and ESCP Europe business school.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":431,"NameTw":"Tai","NameEn":"Tai","JobTitleTw":"President","JobTitleEn":"President","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205220210160575.jpg","briefTw":"In order to explore new media in his youth, Tai experienced advertising, publishing, and online financial industries, and constantly explored opportunities for the new generation of revolution in various fields. \r\nIn 2007, in the late stage of the global Internet bubble, Tai founded Richi, a virtual currency service, and was selected by the Silicon Valley Venture Capital Bible \"Red Herring\" as one of the \"Top 100 Global Innovative Technologies\". \r\n
\r\nTai is also an early explorer of Fintech financial technology. Founded TechOrange Media in 2010, hoping to become a searchlight and spotlight for Taiwan's future industries, illuminating business models, entrepreneurs and the possibilities of Taiwan. In 2015, he served as chairman of EasyCard.\r\n","briefEn":"In order to explore new media in his youth, Tai experienced advertising, publishing, and online financial industries, and constantly explored opportunities for the new generation of revolution in various fields. \r\nIn 2007, in the late stage of the global Internet bubble, Tai founded Richi, a virtual currency service, and was selected by the Silicon Valley Venture Capital Bible \"Red Herring\" as one of the \"Top 100 Global Innovative Technologies\". \r\n
\r\nTai is also an early explorer of Fintech financial technology. Founded TechOrange Media in 2010, hoping to become a searchlight and spotlight for Taiwan's future industries, illuminating business models, entrepreneurs and the possibilities of Taiwan. In 2015, he served as chairman of EasyCard.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":432,"NameTw":"Hao Chen","NameEn":"Hao Chen","JobTitleTw":"Head of Product at Qubic","JobTitleEn":"Head of Product at Qubic","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205220211231343.jpg","briefTw":"Hao's team has built a one-stop NFT service (NFTaaS) that includes Qubic Wallet and Qubic Creator; The former aims to make NFT more accessible to the general; whereas, the latter provides enterprise clients with services from NFT issuance to launching their own NFT marketplaces. In 2017, after joining MaiCoin, he has led team members to develop MAX and MaiCoin App. Previously, he'd worked at HTC VIVE, where his team specialized in the development of VR devices, then at HTC Health Care, where he was responsible for the front-end developments for portable medical devices. His team had even competed in the 2017 Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE, winning second place and worldwide recognition.","briefEn":"Hao's team has built a one-stop NFT service (NFTaaS) that includes Qubic Wallet and Qubic Creator; The former aims to make NFT more accessible to the general; whereas, the latter provides enterprise clients with services from NFT issuance to launching their own NFT marketplaces. In 2017, after joining MaiCoin, he has led team members to develop MAX and MaiCoin App. Previously, he'd worked at HTC VIVE, where his team specialized in the development of VR devices, then at HTC Health Care, where he was responsible for the front-end developments for portable medical devices. His team had even competed in the 2017 Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE, winning second place and worldwide recognition.","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":433,"NameTw":"Athena Chen","NameEn":"Athena Chen","JobTitleTw":"Senior Strategist","JobTitleEn":"Senior Strategist","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202205220212150943.jpg","briefTw":"Athena has worked extensively in the creative and fashion industry, delivering a strategic perspective on global mindsets and how brands can shape ideas through creativity and innovation. With bilingual expertise in tracking regional trends, she is receptive to market and cultural nuances, and provides businesses with insight into topics related to Asia.\r\n
\r\nAthena was previously features editor at WallPaper* China, covering product and cultural trends across fashion, art and design in Asia. She also held content and marketing roles at global fashion and beauty brands including Farfetch and L'Oréal.\r\n","briefEn":"Athena has worked extensively in the creative and fashion industry, delivering a strategic perspective on global mindsets and how brands can shape ideas through creativity and innovation. With bilingual expertise in tracking regional trends, she is receptive to market and cultural nuances, and provides businesses with insight into topics related to Asia.\r\n
\r\nAthena was previously features editor at WallPaper* China, covering product and cultural trends across fashion, art and design in Asia. She also held content and marketing roles at global fashion and beauty brands including Farfetch and L'Oréal.\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1},{"speakerId":434,"NameTw":"沈舉三 博士","NameEn":"Dr. Sam Shen","JobTitleTw":"秘書長","JobTitleEn":"Secretary General","profilePicPath":"/2022/_uploads/202206071725484008.jpg","briefTw":"沈博士奉命籌設台灣先進車用技術發展協會(TADA),並於成立後擔任秘書長一職,該協會以結合台灣半導體及資通訊產業專長、協同汽車及移動服務相關產業共同成立,以邁向全球電動車/智駕車市場發展為目標。\r\n
\r\n歷任資策會產業情報研究所(MIC)資深產業顧問、產業趨勢研究中心主任;亦奉派擔任經濟部工業局系統整合推動辦公室主任一職。此外曾受邀擔任台灣證交所上市審議委員、資鼎公司投資顧問、資育公司創業導師、成大技轉育成中心顧問等職。並擔任科技事業營運計畫書研擬、投資可行性評估等公開課程之講授。沈博士獲有美國印地安那大學公共事務碩士及國立中央大學資訊管理博士學位。\r\n","briefEn":"Dr. Shen has been appointed as the Secretary General of Taiwan Advanced Automotive Technology Development Association (TADA) since December 2021. The association is striving for the goal of developing EV and intelligent solution of moving vehicles, by leveraging Taiwan's semiconductor and ICT industries strengths in conjunction with the automotive and mobility service industry\r\n
\r\nDr. Shen also served as Senior Director of Taipei Computer Association (TCA) since October 2020. Dr. Shen has more than 30 years’ experience in the ICT industry market research and high-tech start-up incubation. He has led several major projects helping Taiwanese government formulate and implement its ICT industry development policies. \r\n
\r\nHe worked for Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute (MIC) of Institute for Information Industry (III) for more than 25 years, providing consultation to both government agencies and private enterprises. In 2000, he went on to start his own venture capital (VC) business, focusing on software and IC design industries investment both in Taiwan and Silicon Valley areas. \r\n
\r\nDr. Shen holds a PhD degree in Information Management from Taiwan's National Central University (2015) and a Master of Public Affairs (MPA) degree from Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA (1991).\r\n","fb":"","twitter":"","linkedIn":"","ifPublished":true,"isOnTop":false,"boothInfoTw":"","boothInfoEn":"","displaySeq":1}]