Press Releases

InnoVEX Online Matchmaking Announcement


The InnoVEX Team at the Taipei Computer Association (TCA) is pleased to announce that the registration and matching process for the upcoming Online Matchmaking event on 8th April 2021 has been concluded. It is with great pleasure to announce that 22 tech-startup companies have been selected for this close-door event, and the invitations has been sent individually to each participants on 1st April 2021.

The matchmaking event focused on the following four themes, Smart Agriculture, Future Mobility / Transportation / Fintech and Healthcare, and have successfully attracted over 50 related tech-startup companies from over 6 region and countries to register (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Canada).

InnoVEX continues to provide business matchmaking opportunities despite the many challenges due to COVID-19. TCA welcomes related tech-startups to register with InnoVEX ONLINE and explore new frontiers without the limitation of space and time.

Media Contact

Taipei Computer Association    Tel: +886-2-25774249  Fax: +886-2-25785392

David Liu 360  Email:

Sharlene Hung 324  Email: